
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

October 23, 2019 Spending Long Fall Nights Watching Movies

Mamoru Mukai

Summer has gone and fall has come to our campus. In fall, the nights are long, dark, quiet, cool, and with a lot of stars in the sky. People say that the fall nights are the best time to study or to read books. However, we don’t want to spend the fall nights only studying, we need fun sometimes also. So I recommend to you a kind of entertainment for the fall nights: watching movies.

You can experience many things by watching movies: life, friendship, happiness, sadness, loneliness, anger, history, fashion, music, etc. You can also travel many places in the movies. You observe many types of people or lives in the movies.

Today, I would like to recommend seven movies that I think are good for ICT students. Most of these movies are not new but good movies don’t have to be new. And you know how old I am.

The seven recommended movies are as follows:

  • Billy Elliot(リトルダンサー)
  • Nuovo Cinema Paradiso(ニューシネマパラダイス)
  • Plein Soleil(太陽がいっぱい)
  • The Shining(シャイニング)
  • City Lights(街の灯)
  • E.T.E.T.
  • Chariots of Fire(炎のランナー)

Billy Elliot is the movie about a boy who is devoted to ballet and tries to be a professional ballet dancer. The boy’s acting is marvelous. Nuovo Cinema Paradiso is an Italian movie. The story is about a middle aged movie director’s memory of his childhood and his friendship with a movie projector operator. It is a beautiful story.

Plein Soleil is a French and Italian movie released in 1960. The main character, Tom, kills his rich friend and tries to take the place of the friend. He steals all of his friend’s estate and girlfriend. Young Alain Delon (French actor) is great and his fashion in the movie is still cool today.

I think the Shining is one of the best horror movies that has ever been made. It was written by Stephen King and stars Jack Nicolson. A man who was hired as a hotel manager is possessed by the evil sprit of the former hotel owner. It is scary and there are several scenes that are startling.

Charles Chaplin directed and stared in City Lights in 1931. A homeless man sacrifices himself and helps a poor flower girl pay for her eye operation. The last scene is touching.

E.T. is an interesting story about some children’s friendship with a child extra-terrestrial (E.T.) The E.T. is so cute and the story is full of adventures and dreams. The movie was a big hit all over the world in 1982.

Chariots of Fire is a story about Cambridge University students who were track and field athletes and participated in the Olympics in Paris in 1924. Whenever I hear the words “Chariots of Fire”, I always remember a piece of music in the movie “titles”. This movie has a lot of beautiful places such as the Cambridge University campus, the town of Cambridge, and fields of Scotland, etc.

I hope ICT students will have a chance to watch the movies introduced in this article at the ICT campus during the fall nights.

I indeed love movies. I have been a movie fan for more than 50 years since I was a junior high school student. From movies, I have learned about many kinds of lives, loves, ideas, languages, cultures, and people. I’m sure the movies have helped open my eyes toward many things.

The fall nights at Hakusanroku campus are long, dark, quiet, cool, and with a lot of stars in the sky. It will be a great time to learn many things from movies.


向井 守




  • Billy Elliot(リトルダンサー)
  • Nuovo Cinema Paradiso(ニューシネマパラダイス)
  • Plein Soleil(太陽がいっぱい)
  • The Shining(シャイニング)
  • City Lights(街の灯)
  • E.T.E.T.
  • Chariots of Fire(炎のランナー)

Billy Elliotはバレエにのめりこみ、そしてプロのダンサーになろうとする少年の物語です。この少年の演技力が見事です。

Nuovo Cinema Paradisoはイタリア映画で中年の映画監督が子供時代の映画上映技師との友情を思い出すという美しい物語です。

Plein Soleilはフランス、イタリアの合作で1960年の作品です。主人公のトムは金持ちの友人を殺害し彼になりかわり友人の財産を横取りするのです。若きアランドロンが素晴らしく彼のファッションは60年後の今でもカッコいいんです。


チャールズチャップリンは1931年にCity Lightsを制作、主演しました。ある浮浪者が自己を犠牲にして貧しい花売り娘を助け目の手術費を作るという物語です。ラストシーンが感動的です。


Chariots of Fireはケンブリッジ大学の学生で1924年のパリオリンピックに出場した陸上競技選手たちの物語です。私はこの映画の題名を聞くたびに映画の主題曲”titles"を思い出します。この映画にケンブリッジ大学のキャンパス、街並み、そしてスコットランドの野原などの美しい光景がたのしめます。



HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalOctober 23, 2019 Spending Long Fall Nights Watching Movies