
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

September 26, 2019 白嶺小中学校での英語の絵本の読み聞かせ

今日は。英語科の大原です。9月24日(火)午前8時15分から約15分間、英語科の先生2名、イアン先生とエド先生が白嶺小中学校の生徒さん達に、英語の絵本の読み聞かせを行いました。エド先生は下級生約20名にRyan Higgins著”We don’t eat your classmates”を紹介しました。恐竜の子供が人間の学校でどのように友達を作っていくかというお話で、恐竜が子供たちを飲み込んだり吐き出したりするところを表情豊かに読み、生徒さん達は興味深く聞き入っていました。

イアン先生は上級生たちで、残念ながら4年生が課外活動のため不在だったので約10名にNosy Crow著”Open Very Carefully”を紹介しました。物語の冒頭が”The Ugly Duckling(みにくいあひるの子)”と同じように始まり、そのあひるがナレーターを務めます。読者参加型の双方向で楽しめる絵本ということで、イアン先生は生徒さん2人にナレーターのあひる役と主役のワニの役になってもらい、読み聞かせ開始前に少し彼らと練習をして始めました。ワニ役の生徒さんには雰囲気を出してもらうために、ワニのマスクと緑のシャツを着てもらいました。他の生徒さん達を追いかけるシーンでは皆さん大きな声をあげて走り回っていました。




Hello. It's Ohara from the English department. On September 24 (Tue), Ian sensei and Ed sensei went to Hakurei Elementary and Junior High School to read English books to the students for about fifteen minutes in the morning before classes. Ed sensei read the book "We don't eat your class mates" by Ryan Higgins to twenty younger students. It's a story about a young dinosaur who goes to an elementary school for humans. Ed sensei read the scenes where the dinosaur swallows and spits out the human children with great expressions and the Hakurei students listened intently.

Ian sensei read the book "Open Very Carefully" by Nosy Crow to ten older students. (Sadly, the fourth graders were away for fieldwork.) The story begins similarly to "The Ugly Duckling" and the duckling serves as the narrator. This book is designed so that the listeners can play along and Ian sensei asked two students to act as the duckling narrator and the crocodile, who is the main character. They practiced before the reading and Ian sensei gave the student with the crocodile role a crocodile mask and green shirt to get into the mood. The students especially liked the scene where the crocodile chases the other students and everyone ran around the classroom screaming.

This English book reading activity started in 2018 when ICT's Hakusanroku campus opened in Seto of Hakusan city. Last year we visited Hakurei about ten times and this was our fourth time this year. The Hakurei students always greet us with enthusiasm and come to talk with the English teachers after the reading. It is always a pleasure to visit a school with such friendly students and teachers.

Our next visit is November 14.

Shinobu Ohara

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalSeptember 26, 2019 白嶺小中学校での英語の絵本の読み聞かせ