School Event


Makada こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は12月に開催されたクリスマスイベントについて紹介します。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from Hakusanroku Office. I would like to write about Christmas events held in December.
 On Friday, December 1st, 2023, students and faculty members decorated a Christmas tree in the Living Commons after school. They hung sparkling decorations and wrapped lights and tinsel around the Christmas tree. When they finished, the tree was gorgeous and helped to create a heartwarming Christmas atmosphere on campus.



白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)でクリスマスツリーの飾り付けが行われました🎄🎁🎉✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #寮生活 #寮 #国際理工学科 #高専 #ボーディングスクール #STEM #クリスマス #クリスマスツリー #Christmas #Christmastree #christmastreedecorating

♬ All I Want for Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey


 その後、学生たちに大人気のゲーム「大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ SPECIAL」が行われました。12年生の中には猛者も多く、所々歓声があがる場面が多くあり、その場は大いに盛り上がりました。

 A Christmas party was held during the Learning Session on Friday, December 22nd, 2023. At the beginning of the Christmas party, the Learning Mentors gave the students a challenge. The Learning Mentors hid Christmas presents near the Living Commons, and the students had to find their own presents. When they were given the signal to start, all the students ran off to find their Christmas presents on bookshelves, in classrooms, and on the Christmas tree. Once everyone had found their gifts, they opened their gifts one by one. The students and Learning Mentors prepared the Christmas presents using the "Secret Santa" (※1) method. The gifts received by the students and Learning Mentors included items such as Lego bricks, cute mugs, and blankets, also humorous items such as handmade math puzzles. The students also had fun trying to figure out who had picked out the gifts for them through "Secret Santa.”

 Afterwards, the game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which is very popular among the students, was played. Many of the 1st and 2nd year students were fierce competitors, and there was a lot of cheering, making the occasion very exciting.



1 As the name implies, "Secret Santa" is a Christmas gift exchange in which the identity of one's Santa is kept secret. Students fill out questionnaires in advance about their favorite foods, colors, hobbies, etc. The questionnaires are then randomly distributed among students, who choose a gift for the recipient based on the results of the questionnaire.




Merry Christmas from ICT🎄🎁🎉 国際高専の教員たちから世界の言葉で「メリークリスマス」✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #国際理工学科 #高専 #クリスマス #christmas #merrychristmas #teacher #Tunisia #Thailand #usa #canada #Philippine #UK #newzealand #Guyana #STEM #3年次には1年間NZ留学

♬ Bright christmas songs - Pad



2023年12月22日(金)、白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)でクリスマスパーティーが開催されました!「シークレット•サンタ」と呼ばれるプレゼント交換会が行われ、プレゼントを開封する学生たちとラーニングメンターたちの目がキラキラと輝いていました🎁👀✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #国際理工学科 #高専 #クリスマス #christmas #merrychristmas #present #exchagegift #secretsanta #seacretsantanight #全寮制 #ボーディングスクール #クリスマスパーティー #プレゼント交換

♬ Last Christmas - Ally Brooke



 At dinner time on Sunday, December 24th, 2023, herb roasted chicken and strawberry shortcake were served as a Christmas special dinner. The side dishes were more luxurious than usual, and the menu seemed to be very satisfying. The special menus are offered at special events, such as Halloween and Christmas, and the students look forward to them.


 The December event was a wonderful time for 1st and 2nd year students to have fun together, and the atmosphere was warm and Christmas-like. 2nd year students have only a few months left in their dormitory life at Hakusanroku Campus, and I hope they cherish every moment they spend with 1st year students and make many memories together.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

Makada こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は12月に開催されたクリスマスイベントについて紹介します。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from Hakusanroku Office. I would like to write about Christmas events held in December.
 On Friday, December 1st, 2023, students and faculty members decorated a Christmas tree in the Living Commons after school. They hung sparkling decorations and wrapped lights and tinsel around the Christmas tree. When they finished, the tree was gorgeous and helped to create a heartwarming Christmas atmosphere on campus.



