
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

June 16, 2023「河原山地区 田植え体験会」を通して見つけた学び

 こんにちは!国際高専1年の中澤 琉月です。2023514日(日)、併設校の金沢工業大学 学友会主催の白山麓地域交流活動「河原山地区 田植え体験会」に参加しました。私はもともとSDGsに関連するような社会問題や環境問題に興味があり、学生団体を立ち上げたり、積極的にオンラインイベントに参加したりするなどして経験を深めています。また去年から私が行っている活動で稲作の環境問題を取り扱っているため、この地域の稲作についても情報が得られたらと思い参加しました。 

 午前中はそれぞれの役割にわかれて田植えを行い、私はコシヒカリの苗の手植え作業をしました。作業後に機械で田植えを行うところを見て、改めて機械化がどれほど人々の仕事の形を変えたのかを実感できました。お昼には地域の女性会のみなさんが作ったお弁当をいただきました。 地域で採れる食材をふんだんに使い、ふるさとの味が感じられるお弁当で、とてもおいしかったです!



中澤 琉月

 Hi, I’m Ruuna Nakazawa, a student in S1 class in ICT. On Sunday, May 14th, 2023, I participated in the Kawarayama Area Rice Planting Experience, a regional exchange activity at Hakusanroku hosted by the KIT Gakuyukai, an attached school.  I have been interested in the social issues and environmental issues that relate to SDGs, and I have engaged in several activities, such as creating a student organization and attending many online events. Also, since last year, I have engaged in an activity concerning the environmental issue of rice cultivation, so I wanted to get some information about rice cultivation in this area. That is the reason why I joined this activity.

 In the morning, we all had different roles in planning the rice, and I planted Koshihikari seedlings by hand. When I saw the work with a planting machine after my work, I was amazed at how the machine changed our forms of work. At lunchtime, we ate bento that were made by members of a local women’s community group. The bento used a lot of local ingredients so I felt it had a real hometown taste to it, and it was so tasty!

 In the afternoon, there was an opportunity for us to share our opinions and ask questions of a person who lives in the area. Recently, that area collaborated with KIT in its regional revitalization program. Therefore, I asked a question with courage even though I was the only student in ICT that joined this time. Through the conversations, the opinions I heard from other students, and the answers I received from local people, I learned that the way that this region approaches SDGs is different from how I had approached them. I usually focus on and tackle individual problems when I do my activities. However, this area tries to tell its stories to KIT students and young people instead of focusing on each problem the area has. By doing so, an industry called collaboration will be born, and it can develop the area. Through this experience, I saw things in a way that I had never imagine before. Simply put, I say that I deeply understand goal 17 of the SDGs, “Partnership for the goals.”

 Without even thinking about it, I contacted my mother and told her about these experiences because I was so happy that I was able to learn much more than I expected, and I discovered a connection between these experiences and my personal activities! I want to make use of what I learned through this experience here at school, and work harder toward my future activities.

Ruuna Nakazawa

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalJune 16, 2023「河原山地区 田植え体験会」を通して見つけた学び