
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Engineering Design (ED)

February 19, 2022 エンジニアリングデザインIB 最終発表

 こんにちは!白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は128日に行われたエンジニアリングデザインIBの最終発表についてご紹介します。
 1年生が履修するエンジニアリングデザインIBでは、ユーザー視点に立った新たな価値創出の手法である「デザインシンキング」を取り入れ、課題発見・解決型の活動にチームで取り組みます。その中でLEGO EV3、プログラミング、センサの使い方、ロボットの組み立て方などを学びます。

 Hello! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about the first-year students and their Engineering Design IB final presentation on January 28th.
 In Engineering Design IB, teams work together to discover and solve problems using design thinking, a method of creating new value based on user perspective. In this course, students learn about LEGO EV3, programming, how to use sensors, and how to assemble robots.
 For this project, the task was to make toys that would be entertaining and surprising. The students were divided into two teams according to their target age groups. In addition, the toys were required to incorporate the mechanisms of living things, such as the features and functions of animals and plants.

 In order to create their toys, each team interviewed teachers and asked them "What do you enjoy or feel surprised about in your daily life?"


 このチームは30代以下の教員にインタビューを実施し、「競争したり、達成感を感じたり、あることに熱中したりする中で楽しみを感じる」という意見をヒントにしました。そこでゴールまでを競い合い、ゴールの達成感を味わうおもちゃとしてボ-ドゲームに着目し、夢中になる要素にサイコロを振る装置を取り入れることにしました。LEGO EV3で作られたサイコロを振る装置は、シャチが水中に泳いでいる魚を尻尾で蹴り上げる動作を現したものです。サイコロを振る装置はランダムで飛距離が変わり、コマに当たり倒れる可能性があります。これはシャチが蹴り上げて飛ばした魚が鳥に衝突する場面を表現し、これによってコマが落ちてしまうかもしれないというヒヤヒヤ感を味わうことができます。

 This team interviewed teachers younger than 30 years old and took their cue from their comments about elements of competition, a sense of accomplishment, and enthusiasm for certain things. They focused on a board game designed for players to compete to reach the final goal and feel a sense of accomplishment. Also they decided to incorporate the element of uncertainty into the dice rolling device. The dice rolling device made of LEGO EV3 represents the action of an orca flicking a fish into the air with its tail. The dice rolling device randomly changes how hard the dice is rolled and as a result the dice game token may be knocked over. This represents a scene where a fish flicked up by an orca collides with a bird. Players can feel a sense of dread that the game token might drop.

Maple Drop

 このチームは40代以上の教員にインタビューを実施し、「自然との関わり」に興味がある方が多いと気づきました。このことから、普段の何気ない行動の中で「自然」に関するものに接して「アラっ?」というような穏やかな驚きをもらえるようなおもちゃを制作することにしました。玄関にセンサを設置し、人が通ると、ヒラヒラと葉っぱが落ちてくるような装置をLEGO EV3で制作しました。葉っぱはメイプルの種の構造を参考に折り紙で制作し、綺麗な様子によって驚きを与えるという素敵な装置です。それらの装置を12台も制作しましたが、残念ながら最終発表では3台しか動作しませんでした。

 This team conducted interviews with teachers over 40 years old and noticed that many of them were interested in relationship with nature. This led them to the idea of creating toys that would give them a mild surprise like "eh?" when they came into contact with something related to nature in their daily activities. They set up a sensor at the school entrance and created a device with LEGO EV3 that made leaves flutter and fall when people walked by. The leaves were made of origami paper, based on the structure of maple leaves, and it was a wonderful device to surprise the audience with its beautiful appearance. They made 12 of these devices, but unfortunately, only 3 of them worked in the final presentation.



 In order to complete their work, the students spent their time after school checking the operation, repeating the design review session many times, and extracting points for improvement. They worked hard to create their work through trial and error as a team. Even so, there were some problems that arose during the final presentation, and the team was forced to deal with them. However, I feel that the students gained a lot from this experience because they worked so hard.

