
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

February 9, 2024 1、2年生保健体育「雪だるま作りやオリジナル雪上ラグビー」 

 こんにちは、白山麓事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は、雪の日に行われた12年生の保健体育の授業について紹介します。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku Office. This time, I would like to talk about the 1st and 2nd year Health and Physical Education classes held outside in the snow.





1st Year Students

 On Monday, January 22nd, 2024, the Hokuriku region continued its mild winter trend. Usually we have heavy snowfall at this time of year, but this January had been warm and most of the snow had melted and began to disappear. We had beautiful weather on that day.

 First, students tried making a three-tiered snowman. Because the snow had begun to melt and contained a lot of moisture, the students had a hard time rolling the large snowballs and lifting them up because of their weight. Because of this, the students split the heavy snowballs into smaller and lighter pieces and then stacked them on top of each other. After a lot of hard work, the students completed a large three-tiered snowman.
 Next, a snowball fight was held. The students were divided into two teams, and when the signal was given, they threw snowballs at the other team. It was fun to see the students throwing snowballs as hard as they could, and releasing their daily stress. Later, the rules changed and if a student was hit, they had to switch teams. The more successful the hits, the larger the team grew. The students did a good job of avoiding the snowballs, and although there were no big moves, there was a lot of laughter and they seemed to be having a lot of fun.

 Many of the 1st year students come from regions where it rarely snows, and I think they were able to fully enjoy the nature activity.


保健体育IB(1年生)の授業では、雪だるま作りや雪合戦が行われました⛄️❄️ニュージーランド出身で保健体育教員のフィリップ先生による授業紹介です✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #ボーディングスクール #寮生活 #寮 #国際理工学科 #tiktok #snow #雪合戦 #雪だるま

♬ Songs and cheap arrangements that flow in the athletic meet(1020345) - Kids Sound



 その後、2年間保健体育の授業に全力を注いだ2年生へのご褒美として、瀧本 明弘先生とフィリップ・ケザウ先生は3種類のピザを用意しました。しかし、フィリップ先生は雪上ラグビーの試合に負けたチームには簡単にピザを与えませんでした。雪上ラグビーの試合に負けたチームは、ピザを食べる前に罰ゲームとして、フィリップ先生がニュージーランドで朝食として食べていたシリアル「Weetabix」という大きな小麦ビスケットを水分なしで食べなければなりませんでした。このビスケットは、口の中の水分が全て奪われるため、負けたチームは「水分が全部持っていかれる!水飲みたい!」や「早くピザが食べたい!」と言いながらモクモクと食べ続け、試合に勝ったチームは誇らしげにピザを次々に食べていました。学生たちは体をたくさん動かして食欲も増し、一気にピザを4ピース食べる学生もいました。フィリップ先生は5ピース食べたそうです。


2nd Year Students

 On Wednesday, January 24th, 2024, the strongest cold wave of the season had hit Japan starting on the previous day, and Ishikawa Prefecture was hit with heavy snow with about 1 meter of snow falling on the Hakusanroku campus.

 First, students built a snowman. The courtyard was covered with powdery snow, and the students seemed to have a hard time making snowballs as the snow did not pack easily. After a few minutes, they completed a huge 3-tiered snowman about 3 meters high. After that, the original snow rugby tournament took place! Students and faculty were divided into two teams with the student holding the rugby ball being tackled by the other team and falling in the fluffy snow. Both teams, despite having a hard time running in the snow, used their athleticism to run around on the snow as fast as they could and compete in a serious game. 
 Then, as a reward for the 2nd year students who had put their all into their Health and Physical Education classes for the past two years, Akihiro Takimoto sensei and Philip Cadzow sensei provided three kinds of pizza. However, Philip sensei did not simply give pizza to the team that lost the snow rugby game. The team that lost the snow rugby game had to eat a large wheat biscuit called "Weetabix," a famous breakfast cereal that Philip sensei used to eat in New Zealand. The losing team had to eat a Weetabix without water before eating the pizza. Weetabix take away all the moisture of your mouth, so the members of the losing team were saying, “My mouth is so dry! I want some water!" or "I can't wait to eat pizza!!"
 The team that won the game did not have to eat Weetabix and proudly ate the pizzas one after another. After eating their Weetabix, the losing team could eat pizza as well. The students were so active that some of them ate four pieces of pizzas. Philip sensei ate five.

 Unlike Monday, this day had lots of snow, and the 2nd year students ran around on the powdery snow as fast as they could, throwing snowballs at each other whenever they had the chance, and enjoying the class.


保健体育IIB(2年生)の授業では、雪だるま作りやオリジナルの雪上ラグビーが行われました☃️白山麓キャンパス周辺は雪がたくさん積もっています☃️ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #3年次にはニュージーランド留学 #高専 #ボーディングスクール #寮生活 #国際理工学科 #STEM #snow #snowman #snowballfight #winter #TikTok #雪景色 #雪国 #ラグビー #rugby

♬ BLK Skinhead - user88785724779

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalFebruary 9, 2024 1、2年生保健体育「雪だるま作りやオリジナル雪上ラグビー」