
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Student

July 8, 2020 Kanazawa

国際理工学科2年 加藤大虎です。


待ちに待った久しぶりの外出、6月初旬に3ヶ月ぶりに金沢市街に行きました。 (通常であれば、1か月に一度金沢へいけますが今回はコロナ渦で自粛期間があったため3ケ月ぶりとなりました) 朝、バスに集合する時間は9時で、学校から1時間ほどかけて金沢駅に向かいます。バスの中のすごし方は人それぞれですが、僕は友達としりとりをしたり、山中の景色をボーっと眺めたりします。猿がいたり、稀に鹿やノウサギもいたりして、これを見るのも道中の楽しみの一つです。






Hi! This is Daiko Kato, I am a second-year student of International College of Technology.

Once a month in this school, we have weekends where students can go out freely. Students from within the prefecture can go back home, while those from outside the prefectures or overseas can go to Kanazawa, so they can do whatever they want and we spend precious time there. In this article, I would like to introduce an outing to Kanazawa that we use often that day.

I went to Kanazawa city for the first time in three months in early June. (Normally, I would be able to visit Kanazawa once a month, but this time I had to refrain from going there due to the corona vortex, so it was the first time in three months.) We met on the bus at 9:00 am and head to Kanazawa station, that was about an hour away from school. Spending time on the bus was different for each person, so I spent my time chatting with my friends, watching the mountains dully, and so on. There are some monkeys sometimes around there, and in rare cases, there are deer, rabbits, and bears. This is one of the fun things on the way.

We are free to go on your own until 5 pm from when we arrived. We can meet our family, go shopping, refresh ourselves, get a haircut, watch a movie, or just enjoy a meal in the restaurants. It was different for each of us, such as eating what we couldn't eat in ICT. My two favorite movies, "Weathering With You" and "Your Name." were showing, so I watched both movies with my friends! At lunch, we had sushi for the first time in a long time and did some shopping for daily necessaries.

I watched my two favorite movies, then I was impressed and I was impressed by the delicious sushi again. The rest of the time I spent on my hobbies and shopping for daily necessities, making it the best Kanazawa outing I've ever had. It was nice to be able to go outside after a long time and get refreshed because I couldn't leave the dormitory for a long time because of the coronavirus. However, I lost my time because I didn't make any plans for my shopping, so next time I go, I'll make a timetable before I go. lol

It is a piece of minor information, but there is a city bus of 6:30 a.m. from Sena, so if you use it, you can fully enjoy Kanazawa from the early morning. I also recommend visiting Kenrokuen, Omityo Market, Tsudumimon, and other tourist spots.

When I live in the dormitory, it would be a very valuable experience to be able to do it until now, for example, go out for shopping, eating out, watching movies, and other things. My sense of value has changed and I started to thank for the little things. I think this is something I've realized because I've spent time in the dormitory.

I'll see you in the next journal. 😁

June 3, 2020 紅はるか芋の苗植え付け








Hi! My name is Daiko Kato and I am a second-year student of international college of technology. This is my first contribution to the Hakusanroku Journal. This time, we helped to plant the "Beni Haruka" potato seedlings. I enjoyed it so much, so that I'm sharing it in here.

The day before, the weather forecast said for rain, so we were nervous about it, but it turned out to be cloudy on the day, so we were happy to be able to carry out our activities.

Due to the effects of the coronavirus, it was not a club activity, but an individual activity, and I participated to the activity with three of my friends.

Eighty percent of the work was done by the club's teachers and local resident, and the remaining 20 percent was done by the students. (As a measure for COVID-19, teachers and local resident moved on to tractor cleanup work while students were working to avoid the “3MITSU”)

We planted the seedlings by used “Funazokoue” that can stable yields. “Funazokoue”: 1. Dig about 10 cm in the center of the ridges. 2. Put the sapling in a diagonal position with about 40cm between the plants. 3. Cover the stems with soil.

While I was planting the seedlings, I was surprised because of I saw a bug that looked like a stink bug. Also, it was more difficult than I expected to plant the seedlings evenly by using “Funazokoue”, so I had a hard time doing it.

In the fall, we will be harvesting the potatoes we grow in our engineering design class, so we are very much looking forward to seeing the growth of the potatoes we planted. Last year, we were ravaged by monkeys and suffered a lot of damage, so we want to take better measures this year.

It was very pleasant and fun to work in the new greenery.

