
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Student

September 1 2022, English Reading and Writing IA

 こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。727日(水)に行われたベアード・ポーリン先生の授業「English Reading and Writing A」で、4名の学生たちがジャーナルを作成しました。どうぞ、ご覧ください。
 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. On Wednesday, July 27, 4 students created a journal in English Reading and Writing IA class by Baird Paulin sensei (Prof.). I hope you enjoy it.

 Hi. It's me, Haruki Ohta. 
 On the weekend, Ayuri and I had a WRO robot competition. In the competition, there were a lot of people, and I was surprised. We entered two rounds. In the first round, we had mechanical trouble with the color sensor and the gyro sensor because it was different from the conditions at the ICT field and the real field. I had a hard time, but we made some adjustments and tried a second round. I was happy to succeed in the second round. I got first place at the award ceremony. What a surprise! I never thought I would win an award. I can now go to the national championships, and I will do my best.
(This journal was written before the WRO Japan 2022 finals took place on August 29.)

【TOPICS】WRO Japan 2022 Finals
【TOPICS】WROJapan 2022 Ishikawa Regional Qualifier


 My name is Hitoshi Terai. I'm going to tell you about my weekend.
 This weekend I enjoyed the BBQ at ICT Hakusanroku campus. I ate many foods. For example, I ate sausages, hot dogs, beef, and Coca-Cola. These were very delicious! I recommend these foods to you. I think hot dogs were the most delicious of these foods and I want to eat them again.
 I also enjoyed some sports such as baseball, basketball, and an unknown sport. The unknown sport was very fun. This sport involved throwing a cloth sac into a hole. This move was very fun because I used my brain. For example, I had to think about which angle is the best and how to throw the sac, etc. This game is called corn home. My score was seven. Very bad! The max is 21 points, but I want to play this game again. By the way, I think the barbeque was fun and I want to enjoy that again. 




 Hello. It’s me, Ryona Natsuki.   
 This school held a barbecue party three days ago. There were several kinds of meat. I ate hot dogs and steak, these were SO good! After eating, I played some sports. One of them was basketball. I scored some points, so I felt very excited. In my team, there were no teachers, however, the enemy's team had Mr. B. In my usual life, I don't often get to play with teachers. Therefore, this time was so fun! I think that holding an exchange like this was good. It was so good to communicate between students and teachers! Next time the party is held, I want to join it.



 Hey! It’s me, Haruto Shiraishi.
 Last weekend, we enjoyed a barbeque. ICT students and ICT teachers ate meat, ice cream, and drank cola. That was fun. After that, we played games. For example, we played basketball and baseball.   
 My favorite game was corn hole. That was my first time playing the game. Brandon taught me the rules. He's a good cornhole player. It was difficult for me at first because that sack flew in strange places, but I got used to it. Then I could easily put it in the hole. Brandon said this game is made in America.  
 At the end of the event, I returned to reality. The reason for this is that I had a lot of homework, and I should have studied for a test, so I felt very sad. I had to work hard. It was a tough day. 


【Hakusanroku Journal】BBQ Party wrritten by Edward Basquill sensei (Prof.).

June 29, 2022 ネイチャー&アドベンチャークラブ「65kmサイクリング」

 初めまして!国際高専二年の木下 観です。今年度のネイチャー&アドベンチャークラブの部長です。このクラブでは白山麓の雄大な自然を生かして、登山やハイキングなどのアクティビティを思いっきり楽しむクラブです!



木下 観

 Hey guys! My name is Kan Kinoshita, a 2nd year student and this year’s nature and adventure club’s leader. In this club, we use Hakusan’s magnificent nature to climb mountains, hike, and enjoy ourselves!

