
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル: 2022年度の記事

November 21, 2022 高専ロボコン東海北陸地区大会 応援について

 こんにちは!国際高専1年の矢追 拓穂です。さて、今回は1023日(日)に三重県のAGF鈴鹿体育館で行われたアイデア対決・全国高等専門学校ロボットコンテスト 2022 東海北陸地区大会の紹介をしていきます。

矢追 拓穂

Hello! This is Takuho Yaoi, a 1st-year student at ICT. This time, I would like to introduce the Tokai-Hokuriku Regional ROBOCON 2022, which was held on October 23rd at the AGF Suzuka Gymnasium in Mie Prefecture.

 This year, 10 schools attended and were divided into A and B teams, and from ICT, Team A consisted of three 4th-year students and Team B consisted of three 2nd-year students and five 1st-year students. Team B won a special award, and Team A won a technical award and the right to participate in the national competition. This time, 1st-year students who are not members of our robotics team also participated in the competition as a cheering group. The theme of this year's competition was “MiracleFly,”  in which robots launched paper airplanes to spots, runways, and tubes of different heights and areas to score points. Because of this, there was even one time when paper airplanes flew into the spectators’ seats. I am not a Robot contest member, so I did not actually control a robot, but I was impressed by the individuality of the robots from each school.

Takuho Yaoi

November 19, 2022 Making Jack-o’-lantern

My name is Ian Stevenson.
Usually for Halloween, ICT students carve pumpkins to make jack-o'-lantern. However, this year was not a good year for pumpkins. Maybe it was because of the unusually humid and wet August here at Hakusanroku campus. Whatever the reason, while my garden produced a lot of tomatoes, it did not produce any pumpkins. So, this year students made paper mache pumpkins to make into jack-o'-lantern.
 It is very easy to make a paper mache pumpkin. All you need is a balloon, strips of old newspaper, flour, water, string, orange paint and a place to let them dry.

  1. Inflate the balloon and tie it off.
  2. Tear the newspaper into strips.
  3. Mix one cup of flour with two cups of water.
  4. Dip the newspaper strips in the flour and water and wrap them around the balloon. They will harden into paper mache when they dry.
  5. When you are finished wrapping the balloon, let it dry overnight.
  6. The next day, paint the paper mache orange and let it dry overnight.

 You now have a paper mache pumpkin to decorate.

 On October 29th, 8 first year students decorated their pumpkins. Some students cut a face into their pumpkin and some students painted a face on their pumpkin. Designs included a cat, a vampire, happy and sad faces. After they finished, the jack-o'-lanterns were hung in the school library. Students put small flashlights into the jack-o'-lanterns that had faces cut into them so that they would look spooky and mysterious in the dark.

 The jack-o'-lantern that had faces painted on them became piñatas on October 31st. The jack-o'-lantern was filled with candy and hung in the air. One student was blindfolded, given a stick and tried to hit the piñata. Usually, they missed many times, but with encouragement and help from their classmates, the piñata was smashed open and all the candy fell out for the students to pick up.

 As you can see from the photos and movie the students had fun making the jack-o'-lanterns and even more fun smashing them open to get candy.




1) 風船を膨らませ、結びます。






November 19, 2022 Happy Halloween!

間加田 こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回はハロウィンの時期に開催されたイベントについて紹介します。

 10月26日(水)、ラーニングセッション(夜の活動時間)では、ハロウィンに向けた飾り付けが行われました。1年生の夏木 亮凪さんが、床から吹き出ている空調機からの風を利用し、吹き出し口側にビニール袋を貼り付け、お化けが風に揺られているように見せるという演出を思いつきました。学生たちは、ビニール袋に様々な表情をした顔や猫、ピエロなどを描き、取り付けました。風でユラユラと揺れるお化けがとても可愛らしく、教職員からも大好評でした!

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about Halloween at ICT.

 On Wednesday, October 26th, during the learning session (evening activity time), students put up Halloween decorations. 1st-year student Ryona Natsuki came up with the idea of attaching plastic bags to the air conditioner outlets and using the wind blowing through them to make it look as if ghosts were swaying in the wind. Students painted various faces, cats, clowns, etc. on the plastic bags and then attached them to the outlets. The ghosts, floating above the ground, were very cute and a big hit with the faculty and staff!




