
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Extracurricular Activity

March 28, 2022 3Dコンテンツ制作プロジェクト

 こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。

校舎: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=MLkmuWVrTgC&play=1
学生寮:  https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=SaYCk8b1ZpL&play=1
カフェテリア:  https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=1X3iUM4Vpna&play=1


 このプロジェクトには1年生の泉屋 匠吾さん、柿田 紗蘭さん、橋谷 龍斗さん、三輪 恵万さん、2年生の勝方 正宗さん、酒井 瞭さん、戸塚 裕基さんが参加しました。作成した3D空間は、本校のWebサイトから見られるようになりますが、他にも進学説明会などでの学校紹介で使用する予定です。学生たちは、自分たちが入学前に白山麓キャンパスの施設内でどのような生活が送れるのか、学生寮のレイアウトなど、事前に知りたかったことを思い出しながら、教室班、コモンズ斑、体育館・寮班の3チームに分かれ、それぞれ撮影とコンテンツ制作に取り組みました。

間加田 侑里

 Hello. This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office.
 I would like to introduce a student project that took place in February. In this project, students took pictures of the campus using "Matterport," a 3D imaging camera. It is an American camera that converts real space into 3DVR space, and with this the photographed 3D space can be freely navigated on the web or using VR goggles, allowing visitors to tour the campus at any time. First, please take a look at what we have actually produced.

School building: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=MLkmuWVrTgC&play=1
Student dormitory: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=SaYCk8b1ZpL&play=1
Cafeteria: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=1X3iUM4Vpna&play=1

  As you can see when you navigate the actual 3D space, you can move smoothly from point to point, and the result is so realistic that you feel as if you are visiting the place. By embedding photos and video links, we can show content related to various parts of the school building. To create this 3D space, the students spent about two weeks photographing more than 700 locations in school buildings.

  First-year students Shogo Izumiya, Saran Kakita, Ryuto Hashiya, and Ema Miwa, and second-year students Masamune Katsukata, Ryo Sakei, and Yuki Totsuka participated in this project. The 3D space they created will not only be available on the school's website, but will also be used to introduce the school at information sessions and other events. The students were divided into three teams (classroom group, Commons group, and gymnasium/dormitory group) and each team took pictures and created content. They remembered what they wished they had known in advance before they came to ICT, such as what kind of life they could expect at Hakusanroku Campus and the layout of the dormitories before entering the school. Each group then began to film and create content about their area.
 The filming proceeded with students' ideas incorporated into the filming points. In content creation, the students also worked on producing photos and videos of classes that they wanted to incorporate into each location, a Hakusanroku Journal article with information about events, and videos about the school.
 It was impressive to see the students enjoying exploring the 3D space that they had created. With life during the COVID-19 pandemic, the opportunity to travel and visit the campus is now limited, so a virtual tour using a 3D space is an easy way to see the campus online without traveling. I thought it was a very effective tool in this day and age.

Yuri Makada


March 25, 2022 バイオアート特別講義「微生物の世界」

 こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の藤 圭佑です。

 2月17日(木)、221日(月)、225日(金)の3日間、金沢工業大学 バイオ・化学部 応用バイオ学科の相良 純一 准教授(以下、相良先生)を講師としてお招きし、微生物を材料としたバイオアート特別講義が1年生と2年生を対象に白山麓キャンパス内にあるKITイノベーションハブで行われました。相良先生のご専門は「バイオインフォマティクス」です。これは生命科学と情報科学の統合分野のひとつで、DNAやタンパク質など、生命が持つ様々な遺伝子配列情報やタンパク質分子の構造、変化、挙動を数値化し、生理的な情報と共に解析していく学問分野です。






藤 圭佑

 Hello. I’m Keisuke Tou from the Hakusanroku Office.
 Cherry blossoms are beginning to bloom across Japan. Around the Hakusanroku Campus, I can feel spring, too.
 On Thursday, February 17th, Monday, February 21st, and Friday, February 25th, Junichi Sagara sensei (Prof.) of the Department of Applied Bioscience within, the College of Bioscience and Chemistry, at the Kanazawa Institute of Technology came to the KIT Innovation Hub. He talked to 1st and 2nd year students about using microorganisms to create art. Sagara sensei specializes in Bioinformatics. This field integrates life science and information science. It is an academic discipline that analyzes the structure, changes, and behavior of various gene sequences and protein molecules, such as DNA and proteins. All living organisms have these components and Bioinformatics lets us analyze them alone with physiological information.

