
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:ED Education

November 21, 2019 手取川ダム見学

現在1年生が履修しているEngineering Context IBでは、エネルギーを題材にした授業が行われています。毎回様々な発電技術や各国のエネルギー政策を取り上げながら、技術には光と影があることを踏まえた技術者倫理を学生たちは学んでいます。



In the first-year student's "Engineering Context IB" class, we are currently studying about energy. Each class we pick up various power generation technology and different countries' energy policies, and discuss the good and bad of technological advancement from an ethical stand point.

Recently, we took a trip to the JPower Tedori River Dam 1 near the Hakusanroku campus. This was our second visit to the dam. However, it is evolving each year. First, Mr. Tanaka, the chief manager of JPower, distributed dam cards and gave a lecture about different types of dams and the characteristics of Tedori River Dam. Tedori River Dam is the fourth rock-fill dam in Japan and has served not only as a water-power generator, but also as adjustment for floods, and provider for waterworks and construction water. After the lecture, we moved to the top of the huge dam to see the spectacular view. Sadly, it was chilly and drizzling, but we enjoyed the beautiful panorama of Tedori Lake decorated with colored autumn mountains as we listened to Mr. Tanaka's humorous explanation.

Shuntaro Yamazaki

July 2, 2019

“Technology increases at an exponential rate” was, at first, a phrase used to describe the accelerating improvement of computer transistor technology in the 20th century. However, it has come to be a theme for many different technologies in the Digital Age. From horse driven carriages to self-driving cars or from room-sized computers to smartphones that fit in a pocket, simple useful technologies quickly grow into amazing inventions that surpass even the wildest of dreams. These technological marvels can only be made possible through the hard work of scientists, engineers, and innovators with creativity and imagination.

At ICT, the students develop their creativity and imagination by experimenting with some of the innovative devices that school has to offer. Students are challenged to create unique designs and contraptions in their classes, and are able to meet those challenges by utilizing the 3D printers, laser cutters, and the other devices that the school provides.

The newest tool for the students to utilize are small-but-powerful drones, capable of being easily controlled through a smartphone app and able to record both photo and video. The participants of one of ICT’s summer programs had a great time learning about drone technology and exploring their countless possibilities, but it’s not all fun and games! Soon, the 2nd year Computer Skills students will be faced with the daunting task of programming the drones to automatically perform search-and-rescue missions. Hopefully the students can use their knowledge and imagination to tackle this problem and grow as future global innovators.

Ryan J. Vicencio





June 10, 2019

On June 3, I had a chance to visit the "Engineering Context IIA" class at Hakusanroku campus. Engineering Context, combined with Engineering Design are the core of International College of Technology's "monozukuri" and "kotozukuri" education. The Engineering Context class is unique to the first and second year at Hakusanroku campus, and explores how to utilize various resources, while also teaching the ethical values necessary for an engineer to innovate in the age of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). 

The second year students were on their second week of studying the SDGs via cardgames designed by students of Kanazawa Institute of Technology (KIT). To learn more about these special SDGs classes, please read Yamazaki-sensei's journal about last week's Engineering Context IIA. On their second week, the second year students continued learning about the SDGs by playing two additional card games also designed by the KIT students: "Food Salvage" and "ESG Investment Game."

Food Salvage is a card game designed around food loss. Mizuno-san, the facilitator and main designer of this game, explained that around 1.3 billion tons of food is lost every year worldwide, which is approximately one third of the food produced. Also, it was estimated that 6.43 million tons of food was lost in Japan in 2016, which is equal to twice the amount of food aid in the world. However, one in eight people are still starving in the world today. Mizuno-san and the other KIT students designed the game to simulate this and provide an opportunity to learn and think about food loss and how to "salvage" the wasted food. Players take turns drawing food/ingredients cards with the objective of completing a randomly set dish. Each player can discards cards they don't need into the "food box", which other players can retrieve by saying "Salvage!" At the end of each round, the designated cook of the table must create a meal from the discarded cards in the food box.