 On Monday, October 31st, the Hakusanroku campus was not only decorated, but students also dressed up as pirates, maids, Luigi, and the recently popular Anya, while faculty members dressed up in food costumes and other fancy attire. The students earnestly taking notes in class was a unique sight.

 After classes, a Halloween costume parade was held. Students and faculty members walked on stage, introduced themselves and posed for the audience of other parade participants. Learning Mentor Apirak Sang-ngenchai sensei dressed up as Harry Potter and performed ICT magic by using spells and a wand to levitate a drone into the air. The audience was very impressed and shouted “Wow! and “Awesome!”.
 Afterwards, a contest was held to decide the funniest, scariest, and cutest costumes, and the winners of the contests were given sweets as prizes.

 It was a unique and memorable day that was different from everyday school life.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

November 17, 2022 アイデア対決・全国高等専門学校ロボットコンテスト 2022 東海北陸地区大会を振り返って

 こんにちは、デザイン&ファブリケーション(D&F)クラブ顧問兼、高専ロボコン白山麓チーム指導教員の久島です。1023日(日)に行われたアイデア対決・全国高等専門学校ロボットコンテスト 2022 東海北陸地区大会について紹介します。


 AB両チームが受賞、Aチームは全国大会出場と、しばらく高専ロボコンの活動がなかった国際高専にとっては、再スタートのいい滑り出しとなる大会になったのではないでしょうか。国際高専の今後の活躍に期待が持てます。特に12年生はラーニングセッション(夜の学習時間)のない日には、教職員指導の下、遅くまでMaker Studioを使うことができるので、これからどんどん腕を磨いていってほしいと思います。

久島 康嘉

 Hello, I’m Kushima, the advisor of Design & Fabrication (D & F) club and the advisor of Hakusanroku team in the ROBOCON College of Technology. Today, I would like to introduce the recent event we went to, the Tokai-Hokuriku Regional ROBOCON 2022.
 This year was the 35th year of the competition, and it was the first time in a long time that the regional competition was held onsite after two years of online competition due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The theme of this year's competition was to have robots fly paper airplanes and place them on various objects to compete for points. The key point of the competition was how to make the paper planes fly and how to make them fly to the target which were also not easy to target by humans.
 There were two teams of ICT participated in the competition: Team A consisted of three fourth-year students from the Kanazawa Campus, and Team B consisted of eight first- and second-year students from the Hakusanroku Campus.

 At Hakusanroku Campus, I recruited participate for the ROBOCON from a D & F Club meeting, and three second-year students and five first-year students joined the team. The activities for the ROBOCON started in April, when the rules were announced, and the team members worked on ideas for what kind of robot they would like to make and they also designed paper airplanes. However, since Team B students had never built a robot before, students’ ideas were impossible to build with their ability, and they could not make much progress in designing the robot. Therefore, in consultation with Wakamatsu-san, an engineer, students started to design and build a robot that was within their capabilities. However, due to the delay in designing and the fact that they could not have enough time for activities due to the summer vacation, the robot building began in the second semester.  
 The Team B’s robot is a simple design with a paper airplane launching mechanism on a three-wheeled omniwheel robot. The launching mechanism itself was designed to use a constant-load spring to launch the paper airplanes, and loading was done manually. The paper airplanes flew very well, probably due to the shape of the wings. As the competition got closer, students spent time not only after school but also Saturdays and Sundays working on their robot. We extended the launch mechanism the week before the robot was to be transported out, and the robot stopped working during the operation practice the day before the robot was to be transported out.
 At the ROBOCON, they were influenced by the atmosphere around them and they were working harder than usual. During the practice sessions at the Hakusanroku campus, they were able to put paper airplanes on the nearest object but unfortunately, they could not put any of the paper airplanes on the objects during the ROBOCON, and they regrettably lost the preliminary round. However, while some teams were not able to move their robots as they wished, it is amazing that our students were able to move from the starting point and fly their paper airplanes. Thanks to their efforts, Team B was awarded the Makino Milling Machine Prize.
 On the other hand, Team A fought well even though they were a team of only three members, some of whom were complete beginners, participating in the ROBOCON of technical colleges for the first time. Unfortunately, they were eliminated from the semifinals, but they awarded the Technical Award and qualified for the national competition! I was happy to see this result, as I had seen them working harder for the ROBOCON during the summer vacation and when I had a class at the Kanazawa campus.
 I am sure that the first- and second- year students must have felt challenged and accomplished from seeing the robots of other schools and the activities of their seniors up close at this ROBOCON.