白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)でクリスマスツリーの飾り付けが行われました🎄🎁🎉✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #寮生活 #寮 #国際理工学科 #高専 #ボーディングスクール #STEM #クリスマス #クリスマスツリー #Christmas #Christmastree #christmastreedecorating

♬ All I Want for Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey


 その後、学生たちに大人気のゲーム「大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ SPECIAL」が行われました。12年生の中には猛者も多く、所々歓声があがる場面が多くあり、その場は大いに盛り上がりました。

 A Christmas party was held during the Learning Session on Friday, December 22nd, 2023. At the beginning of the Christmas party, the Learning Mentors gave the students a challenge. The Learning Mentors hid Christmas presents near the Living Commons, and the students had to find their own presents. When they were given the signal to start, all the students ran off to find their Christmas presents on bookshelves, in classrooms, and on the Christmas tree. Once everyone had found their gifts, they opened their gifts one by one. The students and Learning Mentors prepared the Christmas presents using the "Secret Santa" (※1) method. The gifts received by the students and Learning Mentors included items such as Lego bricks, cute mugs, and blankets, also humorous items such as handmade math puzzles. The students also had fun trying to figure out who had picked out the gifts for them through "Secret Santa.”

 Afterwards, the game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which is very popular among the students, was played. Many of the 1st and 2nd year students were fierce competitors, and there was a lot of cheering, making the occasion very exciting.



1 As the name implies, "Secret Santa" is a Christmas gift exchange in which the identity of one's Santa is kept secret. Students fill out questionnaires in advance about their favorite foods, colors, hobbies, etc. The questionnaires are then randomly distributed among students, who choose a gift for the recipient based on the results of the questionnaire.




Merry Christmas from ICT🎄🎁🎉 国際高専の教員たちから世界の言葉で「メリークリスマス」✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #国際理工学科 #高専 #クリスマス #christmas #merrychristmas #teacher #Tunisia #Thailand #usa #canada #Philippine #UK #newzealand #Guyana #STEM #3年次には1年間NZ留学

♬ Bright christmas songs - Pad



2023年12月22日(金)、白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)でクリスマスパーティーが開催されました!「シークレット•サンタ」と呼ばれるプレゼント交換会が行われ、プレゼントを開封する学生たちとラーニングメンターたちの目がキラキラと輝いていました🎁👀✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #国際理工学科 #高専 #クリスマス #christmas #merrychristmas #present #exchagegift #secretsanta #seacretsantanight #全寮制 #ボーディングスクール #クリスマスパーティー #プレゼント交換

♬ Last Christmas - Ally Brooke



 At dinner time on Sunday, December 24th, 2023, herb roasted chicken and strawberry shortcake were served as a Christmas special dinner. The side dishes were more luxurious than usual, and the menu seemed to be very satisfying. The special menus are offered at special events, such as Halloween and Christmas, and the students look forward to them.


 The December event was a wonderful time for 1st and 2nd year students to have fun together, and the atmosphere was warm and Christmas-like. 2nd year students have only a few months left in their dormitory life at Hakusanroku Campus, and I hope they cherish every moment they spend with 1st year students and make many memories together.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada


こんにちは、白山麓事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は白山麓キャンパスで開催されたハロウィンイベントについて紹介します。


 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from Hakusanroku Office. This time, I would like to write about a Halloween celebration held at Hakusanroku Campus.
 Every year when Halloween comes around, students and Learning Mentors decorate Hakusanroku campus. Students and Learning Mentors decorated the big stairs with Halloween decorations and attached plastic bags with pictures drawn on them to the air conditioner vents blowing air out from the floor. The plastic bags were decorated with pictures of Sanrio, anime characters, animals, and other various characters, and the ghosts that swayed in the wind were very cute and a big hit with the faculty and staff! They also decorated the big stairs with Jack-o’-lanterns made by students and Learning Mentors.


 On Tuesday, October 31st, 2023, students and faculty wore Halloween costumes throughout the day to class. Students dressed up as Disneyland cast members, Spiderman, and characters from the popular manga Jujutsu Kaisen while faculty members dressed up as a banana, the main character from the movie Remember Me, a character from Chainsaw Man and so on. 
 After school, a Halloween Costume Parade was held. The students walked on to a stage and introduced themselves to the audience of participants, and performed skits they had devised to show off their costumes. A contest was then held to determine the most creative, scariest, cutest and funniest costumes, with each winner receiving a voucher for ice cream from the Learning Mentors.


