
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:ED Education

December 21, 2022 2年生エンジニアリングデザイン「アサギマダラ事業」


 こんにちは!国際高専の広報を担当している志鷹 英男です。

 今年7月に、山崎 俊太郎教授から電話があり、2年生のアグリビジネス班が「高専紅はるか事業」に加えて、新規に「アサギマダラ事業」に着手したことを教えていただきました。地元住民による白山ろく里山活性化協議会が昨年から、道の駅瀬女に隣接する耕作放棄地にフジバカマを植え、初夏から秋にかけて飛来するアサギマダラの休憩地として道の駅ならぬ"空の駅"として「アサギマダラ空の駅・白山」を整備し、子どもたちを対象とした「アサギマダラ・マーキング調査体験」を始めたこと、国際高専でも2年生のアグリビジネス班がアサギマダラの集客力に着目した新規ビジネスの開拓に挑戦している、という内容でした。


 アサギマダラをモチーフにした箸置きやキーホルダー、コースターを学生自身が、コンピュータスキルズ等で身につけたパソコンスキルでデザインし、校舎内のMaker Studioにあるレーザーカッターを使い、商品化しました。パッケージのデザインも学生が行いました。学生が作ったものだからと侮るなかれ、とても美しく繊細な商品に仕上がっています。



志鷹 英男

Developing Beautiful Original Products Using the Asagimadara (Chestnut Tiger Butterfly) as a Motif
2nd Year Agribusiness Group's Butterfly Business

 Hello! My name is Hideo Shitaka, and I am in charge of Public Relations for ICT.
 After nearly 20 years being in charge of public relations at Kanazawa Institute of Technology, I have been working on public relations activities for ICT for the past three years. As a job, this is quite interesting. I often take photos as a hobby and for practical use. Last September, I went to take photos of the Beniharuka sweet potato field in front of the Hakusanroku campus. This is where 2nd year students were working as part of their Engineering Design class. While taking photos, I noticed many beautiful butterflies flying among the plants near the field. That was my first encounter with an Asagimadara (chestnut tiger butterfly).

 In July of this year, professor Shuntaro Yamazaki called me to say that the 2nd year Agribusiness Group had launched a new Asagimadara Project in addition to the Kosen Beniharuka project. Last year, the Hakusanroku Mountain Village Revitalization Council, a group of local residents, planted Fujibakama (Fragrant Eupatorium) on abandoned farmland adjacent to the Sena Roadside Station to create the "Asagimadara Sky Station Hakusan". While Sena is a place for people to rest from early summer to fall, this sky station will become a place for Asagimadara to rest as well. The 2nd year Agribusiness Group from ICT was also taking on the challenge of developing a new business that focuses on the ability of the Asagimadara to attract visitors.

 One of ICT's characteristics is that we believe that solutions do not end with ideas. Students also need to focus on the process of materializing and testing ideas. For the Asagimadara project, students made a presentation on their project to the Hakusanroku Mountain Village Revitalization Council about opening a stall of original products, which they were able to do during the Asagimadara Marking Event on Friday, September 23rd, which is a national holiday. Last year, this experience was only a one-day Asagimadara Marking Event. This year it was expanded to include the sale of original Asagimadara products and efforts to identify HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan) as a sanctuary for Asagimadara.

 Agribusiness group members designed and built chopstick rests, key chains, and coasters using the skills acquired in Computer Skills lessons and the school laser cutter in the Maker Studio. Students also created the packaging for these products. The products were beautiful and delicate. They did a really good job.

 Unfortunately, the weather on Friday, September 23rd, a national holiday was rainy from the morning, but many families took part. ICT's stall was crowded with visitors. After the festival, the products were sold at Sena Roadside Station until Saturday, October 1st.
 They were also sold in the Campus Goods Corner at the entrance of the Book Center on the second floor of Building 21 on the Kanazawa Campus of ICT. They were on display at the ICT School Tour held on Sunday, November 6th, attracting much attention from the participants.

  There are many stretches of abandoned farmlands in front of the Hakusanroku Campus. However, with the cooperation of local residents, the students were able to create awareness of the Asagimadara Project.