  With both Team A and B winning prizes and Team A participating in the national competition, this ROBOCON was a good start for ICT, which has not been active for a while. I’m looking forward to seeing the future success of ICT at ROBOCON. In particular, the first- and second-year students can use the Maker Studio until late (under the guidance of faculty members) on days when there are no learning sessions, so I hope that they will continue to improve their skills.

Kushima Yoshihiro

October 19, 2022 後学期も新メンバーを加えてラジオ番組開始!

 こんにちは。ラジオ番組「白山麓ジャーナル on  Radio」のプロデューサー兼ディレクターの伊藤です。早いもので、昨年の9月から始まった、学生とつくるラジオ番組「白山麓ジャーナル on Radio」が放送開始から1年経ちました。最初はなかなか喋る内容や話を膨らませる方法がわからず、リテイクの嵐で、収録に2時間以上かかっていたにも関わらず、クオリティが全然ダメで全部再収録した、なんてこともありましたが、さすがに私も学生も慣れてきて、スムーズに収録ができるようになってきました。
 後学期からは新たに1年生2名、水澤 諒也さん、村上 一龍さんがラジオのプロジェクトに加わり、これまでのメンバー(2年生 泉屋 匠吾さん、柿田 紗蘭さん、三輪 恵万さん、1年生 白石 春翔さん、夏木 亮凪さん、山本 明葵さん)と共にもっとパワーアップした番組を放送していきたいと思います。
 8月30日に放送した番組では特別編として「Voice from New Zealand」と題して、ニュージーランドに出発する直前の3年生をゲストに、オンライン通話を繋いで、インタビューを行いました。聞いてくれた方には留学を控えた3年生のワクワクとドキドキが伝わったんじゃないかと思います。なかなか好評だったようで、2022年度内にもう数回放送する予定です。ニュージーランドの学校のこと、生活のこと、さまざまな活動について聞いてみたいですね。


伊藤 周


 Hello. I am Ito, producer and director of the radio project “Hakusanroku Journal on Radio”. It has been a year since the start of “Hakusanroku Journal on Radio”, a radio program created with students that began last September. At first, it was difficult to understand what to say and how to expand on what we were saying, and even though it took over two hours to record, we had to rerecord everything from the beginning many times because of the poor quality of the recordings. However, as expected, the students and I became accustomed to the recording process and were able to record smoothly.
 In the second semester, two new 1st year students, Ryoya Mizusawa and Ichiryu Murakami, joined the radio project, and together with the existing members (2nd year students Shogo Izumiya, Saran Kakita, and Ema Miwa, and 1st year students Haruto Shiraishi, Ryona Natsuki and Aki Yamamoto). With the new and existing members, we are looking forward to taking our programming to the next level.
 The August 30th program was a special edition called Voice from New Zealand, in which we interviewed 3rd year students just before their departure for New Zealand via an online call. I think those who listened to the interview could feel the excitement and thrill of the 3rd year students as they prepared to study abroad. The interview was quite well received, and we plan to broadcast several more interviews during the 2022 school year. The students and I are looking forward to hearing about students’ lives in NZ, their school experiences and what they are doing.
 My concern is that because we tried to sound too professional and good, unconsciously the talks are becoming a bit superficial. I am hoping to dig a little deeper and have more meaningful conversations with the students. Also, since April, I have been using the official ICT Twitter account to post the recording dates of the radio broadcasts and a link to the simulcast that can be listened to on the Internet, but recently I am concerned that the number of listeners has not increased. The students talk about the school quite freely, so I think that junior high school students who listen to the broadcast and are considering applying to ICT could get a feel for the atmosphere of the school.
 In the second semester, we will continue to work with students to create a radio program that conveys the free and fun atmosphere of the ICT Hakusanroku Campus. Please listen to the real voices of our students.

ICT official twitter account: https://twitter.com/ICTKanazawa
Simulradio link: https://www.simulradio.info/index.html#hokuriku
Tuesday, the 4th and 5th week of every month from 17:30-17:58
We also re-broadcast from 9:00-9:28 and 17:00-17:28 on the following Sunday.

 Meguru Ito

October 12, 2022 9月の課外活動

 こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。夏が終わり秋の涼しさを感じる季節となりました。今回は9月に行われた様々な課外活動について紹介します。
 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from Hakusanroku office. Summer is over and it is now time to enjoy the coolness of autumn. At this time, I would like to write about various extracurricular activities held in September.