白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)ハロウィンの様子です🎃 #国際高専 #国際理工学科 #高専 #ハロウィン #ボーディングスクール #ハロウィンメイク #ハロウィン仮装 #ハロウィンコスプレ

♬ Show - Ado



白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、ハロウィンコスチュームパレードが開催されました🎃👻🎉🍭✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #国際理工学科 #高専 #ボーディングスクール #ハロウィン #ハロウィンメイク #ハロウィン仮装 #ハロウィンコスプレ #ハロウィンパーティー #halloween #halloweencostume

♬ Spooky Scary Skeletons (Aquagen Remix) - Aquagen


Costume Contest



 The Learning Session (night school) featured "piñatas", which are famous in Mexico: one student is blindfolded and given a stick to smash open a candy-filled piñata. The blindfolded student, with the help of their classmates, was able to smash the piñata as their classmates cheered. Afterwards, a karaoke party was held, where the students sang and danced and had a great time. 
 It was a lively day full of smiles and laughter.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada


こんにちは、白山麓事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は白山麓キャンパスで開催されたハロウィンイベントについて紹介します。


 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from Hakusanroku Office. This time, I would like to write about a Halloween celebration held at Hakusanroku Campus.
 Every year when Halloween comes around, students and Learning Mentors decorate Hakusanroku campus. Students and Learning Mentors decorated the big stairs with Halloween decorations and attached plastic bags with pictures drawn on them to the air conditioner vents blowing air out from the floor. The plastic bags were decorated with pictures of Sanrio, anime characters, animals, and other various characters, and the ghosts that swayed in the wind were very cute and a big hit with the faculty and staff! They also decorated the big stairs with Jack-o’-lanterns made by students and Learning Mentors.


 On Tuesday, October 31st, 2023, students and faculty wore Halloween costumes throughout the day to class. Students dressed up as Disneyland cast members, Spiderman, and characters from the popular manga Jujutsu Kaisen while faculty members dressed up as a banana, the main character from the movie Remember Me, a character from Chainsaw Man and so on. 
 After school, a Halloween Costume Parade was held. The students walked on to a stage and introduced themselves to the audience of participants, and performed skits they had devised to show off their costumes. A contest was then held to determine the most creative, scariest, cutest and funniest costumes, with each winner receiving a voucher for ice cream from the Learning Mentors.


白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)ハロウィンの様子です🎃 #国際高専 #国際理工学科 #高専 #ハロウィン #ボーディングスクール #ハロウィンメイク #ハロウィン仮装 #ハロウィンコスプレ

♬ Show - Ado



白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、ハロウィンコスチュームパレードが開催されました🎃👻🎉🍭✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #国際理工学科 #高専 #ボーディングスクール #ハロウィン #ハロウィンメイク #ハロウィン仮装 #ハロウィンコスプレ #ハロウィンパーティー #halloween #halloweencostume

♬ Spooky Scary Skeletons (Aquagen Remix) - Aquagen


Costume Contest



 The Learning Session (night school) featured "piñatas", which are famous in Mexico: one student is blindfolded and given a stick to smash open a candy-filled piñata. The blindfolded student, with the help of their classmates, was able to smash the piñata as their classmates cheered. Afterwards, a karaoke party was held, where the students sang and danced and had a great time. 
 It was a lively day full of smiles and laughter.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

 Hello, this is Ian Stevenson, an English teacher at ICT.

Tenzing Deguchi - Geto Suguru by Juzutsu Kaisen

 On Saturday, October 21st, 2023, in what has become another annual event here at Hakusanroku Campus, the students made Jack-o-lanterns. 6 students, 3 learning mentors and 2 teachers met in the project booth to cut and carve spooky, cute and manga character inspired jack-o-lanterns. This year because the monkeys did not destroy my pumpkin patch completely in my garden, we had 3 real pumpkins to carve and 13 paper mache pumpkins to cut.