October 18, 2021 紅はるか収穫



国際高専では2年生が問題発見・解決型のプロジェクト授業「エンジニアリングデザイン」の一環で「Agriculture Innovation Project」に取り組んでいる。白山麓における中山間地域における少子高齢化や耕作放棄地、獣害の増加などの課題に向き合い、その課題解決に向けて取り組む授業で、学生は、校舎前の休耕田を使ってサツマイモ「紅はるか」の生産を行い、営業、販売、決算までさながら「農業法人」の経営ビジネスを体験していく「ビジネス班」と、AIやIoTを用いて獣害対策システムの開発に取り組む「アグリテック班」に分かれ、通年で活動している。





志鷹 英男

The Business Group manages an agricultural corporation to revitalize the region, and the Tech Group is working on animal damage prevention. The students themselves will introduce their efforts at an online information session on Wednesday, November 3.

At the International College of Technology (ICT), second-year students are working on the " Agriculture Innovation Project" as part of the "Engineering Design" project class, based on problem finding and solving. In this class, the students use the fallow rice fields in front of the school building to produce sweet potatoes, "Beniharuka," and experience the management business of an "agricultural corporation," including sales, marketing, and settlement of accounts. The group is divided into the "Business Group," which produces sweet potatoes, "Beniharuka," using fallow rice fields in front of the farm, and the "Agritech Group," which works on the development of animal damage prevention systems using AI and IoT.

On Monday, October 4, the Business Team harvested sweet potatoes under a crisp autumn sky.
This year, the electric fence was made more robust to prevent monkeys from entering the field, so there was no animal damage. The team also removed weeds frequently and did "vine turning" to fatten up the potatoes, which helped them harvest 190 kg, 1.9 times more than last year.

The harvested Beniharuka potatoes will be matured in the school's warehouse for about a month to convert starch into sugar. They will be sold at the Roadside Station, Sena, in front of the school from Saturday, October 30.

In the online briefing session of the International College of Technology (ICT) to be held on Wednesday, November 3, the Business Team and Agri-Tech Team will explain their activities via live broadcast from Roadside Station Sena.

For more information about the online briefing session, click here.


Hideo Shitaka

July 10, 2021





Hello, I'm Shii Yamazaki, a second-year student of the Department of Science and Technology. Last month, we visited Yamadachi-kai as part of the Engineering Design class. We listened to Arimoto CEO's lecture and experienced sheep shearing. The thing I remember the most from Arimoto-san's lecture was why he decided to start Yamadachi-kai's sheep business. I have lived in Ishikawa for sixteen years, but I never thought about its good points or how the Ichikawa brand could grow. However, Arimoto-san gave the reasons "Ishikawa has no special livestock", "there is no place to play in Hakusanroku", and "sheep are unaffected by wild animals and snow." Hearing this, I realized that it was different from any other local speciality or tradition in Ishikawa prefecture has tried or forced on to tourists. I felt like it is a new perspective that tourists can relate to.

Also as Arimoto-san said, not only are statuses such as animal welfare important to create a new brand, but also design, logo, and concept. I believe the suggestions that Afaf proposed have a lot of demand too.

The sheep shearing looked easy at first, but was actually very difficult because the clipper was heavy and the vibration transmitted to me. However, it felt good when I could smoothly shear the wool off the sheep after I had a lot of practice and got used to it. Also, I fell in love with the sheep and wanted to be become better at it. I want to try again in the future.

Shii Yamazaki

June 23, 2021 Report from Hakusanroku (June)








Hi, it's Jonathan, the cameraman. June has brought warm weather to Hakusanroku and I see more and more people wearing t-shirts as summer approaches. Here are three events that happened in the past month. 