Hideo Shitaka


September 12, 2022 エンジニアリングデザインⅠA「最終プレゼンテーション」

 こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は7月29日(金)に行われたエンジニアリングデザインⅠAの最終ポスター発表について紹介します。

 まず、最初の授業では、自分たちが感じている不便なものや場所等を紹介する1分間の動画を作成しました。次に、解決策をスケッチして教員たちにプレゼンテーションし、フィードバックを受けるデザインレビューセッションが行われました。 そこでは、モノの機能や、安全性、デザイン、素材、必要性等についてフィードバックがありました。そして、段ボールや紙を使って簡易的な模型を製作し、サイズや機構を確認しました。その後、Fusion360やイラストレータを用いて3Dモデル等のデジタルデータを設計し、3Dプリンターやレーザーカッター等で実際にプロトタイプを製作しました。最終授業で行われたポスター発表では、製作したモノ、そのプロセス、問題解決、ユーザーニーズ、使用結果の検証、今後の改善点、結論等を発表し、審査員の教員たちから質疑が行われました。 

 初めて使用するFusion 360で試行錯誤を重ねながらモデル設計し、3Dプリンターやレーザーカッターでモノを製作する姿に成長を感じました。そしてエンジニアリングデザインの授業で学んだ「問題発見、アイデア創出、設計して形を作り出す、検証」というデザインプロセスを経験し、グローバルイノベーターへの第一歩を踏み出すことができたのではないでしょうか。今回の授業で得た新たな学びは、今後に繋がることでしょう。

 間加田 侑里 

【A glance into the classroom】


 Hello. This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. Today, I would like to introduce the Engineering Design IA poster presentation held on Monday, July 29th.

 In Engineering Design IA, the students work on project-based learning activities. They find problems in their daily lives and environment and create solutions for these problems. Through the projects, students learn basic knowledge and methods to make quick prototypes of their ideas and enjoy value creation by giving shape to their ideas.
 For this project, the task was to redesign the worst thing that they use every day and improve it. There were a variety of things that the students found problematic in their daily lives. They included things that they install in their own rooms, use during class, and so on.
 First, in the class, students created a one-minute video introducing the things, places, etc. that they felt were inconvenient. Next, there was a design review session where they sketched out their solutions, presented them to the faculty, and received feedback. Feedback was given on the objects’ function, safety, design, materials, necessity, etc. Then, a simple model was built using cardboard and paper to confirm the size and mechanism. After that, the students designed 3D models and other digital data using Fusion 360 and Illustrator, and fabricated prototypes using 3D printers and laser cutters. The final class was a poster presentation session where the students presented their prototypes, the process, problem solving, user needs, verification of results, future improvements, and conclusions, and student answered questions from the faculty.

 I could see the students’ growth as they designed models through trial and error using Fusion 360, which they were using for the first time, and fabricated objects using 3D printers and laser cutters. I believe that they were able to take the first step toward becoming global innovators by learning about the design process of discovering a problem, creating an idea, designing and creating a model, and verifying the design. This experience will serve them well in the future.

Yuri Makada

July 6, 2022 エンジニアリングデザインⅡA

 こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は、2年生のエンジニアリングデザインの活動について紹介します。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from Hakusanroku Office. This time, I would like to write about what the 2nd-year students have been doing in their Engineering Design class.
 In this class, students are working on solving local issues. In HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan, below, Hakusanroku), the amount of abandoned farmland is increasing due to the aging population and decreasing birthrate. Also, monkeys are causing serious damage at the remaining farms. Our school is focused on local revitalization based on the goals of regional development found within the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Students have been divided into two teams: the Animal Damage Prevention Team, which uses AI and IoT to tackle the animal damage prevention problem, and the Agribusiness Team, which produces, brands, and sells sweet potatoes, and students are trying to solve the problems by utilizing the fallow fields in front of the school.