"I'm sure the sweet potatoes picked in Hakusan will be delicious. I can't wait for fall. :)"

Daiko Kato



February 25, 2020

こんにちは、国際理工学科二年 瀬戸悠華です。今回はEngineering Design IIでの活動内容をみなさんに紹介したいと思います。

私たちTeam Event は、東二口文弥人形浄瑠璃に関する活動を一年間にかけて行ってきました。地域活性化というテーマのもと、私たちは「ミニ人形製作体験」、物語の「四コマ漫画化」を企画しました。東二口文弥人形浄瑠璃は、担い手の減少、観客の年齢層の固定化が指摘されていました。そこで私たちは、東二口文弥人形浄瑠璃について知らない方々を対象に、興味を持ってもらう入口を提供することを目標に、これらの企画を提案しました。


 地域活性化プロジェクトは、今まで行ってきた校内のプロジェクトとは違い、多くの人々が強く関わってきます。失礼な態度はもちろん、無責任に終えることは許されません。これらは私にとってすごくプレッシャーで、プロジェクトが進むにつれてそのプレッシャーはさらに大きくなっていきました。この負担も地域活性化プロジェクトの一部であると同時に、Engineering Design IIでは、地域活性化プロジェクトの難しさを改めて実感しました。

 今回の一年間のプロジェクトは多くの方々のお力添えをいただいたおかげで成功に終えることが出来ました。多くの人々が関わることで、自分たちが気づけなかったことや地域の方々の率直な意見を得ることが出来ました。この繋がりを通して、多くの方々に白山麓地域の伝統や魅力が発信できればいいなと思います。東二口文弥人形浄瑠璃保存会の皆様、イベント実施の際に関わってくださった皆様、Team Eventのメンバーのみなさんありがとうございました。今後も今回の経験を活かし様々な問題解決活動に取り組み、責任感を養っていきます。

S207 瀬戸悠華

 Hi everyone.  My name is Yuka Seto and I am a second-year student of the Department of Science and Technology. Today, I would like to introduce our project in Engineering Design II.

  We, Team Event, worked on a project about Bunya Ningyo Joruri for a year. Bunya Ningyo Joruri is one part of the culture of the Hakusanroku area. It started more than 350 years ago. Recently, the number of successors decreased and the age of the audience is stable. Under a theme of regional revitalization, we planned to hold mini doll making events and make “4-block manga” of the stories. We planned that because our purpose was to provide chances for people who do not know about Bunya Ningyo Joruri to become interested.

 Mainly, I worked on making posters about the characteristics of Higashi Futakuchi Bunya Ningyo Joruri and the doll making events. We held the first event at the second floor of Sena road side station. Through the conversation with participants and surveys, we got a lot of opinions. Their opinions were so helpful for improving our project. We held the event on Bunya festival. I watched the play of dolls, called Ningyo Joruri. I noticed the puppeteers’ passion and history of Ningyo Joruri. During making several documents, some teachers and puppeteers gave me advice. It was a nice opportunity to think about who I make documents for, how I should summarize information that I correct and how I should visualize them. I am grateful for their valuable advice.

 Regional revitalizations are different from the school projects that we did in Engineering Design I. It is related strongly to a lot of people. Rude and irresponsible attitudes are not allowed. Because the project affects people’s lives, I felt a lot of pressure not to make mistakes. I noticed that this burden is a part of a regional revitalization. In Engineering Design II, I understood how difficult regional revitalizations are.

 We couldn’t finish up this project without people’s help. Having relationships is so important to get advice and opinions that we cannot notice. I hope this wonderful tradition and culture spread more and more. People from Higashi Futakuchi Ningyo Joruri, people who helped us to hold events and members of Team Event, thank you so much. From now on, I will try more problem-solving and take responsibility for being more involved in the community.

S207 Yuka Seto

February 25, 2020 In Engineering Design IIB class

Hi, I am Issada Pracharktam, the student from Thailand who’s now come to study abroad in Japan. I will write about the reflection for the Engineering Design class.  In Engineering Design IIB class, we have done the project under the topic of doing something for the Hakusan area. It was a one year long project, where we had to start from researching the area, finding and narrowing the problem, and think of the solution. My team did work under the topic of event, which focusing on Ningyou Joruri (one of the Hakusan traditional culture). Our goal was to keep and spread the culture to others, especially children. We held a doll making event that has a purpose of letting more people, focusing on children, to know more about the culture. For this project, I have created the 4-blocks manga with the simpler and easier to understand version of the Ningyou Joruri story. This were displayed in the event for the visitors to understand the story too. In total, we have held the event for 2 times, the first one held on 23rd November 2019 and second time on 9th February 2020.

