
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:School Event

December 25, 2021 Merry Christmas!



Hello everyone! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. December is the month of Christmas. I would like to write about some of the events related to Christmas here at the Hakusanroku Campus.


On Wednesday, December 15th, the Language and Culture club members and teachers set up a Christmas tree. They played Christmas songs, wrapped the tree with lights, and hung Christmas decorations. As they did this, they talked about their Christmas memories. Some of the decorations were handmade by club members. Later, the extra handmade hung Christmas decorations were given to the students and staff members as Christmas gifts.

Chrisrmas Party


Since students go home for Christmas, the Christmas Party was held on Sunday, December 18th. It was organized by the Learning Mentors, Ann sensei, Apirak sensei, and Jomkit sensei. Many of the students had been looking forward to the party. The students and teachers enjoyed karaoke and games together as well as eating some lovely cupcakes and drinking hot chocolate. I am sure they made some fun memories before winter break.

Christmas Cake Party


After class on Monday, December 20th, Edward sensei, who is good at baking, served a homemade Christmas cake and gingerbread cookies to everyone in the Living Commons! The Christmas cake, shaped like a cute snowman, tasted different from Japanese cakes because of the spices and mint. The gingerbread cookies were decorated with white icing and arranged in a fun way. The hot chocolate had lots of marshmallows. There were also three kinds of spices that could be added to each cup of hot chocolate, in order to customize it and enjoy different flavors. They were all delicious! Here is a video message from Edward sensei about the Christmas Cake Party and life at ICT. I hope you enjoy it!

Special Christmas Menu at the Golden Eagle Cafeteria

白山麓キャンパスのカフェテリア「Golden Eagle Cafeteria」では、普段から世界中の健康的な料理を味わうことができます。1223日(木)にクリスマススペシャルメニューとしてローストチキンとクリスマスチョコレートブラウニーが提供されました。ハロウィンやクリスマスなど、イベントごとに提供されるスペシャルメニューは寮生活での楽しみの1つですね。

In the Golden Eagle Cafeteria at the Hakusanroku campus, you can usually eat healthy food from around the world. On Thursday, December 23rd, the cafeteria served a special Christmas menu of Roasted Chicken and Christmas Chocolate Brownies. For occasions like Halloween and Christmas, there are special menus. It is one of the things that students enjoy about their dormitory life.



Holiday Gift Exchange 2021

今年はラーニングメンターのアン先生が企画した「Holiday Gift Exchange 2021」という学生同士、教職員同士がシークレットにクリスマスプレゼント交換をするイベントが行われました。欧米では「シークレットサンタ」と呼ばれている、クリスマスに行われる伝統的なゲームだそうです。
1) まずはアンケートに記入します。氏名、好きな食べ物、好きな色、好きなスポーツなどを回答します。
2) 記入したアンケートをギフトボックスに入れます。
3) アンケートは参加者にランダムで配られます。もちろん自分のアンケートが自分の手元に届かないように配慮する必要があります。
4) 自分の手元に届いた相手の情報を元に予算内(学生:1000円~2000円、教職員:2000円3000円)でプレゼントを購入します。
5) ラッピングされたプレゼントをクリスマスツリーの下に置きます。


    This year, Learning Mentor Anne sensei, organized an event called Holiday Gift Exchange 2021, where students, teachers, and staff members participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange. In Europe and the United States, it is a common Christmas tradition.
    Here are the rules for Secret Santa.
    1) Complete a questionnaire about yourself including your name, your favorite food, favorite color, favorite sport, etc.,
    2) Put the completed questionnaire forms in the gift box.
    3) Distribute the questionnaire forms randomly, but make sure no one receives their own questionnaire.
    4) Buy a present for your Secret Santa partner, but stay within the budget. (Students: 1,000 yen to 2,000 yen, Teachers and staff members: 2,000 yen to 3,000 yen)
    5) Wrap the present and put it under the Christmas tree.

    The fun part is that you can't predict who will give you a gift and what they will give you until you open the gift. It's exciting just to imagine who bought you a present and what it will be!




    It was interesting to see the reaction of the students when they received the randomly distributed questionnaire forms. Some students were seriously wondering what they should get for their Secret Santa partner, while others immediately came up with an idea and searched the Internet for it. I was reminded once again that one of the fun parts of the event is using the information from the questionnaire form to find a gift that the recipient would enjoy.