On June 1 (Tue), The Agri-tech team was interviewed by MRO Hokuriku Broadcasting during Engineering Design IIA class. The Agri-tech team has succeeded last year's project, and is creating a system to protect crops from wild monkeys using AI. This year's second year students aim to implement a function to drive away monkeys detected by the system. The television crew filmed scenes of the students asking local farmers about the magnitude of damage on their crops and what they think is the best method to drive monkeys away, and scenes of them explaining their goals of the year. The program was broadcasted on "Leosuta" on June 9 (Wed). Last year's Agri-tech team won the highest award of the "U-21 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan" and the level of attention on this project is growing.

On June 3 (Thu), four second year students of the Agri-business teams visited Yamadachikai, which has lately begun herding sheep in Kinameri district near Hakusanroku Campus. The Agri-business team is growing and selling local branded sweet potatoes "Kosen Beni Haruka" and Yamazaki sensei organized this visit to listen to the representative of Yamadachikai talk about his experience staring a agricultural business in Hakusanroku.

Yamadachikai's sheep business began when they were approached by the team of Ishida professor of Ishikawa Prefectural University who was doing research on the possibility of a sustainable business model selling lamb meat herded and sold in the local area. Arimoto-san, the representative of Yamadachikai, accepted this offer after agreeing that Hakusanroku lacked local branded livestock and daytime activities for tourists. Also, sheep are unaffected by the harsh winter season and wild animals in the area, which are difficulties of other products. In the presentation he gave to the students, Arimoto-san explained the annual schedule of selling lamb meat, the company's table of income and expenditure, their long-term goal of a profit of 5 million yen in five years, the necessary facilities they plan to purchase, etc. To accomplish this, Arimoto-san has utilized crowdfunding, applied for financial support from the government, and tried multiple methods to increase the price of their meat. He also plans to contribute to the local tourist scene by letting people feed and shear the sheep, and selling BBQ meat to campers. Arimoto-san understood that making a profit with sheep wasn't going to be easy in Hakusanroku, but he took on the challenge and came up with ideas to create a successful business. The second year students listened intently and took notes. There also was a QA session after the lecture that lasted ten minutes as Arimoto-san and students exchanged ideas.

After the lecture, students tried out shearing the sheep. Later, they commented "It looked easy at first but the electric clipper was heavy and difficult to keep steady due to the vibration, but once I got used to it, it felt good as the wool came off" and "I grew fond of the sheep."

On June 20 (Sun), the Nature & Adventure Club went hiking at Mt. Wasso-ga-take, which is a mountain of an altitude of 1,097 meters with a hiking course about ten minutes by car from Hakusanroku Campus. Participants were five club members, Yamazaki sensei, Katabe sensei, Philip sensei, Owari coach, and myself; a total of ten people. Most of the hiking course is through the forest, which shaded us from the hot sun. During breaks, Owari coach showed us wild herbs such as "Kuromoji", trees that bears had peeled the bark off, and flowers such as koajisai (Hydrangea hirta). We left Hakusanroku Campus at 8:30 am and reached the top of Wasso-ga-take around 11:15. Usually you can see Mt. Hakusan from this point. However, sadly it was hidden by low clouds. We ate an early lunch and headed to a neighboring mountain called Shironuki-yama (891m) before descending back down the trail. Students were full of energy and sometimes ran down the path or climbed trees along the way. Next month, they plan to climb Mt. Hakusan itself so this hike was a nice warm up ahead of time.


June 16, 2021

Hello everyone! Summer is almost in full swing here at the Hakusanroku Campus. Something else that is in full swing around here, is the S1 students’ “worst design” project for Engineering Design 1A. For this project, the students are tasked with taking something that they use every day, that causes them some sort of problem or inconvenience, and design a way to improve its function. This year, there are all sorts of projects, there are different fixtures to be attached in the student’s bedrooms and even redesigning school supplies used in other classes. It is so interesting to see what the students view as the worst thing they use every day, because it gives insight into their personalities and life styles.