The first day of the special lecture on February 17th.
 First, Sagara sensei explained the precautions to be taken when handling microorganisms, as well as how to use the microorganism laboratory and safety equipment at the KIT Innovation Hub. There are three steps to completing Bioart: screening, isolation, and drawing. The microorganisms must be grown using these three steps. The students began with screening and received an agar medium (a petri dish on which nutrients are agar-solidified) used in microorganism culture experiments and a cotton swab to collect microorganisms. The students then collected microorganisms from a variety of sources, including stuffed animals, skin on their hands and necks, smartphones, and the walls and floors of their own rooms in the school building and dormitories. After collection, the microorganisms were stored for four days in an incubator set at 37℃ so the microorganisms could grow.

The second day of the special lecture on February 21st.
 The first step was for each student to observe how the microorganisms collected by themselves and their classmates on the first day of the special lecture grew over the four days. The microorganisms growing on the agar medium emitted a distinctive savory smell, similar to that of shrimp snacks, and the students observed their growth with great interest. After the observations, isolation was conducted to separate multiple microorganisms into single microorganisms. This isolation process involves selecting microorganisms to be used as paints and culturing them on a new agar medium. In this way, students created their own palette to be used in the next lecture. After the work was done, the agar medium was put back into the incubator. On this day, the students sketched the designs that they would draw in the third lecture. Students drew butterflies, jellyfish and other animals, mountains and other landscapes, etc. on a piece of A4 paper. The students were really looking forward to the 3rd class.  

The third day of the special lecture on February 25th.
 In this lecture, the students used the palettes and the sketches they had prepared in order to create their own drawings on the agar medium. Sagara sensei gave the following tips for drawing: (1) do not use too much force so as not to damage the agar, (2) when you want to express a pattern in a dark color, take a microorganism firmly on the tip of the brush and apply it repeatedly to the drawing, and (3) when you want to express a light color, take a cotton swab dipped in water and use it to apply a thin layer of the microorganism to the drawing. For about an hour, students earnestly created their own unique works of art.
 The special lecture ended with a round of applause from the students, expressing their gratitude to Sagara sensei for his guidance over the three classes.

 Sagara sensei expressed his hope, saying, "With any technology, there is a fun world of art that applies that technology. I hope that this bioart event will be an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the world of biotechnology".
 Currently, the students' artwork is growing in the incubator. I hope that this process goes well and soon they will be completed.

Keisuke Tou

March 22, 2022 2月の課外授業

こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は2月に課外授業で行った様々なワークショップについて紹介します。 
 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. Today, I would like to introduce some activities held in February.



World Languages

On Tuesday, February 8th, special foreign language classes were held. Students could choose two of the following four languages to study: Arabic by Alaa sensei (Prof.) and Nagwa sensei (Prof.), Malay by Hazwan sensei (Prof.), Thai by Apirak sensei (Associate Lecturer), and French by Dorsaf sensei (Prof.). The students were full of curiosity at the opportunity to learn about unknown languages. In the courses, they learned simple greetings, how to write their names, played traditional games, and learned about other cultures. Usually, students take most of their classes in English, so this was a good opportunity for them to learn about other languages and cultures.


 まずは、少人数で様々なゲームが行われました。「Choose your own adventure」という動画を鑑賞しながら物語を選択し、それによりエンディングが変わる選択型ゲーム、お題に沿って漫画を描きながらバトルする「MANGAKA」ゲーム、お互いの正体を探り合う会話型のパーティーゲーム「Spy-Fall 2」が行われました。色々なゲームを英語で体験し、楽しい時間となりました。
 その後、「Lets Chat」という学生たちが教職員に英語でインタビューし、スタンプを貯めてミッションをクリアしていくイベントが行われました。教職員たちは翻訳機を使ってでも、必ず英語で返答しなければならず、清掃員、警備員、看護師、職員らはこの日のために心構えをしていました。学生たちは教職員に趣味、経験、家族、ICTでの生活について質問し、英語でのコミュニケーションを楽しみました。学生たちは教職員のことを知る良いきっかけになったのではないでしょうか。

