
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

May 15, 2018

With the lofty green mountains in the background, I walk to the office with a cup of coffee in my hand, breathing in the fresh cool air. This is a refreshing new experience for me, coming from a country filled with concrete buildings and skyscrapers. I am Kah Keng (K.K.) and I am from the city state of Singapore. I am one of the teachers who has the opportunity to live and work at the new Hakusanroku campus.

To be able to work and live with nature itself invigorates me, not only at work but also in my personal time with my family. We have enjoyed watching the ever changing colors of the mountains as they have turned from white in Winter to the fresh green of Spring. We look forward to the rest of the year as the canvas of nature changes and brings us new sights of all its wonders.

I hope that the students will benefit from studying and living at this unique campus, and allow nature to renew our senses, rejuvenate our minds and revitalize our quest for knowledge. Afterall, it is said that nature unlocks the imagination and inspires creativity. Perhaps, being away from the hustle and bustle of city life will allow us to focus on the development of the self, the learning and practice of new skills and knowledge, and the enjoyment of community life.

Tan Kah Keng



自然の中で生活していると活力が湧いてきます。仕事だけではなく、家族と過ごす私生活もです。移ろいゆく山の色が、冬の白から春の新緑へ変わるのを毎日観察しています。これから自然がこのキャンバスにどんな色を描いてくれるのか楽しみです。 学生たちがこのユニークな環境で学生生活を送ることによって、得るものが多いことを願っています。自然の中で感覚を研ぎ澄ませ、脳を活性化し、より一層知識の探求に臨んで欲しいと思います。昔から自然の中にいると想像力と創造力が解放されると言われています。車の行きかう町中よりも自己開発、新しい知識と技術の修得、そして仲間との交流に集中できるのかもしれません。


HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalMay 15, 2018