This past week, the students started working on their rough prototypes. The goal of these prototypes, is to help the students visualize their product in order to figure out areas that still could use some improvement. The students built these models out of common materials like paper, cardboard, or foam. It was wonderful to see the students work so hard and to see their ideas begin to take shape. Jonathan, the camera man, was able to get some really nice pictures of the students building their rough prototypes. These protypes do not need to work perfectly, they are more of a way to determine if the size and shape truly works for what the student is intending it to be used for. Once they have completed this prototype they will them begin to build the first iteration of their final product using different materials they have requested. I am excited to see how their first iterations will turn out, and based on the rough prototypes they just made, I think there will be some unique and interesting final products.







May 19, 2021 Activities in May

Hello, it's Jonathan, the camera man! April has turned into May, and the weather is almost perfect here at the Hakusanroku Campus. I have gathered pictures of the first and second year students and some of their major activities in the past weeks. Enjoy!


Sports Day

On May 1, the two PE teachers, Takimoto sensei and Philip sensei held a sports event in the gym. Students were not able to return home during the Golden Week holidays, and many events such as this were created to make the days as enjoyable as possible. This time, the sports were badminton and volleyball. In the badminton portion, Philip sensei introduced a new level system. All students start at level one. You level up by defeating someone in your same level or higher, to a max level of four. You can play as many games as you like with anyone you choose. This system seemed to suit the students and the three courts were constantly occupied by players challenging each other. The volleyball portion were games between the students and teachers. I apologize for not taking any pictures of the volleyball portion because I was playing the whole time.



Camping Indoors

On May 2, the Nature & Adventure Club used the whole day to craft, hike, camp, and do all sorts of outdoor stuff. Sadly, the weather forecast was rainy but the club members improvised and enjoyed their first club activity anyway. They did ropework, bamboo crafting, and ate curry and rice for lunch at KTB sensei's house. In the afternoon, they went hiking near Dainichi dam in Torigoe before returning to ICT. Originally, they planned to camp outside on school grounds. However, the rain and wind was too strong and they made the brave choice to camp in the second floor of the gym. Jokes aside, this turned out to be not a bad decision and they spent the evening chatting, listening to KTB sensei's guitar, and playing cards by a digital campfire. (How ICT is that!) One member wrote a journal entry about his experience which you can read here. (Coming soon)


Original T-shirt Design

On May 3, Ito sensei and Kodaka sensei organized an event to make original design t-shirts. Students used their computers to design and print out the design. Then, they ironed on the transfer paper to the front or back of the t-shirts. Students could choose one black or white t-shirt to design. Some students who had a clear vision finished before lunch. However, others took longer to come up with a design or had trouble transferring the design they chose. In the end, it was an exciting experience and many students voiced their joy in their finished product.


Engineering Design II A: Plowing with a Tractor

Returning to school, the agri-business team of the second year's Engineering Design class began working in the fields across the street from ICT. This team's goal is to grow sweet potatoes and make a profitable business model selling them. On May 6, they were joined by members of the local community who lent and taught the students how to drive a tractor. Each student took turns using the tractor to plow the plot of land they will use to plant the sweet potatoes. Unsurprisingly, it was the first time for the students to drive a tractor, and they enjoyed the experience as you can see in the pictures and video below.



Tie-Dye T-shirts

The last activity I would like to show you is the tie-dye t-shirt event, held after school on May 12 by the Language and Culture Club, for all first and second year students. Tie-dye is a method of folding, twisting, or crumpling fabric, and applying dye to create unique patterns. Ian sensei and Pauline sensei provided various colors of dye, t-shirts, rubber bands, gloves, aprons, and bleach for those who wished to dye a black t-shirt. The students quickly began choosing colors and methods to design their t-shirt. The instruction manual that came with the dye listed several techniques, and some students even experimented with original ways to use the dye; some improvised with their fingers, makeshift brushes, and pipes. You can see their finished products in the pictures below.