English Day

 On Friday, February 18th, an English Day was held by the English Department faculty members and Learning Mentors, so students could participate in English games and activities.
 First, three different games were played in small groups. One was game called Choose Your Own Adventure, in which students made choices in a story while watching a video. Each choice changed the direction of the story so that many different endings were possible. Another game was MANGAKA, in which students battled each other while creating an original manga according to a theme. The last game was a conversational party game called Spy-Fall 2. In this game participants tried to figure out each other's identities. Students played these games in English and had a great time.
 Next was the English Punctuation Party. In this game, students had to add punctuation to a sentence in order to produce a correct sentence. For correct answers, students received cookies from Edward sensei (Prof.), who is an excellent cook, and were able to make a paper crown with exclamation marks and apostrophes pasted on them. Each student made their own lovely crown.
 Later, there was an event called Let's Chat. Students interviewed teachers and staff members in English, accumulating stamps to complete their missions. Staff members had to respond in English, even if they had to use a translator, and the cleaners, security guards, nurses, and office staffs had prepared themselves for this day. The students enjoyed communicating with the teachers and staff members in English, asking them questions about their hobbies, experiences, families, and life at ICT. It was a good opportunity for the students to get to know more about the teachers and staff members
 In the afternoon, a team obstacle race was held in the gymnasium, with teams composed of both students and teachers. First, an obstacle course message game race was held, in which students had to memorize English sentences at the end of an obstacle course, and return to communicate the sentences to their team - hurdles and other obstacles were prepared, but many students forgot their messages while running, and in the end, many teams failed to communicate their messages quickly enough. Next, a blindfold maze game was held, in which the teacher in each team was blindfolded, and instructed in English by the students, to navigate the maze to reach the goal. The teacher had to return to the starting point if they stepped outside the taped path by even a millimeter, so students carefully gave instructions to the teachers. Finally, an original Twister game was created by Edward sensei, that produced unique poses and lots of laughter. The winning team received sweets as a prize from President Barksdale.
 After this event, the students said, "That was fun!". I hope that the students were able to communicate with teachers and staff members on campus through various activities using English.



 228日(月)に白山麓キャンパスで寮生活を終える2年生の送別会が行われました。まずは1年生から2年生にメッセージカードを送り、2年生は下級生にお別れの言葉を述べました。そして2年間の活動を振り返るスライドショーを鑑賞し、思い出に浸りました。最後に、2年生担任の潟辺先生がお別れの言葉を述べ、2年生のキルパラーニ アニッシュさんによるピアノ演奏と小髙先生の指揮の元、全員で「旅立ちの日に」を合唱しました。

Farewell party for 2nd year students

 On Monday, February 28th, a farewell party was held for 2nd year students who will finish their dormitory life at the Hakusanroku Campus. First, the 1st year students sent message cards to the 2nd year students, and the 2nd year students made good bye speeches to the 1st year students. Then, we watched a slideshow of pictures taken during the two years they were here. Finally, 2nd grade homeroom teacher Katabe sensei (Prof.) gave his farewell speech, and all the students sang a song together accompanied on the piano by 2nd grade student Anish Kirpalani and conducted by Kodaka sensei (Prof.). 
 The new 3rd year students will begin their new life. We cannot predict the future status of the spread of COVID-19, but I hope that the situation will calm down and that they will be able to go to Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand to study as soon as possible.

間加田 侑里

October 18, 2021 「白山麓ジャーナル on radio」


番組タイトルは「白山麓ジャーナル on radio」としました。この白山麓ジャーナルみたいに、魅力的なコンテンツをリスナーにお届けしたいと思い、ラジオ版という意味で「on radio」とつけました。高専生の目線で気になる話題や、国際高専や白山麓の魅力を発信するラジオ番組にしたいと思っています。


伊藤 周

Hello, it’s Ito, producer and director. What’s that title you say? Does ICT even have such a position? Actually, a brand-new radio program is starting on KIT’s community radio station FM-N1 staring a group of ICT students. My job is planning, directing, and overall supervising; thus the title “producer and director.” Students participating in this radio program are Vashro, Totsuka, Sakei, Katsukata, Afaf, and Honda from S2, and Izumiya, Oishi, Kakita, and Miwa from S1. Each will have several roles such as radio personality or sound mixer.