Animal Damage Prevention Team

 At Hakusanroku, damage caused by monkeys to crops is becoming more and more serious every year. This team has started to develop a system that uses AI & IoT that can recognize monkeys. In 2020, the team successfully improved AI recognition reliability to 90% by having the AI study several thousand photos of monkeys in nature. Furthermore, it has attracted much attention as it won the top presentation prize at the U-21 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. (For more information) Last year, students began developing and testing a sound and light intimidation function and an alarm notification function for the LINE app on the smartphones owned by producers. (For more information on last year's activities )

 Based on the results of last year's activities, this year students are further enhancing the notification function of the LINE app so that it can also send photos as well as notifications. Then students will develop a system to remotely process monkey images by installing several IP cameras in the fields that can remotely check and process images of monkeys and send them to a PC on campus. In addition to the system under development, students are also testing the effectiveness of animal scarers in combination with a drone.



Agribusiness Team

 The amount of abandoned farmland is increasing in Hakusanroku due to the aging of the local population and the lack of farmers. With the goal of revitalizing the region by utilizing these lands, the Agribusiness Team is also devising and verifying a sustainable business model through a business simulation of an agricultural corporation. This involves the cultivation of Beniharuka sweet potatoes and makings sales plans including advertising, promotion, and corporate accounting. 
 In late April, a local farmer taught students how to operate a tractor and cultivator and they plowed a field in front of the school. It was the first time for the students to drive a tractor and they took it very seriously. When the ground was uneven, one of the students said, Now I understand how my parents feel when they drive on bumpy roads! After that, they planted 300 Beniharuka seedlings, installed wire mesh and an electric fence, in cooperation with the animal damage prevention team, around the field to prevent damage from animals. Harvest is scheduled for the end of September, and during that time, the students will take turns mowing the grass around the field and watering the plants.
 This year, as a part of the local revitalization efforts, students plan to develop and sell original products related to the chestnut tiger butterfly at the chestnut tiger butterfly marking event held by the local Hakusanroku Community Revitalization Council, in cooperation with local residents.

 代表の有本 勲氏は白山麓の観光と農業に着目し、白山麓には観光スポットがなく特産品の肉もないことなどから、羊の放牧や羊肉に可能性を感じ、白山麓の新たな特産品開発に向けて事業展開しています。有本氏から学生たちは羊飼育の年間スケジュール、飼料計算、収支計画、経営方針や羊の飼育方法などの説明を受けた後、山立会から車で10分ほど先にある鳥越地区の羊小屋で、羊担当の山本 真奈未氏の指導のもと、羊の蹄切りと毛刈り体験を行いました。羊の体重は100kgぐらいあり、歩き回る羊を捕まえるだけでも一苦労のようでした。3名の学生が羊を取り囲み、小屋の外へ誘導し、それからハサミを使って蹄切りと毛刈りを行いました。学生からは「ハサミで毛を刈る作業よりも、左手で毛を抑えるほうが重くて力が必要だから大変!」や「羊の毛はふわふわしていて、油っぽい!」との声があがりました。また、草本 留嘉寿さんは、寮生活の中で学生の散髪を頻繁に行っているそうで、羊の毛もハサミで刈ることはお手の物だと話していました。
(里山総合会社「山立会」公式HP :https://yamadachi.com/)



 On Thursday, June 2nd, the Agribusiness Team visited Yamadachikai, a mountain village landscape company located 3 minutes by car from the Hakusanroku Campus, for a social tour and sheep shearing experience. 
 Yamadachikai has established a new business in Hakusanroku and is engaged in multifaceted activities such as agriculture, product development, sales, and wildlife management in the mountain village landscape area. In addition to utilizing the increasing amount of abandoned farmland in Hakusanroku, they have begun grazing sheep on wild grass, and are currently working to establish breeding techniques in cooperation with Ishikawa Prefectural University.
 Mr. Isao Arimoto, the representative of the company, focuses on tourism and agriculture in Hakusanroku. Since there are no tourist spots and no specialty meats from Hakusanroku, he sees potential in sheep grazing and mutton, and is developing a business to develop new Hakusanroku specialty products. Mr. Arimoto explained to the students the annual schedule of sheep farming, feed calculations, income and expenditure planning, management policies, and sheep breeding methods. After that, they went to a sheep pen in the Torigoe area, about 10 minutes by car from Yamadachikai, to experience hoof trimming and sheep shearing under the care and guidance of Ms. Manami Yamamoto, who is a shepherd. Each sheep weighed about 100 kg, and it was a challenge just to catch them as they roamed around. 3 students surrounded the sheep, led them out of the shed, and then trimmed their hooves and sheared their wool. Students commented, "It was more difficult to hold the fleece with my left hand than it was to shear. The fleece is very heavy and requires more strength, and "Sheep's wool is fluffy and oily! Lucas Kusamoto, who frequently gives students haircuts in the dormitory, said that because of giving haircuts he is very good at shearing sheep.
(Yamadachikai, a mountain village landscape company, Official HP:  https://yamadachi.com)

