
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

March 31, 2023 2月課外授業について

 こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は2月の課外授業で行われた様々なワークショップについて紹介します。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. I would like to write about the various extracurricular workshops held in February.



【Pen spinning】

 On Monday, February 6th, a workshop called Pen Spinning was held by Learning Mentor, Jomkit Jujaroen sensei. Jomkit sensei wanted to teach something fun to students, who are usually hard at work on their schoolwork. He decided to hold this workshop to teach them pen spinning, which Jomkit sensei was addicted to when he was a student.
 Jomkit sensei taught the students pen spinning techniques such as spinning a pen around the thumb, spinning a pen between two fingers and a tricky technique to spin a pen using all four fingers. Some students struggled with pen spinning. Others used a drumstick instead of a pen and spun the drumstick in a spectacular manner.
 The act of pen spinning can help the brain to concentrate when it is nervous or working on a difficult task and spinning a pen can help to relieve tension. He said he would be happy if he could help his students to focus and relax by using their own pens.


 2023年28日(水)、210日(金)、215日(水)の3日間、伊藤 周先生による「Pythonの基礎を学ぶ」ワークショップが開催されました。学生たちはPythonの基本的なコードの書き方を学んだ後、条件分岐、繰り返し、乱数生成の関数を学習しました。ワークショップの最後には、プログラムによってランダムに発生させた数字を人間が当てる「数当てゲーム」のプログラムを作成するという課題に取り組み、全員がプログラムを完成させることができました。

【Learning the Basics of Python】

 On Wednesday, February 8th, Friday, February 10th and Wednesday, February 15th, a workshop called Learning the Basics of Python was held by Meguru Ito sensei (Pro.). Students learned how to write basic Python code and then learned functions for conditional branching, iteration and random number generation. At the end of the workshop, the students were challenged to create a program for a number-guessing game in which the player has to guess a random computer-generated number.



【Hand Lettering】

 On Thursday, February 9th, a workshop called Hand Lettering was held by Learning Mentor, Anne Isobel Tan sensei. Hand lettering is a calligraphy technique in which the alphabet is written using colored pens or brush pens. This gives it a unique and stylish look.
 Students were assigned the task of hand-lettering their own names and some students copied a sample typeface and practiced how to write it over and over again. Other students wrote their names using a type face that came to them in the spur of the moment. Some other students used their image of their classmates to design how names were written by the students showed the warmth and softness that only hand-written letters can express.

【CiRA COREを使ったAIプログラミング】

 2023年215日(水)、ラーニングメンターのアピラク・サンゲンチャイ先生による「CiRA COREを使ったAIプログラミング」ワークショップが行われました。CiRA COREはドラッグ&ドロップ式のブロック型プログラミングプラットフォームです。学生たちはプログラムのフローの書き方を学び、物体の識別や顔認証の実験をしました。学生たちはコンピュータが自分の顔を認識してくれたことに驚き、強く関心を示している様子でした。

【AI Programming with CiRA CORE】

 On Wednesday, February 15th, a workshop called AI Programming with CiRA CORE workshop was held by Learning Mentor, Apirak Sang-ngenchai sensei. CiRA CORE is a drag-and-drop block programming platform. Students learned how to write program flows and experimented with object identification and face recognition. The students were surprised that the computer recognized their faces and they showed strong interest in the program.




 On Friday, February 17th and Wednesday, February 22nd, a two-day Filmmaking workshop was held by Nagwa Fekri Rashed sensei (Prof.). First, Afaf Alaa, a 3rd

year student who excels at video production, gave a lecture via Zoom to the participants on tips for shooting videos, introducing editing applications and how to use the images in their minds to create scenarios. The students were divided into two groups and worked on a videos introducing What To Do and What Not To Do in the laboratory. Students directed, filmed and edited their own videos about things such as handling emergencies (accidents and first aid), handling lab equipment, as well as rules about hairstyles and eating and drinking in the laboratory.
 Here are some of the videos produced by the students. I hope you enjoy them!



 2023年227日(火)、白山麓キャンパスで寮生活を終える2年生と離任する教員の送別会が行われました。離任する教員の潟辺 豊先生とアン・イソベル・タン先生には、学生たちから寄せ書きと柿田 紗蘭さん(2年生)が描いた似顔絵入りのTシャツが贈られました。その後、学生たちと教員たちはピザを食べながらお話したり、クッキーにアイシングしたりして、白山麓キャンパスで共に過ごす最後の時間を楽しみました。
 4月からの新3年生は、1年間のニュージーランド オタゴポリテクニクで留学生活という新たな冒険が待っています。この留学生活は学生たちにとって、とても大きな経験になることでしょう。新3年生の活躍がより一層楽しみです。

【Farewell Party】

 On Tuesday, February 27th, a farewell party was held at the Hakusanroku campus for the 2nd year students who would be leaving the dormitory and for departing faculty members. The students presented Yutaka Katabe sensei (Prof.) and Learning Mentor, Anne Isobel Tan sensei with message cards and T-shirts with portraits drawn by Saran Kakita, a 2nd year student. Afterwards, students and faculty enjoyed their last time together at the Hakusanroku Campus, talking while eating pizza and decorating cookies together.
 In April, the new 3rd year students will begin their new adventure of studying abroad at Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand for one year. This study abroad experience will be a great experience for the students. We are look forward to the success of these students.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalMarch 31, 2023 2月課外授業について