The second game, ESG Investment Game, is designed to simulate investment. However, it also focuses on ESGs (environment, society, and governance). Players each have money and take turns advancing through the board, buying and investing in various businesses similar to the well-known board game "Monopoly." However, the investments and special cards are designed in consideration to the ESGs and increase awareness in the development of our real world's future. In the final round, the three teams competed in who could develop their world the most. Check the video below to see the results.

I asked the four facilitators how the ICT students preformed and they answered that they had taken the games to several events, but the ICT students were the best players at the games so far. More specifically, they were quick to understand the essentials of the game and come up with effective strategies in a short period of time. Apparently, many players struggle with creating meals out of the food box, but the ICT students effortlessly produced ideas for menus using multiple cards. I found this interesting, as at first glance it looks like they are simply having fun (as you can see in the video). However, my guess is that their ability to innovate and come up with ideas has grown in the past year here at ICT, perhaps without them or me even noticing it. Next week, in the final SDGs focused Engineering Context class, students will create their own original version of the "THE SDGs Action cardgame X (Cross)" designed by Takayuki Shimada and Itsuki Kameda of KIT. I cannot image that there are many schools that take this much effort and time (three whole dedicated classes) to study the SDGs. It is truly a characteristic of ICT and KIT's education.



この日の授業では、2年次の学生が金沢工業大学(KIT)の学生が制作したカードゲームを通してSDGsについて学ぶ集中講座の第2回が行われました。このSDGs集中講座について詳しくは先週の「エンジニアリングコンテキストIIA」を紹介した山崎先生の白山麓ジャーナルをご覧ください。2週目となる今日は、KITの学生が制作した2つのカードゲーム「Food Salvage」と「ESG投資ゲーム」をプレイしてSDGsの理解を深めました。

最初にプレイした「Food Salvage」はフードロスがテーマです。メインデザイナーの水野裕太さんによれば日本のフードロスは年間約643万トンで、これは世界の食料援助量の約2倍に相当するものです。さらに、世界のフードロスは年間約13億トンで、これは世界全体で生産された食料のおおよそ3分の1です。しかし、現在でも世界では8人に1人が飢餓で苦しんでいます。KITの学生はこのカードゲームで世界のフードロスの現状をシミュレートし、世界で失われる食糧の理解を深めたり、サルベージ(再利用)する方法を探るのが目的です。各プレイヤーは順番に食材か調味料のカードを引いていき、ランダムに設定された料理の完成を目指します。不要なカードはテーブル中央のフードボックスに捨てますが、他のプレイヤーは「サルベージ!」と宣言することでそれを回収することができます。各ラウンドの最後には指定された料理長がフードボックスにある食材を使って創作料理をひとつ完成させます。


ファシリテーターとして参加してくれた4人のKITの学生に感想を伺ったところ「今まで様々なイベントでプレイしてもらったが、国際高専の学生が一番上手い」という答えがありました。詳しく聞くと「短時間でゲームの本質を見抜き、効率よく目標を達成するのがとにかく上手い。例えば、フードボックスから料理を作る時によく戸惑う人がいますが、国際高専の学生はたくさんのカードを使ってクリエイティブな料理を作る」のだそうです。動画で見てわかるように、一見楽しそうにプレイしているだけなので、興味深い観察点だと思いました。もしかしたら、この1年間でイノベーターとしてアイデアを生み出す能力が伸びているのかもしれません。来週はSDGs集中講座の最終日になります。この授業ではKITの島田高行さんと亀田樹さんが開発した「THE SDGs Action cardgame X(クロス)」のオリジナルバージョンを制作します。3週に渡る集中講座を行い、これほどSDGsに注力する学校は珍しいと思います。この集中講座は金沢工業大学と国際高専の連携教育の取り組みです。


May 31, 2019 Studying SDGs in Engineering Context

現在2年生が履修しているEngineering Context IIAでは、SDGs集中講座が行われています。授業のテーマは「技術者倫理としてのSDGs」です。これは、世界の課題である貧困、格差、環境などの問題から国内の課題である人口減少や地方創生に対処する倫理観を養うためのアクティブラーニング型授業です。正解がない複雑な問題に対して、自ら考え判断し行動していく力を養うために、SDGs関連のカードゲームを用いた体験型授業ならびに、SDGsと関連の深い地方創生の実践サイトの見学を実施しています。