 This time, we cycled 65km. First, we left the ICT Hakusanroku campus, then warmed up for about 10 km. After warming up we had a huge hill climb and had break time in Ikkouikki no Sato. One of the teachers led the way, but he was so incredibly fast that no one could follow him. Also, our legs were already tired, but we could arrive at the goal. When we were going back through the tunnel, we felt very good because of the gentle breeze. Although, our T-shirts were sweaty, the wind made us feel comfortable so we tried to do well. On the way to lunch, we had another break around the waterfall called Junigasaki. We didn’t plan to play in the river, but we couldn’t stop ourselves from playing. Therefore, we spent about 15 minutes there. After that, we went to Omoteya and ate Oban-yaki and filled our stomach. When we were coming back to school, Sansar soared and fell off his bike.

 For this cycling, there was hill climbing, so it was very hard. If I have another cycling trip, I want to do just the downward slope.

Kan Kinoshita

May 11, 2022 デザイン&ファブリケーションクラブ「新入生クラブ員歓迎会 校内ロボコン」

 こんにちは!初めまして!国際高専2年の泉屋 匠吾です。今年度のデザイン&ファブリケーションクラブの部長を務めています。このクラブではロボットや動画など、様々な要素を持ち合わせたデザインを作っていき、外部へと発信していく活動をしています。
 今年のロボコンは「サッカー」をテーマにしました。ルールはPK形式で5本勝負!LEGO EV3を使って、1年生チームはボールをキックするロボットを作ってもらい、2年生が作ったゴールキーパーロボットの守りを破ります。そしてより多くの点を取ったチームが優勝となります。2人1組の合計5チームによる接戦が繰り広げられ、1年生の太田 晴喜くんと夏木 亮凪くんによるチーム「Mr. Hakusan」が優勝しました!


泉屋 匠吾
写真:奥山 眞宙

 Hello! Nice to meet you, I am Shogo Izumiya, a 2nd-year student at ICT. I am the student leader of the Design & Fabrication Club for this school year. In this club, we are working to create designs that use various elements such as robots and videos, and share them to the outside world.
 On April 22nd, the Design & Fabrication Club, held an on-campus robotics competition for the new students! A 2nd-year student, Sergelen Sansar, also participated. Everyone created unique and wonderful robots, and the competition was a lot of fun!
 The theme of this year's robotics competition was soccer. The rules were each team had 5 chances to make a PK and the team with the highest score be the winners. Using LEGO EV3, the 1st-year student team was asked to build a robot that kicks a ball and scores a goal against the goalkeeper robot built by 2nd-year students. The winning team was called Mr. Hakusan and consisted of 1st-year students Haruki Ohta and Ryona Natsuki!

 Currently, ICT is getting ready to participate in the NHK ROBOCON COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. We hope that this will be a good experience for the contestants. We hope that you will continue to follow the activities of our team members. Thank you for your continued support!

Shogo Izumiya
Photo by Mahiro Okuyama

April 27, 2022 Road to Kanazawa

Hello, my name is Sergelen Sansar, and I came to ICT this year from Mongolia. I’m studying in the 2nd year, which means I studied a whole year online.
 In 1st year before I started taking classes online, I was preparing to go to Japan and really had high hopes to go. As April 1st, 2021 got closer, my hopes got higher, and eventually the classes started. I was sitting behind a computer more than ever from early morning to evening. Online classes are not as exciting as a classroom. Also, it is kind of hard to communicate because I have the power to mute my microphone and be silent.
 After the Olympics, I thought I might have a chance to go to Japan because Japan was very strict before the Olympics but then the COVID-19 cases increased. I lost hope and felt languish daily.
 I remember studying so hard in January because I did absolutely nothing during the winter break. Most of my projects were on the due date and the final exams were getting close. In February I was at home doing nothing and in March, I did some Japanese language practice. But suddenly, I allowed to enter to Japan in late March.
 I came to Japan just before the school started on March 30th, 2022. It was great to see mountains covered in snow from the airplane. When the airplane landed in Narita, it felt like I skipped the spring and went straight to summer. The air was hot and humid, and felt heavier to breathe. I rode the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kanazawa which was an amazing experience and it was quick. When I got closer to Kanazawa I saw more mountains and went through more tunnels. The Kanazawa weather felt good because it was cool and kind of similar to Mongolia’s weather, also I saw snow. I met Fumi Sano, a staff member at the Kanazawa station, she took me to the Kokusai Hotel, where I began my three days of isolation. The day before I went to KIT, I was so excited to go out and meet my classmates and teachers.
 When I saw my classmates in the KIT bookstore, I was awestruck. I asked Ryuto, “what was your impression when you first saw me?” He said, “You are freaking tall.”
 Now I’m living with all of them and it's fun to be in a dorm with friends.