The name of the radio program is “Hakusanroku Journal on Radio.” Our vision is to broadcast interesting content, much like the wonderful entries on the Hakusanroku Journal, to all our listeners; thus the title “on radio.” We will talk about things students are currently interested in, and fun attractions of ICT and the Hakusanroku area.

Our very first broadcast will be October 26, 5:30 pm JST. Actually, we just finished recording it the other day. The basic human skill of talking suddenly fails when you become nervous and we had to retake the program several times, but finally everything came together. All the songs during the opening and ending are written and performed by the students themselves. Please enjoy their work when you listen to the program.

Meguru Ito
*Translated by Jonathan

October 11, 2021 1・2年生自然教室 三方岩岳ハイキング




木原 均

 On September 21 (Tue), the first- and second-year students went on a hiking trip to Sanpoiwatake as an extracurricular activity. Participants were seven first-year students, ten second-year students, seven teachers; a total of 24 people. Sanpoiwatake is located along the Hakusan-Shirakawago White Road and takes about 50 minutes up and 40 minutes back down.

 Everyone boarded a bus at 9 am and departed for the starting point adjacent to Sanpoiwatake parking area. On the way, Owari coach talked about each location of Mt. Hakusan’s nature that we could see out the windows, such as the names of waterfalls, avalanche chutes, and wildlife living in the area. His lecture was fascinating and students especially showed interest in stories that he actually experienced in the area. Episodes such as exploring Jyatani-keikoku (snake valley) and finding out that there actually are many snakes as the name suggests, and encountering multiple bears when traversing the mountains. They were exciting stories none of us had ever experienced. We stopped at “The Great Waterfall of Fukube” about ten minutes into the White Road and took a break and a group photo, and began our climb a little past ten o’clock.

 The weather was perfect and the students hiked along in good spirits. It seemed that they had more than enough energy because we reached the top 30 minutes before schedule. What a wonderful thing youth is. I was additionally surprised to hear that one student had climbed Mt. Hakusan the previous day. He didn’t show any sight of fatigue and stood out in my mind. In contrast, some teachers and myself could feel the strength running out of our legs as we returned to the bus. At the parking lot we showed each other our shaking knees and laughed as we boarded the bus. We returned to the campus at noon and that was the end of the event. However, some students still had energy to burn and turned right around and went swimming in a nearby river with Owari coach. For a while we could not go anywhere due to COVID-19, but this day was an opportunity to refresh our body and mind in the nature near Hakusanroku Campus, and spend time with students somewhere other than a classroom.

Hitoshi Kihara

September 22, 2021 檜細工に関する講義とワークショップ

伝統工芸士の香月久代さんとスーザン メイさんを講師にお招きして






志鷹 英男

On September 17 (Fri), nineteen first- and second-year students participated in a “cypress weaving” seminar/workshop conducted by Ishikawa prefectural traditional craftsman, Hisayo Katsuki and Susan May, who belongs to the Hakusan-Tedori Geopark Promotion Council and studies cypress weaving under Kastuki-san while making and promoting works of her own. The seminar and workshop was held at 1:00 pm at the Hakusanroku Campus.

Cypress weaving is said to originate in Hakusanroku when a traveling monk taught the people of Fukase in Oguchi village (current Hakusan city, Fukase) how to weave an umbrella 400 years ago. In 1988, cypress weaving was certified as an official traditional craft of Ishikawa prefecture. The process of weaving thin cypress strips called “hinna” by hand has continued to this day. However, most of its successors are old age and the sustainability of the technique is becoming an issue.

After Susan-san’s 30 minute lecture in English, students began weaving a coaster. Each student received ten strips of “hinna”, which they sprayed water on before weaving because they break easily when dry. Our young engineers are accustomed to making digital things on their computers, but not so much with their hands, as many of them weaved and undid their work multiple times. Kastuki-san and Susan-san watched the students’ progress and took turns giving them detailed support. Everyone finished their coaster in about an hour and a half.

