July 31, 2024 見えるもの、見えないもの。
こんにちは。学生主事の小髙 有普です。新入生が入学して、はや7月となりました。白山麓キャンパス付近の風景も入学生が入寮した頃の風景とはすっかり変わり、よりカラフルで生命力を感じる日常があります。過去の写真を見ると、校内で撮影した楽しい写真がいくつかあったので少し紹介したいと思います。
Hello, this is Arihiro Kodaka, the Dean of Student Affairs. It seems like the new students entered ICT yesterday, but it’s already July. The scenery around the Hakusanroku campus has completely changed from when the new students first entered at the dormitory, and the daily life here is more colorful and full of vitality. Looking at past photos I took, I found some fun pictures taken on campus, so I would like to introduce a few of them.
By the way, I tend to look at the sky and the sea whenever I see them. I like them partly because they always have a different look and partly because I enjoy fishing, so my attention naturally turns to them. Also, I tend to take pictures of the sky and sea that can only be captured there at that moment.
"We don't perceive the world as we see it. We see only the world we really perceive.”
These words were spoken by the representative of Team Lab on a TV program that was aired some . Even events that exist in front of our eyes are often not visible unless we are conscious of them. Sometimes, if we change our angle or widen our vision, we can see the real truth and make new discoveries. It is an interesting fact that people can see the world differently and be moved in different ways even in the same environment.
小髙 有普
Arihiro Kodaka