December 20, 2021 Engineering Design IIB Projects

Hi it's Jonathan again! Today I would like to show you the videos of the second year students talking about their Engineering Design projects. As you saw in the previous entry, students at ICT learn to find problems in their surroundings and create solutions to resolve them. The first year students focus on the Hakusanroku Campus, and the second year students take it a step further by moving their attention to the local community. Hakusanroku is a rural area in Ishikawa prefecture with problems you would expect from a village away from major cities; aging and decreasing population to name a few. The students were divided into three groups, each with a different theme.


The "Agri-tech" group focused on the growing problem of damage to crops by wild animals. Hakusanroku is home to wild boars, bears, and MANY monkeys. Locals try to protect their crops from them with electrical fences and fire crackers. However, this is becoming increasingly difficult as they grow older and fewer in number, and because monkeys quickly learn how to avoid their defenses. Seeing this, the Agri-tech group came up with a long term plan to create a automatic defense system against the animal forces. Their goal for this year was to create a system that can detect monkeys in the wild using AI. As you can see in their presentation, they took thousands of pictures of monkeys, which they "fed" to the AI until it could steadily achieved a recognition rate of 65~90%. Since monkey attacks to crops is a nation-wide problem and their are no current known projects working on this topic, this team may be the pioneers on solving a major issue all over Japan. You can read more details about their project here.


The "Agri-business" group turned their eyes to the decreasing population and shrinking economy. Hakusanroku is in a negative spiral, in which younger generations leave for larger cities which in turn leads to less demand and job opportunities for them. The group challenged themselves with designing and operating a business model of growing and selling Hakusanroku branded sweet potatoes. They planted, harvested, packaged and sold their sweet potatoes "Kanjyuku-Beni-Haruka". You can read more about their project here. In their presentation, they went into more detail on how much money they made (or lost) and what changes are necessary to actually create a sustainable business model in Hakusanroku.


Nigyo-Jyorui is a traditional puppet show dating back more that 300 years ago. The people of Higashi-futakuchi district have continued to preform it every year. However, their numbers are also dwindling and they have few young performers that serve as potential successors. You can read about the history of Ningyo-Jyoruri in this article. The group was limited on what they could actually do due to COVID-19, especially because this year's performance was canceled. In there presentation, they explained that after exhausting ideas such as collaborating with popular anime or creating online videos to spread the culture, they finally decided to appeal to the local children of Hakurei Elementary and Junior High School by hosting a doll making event at ICT. In the event, kids could use a 3D scanner and 3D printer to create Nigyo-Jyoruri dolls using their own scanned faces. Potentially, this would benefit both sides by introducing kids to ICT's technology and Ningyo-Jyoruri culture.

This final presentation was a great display of how much the second year students have grown. All their hard work has paid off by increasing not only their technological skills, but teamwork, time management,  presentation skills, and English skills.


You can see their presentations in the videos below. (The first two are in Japanese and last one is in English)












January 18, 2021 Engineering Design 1B Projects

Hi, it's Jonathan, the camera man. Today I would like to give a report about the final presentations for the first year students' Engineering Design 1B projects held on January 16. Engineering Design is the class in which students design solutions for problems within their local community. Students were divided into three groups and given the task of creating a prototype that helped their respective target group. The three targets were the security staff, cleaning staff, and onsen staff. Also, the prototype must be made using LEGO EV3 and biomimicry, which is the method of implementing characteristics of nature or animals into your project. Each group interviewed their target to understand their needs before deciding on what to create.

In the beginning of this semester, the students started by learning how to use LEGO EV3. LEGO EV3 is a robotic kit that you can customize and program. This took several weeks as the students learned how to build the blocks and gears, and program the robot to move as intended. They were given multiple courses that the robots had to complete. There was much trial and error as the students learned the fundamentals of robot programming. The pictures above were taken last October.

These are pictures of students a few days before the final presentation. Students learned how difficult time management is the hard way. All teams had to crunch after school to meet the deadline.