 I think the students had a good opportunity to learn management know-how from Yamadachikai, which has launched a new business in the same Hakusanroku area where the students are working, and to think about new ways of working and the meaning of work through the sheep shearing experience. Here in the Hakusanroku region, we are faced with many issues in todays society such as population decline, crop damage by animals, and passing on cultural practices. Now, with the cooperation of local residents, we are able to think about regional revitalization issues, which is an excellent learning environment for students who will be responsible for our future.

 間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

May 18, 2022 Making Websites in Computer Skills Class

 Hello everyone. This is Robert Songer, Associate Professor and Computer Skills teacher at Hakusanroku Campus. The weather has been getting warmer and we are starting fresh new classes at ICT—it must be spring! Since this is my first time writing for the Hakusanroku Journal, I would like to give a little introduction of myself and my classes.

 I specialize in computer programming and software engineering subjects in the Department of Science and Technology curriculum. Most of my classes are for the 4th and 5th year students at Kanazawa Campus where they learn things like the Python programming language, software development processes, managing databases, and computer graphics (CG) which is a new topic this year. Sadly, I do not teach at Hakusanroku Campus in the spring semester so I will miss out on enjoying the warm mountain weather and seeing the monkeys in the fields. My classes at Hakusanroku are the Computer Skills classes for 1st year and 2nd year students in the fall. That means I get to drive into the mountains on snowy roads for my early morning classes every week. But I don’t mind! As a native of Michigan State with its cold and snowy winters I am perfectly comfortable in snowy environments.

 In the 1st year Computer Skills class, Professor Ohtsuka and I teach how to make web pages. We introduce the students to HTML, the language of the Worldwide Web. I like to say that the wonderful thing about the Web is that anybody can use the Web to learn about the Web. Even you reading this now in a browser can see the HTML source of this page. On a PC, you can right-click on the page and choose “view source” or “inspect”. Then the browser will show you all the source code that it uses to display the images, colors, and text that you see on the page. Of course, for a complicated page like this one, the source code will be equally complicated if not more!  
 In addition to HTML, the 1st year students also learn about CSS which is a scripting language (a kind of simplified programming language) for describing the appearances of a web pages. While HTML defines the structure of the page, such as where to put headings and images, CSS describes the visual properties of elements on the page, such as what color the text should be and how big to make the images. When they working together, HTML and CSS can be quite powerful technologies with seemingly infinite possibilities for building and designing web pages.

 Every day in class, the students practice what they learn on their computers in the Computer Lab. We do hands-on activities on interactive websites designed for learning these web technologies. One of the websites we use is called Code.org (https://code.org) which has a lot of interactive lessons for individuals as well as entire classrooms to use in learning about computer technologies. The lessons show everything students need to see on screen at the same time. Instructions are at the top of the screen, an editor window for writing source code is at the bottom left, and a view window showing the result is at the bottom right. This is a much simpler way to learn compared to the way modern web developers create websites. Usually, a developer will need to use many different software programs at one time and continuously switch between windows while they work. I think the students can really appreciate having everything they need in one window by using Code.org instead.

 After spending most of the semester learning about web page design, the final project is a portfolio website. The students plan and build a website to show off the activities and projects that they do at ICT. They are free to choose what content and layout they want to use for the website while they decide how to express themselves through visual design. In the end, all the students upload their websites to a hosting service called GitHub Pages (https://pages.github.com/) for anybody to see.

  I am impressed to see the students’ creativity and ingenuity at organizing their original ideas on a page. You can see their websites, too! I have collected a couple links to student pages from 2021 to share with you here. Please check them out below and take a look at what the students themselves chose to share about their first year at ICT.