Katsuki-san explained that “The method we used today is called ‘ajiro-ami’ and is the most basic way of weaving. You can make a placemat if you use longer strips.” It was a valuable experience to learn directly from a traditional craftsman and see her skills.

At ICT, students have the opportunity to experience local industries and traditional arts and crafts, and communicate with different age groups of the community through our education focused on the SDGs and regional revitalization. This cypress weaving workshop is part of that goal and is the second time we have held it at the Hakusanroku Campus since last year. This year we also shared the experience with Thailand’s Geopark Promotional Region, which is associated with Hakusan-tedorigawa Geopark, via Zoom.

Hideo Shitaka

September 14, 2021 ICT探検隊、瀬波川を遡上す



ここが本日一番の景勝スポット。学生たちは次々と岩の上からジャンプ。エメラルドのしぶきを跳ね上げながら水中に身を躍らせました。帰りの車中でフィリップ先生から感想を尋ねられた木下観くんは笑顔で、“The coldest experience of my life.”と答えていました。

潟辺 豊

It's KTB, the N&A Club supervisor. On September 12 (Sun), the N&A Club held the annual Senami rivier gorge climbing activity. Senami river is about 5 kilometers from the Hakusanroku Campus, and is a tributary to the larger Tedori river.Tedori river is often muddy with sand broken off from Mt. Hakusan, but Senami river is clear and beautiful (as you can see in the pictures above).

Members gathered at 12:30 pm and moved to Hakusanroku Shonen-no-ie to gear up with helmets and lifejackets. When everyone was ready, we drove to the parking lot in front of Hakusanri Onsen and made our descent to the river bed. After getting our feet used to the water, Owari coach gave a lecture about the dangers in the river before we began our journey. There is no set path for gorge climbing. You can walk along the rocky bank, swim (this however will give you the shivers before long because the water temperature was only 18 degrees celsius), and use ropes to pull yourself along. Each student chose paths that they liked, and we finally reached a small pool of jade green crystal clear water.

This beautiful site was the payoff of our journey. Students took turns jumping of the rocks above, diving into the water with emerald colored splashes. When asked by Philip sensei on the way home, Kan Kinoshita remarked that it was "The coldest experience of my life" with a big grin on his face.  

Yutaka Katabe


July 31, 2021 Events in July








It’s Jonathan, the camera man! I’d like to write about three events that happened this month.

On July 4 (Sun), there was a barbeque party at the Hakusanroku Campus on the lawn next to the basketball court. This event was organized by the Language & Culture Club and all Hakusanroku students and staff were invited. The party started at 2:30 pm and the first thing I noticed was the two lawn games that some of the teaching staff had setup. One was cornhole: a game where two people toss a bag of corn onto a slanted board with a hole. Two teams take turns tossing the bags and you get points when the bag lands on the board or in the whole. The first team to get 21 points wins! I tried it for the first time and found that it asks for both concentration and precision. Getting the bag in the whole seemed impossible at first and I heard players let out shouts of joy from time to time as they got better. The other game was clackers; two plastic balls connected with string. There were three horizontal polls and you get points depending on which one you manage to throw and rap the clacker around. A group of second year students took special interest in this and some almost mastered it by the time the event was over.

I can’t forget about the barbeque itself! Ed sensei (or “Mr. B” as most students call him) took charge of all the cooking and made everyone cheeseburgers and hotdogs to our heart’s content. They were delicious and students devoured them as quick as Ed sensei could make them. Some of the boys burned off that energy right away with a game of basketball. The weather forecast said it was going to rain but the skies held up and we ended up with a not too hot, perfect cloudy day.

On July 7 (Wed), the learning mentors held their “Making Toys to Relieve Stress Workshop” in the Maker Studio. This event was organized as a fun way to help neutralize students’ stress as the semester comes to an end and so comes assignment deadlines. The learning mentors, Anne sensei, Apriak sensei, and Jomkit sensei each took charge of three different booths. Anne sensei taught students how to make hand spinners by weaving different color string around a pinball. Apirak sensei’s booth made various color slimes, which they filled balloons with to create soft squishy toys. Jomkit sensei’s booth didn’t make anything, but instead had bags of candy canes that students could crush with a hammer. All three booths saw multiple visitors and students enjoyed moving their hands and blowing off stress.