 Before all the cutting and carving began, the tables were covered with tarps. After this, the students were told to be careful with the cutting and carving tools and then to begin. Different students made different designs. Hiroko Takeda, a 1st year student (who had helped make the paper mache pumpkins) cut her pumpkin into a bird called Long-tailed tit. Tenzing Deguchi, a 2nd year student, carved his real pumpkin into a famous anime character. Can you guess who it is supposed to be? (See the photo on the right.) Others cut their pumpkins into cats, spiders and monsters.

 After cleanup, the jack-o-lanterns and the extra paper mache pumpkins were turned over the Learning Mentors. They and the students used the jack-o-lanterns to decorate the main stairs. They put lights inside the jack-o-lanterns so that they look spooky and scary at night. The extra paper mache pumpkins turned into Halloween piñatas and filled with candy. One student will be blindfolded and try and smash the piñata open so that the candy spills out for the other students to grab. 
I look forward to making jack-o-lanterns again next year.

Ian Stevenson


武田 洋子さんの作品 「シマエナガ」

 ジャック・オー・ランタンを製作する前に、テーブルを防水シートで覆いました。学生たちには、カボチャを切ったり彫ったりする道具を丁寧に扱うように呼びかけました。学生たちが製作したデザインは様々でした。1年生の武田 洋子さんは(彼女は紙粘土でカボチャを作るのを手伝ってくれました。)カボチャをシマエナガにカットしました。2年生の出口 天仁さんはカボチャを有名なアニメのキャラクターに彫りました。このキャラクターはなにか分かりますか?(英文右側の写真をご覧ください。)また、カボチャを猫や蜘蛛、モンスターにカットする学生もいました。



 Hello, this is Ian Stevenson, an English teacher at ICT.

Tenzing Deguchi - Geto Suguru by Juzutsu Kaisen

 On Saturday, October 21st, 2023, in what has become another annual event here at Hakusanroku Campus, the students made Jack-o-lanterns. 6 students, 3 learning mentors and 2 teachers met in the project booth to cut and carve spooky, cute and manga character inspired jack-o-lanterns. This year because the monkeys did not destroy my pumpkin patch completely in my garden, we had 3 real pumpkins to carve and 13 paper mache pumpkins to cut.

 Before all the cutting and carving began, the tables were covered with tarps. After this, the students were told to be careful with the cutting and carving tools and then to begin. Different students made different designs. Hiroko Takeda, a 1st year student (who had helped make the paper mache pumpkins) cut her pumpkin into a bird called Long-tailed tit. Tenzing Deguchi, a 2nd year student, carved his real pumpkin into a famous anime character. Can you guess who it is supposed to be? (See the photo on the right.) Others cut their pumpkins into cats, spiders and monsters.

 After cleanup, the jack-o-lanterns and the extra paper mache pumpkins were turned over the Learning Mentors. They and the students used the jack-o-lanterns to decorate the main stairs. They put lights inside the jack-o-lanterns so that they look spooky and scary at night. The extra paper mache pumpkins turned into Halloween piñatas and filled with candy. One student will be blindfolded and try and smash the piñata open so that the candy spills out for the other students to grab. 
I look forward to making jack-o-lanterns again next year.

Ian Stevenson


武田 洋子さんの作品 「シマエナガ」

 ジャック・オー・ランタンを製作する前に、テーブルを防水シートで覆いました。学生たちには、カボチャを切ったり彫ったりする道具を丁寧に扱うように呼びかけました。学生たちが製作したデザインは様々でした。1年生の武田 洋子さんは(彼女は紙粘土でカボチャを作るのを手伝ってくれました。)カボチャをシマエナガにカットしました。2年生の出口 天仁さんはカボチャを有名なアニメのキャラクターに彫りました。このキャラクターはなにか分かりますか?(英文右側の写真をご覧ください。)また、カボチャを猫や蜘蛛、モンスターにカットする学生もいました。



 This is Ian Stevenson.
 On Friday, September 22nd, 2023, in what has become an annual event here at Hakusanroku campus, the students made tie-dye t-shirts. 12 students, 3 learning mentors and 2 teachers met in the project booth to twist, crumple and knot t-shirts into different patterns before dying them different colors.
 Before all the tie dying began, the tables were covered with tarps and the dyers with garbage bag aprons. After this, the students were told to be careful and to start tying and dying. Different students made different designs and students helped their classmates with designs and color. Some students made multi-color spirals, while other students dyed their names onto the t-shirts. When the students finished, they wrote their names on their shirt and hung them up to dry.
 After the t-shirts were dry, the excess dye was soaked out of them and they were washed. This is a very important step, for if you don’t soak out the excess dye, it will color all your other clothes when you wash them with the t-shirt. At Learning Session on Monday, September 25th, the students, learning mentors and teachers picked up their t-shirts and tried them on.
 As you can see from the photos, the students, learning mentors and teachers enjoyed themselves and made original and colorful t-shirts.