Lucas Kusamoto
Kan Kinoshita

Robert Songer



 1年生のコンピュータスキルズの授業では、大塚教授と私でWebページの作り方を教えています。そこではWorldwide Webの言語であるHTMLを紹介しています。Webの素晴らしいところは、誰でもWebを使ってWebについて学ぶことができるということです。今、ブラウザでこれを読んでいるあなたも、このページのHTMLソースを見ることができます。パソコンでは、ページを右クリックして「ページのソースを表示」または「検証」を選びます。すると、このページの画像や色、文字を表示するために使っているソースコードをすべて表示してくれます。もちろん、このような複雑なページの場合、ソースコードも同じように複雑になります。



 後学期の大半を費やしてWebページのデザインについて学んだ後、最終プロジェクトとしてポートフォリオサイトを作成します。学生たちは国際高専で行っている活動やプロジェクトを紹介するWebサイトを企画・構築します。どのようなコンテンツやレイアウトにするか、またビジュアルデザインでどのように自分を表現するかなど、自由に選択することができます。最終的には、GitHub Pageshttps://pages.github.com/)というホスティングサービスにアップロードし、誰でも見ることができるようにします。


草本 留嘉寿さん
木下 観さん


February 19, 2022 エンジニアリングデザインIB 最終発表

 こんにちは!白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は128日に行われたエンジニアリングデザインIBの最終発表についてご紹介します。
 1年生が履修するエンジニアリングデザインIBでは、ユーザー視点に立った新たな価値創出の手法である「デザインシンキング」を取り入れ、課題発見・解決型の活動にチームで取り組みます。その中でLEGO EV3、プログラミング、センサの使い方、ロボットの組み立て方などを学びます。

 Hello! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about the first-year students and their Engineering Design IB final presentation on January 28th.
 In Engineering Design IB, teams work together to discover and solve problems using design thinking, a method of creating new value based on user perspective. In this course, students learn about LEGO EV3, programming, how to use sensors, and how to assemble robots.
 For this project, the task was to make toys that would be entertaining and surprising. The students were divided into two teams according to their target age groups. In addition, the toys were required to incorporate the mechanisms of living things, such as the features and functions of animals and plants.

 In order to create their toys, each team interviewed teachers and asked them "What do you enjoy or feel surprised about in your daily life?"


 このチームは30代以下の教員にインタビューを実施し、「競争したり、達成感を感じたり、あることに熱中したりする中で楽しみを感じる」という意見をヒントにしました。そこでゴールまでを競い合い、ゴールの達成感を味わうおもちゃとしてボ-ドゲームに着目し、夢中になる要素にサイコロを振る装置を取り入れることにしました。LEGO EV3で作られたサイコロを振る装置は、シャチが水中に泳いでいる魚を尻尾で蹴り上げる動作を現したものです。サイコロを振る装置はランダムで飛距離が変わり、コマに当たり倒れる可能性があります。これはシャチが蹴り上げて飛ばした魚が鳥に衝突する場面を表現し、これによってコマが落ちてしまうかもしれないというヒヤヒヤ感を味わうことができます。

 This team interviewed teachers younger than 30 years old and took their cue from their comments about elements of competition, a sense of accomplishment, and enthusiasm for certain things. They focused on a board game designed for players to compete to reach the final goal and feel a sense of accomplishment. Also they decided to incorporate the element of uncertainty into the dice rolling device. The dice rolling device made of LEGO EV3 represents the action of an orca flicking a fish into the air with its tail. The dice rolling device randomly changes how hard the dice is rolled and as a result the dice game token may be knocked over. This represents a scene where a fish flicked up by an orca collides with a bird. Players can feel a sense of dread that the game token might drop.