Both events went on smoothly than we had expected. The first event was held at the Michi-no-eki’s second floor. We held the event from 13 to 16 pm. People continued coming one after another for some time. This was something I didn’t expected, I thought people would hardly come. This is the event which we just start, and the culture itself isn’t that famous. So this part we could say that we archive the goal. The event was more tired than I thought. The unexpected amount of visitors and for talking endlessly was quite exhausting.

For the second event, it was the same day as the “Bunya festival”. This day is the day the Ningyo Joruri would be played for once a year. We decided to do a little event for visitors who came to see the play.  This time we held for much shorter time and it was much smaller than the first time, so it wasn’t that tired. After the event, we had a chance to see the play too. Many things in the show were unexpected, the props, like the door sign, the door, were there and easy to recognize what is it. I thought that it would be like impossible to understand the story, but it is not that bad. It is still hard for foreigners to understand, since it was all in Japanese. Maybe we should add some English translated story for foreigners to read.

In overall, it was a good opportunity to be able to experience the Japanese culture. The Ningyou Joruri culture is full with Japanese style, which is not similar to Thai’s at all. There is also some kind of this culture in Thailand, it is called “Nang Talung”. However, Thai’s would use the shadow instead, not the real doll to show. The doll will be behind the screen, and the light will be shine from the back of the doll so that the doll’s shadow would be shown for the audience to see. The first time I heard about the Ningyou Joruri, I reminded of this Thai’s culture. For this project, I felt that I can do something for the local people. I have more confident in myself; especially communication skill. I need to communicate with the local people using Japanese, which help me realize my level of Japanese skill. This is the thing that the more we do the more we improve, so I am glad to have this kind of opportunity.

Issada Pracharktam




振り返ると、日本の文化に触れる良い経験となりました。人形浄瑠璃はとても日本らしい文化です。タイにも「Nang Talung」という似ている文化がありますが、これは本物の人形ではなく影を使います。人形はスクリーンの裏にあって、観客に見えるように人形が光に照らされるのです。初めて人形浄瑠璃の話を聞いた時、タイのこの文化のことを思い出しました。このプロジェクトを通して、地域の方々のために何か自分にもできることがあると感じました。前よりも自信がつきましたし、特にコミュニケーション能力が伸びました。地域の方と話す時に日本語を使う必要があったので、自分の日本語のレベルを知ることができました。こういうことはやればやるほど上達するので、このような機会があって嬉しかったです。


January 8, 2020


デザコンは幾つかの区分に分かれていますが、私たち白山麓キャンパスの学生が参加できるのは、プレデザコン(高専1から3年生対象)となります。プレデザコンと言っても、分野が空間デザインフィールド(建築の透視図)、創造デザインフィールド(ロゴデザイン)、A Mデザインフィールド(3Dプリント)の3つに分かれており、それぞれの学生の得意分野で取り組むことができます。私自身は創造デザインフィールドを選択して今年の東京大会に参加しました。



S科2年 鷺島悠人

Hello everyone. My name is Sagishima and I am a second-year student of the department of science and technology. Today I would like to write about the Kosen Design Competition (DezaCon), which I participated in and is counted as one of the three big Kosen Contests along with the ProCon and RoboCon.

The DezaCon is divided into several divisions. The division that students from the Hakusanroku campus can participate in is the Pre-DezaCon (first- to third-year students). This Pre-DezaCon is further divided into three fields: the Space Design Field (architectural perspective drawing), Creative Design Field (logo design), and AM Design Field. (3D printing) Students can choose which fields they wish to compete in. I selected the Creative Design Field and entered this year's Tokyo tournament.

This year's theme was to create a logo based on the concept "Passing down the bond between people of Natori city who overcame the trial of nature." I would like to briefly describe how I reached my final product. First, I broke down the theme. This year's theme was complex, so I simplified it to the sentence "Display the bond between people who overcame the earthquake." Next, I brainstormed and began the brushing up process. These took the longest amount of time; about one week for each stage. The brush up stage was especially tiring because it was an intricate process of comparing the effects of tiny differences. Finally, I submitted the necessary documents. It was an amazing experience to see my ideas take shape and exceed my expectations. I was able to rediscover the joy of ideation through this experience. Also, my efforts were happily paid off as I received the Special Award. (award from the judging committee)

I recommend this field to newcomers because good ideas can carry you far and there are supporting teachers at ICT. If you are interested, why not test your design skills here at ICT?

