
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

June 2, 2022 パフォーミングアーツⅡ「アフレコ体験」

 こんにちは!白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回はパフォーミングアーツⅡの授業で行われたアフレコ体験についてご紹介します。
 1、2年生が履修するパフォーミングアーツでは、ヴォーカリストであり、ヴォイストレーナーの魚住 知子先生(アーティスト名:大黒 柚依さん)の指導の元、各界で活躍されているゲストをお招きし、音楽や芸術、楽器演奏を通じて、発想力・表現力を養います。時には、プロのボイスパーカッション演奏者、ピアニスト、司会者やメディアプロデューサーの方を講師としてお招きし、様々な分野のパフォーミングアーツを体験します。

 今回は、映像ディレクターの山内 秀範氏をお迎えし、アフレコ体験の授業が行われました。山内氏がご用意したのは、男女が深刻そうに会話し、最後にオチがある約30秒のシーンです。学生たちは2人グループに分かれ、英語または日本語でセリフを考えました。山内氏は「とにかく楽しもう!」と学生たちに声をかけ、課題に取り組むよう促しました。



間加田 侑里

 Hello! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to introduce the post recording experience in the Performing Arts II class.
 In the Performing Arts classes, 1st and 2nd year students are under the guidance of Ms. Tomoko Uozumi (Artist Name, Yuri Daikoku), a vocalist and voice trainer. Through these classes students develop their imagination, creativity and the skills needed to express themselves. Occasionally, the Performing Arts classes invite guest instructors from various fields. This has included voice percussionists, professional pianists, emcees, and media producers to experience various fields of performing arts.

 This time, we welcomed Mr. Hidenori Yamauchi, a video director, for a post recording experience class. He prepared a 30-second scene in which a man and a woman have a serious conversation with a punchline at the end. The students were divided into groups of two and came up with their lines in either English or Japanese. As the students worked on their assignment, Mr. Yamauchi said, “Let’s have fun!”

 In the actual recording, the timing of matching the voices with the images was very difficult, and the recording was done many times until it was successful. When the recording was successfully completed, the students commented, "It was difficult to match the voices and images, but it was fun!” and "It was hard because I had to concentrate very hard!”

 I was impressed by the way several students expressed their emotions through gestures when delivering their lines. I thought it was wonderful that through the Performing Arts classes, students are exposed to a variety of experiences and can hone their ability to express themselves without being shy in front of others. I look forward to the future activities of these students, who showed an undaunted attitude toward performing.

Yuri Makada

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalJune 2, 2022 パフォーミングアーツⅡ「アフレコ体験」