Maple Drop

 このチームは40代以上の教員にインタビューを実施し、「自然との関わり」に興味がある方が多いと気づきました。このことから、普段の何気ない行動の中で「自然」に関するものに接して「アラっ?」というような穏やかな驚きをもらえるようなおもちゃを制作することにしました。玄関にセンサを設置し、人が通ると、ヒラヒラと葉っぱが落ちてくるような装置をLEGO EV3で制作しました。葉っぱはメイプルの種の構造を参考に折り紙で制作し、綺麗な様子によって驚きを与えるという素敵な装置です。それらの装置を12台も制作しましたが、残念ながら最終発表では3台しか動作しませんでした。

 This team conducted interviews with teachers over 40 years old and noticed that many of them were interested in relationship with nature. This led them to the idea of creating toys that would give them a mild surprise like "eh?" when they came into contact with something related to nature in their daily activities. They set up a sensor at the school entrance and created a device with LEGO EV3 that made leaves flutter and fall when people walked by. The leaves were made of origami paper, based on the structure of maple leaves, and it was a wonderful device to surprise the audience with its beautiful appearance. They made 12 of these devices, but unfortunately, only 3 of them worked in the final presentation.



 In order to complete their work, the students spent their time after school checking the operation, repeating the design review session many times, and extracting points for improvement. They worked hard to create their work through trial and error as a team. Even so, there were some problems that arose during the final presentation, and the team was forced to deal with them. However, I feel that the students gained a lot from this experience because they worked so hard.

October 18, 2021 紅はるか収穫



国際高専では2年生が問題発見・解決型のプロジェクト授業「エンジニアリングデザイン」の一環で「Agriculture Innovation Project」に取り組んでいる。白山麓における中山間地域における少子高齢化や耕作放棄地、獣害の増加などの課題に向き合い、その課題解決に向けて取り組む授業で、学生は、校舎前の休耕田を使ってサツマイモ「紅はるか」の生産を行い、営業、販売、決算までさながら「農業法人」の経営ビジネスを体験していく「ビジネス班」と、AIやIoTを用いて獣害対策システムの開発に取り組む「アグリテック班」に分かれ、通年で活動している。





志鷹 英男

The Business Group manages an agricultural corporation to revitalize the region, and the Tech Group is working on animal damage prevention. The students themselves will introduce their efforts at an online information session on Wednesday, November 3.

At the International College of Technology (ICT), second-year students are working on the " Agriculture Innovation Project" as part of the "Engineering Design" project class, based on problem finding and solving. In this class, the students use the fallow rice fields in front of the school building to produce sweet potatoes, "Beniharuka," and experience the management business of an "agricultural corporation," including sales, marketing, and settlement of accounts. The group is divided into the "Business Group," which produces sweet potatoes, "Beniharuka," using fallow rice fields in front of the farm, and the "Agritech Group," which works on the development of animal damage prevention systems using AI and IoT.

On Monday, October 4, the Business Team harvested sweet potatoes under a crisp autumn sky.
This year, the electric fence was made more robust to prevent monkeys from entering the field, so there was no animal damage. The team also removed weeds frequently and did "vine turning" to fatten up the potatoes, which helped them harvest 190 kg, 1.9 times more than last year.

The harvested Beniharuka potatoes will be matured in the school's warehouse for about a month to convert starch into sugar. They will be sold at the Roadside Station, Sena, in front of the school from Saturday, October 30.

In the online briefing session of the International College of Technology (ICT) to be held on Wednesday, November 3, the Business Team and Agri-Tech Team will explain their activities via live broadcast from Roadside Station Sena.

For more information about the online briefing session, click here.


Hideo Shitaka

July 13, 2021 JetBot in Engineering Context

Hello, it’s Jonathan, the camera man. Today I would like to introduce an activity that the second-year students have been working on in Engineering Context class. Perhaps you have seen some of these pictures on our twitter account with small robot cars. These are open-source AI robot platforms called “Jetbots.” They have a NVIDIA Jetson Nano microcomputer on a chassis with various sensors, and can be programed to be controlled or move on their own.

JetBots are a new activity from this year in the Engineering Context class, introduced by Hayato Ogawa sensei. Activities such as programming, robotics using Lego EV3, and various IT technology are becoming common even in public schools nowadays, and Hayato sensei was looking for a more advanced hands-on project that involved both mechanical and AI technology. ICT and KIT have worked with Raspberry Pi in the past and Hayato sensei had always wanted to try the more powerful microcomputer Jetson Nano. It is beginner friendly with many easy examples to follow. However, the hurdle that ICT students have to overcome is the English reading. JetBots only need small changes to the program to make them work, but the online instructions are in high-school to university level English, which some of the students struggle to fully understand. Teachers help the students with this and conduct quizzes to make sure they are following along.