It’s fairly easy to fall out of shape due to a lack of exercise at the Hakusanroku Campus. That's why Mr. B organized a special badminton tournament on July 20 (Tue) as a fun way for students to move their bodies and eat some delicious food at the same time. He prepared a ton of sweets such as maple bacon donuts, macarons, and cupcakes. During the tournament, students could challenge any of the teachers to accumulate points, which they could trade in for sweets. It was a casual and fun event with many students laughing and eating sweets.

July was a fun month with many holidays and events. Hopefully students released some stress and prepared themselves for the final exams this week.


July 28, 2021 白山登山




潟辺 豊

KTB, coach of the N&A Club here. The N&A Club held our annual Mt. Hakusan climb on July 16 (Fri). We left the Hakusanroku Campus at 5 am and arrived at the starting point (Betto-deai) at 6. After submitting a climbing registration form, we began our climb. This year we chose the more advanced but more beautiful and less crowded Kanko-shindo instead of the Sabo-shindo that we used last year. Student members that participated were Oishi Imaru, Okuyama Mahiro, Kan Kinoshita, Lucas Kusamoto (S1), Katsukata Masamune, Sakei Ryo, and the captain Nakazato Yuma (S2).

Kanko-shindo is a path along the mountain ridge, so there is always a beautiful view and a cool breeze to push you along. The sweet fragrance of Japanese lilies (language of flower: elegant) surrounded us as we pushed on steadily up the mountain. We rested at Tono-ga-ike shelter hut, took a group photo at Mida-ga-hara at 10:30, and arrived at Murodo at 11 o’clock. Students happily dug into their packed lunch prepared by the cafeteria and cup noodles their brought with them. Initially, we planned to leave at noon, but the students were so eager to get going, so we began our final assent at 11:40. By 12:30, everyone had reached the peak with blue skies and bustling white clouds and showed big smiles for the camera.

To go nice on our knees, we chose the less steep Sabo-shindo on the way down. The weather forecast predicted some rain so we came prepared but never saw a single drop the whole way. Instead, students’ skin was red from sun burn. Still, two invincible students (Lucas and Yuma) had enough strength for a three hour bike ride to the ocean the very next day.

Katabe Yutaka

July 19, 3年生が永光寺で参禅体験

 3年生が「生活と文化」の学外授業で洞谷山永光寺(とうこくさん ようこうじ)を訪れ、参禅体験を行いました。







黒田 譜美

The third year students visited Dokosan-Yokoji temple as fieldwork to practice Zen meditation for their Global Life and Culture class.

Yokoji is a temple of the Soto school. After walking through the wooden sanmon (main gate), we passed many Buddhist monks and I could sense the students nervousness. We learned basic manners from Mr. Manjo such as the correct hand positions for praying and meditating, and how to walk. Then, we returned to the main temple and listened to a lecture about the correct mindset and how to sit. Finally, we moved to the monastery that holds the Buddhist statue Monju-Bosatsu (文殊菩薩座像) and meditated for forty minutes. The students' goal was to find peace in their heart by sitting while facing the wall, appreciating the sound of the bell and birds, and concentrating on their posture and breath.

Some comments by the students after the meditation:
Inoue-san said "My legs are stiff. I need to do this more often" with a wryly smile.
Hatanaka-san looked refreshed and said "It only felt like 10 minutes"
Sato-san was still contemplating the experience and voiced the question "I wonder what the purpose of sitting is?"
Kato-san, who requested "Don't hesitate to strike me harder when its my turn" later remarked that "It hurt A LOT" with a big smile on his face as always.

Afterward, we drank tea and ate sweats, and listened to Majo-san talk about how life is born from life, words exist, therefore "I" am, and that "I" exists only once. Also the following haiku:

careful watching_
shepherd’s purses in bloom
under the hedge

a sound of a frog
jumping into water_
the old pond


Both are famous haikus by Basho. We were given the homework to contemplate what he wanted to convey with them.

It was a short field trip, but the students were able to leave their busy routine to appreciate nature and history, and observe themselves within.

Fumi Kuroda

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalExtracurricular Activity