    Christmas gifts were presented to the students, teachers, and staff members by Anne Santa Claus on Thursday, December 23rd. There was a warm Christmas atmosphere as the students opened their gifts and were delighted to find out what they had received from their Secret Santa partner. and I felt a bond among the students as they celebrated. The second-year students have only a few months left to live in the dormitory at the Hakusanroku Campus. I hope they will cherish every moment of their dormitory life and make many good memories.


    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    Yuri Makada

    December 8, 2021 Board Game Day!

    A community means not only learning together, but also having fun and enjoying life together! Last month, we had a Board Game Day at the Hakusanroku Campus. At the request of a couple students, we got together some teachers, students, and a big pile of games. Some of our teachers really love board games, so we have quite a lot!

     「コミュニティ」とは、一緒に学ぶだけではなく、人生を共に楽しむという意味も含まれます。先月、白山麓キャンパスでは「Board Game Day」が開催されました。今回は学生のリクエストにより、このイベントが開催され、数名の教員と学生、そして大量のゲームが集まりました。教員の中には、ボードゲーム好きの方がいらっしゃるので、かなりたくさんのゲームが揃いました。

    First up was the classic The Settlers of CATAN. A staple game in every board game lover’s inventory, this game is known for challenging relationships and breaking friendships. However, on this day, we had only fun with Catan as students and some teachers played it for the very first time. Saran, Ema, Jomkit-sensei, and Apirak-sensei fought to win territory, build roads, and construct cities for a whole two hours before Jomkit-sensei finally emerged victorious!

    During this time, Ryuto, Shii, and Ian-sensei also played a few games. They started by competing to see who could cook the fastest meal in かなざわレシピ (Kanazawa Recipe). While playing this game, they also had the chance to learn about some of Kanazawa’s specialty dishes. Next, they challenged The Grizzled, a cooperative game about surviving during WWI. It’s a difficult game to win and the team fought hard, but were unsuccessful in the end.

     まずは定番の「The Settlers of CATAN」から始めました。これはボードゲーム愛好家の中では定番のゲームで、人間関係を築いたり、友情を破壊したりすることで知られています。しかしこの日は、学生と数名の教員達が初めてこのゲームに挑戦したので、今回は楽しみながらゲームを進めました。紗蘭さん、恵万さん、ジョムキット先生、アピラク先生は領土の獲得、道路と都市を建設するために、2時間にわたり戦いましたが、最終的にはジョムキット先生が勝利を収めました!

     その間に龍斗さん、史依さん、イアン先生もいくつかのゲームをしました。まずは「かなざわレシピ(Kanazawa Recipe)」というカードゲームで、誰が一番早く料理を作れるかを競いました。このゲームを通して、金沢の名物料理も学ぶことが出来ました。次に「The Grizzled」という第一次世界大戦中のサバイバルをテーマにした協力型カードゲームに挑戦しました。このゲームはミッションを達成することがかなり難しく、チームで協力しながら懸命に戦略を練りましたが、最終的には失敗に終わりました。

    After these games, we regrouped together for a game of NINE TILES, a fast, competitive game produced by Oink Games (a brilliant company particularly liked by Anne-sensei and Kushima-sensei).  Finally, we ended the day with Garbage Day, brought by Kushima-sensei. In this game, we tried to clean our rooms while piling the garbage up and not letting it fall! This game was more than juststrategy, but it was a test of fine motor skills too! In the game, Apirak-sensei threw away an engagement ring and had to take out the overflowing trash!

     それらのゲームを終えた後に、全員でOink Games社が制作した「NINE TILES」というスピード感のある対戦ゲームをしました。Oink Game社は私と久島先生が特に気に入っている素晴らしいゲーム会社です。最後に久島先生が持参した「Garbage Day」というボードゲームで締めくくりました。このゲームでは、ゴミが落ちないように積み上げながら部屋の掃除をします。単なる戦略だけではなく、器用さも試されます!アピラク先生は婚約指輪を捨ててしまい、溢れたゴミを出す羽目になってしまいました!

    Although the turn-out was small for our first game day, we had a lot of fun and played games for many hours! Hopefully, we can do this again and have even more people join in to try more games!

     初めての「Board Game Day」にしては参加者が少なかったのですが、とても楽しくて何時間もゲームをしてしまいました!次回はさらに多くの人に参加してもらい、より多くのゲームに挑戦してもらいたいと思っています!