S2 Sagishima Yujin


December 24, 2019 バイオマス発電見学

国際理工学科一年の佐藤 俊太朗です。




佐藤 俊太朗

Hello, I am Shuntaro Sato who is first year student of department of science and technology.

I thought that I could see beautiful autumn leaves in October, then suddenly I could see snow at the Hakusanroku campus. It has become the season for eating mikans indoors.

The other day, I went on a tour of the biomass power generation that is researched by Kanazawa Institute of Technology. The heat generated during the biomass power generation is sent to a strawberry green house. Biomass power generation consumes a lot of chips of wood. We use it based on the concept of carbon neutral. Carbon neutral is the idea that “if carbon dioxide emissions and absorption are the same, it is eco-friendly”. We make a cycle of planting young trees with high carbon dioxide absorption and generating electricity using old trees with low carbon dioxide absorption. By this, areas of forest which the part where human have touched becomes the border between humans and animals such as bears, monkeys and boars. In addition, we can expect activation of local forestry.
This time, we actually entered a mountain near the campus, cut small thin pieces from the already cut cedar trees, and put them in a crusher to make chips. This was the first time I saw a chainsaw cutting a tree. I used an electric chainsaw, which is also environmentally friendly. If this biomass power generation spreads, the environment will be better and the forestry can be activated. In addition, I think that regional revitalization can be expected in areas surrounded by mountains.

Next is the strawberry greenhouse. The frame of this greenhouse is made of wooden materials with excellent heat insulation. The heat generated from biomass power generation is used for heat insulation. In addition to adjust the temperature, volume of water, and amounts of bees, this greenhouse uses LED lights to adjust the amount of solar radiation. When I went to the greenhouse this time, I was shown the first strawberry. In the future, I realized again that it was time to leave AI and robots to work. However, instead of relying entirely on AI, I thought it was important to find a method that could be recognized and improved by someone after hundreds of years by keeping a record of the technology and knowledge. It was a good experience to be exposed to new technologies at this tour. The contents learned in the class of Engineering Context 1B actually came out and deepened my understanding.

Shuntaro Sato


December 12, 2019 全国高校生コマ対戦を終えて

S科1年ロボコンチームの畠中 義基です。

2019年11月23日(土)に愛知県で行われた、第7回全国高校生コマ大戦 名古屋モーターショー場所に出場してきました。出場メンバーは、僕と、同じく国際理工学科1年の佐藤俊太朗と杉晃太朗の3人で1チームとして参加してきました。僕たちがコマの大会に出場することになったのは、9月の下旬に先生に勧められたことからでした。出場が決まってから約2か月間放課後にコマの製作と研究を何度も繰り返し約80個のコマを製作しました。最初のほうは、回転時間があまり伸びず嫌になることもありましたが、何とかやり遂げることができました。僕が最後までやり遂げることができたのは、同じデザイン&ファブリケーションクラブのプロコンチームが全国高等専門学校プログラミングコンテストで本選に出場するなど、結果を残している中で、ロボコンチームは、何も結果を残してないということに何か結果を出さないといけないと思っていたからです。大会の結果は予選敗退(7勝3敗)でした。負けた3試合は、すべて自分の失投(コマの投げミス)によるものだったのですごく悔しいです。もっと練習をしておけばよかったとすごく後悔しています。この負けを次のコマ大戦やほかの活動に活かしていきたいと思います。

畠中 義基

My name is Yoshiki Hatanaka. I'm a first year student of the Department of Science and Technology.

On November 23 (Sat), I participated in the 7th National High School Spintop Battle Tournament (Koma-taisen) at Nagoya Motor Show. Fellow first year students and teammates Shuntaro Sato and Koutaro Sugi also participated in this tournament. We learned about this tournament from our couch in the end of September. For two months after school, we manufactured and analyzed over 80 spintops. In the beginning, we could not improve our spining time and I felt like giving up at times. However, we stayed strong and pushed through to the end. The reason we were able to continue is because the ProCon team from the same Design and Fabrication Club participated in the National Kosen Programming Contest and we as a team felt pressure to achieve a result of our own. We were eliminated in the preliminary round with a record of seven wins and three losses. The three games we lost were due to a miss throw from myself, which was very frustrating. I regret that I didn't spend more time practicing spinning the tops. We plan to use this experience in future spintop tournaments and other activities.

