
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

April 21, 2022 ラーニングセッション

 こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。


 Hello. This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office.
 It has been three weeks since 17 1st year students moved into the dormitories, and the 1st and 2nd year students seem to have gotten used to each other and to student life. I'm going to write about the cooperative game competition for 1st and 2nd year students that was held during Learning Session orientation.

 Learning Sessions are a time for students to prepare for and do review for their classes. They are held from 19:30 to 21:30 every Monday through Friday. Three Learning Mentors, Anne Isobel Tan sensei (Associate Lecturer), Apirak Sang-ngenchai sensei (Associate Lecturer), and Jomkit Jujaroen sensei (Associate Lecturer), help students with their assignments. In addition to support from the Learning Mentors, students also help and learn from each other.

Click here to see a Learning Session from last year.

 まずは「Spaghetti Towers」という、スパゲッティとマシュマロ(どちらも賞味期限切れのものを使用)を使い、どれだけ高く積み上げることができるかを競い合うゲームが行われました。12年生合同の6チームに分かれ、各チームに2束のスパゲッティと約30個のマシュマロが用意されました。制限時間30分の中で作戦を立てながら制作に取り掛かりました。
 安定性を考えながら1個のマシュマロに数本のスパゲッティを刺して慎重にタワーを制作するチームや、マシュマロに11本スパゲッティを刺し、バランスも取りつつ高さを重視するチームなど戦略方法は様々でした。ゲーム終了時間が迫るにつれて全チームに焦りが見え始め、タワーが傾き崩れてしまうチームからは悲鳴が聞こえました。最終的には木下チームが1m20cm のタワーを制作することに成功し優勝しました。

 その後「Tea Bag Toss」という、地面に置いたマグカップにティーバッグ(賞味期限切れのものを使用)を投げ入れ、投げた位置から距離を測定し、最も長い距離を競い合うゲームが行われました。各チームにティーバッグが5個用意されました。

 On Thursday, April 7th, the first Learning Session of 2022 featured two different cooperative games.
 The first game was Spaghetti Towers, in which teams competed to build the highest tower using marshmallows and spaghetti (these foods were expired). The students were divided into 6 teams made up of 1st and 2nd years, and each team was provided with 2 bundles of spaghetti and about 30 marshmallows. The students had 30 minutes to plan and make their towers.
 Strategies varied from team to team. Some teams tried to build the highest tower by using multiple sticks of spaghetti to connect each marshmallow. Other teams tried to build the highest tower by using only 1 or 2 sticks to connect each marshmallow. As the game drew to a close, all teams began to show signs of impatience, and screams of excitement could be heard from the teams whose towers were about to fall over. In the end, the Kinoshita team succeeded in building a 1.2m tower and won the competition.

 The second game was called Tea Bag Toss. In this game, participants tried to toss or drop a tea bag (these were expired) into a mug placed on the ground. If they were successful they measured the distance the tea bag travelled and tried again from a further distance. Each team was provided with five tea bags.
 First, the students headed to the first and second floors of the Living Commons (about 6m in height). Mugs were set up on the first floor and tea bags were repeatedly tossed / dropped from the second floor. As time passed, instead of just dropping a teabag, each team began to develop a strategy. Various ideas were generated, one team tied five tea bags together and used that weight to drop them more accurately. Another team bounced the tea bags against a wall in an attempt to get them into their mug. Still another team removed the tags from their tea bags to reduce air resistance before trying to toss them into their mug. Most teams were able to achieve a distance of about 6 meters, but with one minute remaining, the Kusamoto team succeeded in throwing the teabag into a mug from a height of 8.12m and they won the competition.

 48日(金)、「Scavenger Hunt」というラーニングメンターたちが用意した写真をヒントに、校内中に隠されているステッカーを探すゲームが行われました。今回も12年生合同の新たな6チームに分かれました。開始の合図とともに我先にと各チームが一斉に走り出し、ステッカーを探し始めました。ここでは2年生が先陣を切り、1年生に校内を案内しながらステッカーの場所を探すという頼もしい場面が見受けられました。


 On Friday, April 8th, a Scavenger Hunt was held to find stickers hidden throughout the school using photo clues provided by the Learning Mentors. Once again, 1st and 2nd year students were divided into six new teams. As soon as the start signal was given, the teams started searching for the stickers. Here the 2nd year students took on a leadership role and guided the 1st year students around the school, helping them to find the stickers.
 The stickers were hidden in a wide range of locations including the cafeteria, classrooms, gymnasium, etc... The most confusing area for the students was the library space. The students were able to get a good grasp of where the various books were located as they searched the book shelves for the hidden stickers. To do this the students relied on the photo clues.
 When they put the stickers they collected together, a puzzle appeared. The Kusamoto team solved the puzzle first and received candy from the Learning Mentors as a prize.

 Through the two days of orientation, I believe that the 1st and 2nd year students got to know each other even better. Also, they learned the importance of communication by working together as a team in order to come up with strategies and cooperating with each other. Through these team building activities, students were also able to learn a lot about the school and their smiles shone brightly as they completed the activities.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalApril 21, 2022 ラーニングセッション