September 20, 2024 The Number of Daily Steps
こんにちは、2年生の高野 健太郎です。
1年生の後学期、ブランドン・ウォルファース先生と木原 均先生が担当している基礎数学B(*1)の授業でデータを30個集める宿題が出ました。私のチームメイトが歩数のデータを集めていました。その後、自分の歩数にも関心を持つようになり、また日本人の平均歩数を調べて、自分の普段の歩数が少ないと思うようになりました。
Hello, I’m Kentaro Takano, a 2nd year student.
When I was a 1st year student I was in Brandon Wohlfarth sensei and Hitoshi Kihara sensei Fundamental Mathematics B class (*1). For this class, my teammate and I had to collect 30 pieces of data about the number of daily steps we took. After checking this data, I became interested in the number of daily steps I took. We researched the average number of steps Japanese people take every day, and I found my average number of steps was lower than the Japanese average.
(*1) In Basic Mathematics B, students learn various basics and fundamentals used in statistics and probability. In the second half of the class, students apply the statistical and probabilistic concepts and methods they’ve learned to data of their own interest. Through this activity, students experience the entire process of data collection, analysis, evaluation, and presentation, with the aim of acquiring the knowledge and skills needed at each stage.
After my teammate and I finished the assignment, I started walking more often. I started walking around the campus after school and after learning session at night. When I went to the post office, I took the long route and when I went to Kanazawa, I used the pedestrian bridge and not the pedestrian crossing. In February, I walked at least 10,000 steps per day and sometimes I walked over 20,000 steps. During March and spring vacation, I went back to my hometown and walked at least 15,000 steps a day. One day, I did all my steps in the hallway of my house. I don’t recommend this because the view didn’t change.
2年生になると、驚くべき変化がありました。体重が4月1日には、79.9㎏あったのに、5月1日には、74.9㎏まで減ったのです。4月にはキャンパスの敷地内の雪がとけて、安全に走れるようになったからだと思います。以前からスポーツはしないけど、ときどき走ることはしていました。走ることは、ルールや時間に縛られないし、ストレス発散になります。走るときは、キャンパスの周りを5周(約3.4㎞) 走っていました。時々、イアン・スティーブンソン先生が一緒に走ってくれたので、英語の練習にもなりました。履けなくなったズボンが履けるようになったり、夜、よく眠れるようになりました。朝昼夜3食食べて、夜に10時間以上寝る日も多くなりました。
After I returned from spring vacation and became a second-year student, there was a remarkable change. On April 1st, my weight was 79.9kg, but on May 1st, my weight was down to 74.9kg. I think the reason why my weight decreased 5kg in only a month is that after the snow melted, I could go running. I didn't play sports before, but I sometimes went running. Running has no rules, no time constraints, and releases stress. When I go running, I run around the campus 5 times (about 3.4km). Ian Stevenson sensei sometimes runs with me, so I can run and practice English. I can now wear pants that I couldn't wear before, and I sleep better at night. I eat three meals a day, and the days that I can sleep more than 10 hours at night have increased.
私の記録したデータをご紹介します。図1は体重の変化のグラフです。縦軸は体重で、横軸は日付です。図を見て分かるように今年の1月は私の体重が86㎏だったのに対し、8月には66㎏になっています。なんとマイナス20㎏。せっかくデータをこれだけ集めたので、1日ごとの消費エネルギー量 (kcal)と体重の変化の相関関係を調べました。図2は縦軸は消費エネルギー量 (kcal)を体重 (kg)で割ったもので、横軸は1日ごとの体重の変化です。消費エネルギー量 (kcal)は体重 (kg)×METS数×運動時間 (h)×1. 05で求められます。このことから消費エネルギー量は体重 (kg)が減ると消費エネルギー量は減ることがわかります。なので、体重補正をしています。そして、相関係数を求めたら、0. 225と弱い正の相関があらわれました。消費エネルギー量 (kcal)が多いほど体重が増えていることになり・・・。よくわからないですね。本当は負の相関関係がみられると期待していました。よく歩いたからといって、体重が減るわけではないのかもしれません。相関関係を調べる方法を教えてくださった伊藤 周先生には、摂取カロリーを調べて入れてみたらと助言されました。
Now I will introduce my data. Figure 1 shows the changes in weight over 2024. The vertical axis is weight, and the horizontal axis is time by date. As you can see from the figure, while my weight was 86kg this January, my weight was 66kg this August, a reduction of 20kg. I collected this data and then I searched for correlation between Energy consumption per day (kcal) and variations in weight. In Figure 2, the vertical axis is Energy consumption (kcal) divided by body weight (kg), and the horizontal axis is daily weight change. Energy consumption (kcal) can be solved by using body weight (kg) x number of Metabolic Equivalent of Task or METS x exercise time (h) x 1.05. I know that weight or Energy consumption (kcal) decreases from the last calculation. So as my weight changed, I recalculated my Energy consumption in order to reflect daily changes. I searched for correlation between Energy consumption and weight change. I could see a weak positive correlation of 0.225. The more energy (kcal) I consume, the more weight I gain, but I am not sure. I expected to see a negative correlation. If I walk or run, I might not lose weight. Meguru Ito sensei, who told me how to use correlations, advised me to look up my calorie intake and include it as well.
I will continue walking and running for my own self-satisfaction. I will continue to record my data as a form of self-motivation. I might use this data in the 2nd year Fundamentals of Data Science class. However, I don’t think I want to lose any more weight.
高野 健太郎
Kentaro Takano