Sergelen Sansar

 私は学校が始まる直前の330日に日本へ入国しました。飛行機から見える雪がかかった白い山が綺麗でした。成田空港に降り立つと、空気は蒸し暑く呼吸に重みを感じたので、春を飛び越えて夏にスリップした気分になりました。それから東京から金沢まで新幹線に乗車したのですが、とても良い経験で時間はあっという間でした。金沢に近づくにつれ、山が増え、多くのトンネルを通過しました。金沢の天気はとても涼しく、モンゴルの天気と似ていて気持ちよかったですし、雪も見ることが出来ました。金沢駅で職員の佐野 文さんにお会いし、国際ホテルに連れってもらい、3日間の隔離生活が始まりました。隔離が終わったら金沢工業大学でクラスメイトや教員達に会えることがとても楽しみでした。


March 16, 2022 The Journey of Publishing My First Picture Book, Adam and Snack

 皆さん、こんにちは!2年生のアファフ・アラーです。さて先日、私は絵本をAmazon KDPを通して出版いたしました!


 課題を提出した際、先生に高評価をいただき、「これは出版してほしい!」と言ってくださり、とても嬉しかったです。夏頃には、その授業の一環で自分の書いたストーリーを展示するイベント「Writer’s Review」があり、そこでも沢山の人から好評をいただきました。先生は授業が終わった後も、ストーリーを絵本として出版することをずっと勧めてくれました。その時はあまり考えていなかったのですが、年度終わりに、せっかく機会があるならと思い、春休みに計画し始めました。

 今年度に入って柿田 紗蘭ちゃんという素敵な後輩に出会い、絵本のことを話したら、喜んで絵を描くと言ってくれました。私のリクエストに応えてとても丁寧に絵を描いてくれて、何回もフィードバックを重ねてやっとお互いがしっくりくる形にまで持っていくことが出来ました。絵でこだわってもらった部分が、登場人物である「アダム」を私の弟のアダムに似ているように描いてもらったところです。私は小さい頃、絵本を読むにもゲームをするにもテレビを見るにも、自分と同じ特徴をもつキャラクターがいなくて、とても寂しさを感じたのを覚えています。そのため日本ではマイノリティーである顔をあえて使いたかったのです。それ以外にもたくさんのこだわりがあります。

 絵が完成しそうなタイミングで、編集の作業をしました。編集は思ったより困難で、本のサイズ、文章や絵の配置、そしてAmazon KDPの規定などを熟慮した作業をしました。タイトルのフォントもなかなか決まらなかったので、紗蘭ちゃんのすすめで手書きにしちゃいました!こうやっていろんな工夫を重ねて、先生の助けもいただきながら、やっと絵本を先日出版することに成功しました!絵本が形になったのを見て、ようやく絵本を作ったんだという実感が沸きました。やりたかったことを達成できたことや、経験とスキルを得ることができたことに喜びを感じます。夢のような話です。





リンク ⇨ https://www.amazon.co.jp/Adam-Snack-Afaf-Alaa/dp/B09TMVRYV3 

 最後に、絵本の出版を進めてくれて、最後の最後までサポートしてくれたポーリン・ベアード教授、英語チェックをしてくれたイアン・スティーブンソン教授、とっても素敵な絵をかいてくれた柿田 紗蘭ちゃんをはじめ、サポートしてくれた先生や応援してくれたクラスメートに心から感謝いたします。



 Hello everyone! This is 2nd year student Afaf Alaa. I recently published a children’s picture book through Amazon KDP! 