Security Staff Group "Sanitaika"

The security staff group learned from their interview that the guards had trouble noticing when visitors came into the building because they do not have a direct view of the entrance from their office. To solve this problem, the students designed a machine that detects and notifies the guards whenever the automatic doors open. The animal they mimicked was the firefly squid (famous in Toyama prefecture). The machine lights up to tell visitors where to go and also has an automatic hand sanitizer function. The students emphasized in their presentation that the wished to add a "fun element" to liven up the security staff's working environment. In this case, they designed a rotating mechanism that shows a man running through trees of the four seasons each time the sensor detects a visitor.

Cleaning Staff Group "Gommit"

The group that targeted the Hakusanroku Campus cleaning staff concluded from their interview that they should show more gratitude to the cleaning staff and make their jobs more enjoyable. To achieve this, they designed a machine attached to one of the garbage bins. They installed a sensor that detects how many times trash is thrown into the bin and a fan that opens depending on how full the garbage bin is. This fan is the group's biomimicry idea taken from the peacock. This is a visual indication of how full the garbage bin is. However, this is not the only function. When opening the garbage bin to remove the garbage bag, one of three stuffed animals will appear and make a sound. The animals and sounds are random so that the cleaning staff can enjoy this feature each time they use it. 

Onsen Staff Group "EV8"

The final group was the most aesthetically pleasing onsen staff group. Hakusanroku Campus has an onsen facility and this groups goal was to create something that would benefit the staff there. After interviewing the maneger and staff, the group learned that they desired to know if and how much the customers enjoyed their experience. To fulfill this, the group designed a machine that lets customers easily give their feedback. There are four sensors on the front of the base, which represent "Great" to "bad". (they plan to add smiley faces in the final version) Feedback is recorded on a memory card, so the onsen staff can view and keep track of the results. Also, a flower will bloom every five times a customer gives positive feedback. Since this machine will be installed in the onsen, students focused on aesthetics as well. They created two dioramas representing the seasons of Hakusanroku's landscape and gave the whole box a clean look.

All three groups' ideas and prototypes were unique and fascinating. They were well thought out and I could see how they improved their project from their first prototype to the second and final version. This is also why I could not help seeing room for improvement. The presentations were in English, which the Japanese students have still to master. Still, they could have been much better with practice. Also, each team needed to work until the last moment; which was a shame because they were all great! I am definitely planning to use this day as a mental waypoint to look back on and see how much they have grown in the future.


こんにちは、カメラマンのジョナサンです。今日は1月16日に行われた1年生のエンジニアリングデザインIBのプロジェクト最終発表について書きたいと思います。エンジニアリングデザインは学生たちが身の回りの課題を発見し、解決策を創出する授業です。今回は3つのグループに分けられ、それぞれ警備員、清掃員、温泉スタッフの3つの対象に向けた課題解決のプロトタイプ製作を目標としました。プロトタイプはLEGO EV3で作られ、自然界からヒントを得るバイオミミクリーをプロジェクトに取り組まなければなりません。各グループはそれぞれの対象顧客へのインタビューから活動を開始しました。

学期はじめ、1年生はLEGO EV3について勉強しました。LEGO EV3はカスタマイズ性があり、プログラミングで動かすことのできるロボットのキットです。学生たちは数週間かけてブロックの組み合わせ方や意図通りにロボットを動かすプログラミングの練習をしました。複数の課題やコースが用意され、学生たちは試行錯誤しながらクリアしていきました。写真は去年の10月に撮った時の様子です。










December 23, 2020 The story of the monkey project

Hello everyone, Welcome back to the journey (^o^)//. As you follow Hakusanroku Journal, The group of second-year students has been doing in Engineering Design class. Some of the students planted sweet potatoes in the garden across the campus. Unfortunately, The monkey gangsters stole the lovely sweet potatoes from the students.