Ian Stevenson


白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、「タイダイ染め」が行われました。生地を自由に輪ゴムで縛り、様々な色の染料を加えます。個性あふれるオリジナルTシャツに仕上がりました✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #タイダイ染め #ボーディングスクール #高専 #全寮制 #寮生活

♬ WASURENA (movie trailer ver.) - Awesome City Club



 This is Ian Stevenson.
 On Friday, September 22nd, 2023, in what has become an annual event here at Hakusanroku campus, the students made tie-dye t-shirts. 12 students, 3 learning mentors and 2 teachers met in the project booth to twist, crumple and knot t-shirts into different patterns before dying them different colors.
 Before all the tie dying began, the tables were covered with tarps and the dyers with garbage bag aprons. After this, the students were told to be careful and to start tying and dying. Different students made different designs and students helped their classmates with designs and color. Some students made multi-color spirals, while other students dyed their names onto the t-shirts. When the students finished, they wrote their names on their shirt and hung them up to dry.
 After the t-shirts were dry, the excess dye was soaked out of them and they were washed. This is a very important step, for if you don’t soak out the excess dye, it will color all your other clothes when you wash them with the t-shirt. At Learning Session on Monday, September 25th, the students, learning mentors and teachers picked up their t-shirts and tried them on.
 As you can see from the photos, the students, learning mentors and teachers enjoyed themselves and made original and colorful t-shirts.

Ian Stevenson


白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、「タイダイ染め」が行われました。生地を自由に輪ゴムで縛り、様々な色の染料を加えます。個性あふれるオリジナルTシャツに仕上がりました✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #タイダイ染め #ボーディングスクール #高専 #全寮制 #寮生活

♬ WASURENA (movie trailer ver.) - Awesome City Club



 みなさん、こんにちは。物理を担当してる教員の伊藤 周です。今回はSTEMフェアについて書きたいと思います。
 STEMフェアとは、国際高専の1、2年生が夏休みの課題として取り組む「Summer  STEM Project」の成果発表の場として、毎年9月の中旬に行われます。(2023年のSTEMフェアについてはこちら)平たく言えば、夏の自由研究の発表会ですね。海外の学校で行われるサイエンスフェア(科学に関する学生たちの発表会)のようなイメージで、ちょっとしたお祭りみたいな雰囲気でやれたらいいと考えていました。

 6年前、国際理工学科がスタートした時に、夏休みの宿題として何を出すべきか考えていました。いわゆる、普通の宿題のように問題を解かせるプリントなども考えたのですが、国際高専の教育ポリシーに沿って、問題を正確に解く能力というより、自分で問題を見つけて解決するという能力を伸ばしたい、と考えていました。本来、そういったことは授業中にやった方が良いのですが、高校3年分を2年で修了させる国際高専のカリキュラムでは課題研究の時間を授業内に取るのは難しいことでした。そこで夏休みの宿題として「Summer STEM Project」をやってもらうことにしました。

Summer STEM Projectのテーマは学生自身が決めますが、いくつかルールがあります。

  1. テーマはSTEMScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)に関連したものであること。


  1. 使用する予算は1万円以内にすること。


  1. 2年生は必ずデータを取ること。


  1. テーマをProposal(提案書)に書いて提出すること。



伊藤 周

 Hello, everyone. I am Meguru Ito, the faculty member in charge of physics. This time, I would like to write about the STEM Fair.
 The STEM Fair is held in mid-September every year as an opportunity for 1st and 2nd year students to present the results of their Summer Vacation STEM Project. (For more information about 2023 STEM Project, please check here) Plainly speaking, it is a presentation of self-selected research that the students did over the summer. I thought it would be nice if we could do it in a festival like atmosphere, similar to science fairs (presentations by students on science) held in schools overseas.