1) 2030 SDGs

2) SDGs de 地方創生

3) THE SDGs Action cardgame X(クロス)





In the Engineering Contect IIA class, the second-year students are taking a SDGs crash course titled "SDGs as Engineer Ethics." This is a class in which students learn the ethical values necessary to solve global problems such as poverty, inequality, and the environment, and local problems such as depopulation and the need for regional revitalization. We are studying the SDGs using card games and actually visiting sites of regional revitalization to develop our mind and learning how to take action to solve such complicated problems that have no easy answer.

The following are the three card games we used in class. Each have a history of being used in both Japan and overseas.

1) 2030 SDGs

2) SDGs de Regional Revitalization

3) THE SDGs Action cardgame X (Cross)

For the first two card games, players try to fulfil the goals of the world indicated by variables such as environment, economy, welfare, and population while balancing their own goals at the same time. This game is designed to give the player the experience of trying to create a world "where no one is left behind (the philosophy of the SDGs)" in a simulated society. If players concentrate too much on fulfilling their personal goals, the condition of the world will deteriorate, so they have to learn to work together with other players who have different motivations. This is also an opportunity for students to practice their negotiation and communication skills.

The third card game was designed by Kanazawa Institute of Technology (KIT). In this game, the player faces tradeoffs each time a SDGs is put into effect and has to learn how to innovate and overcome these consequences. Hiramoto-sensei and the KIT students who designed the game visited us at Hakusanroku campus to conduct a special class. Students developed their innovative mind through coming up with ideas of how to utilize the resources they have to overcome the tradeoff effects. In the next class, we plan to tryout our own original card game with the facilitating KIT students.

To deepen our understanding of the SDGs that we learned from the card games, we decided to visit an actual site of regional revitalization. The "Strawberry Farm Hakusan" is a tourist farm in Kamino-machi about twenty minutes by car from the Hakusanroku campus. This farm was open last year with the cooperation of the Hokuryodenko Co. who have experience with strawberry farming and small-scale hydropower generation. The farm's popularity has grown in the past year to the point of fully booked reservations on the weekends. There are repeating visitors from in and out of Ishikawa prefecture which help draw people to the Kamino-machi area. The electricity of the greenhouse is generated from a waterway nearby and prevents the release of CO2. The greenhouses temperature can be remote-controlled from a tablet and is an example of IT farming of the future. We were able observed firsthand the collaboration between Kamino-machi and Kanazawa city and how it contributes to drawing people to rural areas. The fusion of regional capital is a practice conducted not only national but also as a form of collaboration between nations. This was an opportunity for students to glimpse this form of regional revitalization.

Shuntaro Yamazaki

August 2, 2018

This is Kodaka, in charge of Engineering Context. Today I would like to talk about this class. In the first half of the class, we learned about ethics needed as an engineer, the influence and background of how various technology was born, and the code of behavior we should follow when creating something new. In the second half of the class, we studied an important communication skill for engineers, drawing. Drawing is a skill of communication that is not only a valuable method of communication but also a vital process in product realization through mind development and visual thinking.

The course is reaching the stage in which students use what they have learned in the first semester to create new value. We use half of the class for group brainstorming to devise a theme. Putting yourself in other people's shoes is indispensable for this activity. However, it also cultivates engineering ethics as well as user empathy resulting in a well-balanced understanding of the idea creation process. The verbalized idea reports created by the students will be finalized as visual reports. Next week will be our last class and evaluation date for the students' presentations. I am looking forward to their final products.

Lately I feel that people's response in social media to incidents in society is somewhat off. There is a clear lack of common sense in the general public's thought process, decision making, attitude, and action toward things in society. I believe this unbalance of mind and thought is due to greed, self-interest, losing track of the essence of matter, or unconventional logic. In this age of interconnected society, it is important to retain a wide viewpoint and broad mind. However, it is equally important to look at the essence of things from multiple angles and converge diverse opinions with conscious ethical thinking. This class will continue to focus on creating honest engineering ethics, where students can contemplate together how the engineer should be in the future.

