
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

March 22, 2022 2月の課外授業

こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は2月に課外授業で行った様々なワークショップについて紹介します。 
 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. Today, I would like to introduce some activities held in February.



World Languages

On Tuesday, February 8th, special foreign language classes were held. Students could choose two of the following four languages to study: Arabic by Alaa sensei (Prof.) and Nagwa sensei (Prof.), Malay by Hazwan sensei (Prof.), Thai by Apirak sensei (Associate Lecturer), and French by Dorsaf sensei (Prof.). The students were full of curiosity at the opportunity to learn about unknown languages. In the courses, they learned simple greetings, how to write their names, played traditional games, and learned about other cultures. Usually, students take most of their classes in English, so this was a good opportunity for them to learn about other languages and cultures.


 まずは、少人数で様々なゲームが行われました。「Choose your own adventure」という動画を鑑賞しながら物語を選択し、それによりエンディングが変わる選択型ゲーム、お題に沿って漫画を描きながらバトルする「MANGAKA」ゲーム、お互いの正体を探り合う会話型のパーティーゲーム「Spy-Fall 2」が行われました。色々なゲームを英語で体験し、楽しい時間となりました。
 その後、「Lets Chat」という学生たちが教職員に英語でインタビューし、スタンプを貯めてミッションをクリアしていくイベントが行われました。教職員たちは翻訳機を使ってでも、必ず英語で返答しなければならず、清掃員、警備員、看護師、職員らはこの日のために心構えをしていました。学生たちは教職員に趣味、経験、家族、ICTでの生活について質問し、英語でのコミュニケーションを楽しみました。学生たちは教職員のことを知る良いきっかけになったのではないでしょうか。

English Day

 On Friday, February 18th, an English Day was held by the English Department faculty members and Learning Mentors, so students could participate in English games and activities.
 First, three different games were played in small groups. One was game called Choose Your Own Adventure, in which students made choices in a story while watching a video. Each choice changed the direction of the story so that many different endings were possible. Another game was MANGAKA, in which students battled each other while creating an original manga according to a theme. The last game was a conversational party game called Spy-Fall 2. In this game participants tried to figure out each other's identities. Students played these games in English and had a great time.
 Next was the English Punctuation Party. In this game, students had to add punctuation to a sentence in order to produce a correct sentence. For correct answers, students received cookies from Edward sensei (Prof.), who is an excellent cook, and were able to make a paper crown with exclamation marks and apostrophes pasted on them. Each student made their own lovely crown.
 Later, there was an event called Let's Chat. Students interviewed teachers and staff members in English, accumulating stamps to complete their missions. Staff members had to respond in English, even if they had to use a translator, and the cleaners, security guards, nurses, and office staffs had prepared themselves for this day. The students enjoyed communicating with the teachers and staff members in English, asking them questions about their hobbies, experiences, families, and life at ICT. It was a good opportunity for the students to get to know more about the teachers and staff members
 In the afternoon, a team obstacle race was held in the gymnasium, with teams composed of both students and teachers. First, an obstacle course message game race was held, in which students had to memorize English sentences at the end of an obstacle course, and return to communicate the sentences to their team - hurdles and other obstacles were prepared, but many students forgot their messages while running, and in the end, many teams failed to communicate their messages quickly enough. Next, a blindfold maze game was held, in which the teacher in each team was blindfolded, and instructed in English by the students, to navigate the maze to reach the goal. The teacher had to return to the starting point if they stepped outside the taped path by even a millimeter, so students carefully gave instructions to the teachers. Finally, an original Twister game was created by Edward sensei, that produced unique poses and lots of laughter. The winning team received sweets as a prize from President Barksdale.
 After this event, the students said, "That was fun!". I hope that the students were able to communicate with teachers and staff members on campus through various activities using English.



 228日(月)に白山麓キャンパスで寮生活を終える2年生の送別会が行われました。まずは1年生から2年生にメッセージカードを送り、2年生は下級生にお別れの言葉を述べました。そして2年間の活動を振り返るスライドショーを鑑賞し、思い出に浸りました。最後に、2年生担任の潟辺先生がお別れの言葉を述べ、2年生のキルパラーニ アニッシュさんによるピアノ演奏と小髙先生の指揮の元、全員で「旅立ちの日に」を合唱しました。

Farewell party for 2nd year students

 On Monday, February 28th, a farewell party was held for 2nd year students who will finish their dormitory life at the Hakusanroku Campus. First, the 1st year students sent message cards to the 2nd year students, and the 2nd year students made good bye speeches to the 1st year students. Then, we watched a slideshow of pictures taken during the two years they were here. Finally, 2nd grade homeroom teacher Katabe sensei (Prof.) gave his farewell speech, and all the students sang a song together accompanied on the piano by 2nd grade student Anish Kirpalani and conducted by Kodaka sensei (Prof.). 
 The new 3rd year students will begin their new life. We cannot predict the future status of the spread of COVID-19, but I hope that the situation will calm down and that they will be able to go to Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand to study as soon as possible.

間加田 侑里

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalMarch 22, 2022 2月の課外授業