 Six years ago, when the Department of Science and Technology was launched, I was thinking about what we should offer as homework during the summer vacation. I thought about having student complete worksheets, similar to what they do as homework. Instead, in line with the ICT educational policy, I thought we should try to develop the student abilities to identify and solve problems outside of the classroom. Normally, it would be better to do such things in class, but the curriculum of ICT, which requires students complete the equivalent of three years of high school in two years, makes it difficult to spend time on problem solving research in class. Therefore, I decided to have the students do a Summer STEM Project as their homework during the summer vacation. 
 Other objectives include developing the ability to think for oneself (not just copying information from the Internet), developing an interest in science and technology, experiencing scientific research methods, and making and giving presentations.

 The topic for the Summer STEM Project is determined by the students themselves, but there are a few rules:

  1. The theme must be STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) related. Now, art is often added to STEM to make STEAM, we do not include Art in our Summer STEM Projects. This is because if art themes (e.g., pictures, literature such as haiku, video works, etc.) were presented, it would be difficult for a science teacher to evaluate it, and it would be inconsistent with the purpose.

  1. The budget to be used should be less than 10,000 yen.

 This is because we do not want the students to present their research by simply buying expensive experimental equipment. Recently, inexpensive DNA testing equipment and kits are available, and we do not want the presentation to be something that only looks advanced at first glance by using such equipment. Students often ask me, "Are you going to give us a budget of 10,000 yen?", but the school does not provide the money; it is completely up to the students to pay for their own expenses.

  1. 2nd year students must record data.

 For 1st year students, we do not make the theme too strict because we want to give priority to the students' own interests, but for 2nd year students, they must record data. By adding this condition, the research becomes much more scientific, as students have to think about what data they have, how much data they have, how they collected the data, and how to express it in tables and graphs.

  1. Writing and submitting a proposal on the theme

 Students are asked to write a proposal in July that describes the purpose, methods, time required, costs, etc. of their project. By checking the proposal in advance, teachers will confirm whether the project meets the above requirements, whether it is too easy or too difficult, whether it is feasible during the summer vacation, and whether there is anything similar on the Internet. However, due to a variety of reasons, we often get calls from student during the summer vacation asking, "Can I change the content of the proposal?”.
Also, when it comes time to print the poster, I sometimes think, "What? The content is totally different from the proposal!"


 As a science subject teacher, I actually review the proposals. Once I have reviewed and approved the proposals, all I have to do is wait for the students to conduct their experiments or build their prototype and complete their posters. For the posters, we have the help of the English teachers and Learning Mentors. In Bridge English class, teachers instruct students on the flow of the experimental procedure (hypothesis → experiment → results → discussion) and how to write the poster, and or check their English before printing the poster. Thanks to the cooperation of various teachers, the quality of the students' presentations has improved.

  To be honest, I myself do not provide much guidance, but I believe that the STEM Fair is becoming a signature event at ICT, thanks to the students' hard work and the support of the teachers. I love the students' unique ideas and projects based on their interests, even if they are not scientific in nature. In the future, I hope the STEM Fair continues to be important event at ICT.

Meguru Ito

 みなさん、こんにちは。物理を担当してる教員の伊藤 周です。今回はSTEMフェアについて書きたいと思います。
 STEMフェアとは、国際高専の1、2年生が夏休みの課題として取り組む「Summer  STEM Project」の成果発表の場として、毎年9月の中旬に行われます。(2023年のSTEMフェアについてはこちら)平たく言えば、夏の自由研究の発表会ですね。海外の学校で行われるサイエンスフェア(科学に関する学生たちの発表会)のようなイメージで、ちょっとしたお祭りみたいな雰囲気でやれたらいいと考えていました。

 6年前、国際理工学科がスタートした時に、夏休みの宿題として何を出すべきか考えていました。いわゆる、普通の宿題のように問題を解かせるプリントなども考えたのですが、国際高専の教育ポリシーに沿って、問題を正確に解く能力というより、自分で問題を見つけて解決するという能力を伸ばしたい、と考えていました。本来、そういったことは授業中にやった方が良いのですが、高校3年分を2年で修了させる国際高専のカリキュラムでは課題研究の時間を授業内に取るのは難しいことでした。そこで夏休みの宿題として「Summer STEM Project」をやってもらうことにしました。

