Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル
January 27, 2023 クリスマスイベントを開催
こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回はクリスマスに開催された様々なイベントについて紹介します。
Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about various Christmas events that were held.
On Wednesday, December 14th, a gorgeous Christmas tree with lovely decorations and lights was set up in the Living Commons by faculty members and students, creating a heartwarming Christmas atmosphere on campus.
12月17日(土)、白山麓キャンパスのカフェテリア「Golden Eagle Cafeteria」では、クリスマスイベントとしてジンジャーブレッドハウス作りが行われました。ジンジャーブレッドとは、生姜やシナモンなどのスパイスや蜂蜜などが入ったお菓子のことです。学生たちはこのお菓子を家の形にアイシングし、模様を描き、マーブルチョコを使ってカラフルで可愛らしいお家に仕上げました。長時間に渡り制作に没頭する学生や、出来上がったジンジャーブレッドハウスをすぐに食べて味わう学生など、それぞれ思い思いの時間を楽しんでいました。
Gingerbread House Making
On Saturday, December 17th, the school cafeteria (the Golden Eagle Cafeteria) hosted a Christmas event called gingerbread house making. Gingerbread is a baked sweet made with ginger, cinnamon and honey. The students used icing to build a ginger bread house and drew patterns on it, and then decorated it with colorful chocolate candies to create a lovely house. Some students spent a long time working on their creations and some students finished building their gingerbread house quickly so that they could eat them as soon as possible.
Christmas Party
This year, the Christmas party was held on Wednesday, December 21st. This was a little early because the students would be at home on Christmas Day (December 25th). Learning Mentors, Anne Isobel Tan sensei, Apirak Sang-ngenchai sensei, and Jomkit Jujaroen sensei prepared cupcakes, cookies, and ice cream for the students. Karaoke and video game contests were also held between the students and faculty members, which was a lot of fun.
After that, "Secret Santa" was held. Students had written down their favorite foods, colors, hobbies, etc. on questionnaires and these were distributed randomly among the students. As the name suggests, "Secret Santa" is a Christmas gift exchange in which the identity of the gift giver is kept secret.
When the students received and opened their Christmas gifts, their eyes sparkled and the atmosphere was warm and festive. The gifts received by the students included sports equipment, snow toys, food, original T-shirts, all thoughtful items chosen with the recipients in mind. The students enjoyed thinking about guessing who their Secret Santa was.
12月22日(木)、カフェテリア「Golden Eagle Cafeteria」では、クリスマススペシャルディナーが提供されました。イチゴのショートケーキや、手のひらサイズの大きなローストチキンなど、クリスマスらしい食事が用意され、ローストチキンはジューシーで食べ応えがあり、学生たちには「美味しい!!」と評判でした!
Christmas Special Dinner
On Thursday, December 22nd, the Golden Eagle Cafeteria served a special Christmas dinner. This included strawberry shortcake and a large serving of roast chicken that was bigger than the palm of your hand. The roast chicken was juicy and satisfying, and the students said it was delicious!!!
間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada