
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

April 28, 2023 4月オリエンテーション

 こんにちは!白山麓事務室の間加田 侑里です。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku Office. It has been a month since the 1st year students entered the school and they are gradually getting used to student life. Now, I would like to write about various orientations held in early April.




 On Monday, April 3rd, 2023, 1st and 2nd year students took part in an icebreaker activity for the Learning Session. This was the first time for 1st and 2nd year students to interact with each other after the entrance ceremony, face-to-face ceremony and opening ceremony.
 First, students shared their names, hometowns, favorite foods, etc. with everyone in order to get to know each other. After that, students wrote a self-introduction on a piece of paper, rolled it up like a ball and threw it at each other. After this, each student picked up one paper ball, read out the self-introduction written on it and tried to guess who wrote it.
 This activity was one of the first opportunities for students to get to know each other’s names.


【STEM科目(※1)オリエンテーション】 ※1 Science,Technology,Engineering,Mathmatics科目



【STEM Subjects (*1) Orientation】*1 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Subjects

 On Wednesday, April 5th, 2023, an orientation for STEM subjects such as physics and chemistry was held for 1st year students.
 First, students watched the videos "How to Use the Laboratory" which was produced by the students last year. Then they were shown where the fire extinguishers, showers and AEDs for first aid were in case of an emergency. Next, the physics and chemistry faculty divided the students into four groups. The students listened, wrote down new English words, and quizzed themselves on information such as safety and cleaning procedures, how to make measurements, and how to use gas burners and other lab equipment as they conducted their experiments.
 As this was the first time for most of the 1st year students to study STEM subjects in English, it was impressive to see that despite their nervousness they took the class seriously.


 講師には、金沢工業大学 心理科学研究所所長の塩谷 亨教授、カウンセリングセンター 加々美 智光さん、村岡 智子さんをお迎えしました。

【Positive Psychology】

 On Wednesday, April 5th, 2023, a Positive Psychology workshop was held for 1st and 2nd year students. The purpose of this class was to deepen mutual understanding of personalities and ideas through self-disclosure.
 The lecturers were Toru Shiotani sensei (Prof) from the Laboratory of Psychological Sciences at KIT and Ms. Tomomitsu Kagami and Ms. Tomoko Muraoka from the Counseling Center.
 2nd year students had taken this class last year and this time they supported the 1st year students as facilitators of group activities. First, the 1st year students introduced themselves to the group, then 1st year students in the group paired up with other 1st year students and introduced each other's partners to everyone and answered questions about their partners. Some of the questions included "Where did your partner buy the fashionable clothes he wears? and "Is the voltage in Gifu prefecture 50 Hz or 60 Hz?” and so on. The students understood each other and answered the questions well, which was impressive.


 2023年46日(木)、12年生を対象に今年度より校長に就任した鹿田 正昭先生による校長講話が行われました。
 鹿田校長は自己紹介として趣味や活動などを紹介した後、「世界で最も美しい10の科学実験」という本を紹介しました。本のテーマの1つである「世界を測る―エラトステネスによる地球の外周の長さの測定」をピックアップし、ギリシャのエラトスネスという学者が初めて地球の大きさを測った方法を解説しました。次に鹿田校長の専門分野である「空間情報工学(測量学)」について、空間情報工学の集大成であるGoogle EarthGoogle Street Viewを用いて紹介、写真測定の原理や立体視、有効数学についてクイズを交えながら解説、最新の空間情報工学技術について動画を交えて紹介しました。

【President's Lecture】

 On Thursday, April 6th, 2023, Masaaki Shikada sensei (Prof.), who became president this year, gave a lecture to the 1st and 2nd students.
 After introducing himself and talking about his hobbies and activities, President Shikada introduced the book " The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments in Science ". President Shikada chose the topic "Eratosthenes' measurement of the Earth's circumference " and explained how a Greek scholar named Eratosthenes first measured the size of the Earth. Next, President Shikada introduced his field of expertise, Geoinformatics (Geographic Information System Surveying), using Google Earth and Google Street View, which is the culmination of geoinformatics information engineering and explained the principles of photogrammetry, stereo vision and significant figures. He also asked the students question and showed videos of the latest spatial information engineering technology.
 It was impressive that the students listened intently to President Shikada’s specialized lecture.


 この日、1年生は様々なチーム活動をしました。まず初めに「Team Cup Pick-UP」という、輪ゴムに紐を均等に結び付け、その紐を引っ張り、輪ゴムを広げて紙コップに通して持ち上げ、紙コップを積み重ねていくというゲームです。次々と紙コップを掴み、1段、2段と積み上げていくチームもいれば、紐を引っ張るタイミングが中々合わず、紙コップをうまく掴むことができないチームもいました。
 次に「Common Things」が行われました。これはラーニングメンターから出題されたトピックから、お互いが共通する3つのことを最初に見つけたグループが勝ちというものです。アピラク先生とジョムキット先生は「食べ物」「スポーツ」「音楽」の3つのトピックを挙げ、学生たちは時間をかけてお互いの共通点を探しました。
 最後に「Classmate Bingo」というビンゴ大会が行われました。これは25個のマス目に「数学が好き」や「2カ国語以上話せる」など様々な情報が記載されており、学生たちはクラスメイトやラーニングメンターに質問して情報と一致した相手の名前をマス目に書き込むというゲームです。制限時間内に全部のマスを埋めることに成功した2名の学生には、ラーニングメンターから景品としてお菓子が贈られました。

【Orientation for 1st Year Students in Learning Sessions】

 On Thursday, April 6th, 2023, an orientation for Learning Sessions was held for 1st year students. Learning Sessions are held every Monday through Friday from 19:30 to 21:30 and are a time for students to prepare for and review their classes. Learning Mentors, Apirak Sang-ngenchai sensei (Associate Lecturer) and Jomkit Jujaroen sensei (Associate Lecturer) help students with their assignments. In the first semester of this year, faculty members are also participating in the Learning Sessions to support the students. In addition to support from the Learning Mentors and faculty members, students also help and learn from each other. 
 Since this was the first learning Session for the1st year students, they had a variety of team activities.
 The first activity was Team Cup Pick-Up, a game in which teams tie a string evenly to a rubber band, pull on the string, and stretch the rubber band to lift and stack paper cups. Some teams grabbed the paper cups one after another and stacked them one by one into a pyramid, but some teams could not grab the paper cups properly because they could not pull the string at the right time.
 Next, Common Things was held. This was a topic given to by the Learning Mentors and the group that found the first three things they had in common with each other won. Apirak sensei and Jomkit sensei gave three topics "food," "sports" and "music" and the students took their time to find things they had in common with each other.
 Finally, a bingo game called Classmate Bingo was held. In this game, 25 squares were filled with various phrases, such as "I like math" or "I speak two or more languages." Students asked their classmates and Learning Mentors questions and wrote the name of the person who matched the information in the square. The two students who succeeded in filling in all the squares within the time limit received snacks as a prize from Learning Mentors.
 Through this activity, students were able to discover what they had in common and talk with their classmates. The students had a fun time playing Classmate Bingo.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalApril 28, 2023 4月オリエンテーション