
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

April 7, 2023 エンジニアリングデザインⅠB(1年生)最終発表

Makada こんにちは!白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は2023127日(金)に行われたエンジニアリングデザインIB(1年生)の最終発表について紹介します。
 今回のプロジェクトでは、ターゲットユーザーへのインタビュー調査などを通して、そこに潜む問題や要望を解決する装置をLEGO EV3やレーザーカッター、3Dプリンターなどを使用し設計するという課題に対して、学生たちはターゲットとする「比咩の湯」チーム2組と「ラーニングセッション」チーム2組、計4組に分かれ、問題解決に挑みました。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about the final Engineering Design IB 1st year presentations held on Friday, January 27th.
 In Engineering Design IB, a required 1st year 2nd semester course, students work in teams to discover and solve problems by adopting design thinking, a method of creating new value from the user's point of view.
 For this project, students were given the task of designing a device that solves the problems and meets the demands of their target users through interviews, using LEGO EV3, a laser cutter, a 3D printer and other tools. The students were divided into four teams, two teams targeted Himenoyu (hot spring) and two teams targeted Learning Session and were challenged to identify and solve problems at Himenoyu and Learning Session.


 そこで比咩の湯Aチームは、いつどのタイミングでカメムシが現れるか分からないことから、温泉スタッフの手間を省くことができないかと考え、LEGO EV3を使ってお客様に不愉快を与えずにカメムシを処理する装置を製作しました。窓に付着したカメムシをワイパー方式でベルトコンベアの上に落とし、臭いを発生させずに自動的に容器に入る仕組みです。

【Himenoyu A team (Haruki, Haruto, Tenzing and Shuya)】

 The Himenoyu A team focused on stink bugs in and around buildings. Stink bugs gather in warm places and are often found in mountainous areas. In Himenoyu, where these two conditions are met, stink bugs are often seen on windows and inside buildings. Their appearance and odor is unpleasant for customers. Himenoyu staff who find stink bugs would catch them with chopsticks or tongs and dispose of them in plastic containers. 
 The Himenoyu A team wondered if it would be possible to save time and effort for the Himenoyu staff, since they never know when and at what time the stink bugs will appear. Students decided to create a device using a LEGO EV3 to deal with the stink bugs without disturbing the customers. This system uses a wiper system to knock the stink bugs off the window and onto a conveyor belt where they automatically enter a container for disposal without generating odor.


 比咩の湯Bチームが製作した装置は、製品に50 cm以内に人が近づくと足元に設置した超音波センサが感知し、広告が10秒ごとに静かにゆっくりと回転する仕組みです。回転体にはお風呂や比咩の湯についての紹介などが記載されています。

【Himenoyu B team (Yuzuki, Yuto, Ichiryu and Takuho)】

The Himenoyu B team found out through an interview with the manager, Mr. Nawashiro, that he often has the opportunity to talk to customers about the features of Himenoyu. However, the students focused on the fact that sometimes it is not possible for Mr. Nawashiro to talk to customers. This is unfortunate that he cannot chat with customers who are interested in learning more about Himenoyu.
 The Himenoyu B team decided to create an advertising device for the hot spring so that more people can learn about the hot spring, even when Mr. Nawashiro cannot talk to customers. Students chose not to use the usual paper media. Students built a device that customers would be interested in looking at and that would not generate noise and disturb other customers who had come to the hot spring to relax. The device created by the Himenoyu B team works by having an ultrasonic sensor installed at its base. This sensor detects when a person approaches within 50 cm, causing the device to rotate silently and slowly every 10 seconds. This has written information about the baths, Himenoyu, etc.


・学生たちがラーニングメンターに質問をしたい時、ラーニングメンターが別の学生の対応をしていて対応できない時があるので、より効率的に対応したい このことからラーニングセッションAチームはラーニングメンターと学生たちのコミュニケーションを促進させて、学生たちが自ら計画を立てて実行できるようにするためのWebサイトの制作と学生たちが質問をしたい時に音や動きでラーニングメンターに知らせる装置を製作しました。

【Learning Session A team(Riku, Eiki, Rikuto and Aki)】

The Learning Session A team interviewed Learning Mentors about their activities during the Learning Session and focused on the following two key points.
Learning Mentors would like students to be aware of their own goals and plans for the day's activities.
Learning Mentors would like to make it easier and more efficient for students to ask Learning Mentors questions, as sometimes Learning Mentors are not able to respond to questions because they are working with other students.
 The Learning Mentor A team created a website to facilitate communication between Learning Mentors and students. This website enables students to make and implement their own study plans. This team also built a device which is connected to the website that alerts Learning Mentors when students have questions.
 A To-Do List was set up on the website page, which allows students to plan the tasks they will work on and check their progress in accomplishing them. Also, when Learning Mentors are busy with other students or it is difficult to talk with them, students could post questions in the question space on the website. Posting a question on the website activates a device which lets the Learning Mentors know that a question has been uploaded. As for the creation of the web page, students used the HTML and CSS skills they learned as part their Computer Skills classes.




【Learning Session B team (Shiyu, Hitoshi, Ryona, Ayuri and Ryoya)】

 From interviews with Learning Mentors, the Learning Session B team was reminded of the importance of time management when students focus on an activity during a Learning Session and when they take a break. Sometimes students take breaks in a different location from where they work during the Learning Session. The problems is that sometimes they forget to return promptly from the break, leaving them with less time to work on their activities.
 Based on the above problem, students created a timer device dedicated to Learning Session activities and a case to house the device so that students can be more aware of their study time and not spend too much time on other activities. In addition, the case is equipped with a storage space for printouts where students can submit documents to their Learning Mentors as well as a message board to facilitate communication between the Learning Mentors and students. The frames for this case and message board were made of wood cut with the laser cutter and assembled by students. The case was also made with consideration for the size of the LEGO unit that serves as the timer, the placement of the charging cable, and other user-friendly features.

 前学期で開講された「エンジニアリングデザインⅠA」では、身の回りの問題を自分自身で発見し解決策を考え、自分の手でアイデアをカタチにしました。(詳細はこちら: https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/journal/20172/)後学期では、ターゲットユーザーに対して、チームでの問題解決に挑んだため、チーム内での話し合いやスケジュール管理、役割分担など様々な課題に直面したようです。

 In Engineering DesignA, offered in the 1st semester, the students discovered problems around their life, came up with solutions and gave shape to their ideas with their own hands (see here for details: https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/journal/20172/) In the 2nd semester, the students took on the challenge of solving problems for target users in teams. They faced various issues such as discussions, schedule management and division of roles within the team.
 The students were not able to conduct sufficient verification and evaluation with the target users in some areas. For example, the students were not able to ask target users what they thought about these devises. I believe that this was an opportunity for the students to reaffirm the importance of not only developing the functional aspects of the products they created but also to understand the issues faced by users and co-creating solutions with users to confirm their usefulness.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalApril 7, 2023 エンジニアリングデザインⅠB(1年生)最終発表