 I first wrote this story in the spring of my 1st year at ICT. Every Saturday, we had World Literature class, where we read various stories and learned different ways to write stories. One of the assignments in this class was to write a picture book for children based on what we learned. I had wanted to make children's picture books since I was a little girl, so this was a fun project for me.
 When I submitted my story, my teacher enjoyed the story and said, "I want you to publish this!" I was very happy to hear that. Towards the end of the semester, there was an event called Writer's Review where I exhibited my story, which was also well received by many people. Even after the course ended, my teacher kept encouraging me to publish that story. I didn't think much about it at the time, but at the end of the school year last year, I decided to make the most of the opportunity and started planning the process during spring break.

 At the beginning of this school year, I met an amazing 1st year student named Saran Kakita. When I told her about my picture book, she said she would be happy to draw pictures for me. She was very attentive to my requests and my feedback, so after lots of time and effort, we were finally able to settle on the drawings that felt right for both of us. One of the things I asked her to do was to make the character "Adam" look like my younger brother, Adam. I remember when I was a little girl, when I read picture books, played games, or watched TV, there were no characters with or any representations of the same characteristics as me, which made me feel left out. That is why I wanted to use a face that is of a minority in Japan.

 When the drawings were almost finished, I started working on the editing. The editing process was more difficult than I expected and involved contemplating the size of the book, the placement of the text and pictures, and the regulations of Amazon KDP. I couldn't even decide on a font for the title, so at Saran's suggestion, I handwrote it! After all the hard work and with the help of my teacher, I finally succeeded in getting my picture book published! It hit me that I actually made a picture book when I saw the printed book. I was totally thrilled and satisfied to achieve something and learn so many skills. It is a dream come true!

Here is an outline of the story:

“This book tells a story about Adam, a curious little boy who loves eating. He cannot wait for his snack every day at 3 pm. His mommy prepares different types of snacks to make him happy, but then Adam cannot decide which snack to eat first. One day, he gets an idea to solve this problem. What if he mixes everything together? Then, he wouldn't have to choose which to eat first! But, oh no, it was not as easy as he thought it would be."

 The story and the language are simple, so it is easy to read! Also, you will surely be delighted by Saran's cute pictures. The story is available on Amazon now, so I hope you enjoy reading this book! And if you like it, I'd love to hear your feedback on Amazon!

 Link ⇨ https://www.amazon.co.jp/Adam-Snack-Afaf-Alaa/dp/B09TMVRYV3 

 Lastly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Pauline Baird, who supported me throughout this project until the very last moment, Professor Ian Stevenson, who checked my English, Saran Kakita, who made those beautiful pictures, and all the other teachers and classmates who supported me and cheered me on. Thank you very much.

 Enjoy your spring break!

Afaf Alaa

March 15, 2022 高校生「ものづくり・ことづくり」プランコンテストでアイデア賞を受賞 

 皆さんこんにちは!1年の三輪 恵万です。今日は私が後学期に行ったデザイン&ファブリケーションクラブの活動を紹介したいと思います。

 デザイン&ファブリケーションクラブでは自分で何か一つプロジェクトを行います。学生たちは、授業で学んだ技術を磨いたり、趣味を極めたり、コンテストへ作品などを提出したりしています。その中で私は前学期、MONO-COTO INNOVAT!ON というコンテストへ参加するための選考課題を作成していました。そして、幸いに選考されたので、夏休みにコンテストへ参加しました。良い結果は出ませんでしたが、デザイン思考を学び、実践する良い機会となりました。


2. 具体的なモチベーションを持続することができる仕組み作り
3. ニーズがまだ確立されていないため、ニーズの明確化
4. アプリのプロトタイプ作成
5. 科学的根拠が必要と募集要項に書いているため、数字でのデータ探し

    プロトタイプ作成は、ノーコードでWebサイトを作ることができるWix を使用しました。ちょうど授業でWebサイトについて勉強しているところだったので、興味を持ちながら作成することができて楽しかったです。Webサイト作成用のサイトだったので、パソコン用の画面とスマホ用の画面で見ることができるのですが、パソコン用でないと編集することができない場所があり、調節をすることが大変でした。数字でのデータを作成するために、実用英語技能検定を例にとって年間の受験者や合格率を調べたり、モチベーションがどのように変動しているかのグラフを探したりしました。どちらも見つけることができたのでデータに組み込んでいきました。



    三輪 恵万

     Hello, everyone! This is 1st year student Ema Miwa. Today, I’ll introduce my second semester project in the Design and Fabrication Club.

