
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

April 27, 2021 A month into the semester

Hi, this is Jonathan, the camera man. To kick off this journal entry, here is a short video of the entrance ceremony when we welcomed our new members to the Hakusanroku Campus. It has almost been a month since the first year students joined us on April 1. At first, many of them were shy, but that has changed in the past weeks. Much of this is thanks to the friendly second year students and teachers.


Wednesday is a special day at the Hakusanroku Campus because there are no classes in the afternoon. Learning Session (nighttime school) is optional so students have the leisure to enjoy their free time afterschool. It's interesting to walk around and see all the things students and teachers are up to. Here are some of the things that were going on last Wednesday, April 21.

First, the Design & Fabrication Club held its annual orientation event, the LEGO EV3 Robot Sport Tournament. This is a competition between the first and second year students that are considering to join the club. Each year, they decide on a sport and create a robot to compete in that sport. Here is last year's article. This year's sport was bowling and the students created four teams: one second year boys team, two first year boys teams, and one girls team. Out of the four teams, the second year boys team and girls team both built a more straightforward robot. However, both the first year boys teams came up with something more creative. Team 1a found a loophole in the rules and designed a robot to push the ball through the pins. (However, they were deducted any pins knocked over by the robot body) Team 1b, who ended up winning the tournament, created a belt conveyor to lift and drop the ball towards the pins. It was extremely accurate and got two strikes and 3 spares out of the five frames of the tournament.

Later in the Living Commons, I found Anne sensei, Stephanie sensei, and Pauline sensei gathered with the students for a nail-art party. Pauline sensei would call in anybody and everybody that passed by and as result the area was bustling with students, teachers and even some staff members. It was a sight to see people of all ages and nationalities painting each other's nails. You could tell ICT is a global community.

Also, Wednesday was warm and sunny, the perfect weather for a game of basketball at our outdoor court. Some first and second year students were playing and this attracted Ed sensei, Philip sensei, Apirak sensei, and some other students to start a game. Everybody was having fun and played until the sun went down. Full day classes start again from Thursday so I hope this was a good opportunity for everyone to refresh themselves and get ready to tackle to rest of the week.


*All students at the Hakusanroku Campus have taken a PCR Test. Considering that all of the results were negative, they are given the choice to take off their mask during sports and/or hiking.



4月21日(水)に行われていた活動のひとつが、デザイン&ファブリケーションクラブの恒例行事、LEGO EV3を使ったロボット球技大会です。これは入部希望者の1、2年生による対抗戦で、毎年違う球技を競うロボットを製作します。去年の記事はこちらです。今年の球技はボウリングで、2年生男子チーム、1年生男子2チーム、女子合同チームの計4チームが参加しました。堅実なロボットを作った2年生男子チームと女子チームに対して、1年生男子両チームは独創的なロボットを製作しました。優勝したのはベルトコンベヤでボールを持ち上げてピンに向かって落とす独特の投球フォームの1bチームで、5フレームでストライクを2回、スペアを3回出しました。1aチームはルールの隙を突いてロボットごとボールを押す作戦を決行しましたが、ロボット本体が倒したピンを減点されてしまいました。



HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalApril 27, 2021 A month into the semester