【Water Balloon Toss】

 A water balloon toss was held after school on Tuesday, September 13th. Learning Mentors, Anne Isobel Tan sensei, Apirak Sang-ngenchai sensei, and Jomkit Jujaroen sensei, prepared over 400 water balloons for the event.
 First, to familiarize themselves with the water balloons, the students played water balloon catch in pairs. After catching a water balloon, they stepped back. The water balloon feels different from a regular ball and breaks easily, so the students had to catch the water balloons carefully. As the distance increased, it became more difficult to catch the water balloon without breaking it - causing loud screams. Next, students dueled like cowboys with the students walking three steps, turning around, and trying to hit their opponent with a water balloon. Finally, the entire courtyard was used for a water balloon fight. Students laughed and screamed as they ran around throwing water balloons at each other. It had been a hot summer, so the students had a great time playing with water balloons.




【Book Review Presentation】

 On Wednesday, September 14th, a book review presentation by 1st-year students was held. Students chose one of the following books they had read during the summer break: an English book (any genre of book), a book on STEM or design, or their favorite book (any genre and language of book), and gave a 3-minute presentation in English and Japanese. The students chose books from a variety of fields, including their favorite romance novels and enlightening books that have strongly influenced them. They introduced memorable quotes and new things they learned from their books.
After the presentations, students and faculty voted for their top three Book Reviews. The results are as follows:

1位:出口 天仁
1st place: Tenzing Deguchi

2位:矢追 拓穂
2nd place: Takuho Yaoi

3位:白石 春翔
3rd place: Haruto Shiraishi



【Volleyball Tournament】

 A volleyball tournament was held on Tuesday, September 20th. Originally, if the weather had been fine, there was supposed to be a long-distance road relay, but unfortunately it rained that day.
 First, 1st and 2nd grade mixed teams played, and then the 1st grade vs. 2nd grade games started. The 1st year students showed solidarity and challenged the seniors. The 2nd year students, who were fewer in number than the 1st year students, had no chances to rest but still did a great job without showing any fatigue at all. This was followed by matches between faculty and staff and the 1st and 2nd grade teams. Among the faculty members,  Brandon Wohlfarth sensei (Prof.) is tall and experienced in volleyball, and the students were challenged by his spikes, serves, and blocks. After playing against the faculty and staff, the students wanted to play more matches, so they formed a joint team of 1st and 2nd year students to play against a team of faculty and staff, although the faculty and staff members could not match the energy of the combined 1st and 2nd graders. It was a good time to bring the students, faculty and staff closer together.



【Coffee Bean Roasting Experience】

 On Wednesday, September 21st, two groups of students participated in a coffee bean roasting experience. This was done under the guidance of Mr. Taguchi, owner of "Soba Yamaneko and Kijitora Coffee Laboratory" located across the road from the Hakusanroku Campus. 
 First, the students watched a video called "How a cup of coffee is made". This video was made in Ethiopia where coffee originally comes from. It explained how coffee is cultivated, harvested, and shipped. After that, two types of coffee beans, the first white and light green Ethiopian and the second Papua New Guinean, were prepared and roasted using either a hand roasting machine or a one-handed roasting pot. The roasting time was about 20 minutes. As the roasting progressed, the beans changed to brown to blackish brown and began to crackle like popping popcorn. After roasting, the beans were taken outside for drying and cooling using fans. Then, after removing poor quality beans with cracks or discoloration, the coffee was ground with an electric mill and brewed with boiling water over a measured period of time.
 Students who drank the finished coffee said, "The smell and taste were totally different depending on the roasting!", "Now I understand why my parents prefer less sugar in their coffee!" and "It's so bitter!".
 It was a good opportunity for the students to learn how coffee beans are grown and shipped. It was also a great experience for them to taste coffee made from freshly roasted beans for the first time.



間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

October 5, 2022 Nature and Adventure Club Metsukidani River Swimming

 Hello, this is Philip Cadzow, one of the Physical Education teachers.
 On the 10th of September, some of the students from the nature and adventure club went to a local river to swim. The river was only a 10-minute drive from Hakusanroku campus. When myself and Katabe sensei went to check it out before the day, the big pool that we had planned to swim in was gone! The big rains over the summer holidays had filled in the pool with gravel, so we changed to a downstream pool which wasn't nearly as big as we had hoped. 