 Arihiro Kodaka




 小髙 有普


June 27, 2018 Visitors from Hong Kong.

On Tuesday, we had some guests from Hong Kong. 30 students from HKCWC Fung Yiu King Memorial Secondary School visited ICT Hakusanroku Campus as a part of their school trip. Students of both schools broke up into fourteen teams to play the SDGs card game.

The SDGs (sustainable development goals) are a set of seventeen goals agreed upon by all 193 nations of the UN to make a better and sustainable world by 2030. They include goals not only focused on developing countries such as “no poverty” and “zero hunger”, but also goals targeting social needs in developed countries and the environment. The SDGs card game is designed to give the players the experience of developing the world.

In the SDGs card game, each group is given a primary goal, specific smaller goals, and money and time cards. Primary goals are general goals such as “make a lot of money” or “live a leisure life.” Specific goals are goals such as “build a highway” or “set a limit to fish taken each year.” They require money and time to complete and reward a different amount of money and time. When completed, each goal effects the world parameter, which is shown on the whiteboard in ratings of environment, society and industry. The goal of the game is for each group to complete goals and negotiate with other groups to trade cards to fulfil their primary goal and develop the world.

Most groups had two Hong Kong students and one ICT student, and were very shy at first. English was not their primary language and they had only just met each other five minutes ago. However, this ceased to be a concern as soon as the game began. There were students discussing their next move, rushing to complete their goal and receive the rewards, and negotiating vigorously. When the dust settled at half time and everyone looked at the world parameter, our jaws dropped. The world that had started at an even four points each for environment, society and industry, was now one point each for environment and society, and eighteen points for industry. We had reproduced the Industrial Revolution!

The instructor explained that the world we had created probably had horrible child labor and species going extinct every year. Each group had taken the most profitable actions and this world was the result. The second half was our test if we could bring the world back. The results are as you can see in the picture. Although we could not reach even, the environment and society improved compared to the first half. During reflection, several students said that they tried to improve the society and environment, but could not always find the sufficient money, time, or goals. Other students complained that the objective of the game was difficult to understand. I think this is interestingly similar to the world we live in today.

I asked the instructor about the results later and she explained that this is how the game commonly plays out. I was surprised how well it replicated the real world, especially for an educational game. There were groups with skillful players who fulfilled their goals in no time while other group struggled to negotiate and were casted aside. It seemed like a miniature version of the real world like the book “If the world were a village of 100 people.” The moment at halftime of “oh my god” was my favorite and I hope it remains in the students memory that provokes them to become conscious and take action to create a better world.










June 20, 2018 Engineering Context


On Monday, I visited ICT’s Engineering Context class. Engineering Context and Engineering Design are the two courses that teach students design thinking and problem solving, the core of ICT’s education to create global innovators. Engineering Context teaches specific methods to create things and utilize resources in a global environment.

This week, students were learning to draw combined three-dimensional shapes. Kodaka sensei, the Engineering Context teacher first demonstrated how to draw a plan for three-dimensional shapes. The plan consisted of a diagonal view of the combined shape and diagrams of the shape from different angles.

In the next part of the class, students were given an assignment. The assignment was to choose and combine two solids of rotation and one rectangular cube, and draw a plan of the combined shape. Some students had little trouble reproducing their image on paper, while others struggled. However, all students were very concentrated on their task, as you can see in the video.

Some people may have similar questions I had. What is the purpose of this class and why are we practicing such an old fashion method? Kodaka sensei explained to me that it is important to be able to draw an accurate plan or prototype, especially when brainstorming in an international team. Visuals can be a universal tool when language is not the most efficient method of communication.

Some people may have similar questions I had. What is the purpose of this class and why are we practicing such an old fashion method? Kodaka sensei explained to me that it is important to be able to draw an accurate plan or prototype, especially when brainstorming in an international team. Visuals can be a universal tool when language is not the most efficient method of communication.








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