Summer STEM Projectのテーマは学生自身が決めますが、いくつかルールがあります。

  1. テーマはSTEMScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)に関連したものであること。


  1. 使用する予算は1万円以内にすること。


  1. 2年生は必ずデータを取ること。


  1. テーマをProposal(提案書)に書いて提出すること。



伊藤 周

 Hello, everyone. I am Meguru Ito, the faculty member in charge of physics. This time, I would like to write about the STEM Fair.
 The STEM Fair is held in mid-September every year as an opportunity for 1st and 2nd year students to present the results of their Summer Vacation STEM Project. (For more information about 2023 STEM Project, please check here) Plainly speaking, it is a presentation of self-selected research that the students did over the summer. I thought it would be nice if we could do it in a festival like atmosphere, similar to science fairs (presentations by students on science) held in schools overseas.

 Six years ago, when the Department of Science and Technology was launched, I was thinking about what we should offer as homework during the summer vacation. I thought about having student complete worksheets, similar to what they do as homework. Instead, in line with the ICT educational policy, I thought we should try to develop the student abilities to identify and solve problems outside of the classroom. Normally, it would be better to do such things in class, but the curriculum of ICT, which requires students complete the equivalent of three years of high school in two years, makes it difficult to spend time on problem solving research in class. Therefore, I decided to have the students do a Summer STEM Project as their homework during the summer vacation. 
 Other objectives include developing the ability to think for oneself (not just copying information from the Internet), developing an interest in science and technology, experiencing scientific research methods, and making and giving presentations.

 The topic for the Summer STEM Project is determined by the students themselves, but there are a few rules:

  1. The theme must be STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) related. Now, art is often added to STEM to make STEAM, we do not include Art in our Summer STEM Projects. This is because if art themes (e.g., pictures, literature such as haiku, video works, etc.) were presented, it would be difficult for a science teacher to evaluate it, and it would be inconsistent with the purpose.

  1. The budget to be used should be less than 10,000 yen.

 This is because we do not want the students to present their research by simply buying expensive experimental equipment. Recently, inexpensive DNA testing equipment and kits are available, and we do not want the presentation to be something that only looks advanced at first glance by using such equipment. Students often ask me, "Are you going to give us a budget of 10,000 yen?", but the school does not provide the money; it is completely up to the students to pay for their own expenses.

  1. 2nd year students must record data.

 For 1st year students, we do not make the theme too strict because we want to give priority to the students' own interests, but for 2nd year students, they must record data. By adding this condition, the research becomes much more scientific, as students have to think about what data they have, how much data they have, how they collected the data, and how to express it in tables and graphs.

  1. Writing and submitting a proposal on the theme

 Students are asked to write a proposal in July that describes the purpose, methods, time required, costs, etc. of their project. By checking the proposal in advance, teachers will confirm whether the project meets the above requirements, whether it is too easy or too difficult, whether it is feasible during the summer vacation, and whether there is anything similar on the Internet. However, due to a variety of reasons, we often get calls from student during the summer vacation asking, "Can I change the content of the proposal?”.
Also, when it comes time to print the poster, I sometimes think, "What? The content is totally different from the proposal!"


 As a science subject teacher, I actually review the proposals. Once I have reviewed and approved the proposals, all I have to do is wait for the students to conduct their experiments or build their prototype and complete their posters. For the posters, we have the help of the English teachers and Learning Mentors. In Bridge English class, teachers instruct students on the flow of the experimental procedure (hypothesis → experiment → results → discussion) and how to write the poster, and or check their English before printing the poster. Thanks to the cooperation of various teachers, the quality of the students' presentations has improved.

  To be honest, I myself do not provide much guidance, but I believe that the STEM Fair is becoming a signature event at ICT, thanks to the students' hard work and the support of the teachers. I love the students' unique ideas and projects based on their interests, even if they are not scientific in nature. In the future, I hope the STEM Fair continues to be important event at ICT.

Meguru Ito


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