In this portion of the Engineering Context class, students each receive one JetBot, which they 1) learn to program and move, 2) make a data set, and 3) create a collision avoidance program. This is done by using the camera attached to the JetBot to take pictures of obstacles (the red cones you see in the pictures) and teaching the program to turn away or go through them if there is an opening. The final assignment is for students to submit a video of their robot safely maneuvering around the cones.

This activity is similar to the problem-solving activity students did in Engineering Design class, in that it is also a hands-on based project. However, one large difference is that the JetBot activity is a topic “given” to the students. This is good practice for the students if they enter industry after graduating for ICT. Not only is it an introduction to mechanical engineering and AI, but it teaches them the importance of accurate/good quality data and how to distinguish useful and unnecessary information. “In addition, they might work on automated cars in the future. In that case, they may realize that the accuracy of their data could save lives” Hayato sensei remarked. When I asked his impression on this new JetBot activity, Hayato sensei said “The English reading is difficult for some students, but the guidance of the teachers helps them by emphasizing key points they are looking for.” Once again, I believe the global faculty at ICT will always be one of our strong points.



こんにちは、カメラマンのジョナサンです。今日は2年生がエンジニアリングコンテクストの授業で取り組んでいる活動について紹介したいと思います。国際高専のツイッターなどでこの小さなロボットの写真を見たことがあるかもしれませんが、NVIDIAのマイコンJetson Nanoをシャーシに搭載した「JetBot」と言い、赤外線、超音波、距離センサーなどを備えたAI自律型ロボットカーです。

JetBotがエンジニアリングコンテクストの授業に導入されたのは今年からです。近年は公立の学校でもプログラミングやレゴEV3などのロボット系の授業が行われており、担当のハヤト・オガワ先生が機械やAI技術を取り入れたさらに高度なハンズオン・プロジェクトを探していました。以前、国際高専と金沢工業大学が共同で行った猿撃退プロジェクトでラズベリーパイを使用したこともあり、ハヤト先生はよりパワフルなJetson Nanoに興味を持っていたと言います。使いやすいように様々なプログラムが用意されていて初心者に優しいのですが、ハードルとなるのは英語のリーディングです。インターネットにある説明文はすべて高校~大学レベルの英語で書かれているため、読解に苦戦する学生もいます。これに対して、先生たちはフォローを行ったり、細かくクイズを出題などして、学生たちの理解度を確認しています。




November 30, 2020 愛・AIいもプロジェクト







Hi, its Jonathan the cameraman. Today, I will give a report on what some of the second year students have been doing in "Engineering Design" class.

ICT's "Engineering Design" is a course in which students find problems in their community or society by interviewing people and creating prototypes that solve them. Seven of this year's second year students decided to focus on the unused fields across the street from the Hakusanroku Campus and start the "Ai Ai Imo Project", which consists of two groups: "Agri-tech" and "Agri-business".

Last year, some students planted sweet potatoes in the same field as part of their club activity. Despite their hard efforts, most of the potatoes were dug up and eaten by monkeys. They partnered with Kanazawa Institute of Technology to test a wild animal defense robot. However, it proved unable to detect animals when set in a wild environment due to wind moving the plants in the background. Learning this, the "Agri-tech" group decided to create a system that detects monkeys in the wild using AI. The actual construction of the system started this semester. In November, they traveled to the national park in Tsubata-machi and took over 7,000 pictures of the monkeys there to increase the accuracy of the AI. These activities were even featured on national television "Kaga-noto Evening" on November 13. Damage to crops by wild animals is a serious problem in Japan and the group hopes to develop a system that can detect monkeys entering a field and notify the owner via their smartphone.

