
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

March 23, 2022 「白金祭の裏話」

 こんにちは。白金祭実行委員長(教員)の伊藤です。227日(日)に行われた白金祭について、今回は書かせていただこうと思います。白金祭でやった企画(どれもめっちゃ面白かったし、盛り上がりました!)については、Topicsで取り上げていただいたので、そちらを見てください。(https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/2022/03/07/17202/) ですので、こちらでは白金祭の裏側について書いてみたいと思います。


 白金祭の名前は「白」山麓キャンパスと「金」沢キャンパスをつなぐ「祭」としてつけました。ちなみに、英語では「The Platinum Festival」として「白金」と掛けています。今回の白金祭では国際理工学科の3、4年生が数名遊びに来てくれました。白山麓と金沢をつなぐ役割を少しでも果たすことができて嬉しかったです!

 本来なら外部の方々に向けて学校・学科紹介の展示やレーザーカッター体験、ドローン体験などのワークショップも企画していたのですが、学生や教職員のみの参加となったため、大階段でのステージ企画のみにしました。でもそのおかげで少ない実行委員、短い準備期間でもちゃんとした発表やステージイベントができたと思います。あまり注目されなかったかもしれませんが、上演中の企画を示す「めくり」を作ってもらって使いました。1年生の柿田 紗蘭さんが全て手書きで「めくり」を作ってくれたので、それも紹介します。どれも本当に素晴らしい力作です。

 学生側の実行委員長である2年生の山崎 史依さんをはじめ、実行委員の皆さんの頑張りで、今回は無事に開催することができました。私は今回の白金祭を通じて、学生の「才能・努力・情熱」を感じることができてとても感動しました。歌がうまい、とか楽器が弾ける、とか腕相撲が強い、とか話すのが上手とか。勉強ができる・できないとは別のところで、それぞれの学生にはそれぞれの才能があり、努力していることがあり、情熱を傾けられるものがある、ということがよく分かりました。ぶっちゃけ、開催前は色々大変で、「来年は実行委員長は絶対やらない!」と誓っていたのですが、こうも輝いている学生を見てしまうと、「来年もいっちょやったるか!」という気持ちになってしまいます。まぁ、来年のことはさておき、学生の輝ける場を作れたのは教員としてとても嬉しく思いました。

 伊藤 周

 Hello. I am Ito, the chairperson of the Hakukinsai Executive Committee (faculty member), and I would like to write about the Hakukinsai held on Sunday, February 27th. For more information about this school festival, please check the Topics post about it. (URL: https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/2022/03/07/17202/) It was a really fun and exciting event! In this journal article, I would like to write about the behind-the-scenes part of this school festival.

 Originally, I wanted to have a cultural festival + open house type of event! Until now, we have held a school festival called Kosensai, but it has been held on the Kanazawa campus, so for the students of the Hakusanroku campus students, it was just an event to attend as guests. One of the reasons that I wanted us to hold this event was that I thought it would be fun to have a school festival in which students at Hakusanroku Campus could take part. My theory was that it is more fun to organize a festival than to participate in it, and I wanted the students of Hakusanroku Campus to experience that.
 Also, the Hakusanroku Campus faculty, staff, and students planned to invite a few local residents to the campus to give presentations as part of the engineering design community collaboration activities. There were also plan to have exchanges with nearby elementary and junior high schools. I had the feeling (maybe this an exaggeration on my part) that many local residents thought, “There is a big black building that has suddenly appeared, and people are living in it - and apparently it is a school.” So, I wanted to give the community, parents, and other people involved with our school the opportunity to learn more by telling them “this is ICT, and we have this kind of school, these kinds of students, and this kind of school life.” The term “Open Campus” has a strong connotation of being for junior high school students who are considering enrolling in International College of Technology. This event is more like an “Open House,” where anyone, young or old, male or female, can come and see the school.

 This school festival, Hakukinsai, has another purpose. I want to make a day when alumni of the Hakusanroku Campus can come back to the Hakusanroku Campus. Students of the Department of Science and Technology at ICT must spend two years living in the dormitory at the Hakusanroku Campus. I would like to make it a day when they can recall those two years of hard but enjoyable campus life and return to Hakusanroku Campus without hesitation when they feel nostalgic.
 The name of the festival, “Hakukinsai,” was given to connect the two campuses, Hakusanroku (“Haku”) and Kanazawa (The character for “Kana” can be read as “Kin” in Japanese). In English, it is called “The Platinum Festival,” which is a play on the word Hakukin. A few 3rd and 4th year students from the Department of Science and Technology came to visit us at this year's Hakukinsai. I was happy to be able to play a small role in connecting the 2 campuses.

 With the outbreak of COVID-19, the school festival called Kosensai itself has been held online for the past two years. The students could participate only by looking at their PC screens, which has been a little dull. In fact, Hakukinsai had been planned two years ago for 2020, but at that time the outbreak of COVID-19 had just begun, and we did not know what countermeasures we could take, so we decided not to hold the festival. When we started preparations for this year's festival in December of last year, it was right between the 5th and 6th waves. We wondered if we would be able to include outsiders this year. However, due to the outbreak of Omicron that did not subside in February, we had to give up on the idea of outsiders participating this time as well.
 Originally, we had planned to have an exhibition introducing our school and department, as well as workshops such as laser cutter and drone experiences for outside visitors, but since only students and faculty participated, we had to plan only staged projects on the main staircase. But thanks to this, even with a small number of committee members and a short preparation period, I think we were able to make decent presentations and stage events.
 Although it may not have attracted much attention, we had mekuri (a small paper sign that indicates the project being staged) made by 1st year student Saran Kakita, who handwrote all of the mekuri.  All of them are really wonderful works of art.
 This year's Hakukinsai achieved about half of its objectives. However, the other half, the objective of introducing the school to people outside the school, will be carried over to next year and beyond. There is no way to know what will happen with COVID-19 next year, but I hope we can accomplish the other half as well.

 Thanks to the hard work of the student committee chairperson, 2nd year student Shii Yamazaki, and all the committee members, we were able to hold this year's Hakukinsai without a hitch! I was very impressed by the talent, effort, and passion of the students during Hakukinsai. They can sing, play musical instruments, arm wrestle, and speak well. I could see that each student has their own talents, efforts, and passions, outside of the classroom and studying. To be honest, I had a lot of difficulties before the event, and I thought to myself, "I will never be the chairperson of the executive committee next year!" But when I saw the students shining so brightly, I said to myself, "I'll do it again next year! I am very happy to be able to be a part of this event." Well, putting next year aside, as a faculty member, I was very happy to have been able to create a place where students could shine.

Meguru Ito

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalMarch 23, 2022 「白金祭の裏話」