     In the Design and Fabrication Club, every student completes a project each semester. For example, some students improve their skills from class, study more about their areas of interest, or enter a competition. In the first semester, I worked on a project for the MONO-KOTO INNOVAT!ON Competition. My project was selected for the competition and I participated in it during summer vacation. I couldn’t get a good result, but it was a good experience for me to learn and practice design thinking.

     After the second semester began, I hadn’t decided on what I would do next. I wanted to use the experience I had gained from the first semester and so I looked for another competition to enter. I found the Koukousei MonozukuriKotozukuri Plan Competition. This is a contest to create new things, and it is divided into two categories: Monozukuri and Kotozukuri. I was attracted by the chance of working with companies if I could advance to the final stage, so I decided to participate in this competition. 
     At first, I used the design thinking that I learned during summer vacation to develop my ideas. I thought about what problem I would solve with myself as the user. When I was looking for a school last year or looking for this competition, I felt, “It would better if people could find a school or competition more easily.” From this problem, I defined my insight as, “I want to get a variety of information in a single search.” Using this, I realized that my reason for this insight was that I want to find out what I’m interested in quickly while I am motivated. Therefore, I decided to submit an idea for an app that would allow users to look up schools, contests, and certification exams in one search, and to maintain motivation as they searched. After that, I thought about the details of the idea, compared its strengths and weaknesses, and what advantages it would have. I wanted to make an app that focused on schools, contests and certification exams, so I compared websites that already did this. After researching these websites, I identified the problems that they had and how I could design features that would solve these problems.
     After this, I outlined my idea, completed the application and asked Professor Ito for feedback. His feedback was that if I wanted to do this as a business, I needed to address five points.
    1. Generation income
    2. Making the specific structure to maintain user motivation
    3. Clarifying the needs of this app, which not been clearly established
    4. Making the app prototype
    5. Finding date, since the application guidelines stated that evidence was required
    I didn't have much time but I needed to address these points and write a business plan as fast as possible.

        Originally, I didn’t think about business, so it was difficult for me to develop a business plan. I considered a variety of things, including advertising revenue and introducing a billing system. From among them, I decided on charging fees in return for displaying advertisements of the organizations and schools listed in the app. Moreover, to keep users motivated, the system shows the number of days until the goal, sets reminders, and allow users to know who else is studying at the same thing. The reason for this is that if users know the number of days to their goal, they can feel a sense of urgency to complete the task, and if they have a reminder then they can study at a set time every day. When I went back to insight, I found the needs and I was able to clarify them quickly after examining why I wanted to create this app.
       I used Wix to create a website without using code to make the prototype. At that time, I was learning about websites in class, so it was fun to be able to use what I learned and what I was interested in. Wix is a website for creating websites, so users could view them on a computer screen and a smartphone screen. But there were parts that you couldn’t edit unless you were using a computer, and it was hard to adjust. To make the data with the numbers, I used the Eiken English Proficiency Test as an example, and looked at the annual number of test-takers and pass rates. I looked for graphs showing how motivation fluctuates. Finally, I found both sets of data, so I included them in the application form.

       After the idea and prototype were finalized, the last step was to rewrite the application form. With the help of Professor Ito, I rewrote it and included figures made with Illustrator so that the ideas could be more easily understood. I also kept working on my project until the due date when I submitted it.

       After the judges for the monozukuri and kotozukuri competition reviewed my documents, I won the Idea Award at the end of January. But I was frustrated because I didn’t advance to the final presentation. However, I also feel happy because I won the Idea Award. In this competition, I could use the knowledge from class and experience from other competitions. This knowledge makes my ideas better and stronger. This was a useful experience for me. I think this experience will be useful in the future. Therefore, I will participate in more contests next year too.

