
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

March 31, 2022 「コンピュータスキルズⅡB」作品紹介


 先月、井上 恵介先生、ロバート・ソンガー先生の「コンピュータスキルズⅡB」(2年生必須科目)の課題でミュージックビデオを製作した山崎 史依さんから歌詞について相談されたことがありました。大してお役に立てなかったのですが、完成した作品を観て驚きましたので、その時のインタビュー内容を、作品とともにご紹介いたします。


山崎:コンピュータスキルズⅡBのフォーカスエリアプロジェクトで、これまでに習った技術を総合的に活かしてほしいと言われました。もともとミュージックビデオを作るのが趣味だったので、課題としてまた作ろうと思いました。いままではケデンライブ、Adobe Premiere Proを使っていましたが、今回新たにFusion360AR機能を使いました。




山崎:え、本当ですか? 先生特になにも言ってくれなかったから嬉しいです(笑)。担任の先生は、小さい頃の写真が私に見えないって言っていました。








黒田 譜美

 Hello, this is Kuroda! The snow is melting and we can feel the arrival of spring here in HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan).
 Last month, I was consulted about lyrics by Shii Yamazaki, who produced a music video for her "Computer Skills IIB" assignment (required for 2nd-year students) by Keisuke Inoue sensei (Prof.) and Robert Songer sensei (Prof.). I was not able to be of much help, but I was surprised when I saw the finished product, so I would like to introduce the content of that interview along with the work.

Kuroda: Why did you decide to make a video?

Yamazaki:  For the Focus Area Project in Computer Skills IIB, I was asked to make comprehensive use of the skills I had learned so far. I've always enjoyed making music videos, so I decided to make another one as an assignment. I had been using Kdenlive and Adobe Premiere Pro, but this time I decided to use Fusion360's AR function.

Kuroda: Did you make the song and the video yourself?

Yamazaki: Basically, I made it myself. At first, I created the sound and wrote the music. After that, my friend to helped me with the lyrics. When I feel depressed or mentally distressed, I take notes. I write down what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling. I sent those notes to my friend and asked them to write the lyrics, which I then reworked further. So, this piece contains about half a year of my story. I also sang the song myself. Most of the images were taken by myself, too. I actually ate the coppepan takuwan (salad bread) in Shiga during summer vacation.

Kuroda: You once said that putting your feelings into words helps you sort them out. In a sense, your worries are the source of your creativity, aren't they? I think it's amazing that you've been able to turn them into a work of art. I heard that Inoue sensei praised your work very much.

Yamazaki: Oh, really? I'm glad because Inoue sensei didn't say anything special about it (laughs). My homeroom teacher said that the picture of me when I was little didn't look like me.
Kuroda: Inoue sensei said, "Your technical skills are very high, but I can feel the intense heat from your work." I had never heard your sing before, but you are quite good at it. I thought the slightly languid feeling of your singing matched the world view of the work.

Yamazaki: I don't have a high-pitched voice (laughs). I have to sing and adjust the pitch a little.
Kuroda: What kind of message did you put into the work as a whole?

Yamazaki: I wanted to say that there are times when people are like this (laughs). Even if you hate someone, you can't really hate that person. We are all lonely, so we are looking for someone to save us.
Kuroda: Somehow, your feelings of ambivalence came through in the song. Do you have any advice for younger students?

Yamazaki: It's great to have the potential to create something on your own. Sometimes it's better to rely on others!
Kuroda: Thank you very much for your time today. I'm looking forward to your future activities.

Fumi Kuroda


HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalMarch 31, 2022 「コンピュータスキルズⅡB」作品紹介