
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

December 23, 2020 The story of the monkey project

Hello everyone, Welcome back to the journey (^o^)//. As you follow Hakusanroku Journal, The group of second-year students has been doing in Engineering Design class. Some of the students planted sweet potatoes in the garden across the campus. Unfortunately, The monkey gangsters stole the lovely sweet potatoes from the students.

Following this journal : https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/journal/12370/

皆さん、こんにちは。旅路へおかえりなさい(^o^)// 白山麓ジャーナルを普段から読んでいる方は、2年生のグループによるエンジニアリングデザインの活動について読んだことがあるでしょう。キャンパスの向かいの畑にさつまいもを植えた学生のグループがいます。しかし、残念ながら愛情を込めたさつまいもは猿のギャングによって盗まれてしまいました。

However, The “Agri-tech” group decided to create a system that can detect the monkey by using Artificial Intelligence (AI). They went to Ishikawaken Shinrin Koen Forest Zoo in Tsubata-machi and took photos of monkeys for teaching a machine (Machine Learning : ML) to recognize the monkey.


In my part, I have been used to Machine Learning before. Then, I suggest the student use the Jetson nano development board for their project. Jetson nano is a Small, Powerful computer for makers, learners, and developers. It’s easy to get started building practical AI Applications.

私は以前にも機械学習をしたことがありましたので、学生たちにJetson nano development boardを使うように勧めました。Jetson nanoはエンジニア、学生、開発者用に作られた小型ながらパワフルなコンピューターです。AIを使った実用的なアプリケーションを初めて作る人に適しています。

After the students took a Thousand monkey photos, We had to supervise the machine to recognize the monkey. We start designing the system and labeling all the images where the monkeys are in the photos.


The students spend a couple of weeks training a model that uses 100 images, 200 images, 300 images, and increasing to 1500 images and So on.


Finally, We got a model that is high accuracy and satisfied.


We went back to Forest park again and tested our machine. As you can see in the video, The system can detect real-time and count the monkeys by using a USB camera.


In the future, The students plan to make a box cover the device and install the machine in their garden to protect our sweet potatoes from the monkey.


Apirak Sang-ngenchai


電気学会 U-21 学生研究発表会で最優秀賞受賞


HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalDecember 23, 2020 The story of the monkey project