Following this journal : https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/journal/12370/

皆さん、こんにちは。旅路へおかえりなさい(^o^)// 白山麓ジャーナルを普段から読んでいる方は、2年生のグループによるエンジニアリングデザインの活動について読んだことがあるでしょう。キャンパスの向かいの畑にさつまいもを植えた学生のグループがいます。しかし、残念ながら愛情を込めたさつまいもは猿のギャングによって盗まれてしまいました。

However, The “Agri-tech” group decided to create a system that can detect the monkey by using Artificial Intelligence (AI). They went to Ishikawaken Shinrin Koen Forest Zoo in Tsubata-machi and took photos of monkeys for teaching a machine (Machine Learning : ML) to recognize the monkey.


In my part, I have been used to Machine Learning before. Then, I suggest the student use the Jetson nano development board for their project. Jetson nano is a Small, Powerful computer for makers, learners, and developers. It’s easy to get started building practical AI Applications.

私は以前にも機械学習をしたことがありましたので、学生たちにJetson nano development boardを使うように勧めました。Jetson nanoはエンジニア、学生、開発者用に作られた小型ながらパワフルなコンピューターです。AIを使った実用的なアプリケーションを初めて作る人に適しています。

After the students took a Thousand monkey photos, We had to supervise the machine to recognize the monkey. We start designing the system and labeling all the images where the monkeys are in the photos.


The students spend a couple of weeks training a model that uses 100 images, 200 images, 300 images, and increasing to 1500 images and So on.


Finally, We got a model that is high accuracy and satisfied.


We went back to Forest park again and tested our machine. As you can see in the video, The system can detect real-time and count the monkeys by using a USB camera.


In the future, The students plan to make a box cover the device and install the machine in their garden to protect our sweet potatoes from the monkey.


Apirak Sang-ngenchai


電気学会 U-21 学生研究発表会で最優秀賞受賞


November 30, 2020 愛・AIいもプロジェクト







Hi, its Jonathan the cameraman. Today, I will give a report on what some of the second year students have been doing in "Engineering Design" class.

ICT's "Engineering Design" is a course in which students find problems in their community or society by interviewing people and creating prototypes that solve them. Seven of this year's second year students decided to focus on the unused fields across the street from the Hakusanroku Campus and start the "Ai Ai Imo Project", which consists of two groups: "Agri-tech" and "Agri-business".

Last year, some students planted sweet potatoes in the same field as part of their club activity. Despite their hard efforts, most of the potatoes were dug up and eaten by monkeys. They partnered with Kanazawa Institute of Technology to test a wild animal defense robot. However, it proved unable to detect animals when set in a wild environment due to wind moving the plants in the background. Learning this, the "Agri-tech" group decided to create a system that detects monkeys in the wild using AI. The actual construction of the system started this semester. In November, they traveled to the national park in Tsubata-machi and took over 7,000 pictures of the monkeys there to increase the accuracy of the AI. These activities were even featured on national television "Kaga-noto Evening" on November 13. Damage to crops by wild animals is a serious problem in Japan and the group hopes to develop a system that can detect monkeys entering a field and notify the owner via their smartphone.

The "Agri-business" group started the "Ai Ai Imo Project" in April. Their goal was to utilize the unused field to grow and sell sweet potatoes. To not repeat the same mistake as last year, this year's second year students built an electric fence around the patch to shut out the monkeys. Thanks to this and some quick decisions, they were able to harvest over 90% of the sweet potatoes. Students measured the sugar content of the potatoes, which turned out to be a remarkably high 44 degrees. After roasting and eating the sweet potatoes, we confirmed that they were rich, sweet and delicious. The students rinsed and separated the sweet potatoes by size, which they then packaged and labeled. These sweet potatoes were branded "Kanjuku (sweet and ripe) beni-haruka" and were sold at the michi-no-eki "Sena" souvenir shop and local super market "Yorankaine". They were extremely popular and sold out in a couple of days.

Next year, we hope to improve the system created by the "Agri-tech" group and work with the local community to further promote the sweet potatoes to draw people to Hakusanroku.  

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalEngineering Design (ED)