
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

June 6, 2019 Farming Experience

On May 26 (SUN), the Nature & Adventure club conducted a farming experience in collaboration with members of the local community. Early Sunday morning, students gathering to plant potatoes in the field right across from the Hakusanroku campus. This event was conducted in collaboration with local farmers who willingly agreed to demonstrate and for us to use a patch of their fields. Students first plowed the field by turning over, watering, and mixing fertilizer in the soil. Next the local farmers demonstrated planting the potatoes, which the students followed in suit. This year we planted regular potatoes and sweet potatoes, both which we plan to harvest later this year. Many students have never farmed before and seemed to enjoy the experience. After planting the potatoes, students volunteered to weed a neighboring field before finishing the experience and heading to the onsen to clean up and a long-awaited lunch.

I was impressed by the students enthusiasm and feel lucky that the Hakusanroku campus is surrounded by such rich nature. I mean the farm is right across from the school; literally a one minute walk away! Students take advantage of this short distance to find time and take turns watering the field. It was also interesting to observe the students' reaction to the local farmers explaining that monkeys sometimes dig up and eat the potatoes right before harvest. They threatened and cursed the monkeys saying "I will never surrender my precious potatoes to you!", in fear of the thought of them stealing the result of their hard work. The experience really gave them a firsthand perspective of being a farmer. I asked the local farmers about our students' farming, who simply answered "They're OK. Everyone's a beginner at some point" with a big laugh. I look forward to the future of this relationship with the local community and especially to harvest season.


2019年5月26日(日)Nature & Adventure クラブによる農業体験が地元農家の方々の協力のもと行われました。日曜日の早朝に白山麓キャンパスの向かいにある畑に集合してじゃがいもとさつまいもを植えました。今回の農業体験は地元の方々が畑や道具などを快く貸してくれたことによって実現しました。学生たちはまず畑を耕すところから始めました。シャベルなどを使って土を混ぜてから、水をかけて、最後に肥料を加えました。土づくりをしたあとは、地元の方々の指導のもと芋の苗を植えました。今回植えたじゃがいもとさつまいもは秋に収穫して食べる予定です。ほとんどの学生は農作業の経験がなく、初めての経験を楽しんでいるようでした。芋を植えたあとは隣の畑の雑草取りを手伝ったあと、温泉で汗を流してから昼食をとりました。



HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalJune 6, 2019 Farming Experience