       (Pictures by me and Apirak-sensei.)

    Anne Isobel Tan

    November 15, 2021 Sports Festival!

    Hello, this is Jonathan. On November 13 (Sat), we held our annual Sports Festival in the Kanazawa Campus gym. This year is the final year with all four departments (Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Global Information and Management, and Science and Technology), and the students decided to divide the teams by department instead of by class as they usually do. The four teams competed in three sports: dodgeball, table tennis and soft volleyball. Each sport was played simultaneously in different venues between KIT's two gyms, so sadly I could not watch the entirety of any one game. However, going to each venue, I noticed that they all had good sportsmanship, determination and much laughter in common. At the closing ceremony, President Lewis Barksdale commented that he was happy to see all five years gathered together and having fun during this occasion. The three winning teams of each sport received a box of snacks and you can see the results below.


    1. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    2. Department of Global Information and Management
    3. Department of Mechanical Engineering

    Table Tennis

    1. Department of Science and Technology
    2. Department of Global Information and Management
    3. Department of Mechanical Engineering

    Soft Volleyball

    1. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    2. Department of Mechanical Engineering
    3. Department of Science and Technology




    1. 電気電子工学科
    2. グローバル情報学科
    3. 機械工学科


    1. 国際理工学科
    2. グローバル情報学科
    3. 機械工学科


    1. 電気電子工学科
    2. 機械工学科
    3. 国際理工学科

    November 8, 2021 Halloween



    Hello everyone! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. It's starting to get chilly and the autumn leaves around the Hakusanroku campus are starting to look beautiful.

    On November 1st, many students and teachers dressed up in costumes for the Halloween event, which created a special and fun atmosphere. After school, the Halloween Costume Parade was held. The students and teachers were nervous but walked majestically, making it a very brilliant parade. After the parade, we had a contest for the scariest, the funniest, the coolest/cutest costumes, and the winners received a prize.




    The Language and Culture club members also made jack-o'-lanterns. They spent more than an hour hollowing out a pumpkin weighing about 5 kg. After this, students carved designs and faces into their pumpkins. Then a candle was put inside each jack-o'-lantern, creating a beautiful and spooky glow from within.

    Yuri Makada

    October 29, 2021 高専祭 オンライン開催





    クイズ大会では、Zoom上にて雑学や白山麓キャンパスの建物内に関してのクイズなど日々の観察力も重視される問題が出題されました。自慢芸では学年各自が事前に撮影した各自のパフォーマンス動画を校長先生、向井先生、小髙先生が審査員を務めました。パフォーマンス映像を見終えた審査員たちは感銘を受け拍手されたり、笑ったり、一時はざわついたりとさまざまな反応が見られました。研究発表で「パソコンの乱数についての研究」について発表された国際理工学科2年バジュロ 琉海ジェームズさんに感想を伺うと、「意外と乱数を作るのは単純にみえたが複雑でした。無事研究を終え達成感を感じています。」とホッとした表情を浮かべていました。


    間加田 侑里

    Hello everyone! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku campus office. This is my first journal entry. Today I would like to write about the school festival.

    The 56th School Festival was held on Saturday, October 16th. Like last year’s event, it was held online due to concerns about COVID-19. The theme of this year’s festival was “FINAL – To the Next Generation” because this is the final school festival for students who entered KTC before it became ICT.

    This year, the festival headquarters was at the Hakusanroku campus, and the 5th year members of the Kanazawa Campus School Festival Executive Committee and the 1st and 2nd year members of the Hakusanroku Campus School Festival Executive Committee managed the festival together. The 1st and 2nd year students from the Hakusanroku campus participated in person in the opening ceremony, lottery and closing ceremony. The rest of the festival events were held and attended online.

    The opening ceremony was followed by speeches from the president and the chairperson of the alumni association. After this was the award ceremony. Then came various competitions, quizzes, student research presentations, and the president chose winners in the festival lottery. Finally, the festival came to an end with the closing ceremony.

    The quizzes were held on Zoom and included questions about the buildings of the Hakusanroku campus and trivia about daily life. In the student talent competition, President Barksdale, Professor Mukai and Professor Kodaka acted as judges for the students’ videos that they had made beforehand. The judges were impressed by the videos and applauded the students’ efforts. When I asked Mr. Vashro, a 2nd year student, about his research on random numbers in computers, he said, “Making random numbers seemed surprisingly simple, but it was complicated. I feel a sense of accomplishment after successfully completing my research.”