      Ema Miwa

      August 14, 2021 The Breakthrough Junior Challenge

      Hello everyone! This is Afaf Alaa second year. Summer vacation has started and I hope everyone is enjoying it to the fullest. I am relaxing and sleeping a lot as I did a lot of hard work and spent many sleepless nights when I was in school. Especially when I participated in a video-making competition two months ago. I will walk you through my video-making journey.

      International contest named “The Breakthrough Junior Challenge”. This contest requires making a three-minute video explaining a concept in life science, physics, or mathematics. This year, to celebrate 60 years since the moon landing, space exploration was also in the topic. I participated in this contest because I wanted to achieve something and gain experience. Since many of the students participate in domestic competitions, I wanted to do something different. So, I chose this competition.

      I broke down the video-making process into four steps. The first is to decide the topic and understand it well. The second is to make a storyboard for the video. The third is shooting all the needed scenes. Finally, editing the video. I had about two months to complete those steps.

      The first stage was a hard one for me. I knew well that I love topics about space, so I searched about many topics in space exploration. However, everything was too interesting and I couldn’t choose just one topic. I tried linking two interesting topics. However, my physics teacher Ito sensei advised me not to do that as it is just a three minutes video so it will be too much information and confusing.  It was very hard for me to select just one topic. After a lot of research, I found a topic that is very interesting that I could visualize my video and my explanation when I read about it. It was about space debris or space “trash”. I decided on that and made more research. This step took more time than I expected. I thought It would take a week. However, it took about one month.

      The deadline was coming near. I had to be very quick with the following steps. I had already visualized my video. I made a script and a storyboard. I showed it to another physics teacher Brandon sensei. He suggested cutting some parts because that would take too long. Three minutes was a strict rule in this competition. He checked my script and gave me some advice. Based on that I made my final script by making priorities and recording my time. I finished this process in about a week.

      There were only three weeks left to the deadline, and I had many other school projects such as making a website for my Engineering Design class. Things were getting really stressful, but I had to continue. I used a blackboard to do the shooting. I wanted to make it animated so I would put a cut every letter I write. That took a lot of time.  I tried to concentrate well in class and finish my work so I can use all my free time in finalizing my video. I used all the after-class time in the shooting, all night to practice the script and make the hand-made tools for the video. I wake up at 6 am and sleep at 3 am on the weekends. I was in a rush and got less sleep.

      I had only one week left for editing. I had to make all the videos I took in two weeks into a three minutes video.  All I had to do is to cut the videos little by little and adjust them with the narrating. I had to also search for free music and free sound effects which also took a lot of my effort. Several times my app crashed and everything I did was gone. That was very frustrating and I felt like giving up.  However, I didn’t give up for two main reasons. First, I had worked so hard for about two months. I felt like if I quit here I will betray myself and crush my self-esteem. I wouldn’t be able to believe that I can achieve anything anymore if I quit. The second and the main reason is that I wanted to make my parents proud of me. My parents have always been my number one supporters. Throughout the video-making process, they would give me calls to encourage me and send me my favorite snack to school. I appreciated that.

       I thought finishing this video will make them very happy and proud. Throughout the sleepless nights, I reminded myself of that and wiped my tears while continuing editing.

      I was finally done with the editing the night before the submission deadline. I showed my parents and they were so happy! I did some final adjustments and was ready to submit. However, I realized that there were a lot of other steps needed for the applications. The school number, my address, about six paragraphs I had to write about the importance of science and why I applied, and so on. I had only 2 hours left. I had my video and everything so I had to be very quick with my writing and application process. While I was writing, I felt like I couldn’t make it. However, my teacher Pauline Sensei helped me a lot with grammar checking and guidance. Finally, I was able to submit just 30 minutes before the deadline. I was so relieved and checked my video on YouTube. When I rechecked my time, I felt like I was going to die. The time said three minutes and 1 second. I was devastated. In my app, I had 3 mins and 0.23 seconds. I didn’t think that it would count. I have already submitted my link so I cannot reupload it. Pauline Sensei told me that editing on YouTube itself was possible. So, she helped me cut the 0.23 seconds on YouTube. I could finalize the submission only 15 minutes before the deadline.