Yoshiki Hatanaka



October 30, 2019

国際理工学科一年の佐藤 俊太朗です。先日、寮の温泉である比咩の湯のコースターを作りました。ある日、温泉のレストランにコースターがないことに気付いてスタッフに尋ねたところ、「ないのでぜひ作って欲しい」と頼まれました。素材はメーカースタジオにあった木材とコルク材で、エンジニアリングデザインで習ったレーザーカッターを使って2日で作りました。デザインはシンプルに校章と「比咩の湯」と「ICT×KIT」の文字をいれました。大きさは直径90mmすることで比咩の湯にあるガラスのコップからビールジョッキまで全ての容器が置けるようにしました。比咩の湯にコースターを持っていったところ、すごく喜んでくれたので嬉しかったです。比咩の湯に訪れた際には是非見てみてください。

佐藤 俊太朗

I'm Shuntaro Sato, first year student of the Department of Science and Technology. Recently, I made a coaster for the school's onsen, Hime-no-yu. One day, I realized there were no coasters in the onsen's restaurant and asked the staff there. He asked me to make some so I decided to do so. The coasters are made of wood and cork. They took two days to make using the laser cutter in the Maker Studio. The design is simply the words "Hime-no-yu" and "ICT x KIT". The size is 90mm so that it can hold any glass or beer bug. When I gave the coasters to the Hime-no-yu staff they were very grateful so I was happy. Please check them when you go to Hime-no-yu.

Shuntaro Sato

August 25, 2019 インターンシップを終えて





My name is Hinata Honmaru and I am a second-year student of the Department of Science and Technology. On August 1st, I participated in a one day internship held by TeamLab. 

This internship was held at TeamLab's main office in Tokyo. When I entered the office for the first time, I was surprised at the bright and cute design of the floor, and the various decks with top boards that you can write on or have artistic designs. It was very different from my image of a office.

The main activities of the internship were lectures by the worker and workshops. The other participants were all university students or graduate students and I was nervous at first to be the only Kosen (technical collage) student. I was especially nervous when I realized my workshop group was mostly sophomore and junior year students. However, there were many things linked to classwork and extracurricular activities at ICT and I was able to participate confidently. This activity taught me how students of management, engineering, and design interact and work together in a group. Actually, at TeamLab three groups of specialists: catalyst, technology, and creative work together as a team on every product. I believe I can use this knowledge in my Kosen Robocon team. Our team is divided into the software team, hardware team, and management. Each team works individually to create the final product. I am good at creating presentations and paperwork so I do the management. I cannot do the programming and circuit making that the software and hardware team are doing. We are working together everyday to finish our project and I am grateful for the first-year students of the software and hardware team. We could not have come this far without them. I relearned the importance of collaborating and using what we are good at.

There was much to learn from this internship. I will always be grateful for my family and teachers who let me participate in this program. I hope to utilize what I learned and experienced in my life at ICT.

November 30, 2018 Wata-ga-daki Waterfalls

This place is called Wata-ga-daki. It is about 40 minutes by bicycle (or 15 minutes by car) from ICT's Hakusanroku campus. It is about halfway to the famous Yamaboshi sweets shop. Yamaboshi is famous for delicious Oban-yaki. Oban-yaki are a Japanese sweets similar to pancakes and filled with red bean paste or custard cream. They are 150 yen each. However, one person can only buy two. Today, a friend invited me to go and try them. The outer crust was crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. There was more sweet red bean paste inside than I have ever seen. It was by far the best Oban-yaki I have ever eaten.

There is a skateboard arena near Yama-boshi. My friend likes skateboarding and he invited me to join him. Wata-ga-daki is on the way. Students often stop by on their way to eat Oban-yaki. I felt all my worries and stress melt away when I see this view, so I'm suspicious it is a power spot. It looks very different in real life, so I recommend anyone interested to come to Hakusan to see it. It is a majestic sight.

Department of Science and Technology / First-year

Abudourra Zahido

2018年11月30日 綿ヶ滝




ザヒド アブドゥッラー

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