    In order to ensure the smooth running of the festival, the school festival executive committee quickly resolved problems with sound adjustment and contacted each department. However, thanks to the efforts of the 5th year students, who were attending their final school festival, the ICT students learned a lot from them to continue and develop the school traditions for the next generation.

    Yuri Makada

    October 15, 2021 高専祭前日



    小髙 有普

    The 56th School Festival will be held on Saturday, October 16, from 9:00 to 14:00. Today is the day before the festival, and the student council is working on the set-up at the Hakusannroku Campus. This year, the 5th year students from the Kanazawa campus will come to the Hakusanroku campus to set up the headquarters and hold the event together with the 1st and 2nd year students from the Hakusanroku campus.

    This year will be the last year for the School Festival, which includes the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Global Information and Management . Last year's School Festival was held by connecting both Kanazawa and Hakusanroku campuses online, so the student councils of the two campuses operated apart from each other. From next year, only students from the Department of Science and Engineering will be in our school. Therefore, in line with the theme of this year's school Festival, "FINAL - For the Next Generation", the senior and junior students of the student council are cooperating in the Hakusanroku campus. Seeing students of different age groups interacting in this way made me think about how we can create opportunities for interaction in various ways in the future, for a more enjoyable and fulfilling school life, for growing as student, passing on various things between the two campuses.

    Arihiro Kodaka

    October 11, 2021 1・2年生自然教室 三方岩岳ハイキング




    木原 均

     On September 21 (Tue), the first- and second-year students went on a hiking trip to Sanpoiwatake as an extracurricular activity. Participants were seven first-year students, ten second-year students, seven teachers; a total of 24 people. Sanpoiwatake is located along the Hakusan-Shirakawago White Road and takes about 50 minutes up and 40 minutes back down.

     Everyone boarded a bus at 9 am and departed for the starting point adjacent to Sanpoiwatake parking area. On the way, Owari coach talked about each location of Mt. Hakusan’s nature that we could see out the windows, such as the names of waterfalls, avalanche chutes, and wildlife living in the area. His lecture was fascinating and students especially showed interest in stories that he actually experienced in the area. Episodes such as exploring Jyatani-keikoku (snake valley) and finding out that there actually are many snakes as the name suggests, and encountering multiple bears when traversing the mountains. They were exciting stories none of us had ever experienced. We stopped at “The Great Waterfall of Fukube” about ten minutes into the White Road and took a break and a group photo, and began our climb a little past ten o’clock.

     The weather was perfect and the students hiked along in good spirits. It seemed that they had more than enough energy because we reached the top 30 minutes before schedule. What a wonderful thing youth is. I was additionally surprised to hear that one student had climbed Mt. Hakusan the previous day. He didn’t show any sight of fatigue and stood out in my mind. In contrast, some teachers and myself could feel the strength running out of our legs as we returned to the bus. At the parking lot we showed each other our shaking knees and laughed as we boarded the bus. We returned to the campus at noon and that was the end of the event. However, some students still had energy to burn and turned right around and went swimming in a nearby river with Owari coach. For a while we could not go anywhere due to COVID-19, but this day was an opportunity to refresh our body and mind in the nature near Hakusanroku Campus, and spend time with students somewhere other than a classroom.

    Hitoshi Kihara

    July 31, 2021 Events in July








    It’s Jonathan, the camera man! I’d like to write about three events that happened this month.

    On July 4 (Sun), there was a barbeque party at the Hakusanroku Campus on the lawn next to the basketball court. This event was organized by the Language & Culture Club and all Hakusanroku students and staff were invited. The party started at 2:30 pm and the first thing I noticed was the two lawn games that some of the teaching staff had setup. One was cornhole: a game where two people toss a bag of corn onto a slanted board with a hole. Two teams take turns tossing the bags and you get points when the bag lands on the board or in the whole. The first team to get 21 points wins! I tried it for the first time and found that it asks for both concentration and precision. Getting the bag in the whole seemed impossible at first and I heard players let out shouts of joy from time to time as they got better. The other game was clackers; two plastic balls connected with string. There were three horizontal polls and you get points depending on which one you manage to throw and rap the clacker around. A group of second year students took special interest in this and some almost mastered it by the time the event was over.

