July 28, 2023 サイクリングイベント

 当日は曇り空の涼しいサイクリング日和となり、白山麓キャンパス玄関前に9:00に集合し出発しました。まずは白山麓キャンパスから田園風景の中を下っていきました。白山麓キャンパスから16.5km程走行したところにある樹齢1200年と言われる「五十谷の大杉」まで進み記念写真をパシャリ!ここからは登りが徐々にきつくなり始め、3kmほど先の今回の最高到達点となる標高約390m地点まで登りました。しかし先は長いので無理は禁物です。その後は登った頑張りが報われる長い下り坂を進んでいきました。そして9km程進んだ所にある十二ヶ滝で休憩しました。昨年のサイクリングイベントでは、暑い中、多くの学生が川の中に飛びこみ泳いだ場所です(June 29, 2022 ネイチャー&アドベンチャークラブ「65kmサイクリング」)。休憩を終え次に向かう目的地は、約23km先の白山比咩神社です。途中、今回最下地点の標高約13m地点まで下ったあと緩やかに上りながら、今回一番の急坂を迎えました。その後、白山比咩神社まで下り基調で脚を休めながら進んでいき、白山比咩神社手前にある吊り橋を渡ったところでようやく昼食休憩です。お店の中で定食を食べたり、大判焼きやたこ焼きを食べたりして、ゆっくり休憩しました。ここから白山麓キャンパスまでは残り約20kmとなりました。ゆったりとした登りを自転車道のキャニオンロードで帰りました。途中13km程進んだ所で大きくて綺麗な綿ヶ滝を背に記念撮影し、標高差90m程を約7kmかけて登り、白山麓キャンパスまで戻ってきました。

本田 尋識

 Hello, this is Honda from the Hakusanroku office.
 On Saturday, June 3rd, 2023, Hakusanroku Campus held a cycling event for those who wanted to participate.
 The day before the event, there was still some rain due to Typhoon No. 2, but the weather forecast called for clear skies in the evening, so Yamazaki sensei, Philip sensei, and I inspected the bicycles of the participating students before the event.
 On the day of the event, the weather was cloudy and cool, which is good for cycling. We gathered for departure at 9:00 a.m. at the entrance of Hakusanroku Campus. We started from Hakusanroku Campus and rode down through the countryside. After riding for about 16.5 kms from Hakusanroku campus, we arrived at "Gojyutani no osugi", a 1200 years old cedar, and snapped a commemorative photo! From there, the climb began to get tougher and tougher, and after about 3kms, we reached the highest point of the day, about 390 meters above sea level. However, we still had a long way to go and made a long 9km descent to the Twelve Waterfalls and took a break. This is where many students jumped into the river and swam to cool down during our cycling event last year (June 29, 2022 Nature & Adventure Club 65km Cycling ). After a rest, the next destination was Hakusan Hime Shrine, about 23 kms away. On the way down, we descended to the lowest point of the tour, about 13 meters above sea level, and then gently climbed up to the steepest hill of the trip. After cresting this hill, we continued downhill to Hakusan Hime Shrine, resting our legs, and finally took a lunch break when we crossed the suspension bridge in front of Hakusan Hime Shrine. We had a meal of oobayaki and okonomiyaki in the restaurant. From there, we had about a 20 km ride back to Hakusanroku Campus. We had a leisurely uphill ride back on the Tedori Canyon Road bike path. We took a commemorative photo with the large and beautiful Watarigataki Waterfall in the background at the 13 km point, and then we continued on, climbing 90 meters over the last 7kms before getting back to Hakusanroku campus.
 The sky, which was cloudy when we started out, turned blue during our ride. At the end of the ride all of the students were sunburnt, but we were able to finish the ride comfortably without any falls or flat tires.

Hironori Honda

July 28, 2023 サイクリングイベント

 当日は曇り空の涼しいサイクリング日和となり、白山麓キャンパス玄関前に9:00に集合し出発しました。まずは白山麓キャンパスから田園風景の中を下っていきました。白山麓キャンパスから16.5km程走行したところにある樹齢1200年と言われる「五十谷の大杉」まで進み記念写真をパシャリ!ここからは登りが徐々にきつくなり始め、3kmほど先の今回の最高到達点となる標高約390m地点まで登りました。しかし先は長いので無理は禁物です。その後は登った頑張りが報われる長い下り坂を進んでいきました。そして9km程進んだ所にある十二ヶ滝で休憩しました。昨年のサイクリングイベントでは、暑い中、多くの学生が川の中に飛びこみ泳いだ場所です(June 29, 2022 ネイチャー&アドベンチャークラブ「65kmサイクリング」)。休憩を終え次に向かう目的地は、約23km先の白山比咩神社です。途中、今回最下地点の標高約13m地点まで下ったあと緩やかに上りながら、今回一番の急坂を迎えました。その後、白山比咩神社まで下り基調で脚を休めながら進んでいき、白山比咩神社手前にある吊り橋を渡ったところでようやく昼食休憩です。お店の中で定食を食べたり、大判焼きやたこ焼きを食べたりして、ゆっくり休憩しました。ここから白山麓キャンパスまでは残り約20kmとなりました。ゆったりとした登りを自転車道のキャニオンロードで帰りました。途中13km程進んだ所で大きくて綺麗な綿ヶ滝を背に記念撮影し、標高差90m程を約7kmかけて登り、白山麓キャンパスまで戻ってきました。

本田 尋識

 Hello, this is Honda from the Hakusanroku office.
 On Saturday, June 3rd, 2023, Hakusanroku Campus held a cycling event for those who wanted to participate.
 The day before the event, there was still some rain due to Typhoon No. 2, but the weather forecast called for clear skies in the evening, so Yamazaki sensei, Philip sensei, and I inspected the bicycles of the participating students before the event.
 On the day of the event, the weather was cloudy and cool, which is good for cycling. We gathered for departure at 9:00 a.m. at the entrance of Hakusanroku Campus. We started from Hakusanroku Campus and rode down through the countryside. After riding for about 16.5 kms from Hakusanroku campus, we arrived at "Gojyutani no osugi", a 1200 years old cedar, and snapped a commemorative photo! From there, the climb began to get tougher and tougher, and after about 3kms, we reached the highest point of the day, about 390 meters above sea level. However, we still had a long way to go and made a long 9km descent to the Twelve Waterfalls and took a break. This is where many students jumped into the river and swam to cool down during our cycling event last year (June 29, 2022 Nature & Adventure Club 65km Cycling ). After a rest, the next destination was Hakusan Hime Shrine, about 23 kms away. On the way down, we descended to the lowest point of the tour, about 13 meters above sea level, and then gently climbed up to the steepest hill of the trip. After cresting this hill, we continued downhill to Hakusan Hime Shrine, resting our legs, and finally took a lunch break when we crossed the suspension bridge in front of Hakusan Hime Shrine. We had a meal of oobayaki and okonomiyaki in the restaurant. From there, we had about a 20 km ride back to Hakusanroku Campus. We had a leisurely uphill ride back on the Tedori Canyon Road bike path. We took a commemorative photo with the large and beautiful Watarigataki Waterfall in the background at the 13 km point, and then we continued on, climbing 90 meters over the last 7kms before getting back to Hakusanroku campus.
 The sky, which was cloudy when we started out, turned blue during our ride. At the end of the ride all of the students were sunburnt, but we were able to finish the ride comfortably without any falls or flat tires.

Hironori Honda

HOME学生生活ICTジャーナルJuly 28, 2023 サイクリングイベント

HOMECampuslifeICT JournalJuly 28, 2023 サイクリングイベント