 We left mid-morning on Saturday the 10th with plenty of warnings about how bad the ororo (horse flies) would be and arrived at the river carpark shortly after with beautiful clear skies overhead. Hiking up the riverbed time passed quickly, and we were soon enjoying the small waterfall while trying to climb up to the second pool, which was great fun. I made some rock towers so that the students could practice throwing rocks them in order to knock them over. Also, we tried to skim stones in the pool with some less than ideal rocks. 
 After an hour or so we gathered as a team to try build a dam out of stones (below the concrete dam) which was surprisingly engrossing work and quite fun. We made sure to demolish it after it was competed too. 

 It was nice to get back to school and out of the intense sun. There is a certain satisfaction in relaxing for the rest of the day after having such a bright and active morning. it is nice to be young and enjoy the simple pleasures that nature can bring. 

Philip Cadzow


 9月10日、ネイチャー&アドベンチャークラブの数名の学生たちは、地元の川へ泳ぎに行きました。川は白山麓キャンパスから車で10分ほどのところにあります。私と潟辺先生が下見に行ったところ、泳ぐ予定だった大きなプールのようになっていたところがなくなっていたのです! 夏休みの大雨で川が砂利で埋まってしまったようです。そのため、下流のそれほど大きくない方に変更しました。

 学校に戻り、強い日差しから解放されたのは良かったです。明るく活動的な朝を過ごした後、一日リラックスして過ごすことは満足感があります。 若いうちに、自然がもたらすシンプルな喜びを味わうのは良いことです。


September 20, 2022 Disaster Prevention Drills and Experiences

 Hello everyone, this is Apirak Sang-ngenchai, one of the learning Mentors.

 On September 2nd, I went to the Nomi City Disaster Control Center (能美市防災センター), which is a Disaster Prevention Center that anyone can use as a place to experience and learn about disaster prevention. The Nomi City Fire Department and Terai Fire Station are located within the center. During my visit, I learn to prevent myself from various types of disaster, such as earthquakes, typhoons, and firers. So that I would like to share my experience with you through my article.


 The building has six floors. The first floor is Scenario 1, where earthquake simulation machines are located. It is my first time experimenting with an earthquake of magnitude 7.

 Scenario 2 is protecting yourself from smoke.

Scenario 3 is protecting yourself during a fire.

 Lastly, Scenario 4 is protecting yourself from strong wind.

 On the fourth floor, there are 3D theaters where you can learn about the fear of disasters and the importance of preparedness through simulated disaster experiences.



There is also an exhibition corner where you can learn about past disasters and disaster prevention measures at home.


 Thank you for your journey through the end, and I hope you can come and visit the Nomi City Disaster Control Center.

Apirak Sang-ngenchai

September 12, 2022 エンジニアリングデザインⅠA「最終プレゼンテーション」

 こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は7月29日(金)に行われたエンジニアリングデザインⅠAの最終ポスター発表について紹介します。

 まず、最初の授業では、自分たちが感じている不便なものや場所等を紹介する1分間の動画を作成しました。次に、解決策をスケッチして教員たちにプレゼンテーションし、フィードバックを受けるデザインレビューセッションが行われました。 そこでは、モノの機能や、安全性、デザイン、素材、必要性等についてフィードバックがありました。そして、段ボールや紙を使って簡易的な模型を製作し、サイズや機構を確認しました。その後、Fusion360やイラストレータを用いて3Dモデル等のデジタルデータを設計し、3Dプリンターやレーザーカッター等で実際にプロトタイプを製作しました。最終授業で行われたポスター発表では、製作したモノ、そのプロセス、問題解決、ユーザーニーズ、使用結果の検証、今後の改善点、結論等を発表し、審査員の教員たちから質疑が行われました。 

 初めて使用するFusion 360で試行錯誤を重ねながらモデル設計し、3Dプリンターやレーザーカッターでモノを製作する姿に成長を感じました。そしてエンジニアリングデザインの授業で学んだ「問題発見、アイデア創出、設計して形を作り出す、検証」というデザインプロセスを経験し、グローバルイノベーターへの第一歩を踏み出すことができたのではないでしょうか。今回の授業で得た新たな学びは、今後に繋がることでしょう。

 間加田 侑里 

【A glance into the classroom】


 Hello. This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. Today, I would like to introduce the Engineering Design IA poster presentation held on Monday, July 29th.