    I can’t forget about the barbeque itself! Ed sensei (or “Mr. B” as most students call him) took charge of all the cooking and made everyone cheeseburgers and hotdogs to our heart’s content. They were delicious and students devoured them as quick as Ed sensei could make them. Some of the boys burned off that energy right away with a game of basketball. The weather forecast said it was going to rain but the skies held up and we ended up with a not too hot, perfect cloudy day.

    On July 7 (Wed), the learning mentors held their “Making Toys to Relieve Stress Workshop” in the Maker Studio. This event was organized as a fun way to help neutralize students’ stress as the semester comes to an end and so comes assignment deadlines. The learning mentors, Anne sensei, Apriak sensei, and Jomkit sensei each took charge of three different booths. Anne sensei taught students how to make hand spinners by weaving different color string around a pinball. Apirak sensei’s booth made various color slimes, which they filled balloons with to create soft squishy toys. Jomkit sensei’s booth didn’t make anything, but instead had bags of candy canes that students could crush with a hammer. All three booths saw multiple visitors and students enjoyed moving their hands and blowing off stress.

    It’s fairly easy to fall out of shape due to a lack of exercise at the Hakusanroku Campus. That's why Mr. B organized a special badminton tournament on July 20 (Tue) as a fun way for students to move their bodies and eat some delicious food at the same time. He prepared a ton of sweets such as maple bacon donuts, macarons, and cupcakes. During the tournament, students could challenge any of the teachers to accumulate points, which they could trade in for sweets. It was a casual and fun event with many students laughing and eating sweets.

    July was a fun month with many holidays and events. Hopefully students released some stress and prepared themselves for the final exams this week.


    June 23, 2021 Report from Hakusanroku (June)








    Hi, it's Jonathan, the cameraman. June has brought warm weather to Hakusanroku and I see more and more people wearing t-shirts as summer approaches. Here are three events that happened in the past month. 

    On June 1 (Tue), The Agri-tech team was interviewed by MRO Hokuriku Broadcasting during Engineering Design IIA class. The Agri-tech team has succeeded last year's project, and is creating a system to protect crops from wild monkeys using AI. This year's second year students aim to implement a function to drive away monkeys detected by the system. The television crew filmed scenes of the students asking local farmers about the magnitude of damage on their crops and what they think is the best method to drive monkeys away, and scenes of them explaining their goals of the year. The program was broadcasted on "Leosuta" on June 9 (Wed). Last year's Agri-tech team won the highest award of the "U-21 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan" and the level of attention on this project is growing.

    On June 3 (Thu), four second year students of the Agri-business teams visited Yamadachikai, which has lately begun herding sheep in Kinameri district near Hakusanroku Campus. The Agri-business team is growing and selling local branded sweet potatoes "Kosen Beni Haruka" and Yamazaki sensei organized this visit to listen to the representative of Yamadachikai talk about his experience staring a agricultural business in Hakusanroku.

    Yamadachikai's sheep business began when they were approached by the team of Ishida professor of Ishikawa Prefectural University who was doing research on the possibility of a sustainable business model selling lamb meat herded and sold in the local area. Arimoto-san, the representative of Yamadachikai, accepted this offer after agreeing that Hakusanroku lacked local branded livestock and daytime activities for tourists. Also, sheep are unaffected by the harsh winter season and wild animals in the area, which are difficulties of other products. In the presentation he gave to the students, Arimoto-san explained the annual schedule of selling lamb meat, the company's table of income and expenditure, their long-term goal of a profit of 5 million yen in five years, the necessary facilities they plan to purchase, etc. To accomplish this, Arimoto-san has utilized crowdfunding, applied for financial support from the government, and tried multiple methods to increase the price of their meat. He also plans to contribute to the local tourist scene by letting people feed and shear the sheep, and selling BBQ meat to campers. Arimoto-san understood that making a profit with sheep wasn't going to be easy in Hakusanroku, but he took on the challenge and came up with ideas to create a successful business. The second year students listened intently and took notes. There also was a QA session after the lecture that lasted ten minutes as Arimoto-san and students exchanged ideas.

    After the lecture, students tried out shearing the sheep. Later, they commented "It looked easy at first but the electric clipper was heavy and difficult to keep steady due to the vibration, but once I got used to it, it felt good as the wool came off" and "I grew fond of the sheep."