      I felt so relieved and happy! I have finally achieved something that I can feel proud of. I had a very short time but I didn’t give up! From that video, whenever I feel like I cannot continue, I remind myself that I made this video! That’s what is keeping me going for a while. Many people congratulated me and I even got the chance to share my experience in this journal. I will keep trying my best to elongate my limit and become a stronger person. The results are going to be in November. It is very competitive so I am not expecting anything. But I had a great experience!

      Afaf Alaa

      Afaf's video


      参加した海外のコンテストの名前は「The Breakthrough Junior Challenge」で、ライフサイエンス、物理、数学に関連するテーマについて解説する3分間の動画を制作するというものでした。今年は人類が月に着陸してから60年が経つ記念すべき年で、宇宙探査もテーマのひとつでした。コンテストに参加しようと思った理由は、何かを成し遂げたかったことと、経験を得たかったからでした。国内のコンテストに参加する学生はたくさんいるので、違ったことをしてみたいと思ってこのコンテストを選びました。







      提出期限の前夜、ようやく編集が完了しました。両親に見せるとすごく喜んでくれました!コンテストに提出しようとしたら、申請のためにいくつかのステップがあることに気づきました。学校の電話番号や、自分の住所、科学の大切さとコンテストに参加した理由について書く6段落くらいの文章などです。残り2時間しかありませんでした。動画は完成していたので、急いで申請しなければなりませんでした。書きながら間に合わないのではないかと心配になりましたが、ポーリン先生が文法チェックと指導をしてくれました。そして、締め切りの30分前に提出することができました。ほっとした私はYouTubeの動画をチェックすると、死ぬかと思いました。動画時間が3分1秒と表示されていたのです。絶望しました。アプリでは3分と0.23秒となっていたのですが、それがカウントされるとは思っていませんでした。すでに提出していたので、再度アップロードすることはできません。しかし、ポーリン先生がYouTube上で動画を編集できることを教えてくれて、0.23秒削ることを手伝ってくれました。これを完了したのは提出期限の15分前でした。 すごくほっとして嬉しくなりました。ようやく誇りに思えることを達成できたのです。足りない時間の中で諦めませんでした。この動画のおかげで、くじけそうになった時は、このコンテストのことを思い出せばいいのです!ここ最近はそのおかげで頑張ることができています。たくさんの人が褒めてくれて、このジャーナルに体験を掲載することもできました。これからも自分の限界に挑戦して、より成長した人間になるように頑張ります。コンテストの結果は11月に発表されます。とてもレベルが高いので、入選は期待していません。ですが、本当に良い経験となりました。





      July 10, 2021





      Hello, I'm Shii Yamazaki, a second-year student of the Department of Science and Technology. Last month, we visited Yamadachi-kai as part of the Engineering Design class. We listened to Arimoto CEO's lecture and experienced sheep shearing. The thing I remember the most from Arimoto-san's lecture was why he decided to start Yamadachi-kai's sheep business. I have lived in Ishikawa for sixteen years, but I never thought about its good points or how the Ichikawa brand could grow. However, Arimoto-san gave the reasons "Ishikawa has no special livestock", "there is no place to play in Hakusanroku", and "sheep are unaffected by wild animals and snow." Hearing this, I realized that it was different from any other local speciality or tradition in Ishikawa prefecture has tried or forced on to tourists. I felt like it is a new perspective that tourists can relate to.

      Also as Arimoto-san said, not only are statuses such as animal welfare important to create a new brand, but also design, logo, and concept. I believe the suggestions that Afaf proposed have a lot of demand too.

      The sheep shearing looked easy at first, but was actually very difficult because the clipper was heavy and the vibration transmitted to me. However, it felt good when I could smoothly shear the wool off the sheep after I had a lot of practice and got used to it. Also, I fell in love with the sheep and wanted to be become better at it. I want to try again in the future.