 In Engineering Design IA, the students work on project-based learning activities. They find problems in their daily lives and environment and create solutions for these problems. Through the projects, students learn basic knowledge and methods to make quick prototypes of their ideas and enjoy value creation by giving shape to their ideas.
 For this project, the task was to redesign the worst thing that they use every day and improve it. There were a variety of things that the students found problematic in their daily lives. They included things that they install in their own rooms, use during class, and so on.
 First, in the class, students created a one-minute video introducing the things, places, etc. that they felt were inconvenient. Next, there was a design review session where they sketched out their solutions, presented them to the faculty, and received feedback. Feedback was given on the objects’ function, safety, design, materials, necessity, etc. Then, a simple model was built using cardboard and paper to confirm the size and mechanism. After that, the students designed 3D models and other digital data using Fusion 360 and Illustrator, and fabricated prototypes using 3D printers and laser cutters. The final class was a poster presentation session where the students presented their prototypes, the process, problem solving, user needs, verification of results, future improvements, and conclusions, and student answered questions from the faculty.

 I could see the students’ growth as they designed models through trial and error using Fusion 360, which they were using for the first time, and fabricated objects using 3D printers and laser cutters. I believe that they were able to take the first step toward becoming global innovators by learning about the design process of discovering a problem, creating an idea, designing and creating a model, and verifying the design. This experience will serve them well in the future.

Yuri Makada

September 1 2022, English Reading and Writing IA

 こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。727日(水)に行われたベアード・ポーリン先生の授業「English Reading and Writing A」で、4名の学生たちがジャーナルを作成しました。どうぞ、ご覧ください。
 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. On Wednesday, July 27, 4 students created a journal in English Reading and Writing IA class by Baird Paulin sensei (Prof.). I hope you enjoy it.

 Hi. It's me, Haruki Ohta. 
 On the weekend, Ayuri and I had a WRO robot competition. In the competition, there were a lot of people, and I was surprised. We entered two rounds. In the first round, we had mechanical trouble with the color sensor and the gyro sensor because it was different from the conditions at the ICT field and the real field. I had a hard time, but we made some adjustments and tried a second round. I was happy to succeed in the second round. I got first place at the award ceremony. What a surprise! I never thought I would win an award. I can now go to the national championships, and I will do my best.
(This journal was written before the WRO Japan 2022 finals took place on August 29.)

【TOPICS】WRO Japan 2022 Finals
【TOPICS】WROJapan 2022 Ishikawa Regional Qualifier


 My name is Hitoshi Terai. I'm going to tell you about my weekend.
 This weekend I enjoyed the BBQ at ICT Hakusanroku campus. I ate many foods. For example, I ate sausages, hot dogs, beef, and Coca-Cola. These were very delicious! I recommend these foods to you. I think hot dogs were the most delicious of these foods and I want to eat them again.
 I also enjoyed some sports such as baseball, basketball, and an unknown sport. The unknown sport was very fun. This sport involved throwing a cloth sac into a hole. This move was very fun because I used my brain. For example, I had to think about which angle is the best and how to throw the sac, etc. This game is called corn home. My score was seven. Very bad! The max is 21 points, but I want to play this game again. By the way, I think the barbeque was fun and I want to enjoy that again. 




 Hello. It’s me, Ryona Natsuki.   
 This school held a barbecue party three days ago. There were several kinds of meat. I ate hot dogs and steak, these were SO good! After eating, I played some sports. One of them was basketball. I scored some points, so I felt very excited. In my team, there were no teachers, however, the enemy's team had Mr. B. In my usual life, I don't often get to play with teachers. Therefore, this time was so fun! I think that holding an exchange like this was good. It was so good to communicate between students and teachers! Next time the party is held, I want to join it.



 Hey! It’s me, Haruto Shiraishi.
 Last weekend, we enjoyed a barbeque. ICT students and ICT teachers ate meat, ice cream, and drank cola. That was fun. After that, we played games. For example, we played basketball and baseball.   
 My favorite game was corn hole. That was my first time playing the game. Brandon taught me the rules. He's a good cornhole player. It was difficult for me at first because that sack flew in strange places, but I got used to it. Then I could easily put it in the hole. Brandon said this game is made in America.  
 At the end of the event, I returned to reality. The reason for this is that I had a lot of homework, and I should have studied for a test, so I felt very sad. I had to work hard. It was a tough day. 


【Hakusanroku Journal】BBQ Party wrritten by Edward Basquill sensei (Prof.).

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