The "Agri-business" group started the "Ai Ai Imo Project" in April. Their goal was to utilize the unused field to grow and sell sweet potatoes. To not repeat the same mistake as last year, this year's second year students built an electric fence around the patch to shut out the monkeys. Thanks to this and some quick decisions, they were able to harvest over 90% of the sweet potatoes. Students measured the sugar content of the potatoes, which turned out to be a remarkably high 44 degrees. After roasting and eating the sweet potatoes, we confirmed that they were rich, sweet and delicious. The students rinsed and separated the sweet potatoes by size, which they then packaged and labeled. These sweet potatoes were branded "Kanjuku (sweet and ripe) beni-haruka" and were sold at the michi-no-eki "Sena" souvenir shop and local super market "Yorankaine". They were extremely popular and sold out in a couple of days.

Next year, we hope to improve the system created by the "Agri-tech" group and work with the local community to further promote the sweet potatoes to draw people to Hakusanroku.  

November 24, 2020 伝統芸能に触れる






One group of second year students have started a project targeting the local "important intangible cultural property", traditional performing art here in Hakusanroku, the puppet theatre "Deku-mawashi". In the first semester, they gathered information from the local community and evaluated its unique importance. Currently in the second semester, they are working on a project to improve its situation.

On November 15, we were able to listen to a lecture by chairman of Ningyo-joruri (traditional puppet theatre) in Tokushima prefecture, Martin Holman at the folk museum in Higashi-futakuchi, Hakusan city (the event was organized by Hakusan International Asosiation). You may have read the previous journal entry and know that it is the students second time to visit here. Our goal this time was to deepen our knowledge of Ningyo-joruri and ask the performers for feedback on the students' proposal.  

Listening to the lecture by Mr. Holman, we learned how he got involved with Ningyo-joruri, how to operate the puppets, and what his opinion is about the art. It was moving to listen to a foreigner speak so passionately about Japanese traditional art. After the lecture, we watched a part of the play "Taishokukan" and students were able to touch some of the puppets from Tokushima. It was informative and interesting to compare the differences between Ishikawa and Tokushima.

After the event, students continued to gather information from Mr. Holman and the Higashi-futakuchi members. The knowledge and feedback they gathered will improve their project even further.

Arihiro Kodaka

December 24, 2019 バイオマス発電見学

国際理工学科一年の佐藤 俊太朗です。




佐藤 俊太朗

Hello, I am Shuntaro Sato who is first year student of department of science and technology.

I thought that I could see beautiful autumn leaves in October, then suddenly I could see snow at the Hakusanroku campus. It has become the season for eating mikans indoors.

The other day, I went on a tour of the biomass power generation that is researched by Kanazawa Institute of Technology. The heat generated during the biomass power generation is sent to a strawberry green house. Biomass power generation consumes a lot of chips of wood. We use it based on the concept of carbon neutral. Carbon neutral is the idea that “if carbon dioxide emissions and absorption are the same, it is eco-friendly”. We make a cycle of planting young trees with high carbon dioxide absorption and generating electricity using old trees with low carbon dioxide absorption. By this, areas of forest which the part where human have touched becomes the border between humans and animals such as bears, monkeys and boars. In addition, we can expect activation of local forestry.
This time, we actually entered a mountain near the campus, cut small thin pieces from the already cut cedar trees, and put them in a crusher to make chips. This was the first time I saw a chainsaw cutting a tree. I used an electric chainsaw, which is also environmentally friendly. If this biomass power generation spreads, the environment will be better and the forestry can be activated. In addition, I think that regional revitalization can be expected in areas surrounded by mountains.

Next is the strawberry greenhouse. The frame of this greenhouse is made of wooden materials with excellent heat insulation. The heat generated from biomass power generation is used for heat insulation. In addition to adjust the temperature, volume of water, and amounts of bees, this greenhouse uses LED lights to adjust the amount of solar radiation. When I went to the greenhouse this time, I was shown the first strawberry. In the future, I realized again that it was time to leave AI and robots to work. However, instead of relying entirely on AI, I thought it was important to find a method that could be recognized and improved by someone after hundreds of years by keeping a record of the technology and knowledge. It was a good experience to be exposed to new technologies at this tour. The contents learned in the class of Engineering Context 1B actually came out and deepened my understanding.

Shuntaro Sato


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