    On June 20 (Sun), the Nature & Adventure Club went hiking at Mt. Wasso-ga-take, which is a mountain of an altitude of 1,097 meters with a hiking course about ten minutes by car from Hakusanroku Campus. Participants were five club members, Yamazaki sensei, Katabe sensei, Philip sensei, Owari coach, and myself; a total of ten people. Most of the hiking course is through the forest, which shaded us from the hot sun. During breaks, Owari coach showed us wild herbs such as "Kuromoji", trees that bears had peeled the bark off, and flowers such as koajisai (Hydrangea hirta). We left Hakusanroku Campus at 8:30 am and reached the top of Wasso-ga-take around 11:15. Usually you can see Mt. Hakusan from this point. However, sadly it was hidden by low clouds. We ate an early lunch and headed to a neighboring mountain called Shironuki-yama (891m) before descending back down the trail. Students were full of energy and sometimes ran down the path or climbed trees along the way. Next month, they plan to climb Mt. Hakusan itself so this hike was a nice warm up ahead of time.


    May 19, 2021 Activities in May

    Hello, it's Jonathan, the camera man! April has turned into May, and the weather is almost perfect here at the Hakusanroku Campus. I have gathered pictures of the first and second year students and some of their major activities in the past weeks. Enjoy!


    Sports Day

    On May 1, the two PE teachers, Takimoto sensei and Philip sensei held a sports event in the gym. Students were not able to return home during the Golden Week holidays, and many events such as this were created to make the days as enjoyable as possible. This time, the sports were badminton and volleyball. In the badminton portion, Philip sensei introduced a new level system. All students start at level one. You level up by defeating someone in your same level or higher, to a max level of four. You can play as many games as you like with anyone you choose. This system seemed to suit the students and the three courts were constantly occupied by players challenging each other. The volleyball portion were games between the students and teachers. I apologize for not taking any pictures of the volleyball portion because I was playing the whole time.



    Camping Indoors

    On May 2, the Nature & Adventure Club used the whole day to craft, hike, camp, and do all sorts of outdoor stuff. Sadly, the weather forecast was rainy but the club members improvised and enjoyed their first club activity anyway. They did ropework, bamboo crafting, and ate curry and rice for lunch at KTB sensei's house. In the afternoon, they went hiking near Dainichi dam in Torigoe before returning to ICT. Originally, they planned to camp outside on school grounds. However, the rain and wind was too strong and they made the brave choice to camp in the second floor of the gym. Jokes aside, this turned out to be not a bad decision and they spent the evening chatting, listening to KTB sensei's guitar, and playing cards by a digital campfire. (How ICT is that!) One member wrote a journal entry about his experience which you can read here. (Coming soon)


    Original T-shirt Design

    On May 3, Ito sensei and Kodaka sensei organized an event to make original design t-shirts. Students used their computers to design and print out the design. Then, they ironed on the transfer paper to the front or back of the t-shirts. Students could choose one black or white t-shirt to design. Some students who had a clear vision finished before lunch. However, others took longer to come up with a design or had trouble transferring the design they chose. In the end, it was an exciting experience and many students voiced their joy in their finished product.


    Engineering Design II A: Plowing with a Tractor

    Returning to school, the agri-business team of the second year's Engineering Design class began working in the fields across the street from ICT. This team's goal is to grow sweet potatoes and make a profitable business model selling them. On May 6, they were joined by members of the local community who lent and taught the students how to drive a tractor. Each student took turns using the tractor to plow the plot of land they will use to plant the sweet potatoes. Unsurprisingly, it was the first time for the students to drive a tractor, and they enjoyed the experience as you can see in the pictures and video below.



    Tie-Dye T-shirts

    The last activity I would like to show you is the tie-dye t-shirt event, held after school on May 12 by the Language and Culture Club, for all first and second year students. Tie-dye is a method of folding, twisting, or crumpling fabric, and applying dye to create unique patterns. Ian sensei and Pauline sensei provided various colors of dye, t-shirts, rubber bands, gloves, aprons, and bleach for those who wished to dye a black t-shirt. The students quickly began choosing colors and methods to design their t-shirt. The instruction manual that came with the dye listed several techniques, and some students even experimented with original ways to use the dye; some improvised with their fingers, makeshift brushes, and pipes. You can see their finished products in the pictures below.


    HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalSchool Event