      Shii Yamazaki

      May 26, 2021







       I'm S2 Masamune Katsukata. During the Golden Week holidays, when students could not return home due to COVID-19, the N&A Club held a welcome hiking event for the new members.

       May 2 (Sun) morning was rainy, so we changed our plans and Owari coach taught us rope work and bamboo craft using a knife in the Maker Studio. We learned interesting knots such as the bowline knot, taut-line hitch, and fisherman's knot. These knots will come in handy when doing farm work for Engineering Design class, so I am happy that I learned them. For the bamboo craft, I was surprised that you can make so many things with bamboo. We ate delicious homemade stake curry at Katabe sensei's house. It was super cool of him to make us lunch like that. It was also fun to talk about stuff like the effects of a chimney while listening to the sound of rain in front of a warm fireplace.

       In the afternoon, we viewed the Dainichi dam in the Ate district of Torigoe. Hiking along the reservoir in the rain was an extraordinary experience that I enjoyed very much, even though I was cold. We found a small waterfall and everyone stuck their head in. We were all shivering and our shoes were soaking wet by the time we got back to ICT. But we warmed up in the onsen and no one caught a cold.

       It started to rain harder and the temperature dropped in the evening, so we set up tent in the second floor of the gym. We listened to the sound of Katabe sensei's guitar in front of a fire shown on an iPad, and relaxed in a hammock. It was very nice and cozy. We also enjoyed playing cards. I hope we can camp outside next time. Just as we felt a little hungry before going to bed, nurse Ueno-san brought us some rice balls. They were delicious. Thank you so much.

       Thankfully, the following morning (Monday, May 3) was sunny and we could enjoy blue skies and the cool breeze on our hike up the mountain to Torigoe Castle ruins. The view from the top was beautiful and I could see at a glance how Tedori River carved this landscape. On the way, Owari coach gave us lectures about mountain herbs. He knows a lot about mountain herbs and it was very educational to listen to him. Exactly what you would expect from someone who studied agriculture at Tokyo University. I think that ICT is not only surrounded by wonderful nature, but also has no lack of unique teachers and staff. Philip sensei, the PE teacher from New Zealand can knit. Kodaka sensei, who studied art in university, teaches an interesting and informative Visual Arts class. Ueda sensei, the history teacher actually used to be a professional tennis player. I think we should utilize the teachers' unique talents and advertise ICT's strong points to the world. This way, many new students will come and ICT will become a lively and fun school.

      Masamune Katsukata

      January 25, 2021 Fusion360 学生コンテスト特賞受賞



      国際理工学科1年 山崎史依

      Fusion 360 学生デザインコンテスト 2020]トップページ
      Fusion 360 学生デザインコンテスト 2020Contest 03 結果発表

      Due to the unusual amount of snowfall and COVID-19, it has become a terrible season to go outside at Hakusanroku. I don't hate spending time indoors, but I'm not as good at playing games as other students, so I've been messing around in my room all the time.

      It was Fusion 360 that changed my life. Fusion360 is CAD software that we learned the basics of at the beginning of the first semester of Engineering Design.  I happened to have the opportunity to use it again in Engineering Design in the second semester, so what I did as part of the project activities in the class gave me the opportunity to use it in earnest.

      At first, I forgot how to use it, and I wasn't motivated, but before I knew it, it became my hobby. When I noticed, I was so absorbed that I wanted to stay up all night.

      One day, I found an Autodesk student contest in mid-December. At first, I didn't feel like participating, but my friend and teacher who saw my prototype encouraged me and decided to participate. About a week later, I finished making the work for the contest, had my friends render it, and I submitted it during the winter vacation. I was contacted by Autodesk on January 6th when I just returned to school, and I was able to win the best award!

      In mid-January, I received gifts from Autodesk: an Autodesk T-shirt and a book worth less than 10,000 yen, and the results were announced on YouTube. I was focused on things that I wasn't enthusiastic about, and I entered a contest that I wasn't enthusiastic about, but as a result, I think it was an experience that made me realize the importance of taking on challenges. I would like to continue participating in many competitions.

      Department of Science and Technology First year, Shii Yamazaki

      HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalStudent