
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Extracurricular Activity

June 28, 2019

Hey, it's Jonathan. Here is another report from Hakusanroku campus. On June 22 Saturday, the first and second year students had a special field trip to discover and learn more about the nature and history of the Hakusanroku area. We visited Ichinose Visitor Center to hike and learn about the wildlife of Mt. Hakusan, and explored Shiramine village and visited Rinsaiji Temple to learn about the history of the area. After dinner, the Nature & Adventure club joined a local event to go see fireflies. It was a jam-packed day, here at Hakusanroku.

Ichinose Visitor Center is the starting point for those climbing Mt. Hakusan from the Shiramine area. There are some hiking courses, displays of wildlife, an onsen ryokan, and a camping area next to the nearby river. Here we took a short hike into the mountains which lead to a vantage point where you can see Mt. Hakusan. Our guide, Mr. Shinichi Hiramatsu is an expert of the nature of this area, and pointed out various plants and insects as we hiked. It was drizzling slightly. However, we were happily surprised to find Mt. Hakusan beautifully visible from the vantage point.

After the hike, we returned to the visitor center to learn about the wildlife and history of Ichinose. Mr. Hiramatsu explained that Ichinose used to be a bustling town, famous for its many onsen baths and people climbing Mt. Hakusan. However, in 1934 a devastating flood hit Ichinose, destroying everything. This flood was due that year's heavy snowfall melting, and there is even a legend that to this day a thousand snakes are trapped under the eternal snow covering one of the lakes on top of Mt. Hakusan and a flood will occur again if the eternal snow ever thaws. Mr. Hiramatsu also showed many plants and animals of Mt. Hakusan, including how to distinguish plants and trees apart, videos of bears, wild boars, monkeys, antelopes, and gold eagles, and live lizards and insects he brought to the center. On the way to Shiramine, we stopped at the "Million Kan Rock." (1 Kan = 3.75kg) This huge rock was pushed 3 km down the river during the historical flood and stands as a landmark as a testament of its shear power.

In the afternoon, we moved to Shiramine village to investigate and learn about the area. Shiramine serves as a hub for people climbing Mt. Hakusan and has many historic and sightseeing-worthy locations. First, students explored the area on foot. Many students decided to visit the popular Snowman Cafe for some dessert. Fully refreshed, we next visited Rinsaiji temple to listen to the history of Mt. Hakusan and view the many Buddha statues displayed there. Mt. Hakusan was always a focus of worship and these statues used to exist on the mountain peak until the Separation of Shinto and Buddhism policy was deployed in 1863. At this time, many Buddha statues were brought down from the mountain to avoid being destroyed and eight such statues are on display here.

Later in the evening, there was an bonus event. Members of the Nature & Adventure club participated in a local event to see fireflies. This is an annual event held by the Oguchi Community Center. The ICT students and members of the local community traveled to the Dainichigawa river in Torigoe, which is about 15 minutes from the Hakusanroku campus by car. There were a surprising number of fireflies and the participants spent time taking pictures, catching, and simply observing a beautiful sight. Mr. Nakamura, a local and expert of fireflies, gave lectures on the insects and answered the students' questions. Some ICT students made friends with the local elementary school kids and everyone enjoyed a pleasant evening.

June 22 was a long and eventful day. Students learned much about the nature and history of the Hakusanroku area while also having a lot of fun. This is not our first time joining a local event or visiting a local sight of interest and I am continuously convinced that our location is crucial to becoming part of the local community; in addition to the convenience of being close and the ability to participate in such events at night thanks to our dormitories. I hope students had fun and found something of interest in the local area, which will help them create innovation in the future.


ジョナサンです。白山麓キャンパスからレポートをお届けします。6月22日(土)1~2年の学生が白山麓の自然や歴史について学ぶ特別活動を行いました。自然については市ノ瀬ビジターセンター、歴史については白峰村と林西寺をそれぞれ訪れ、地域についての理解を深めました。夕食後にはNature & Adventureクラブのメンバーが地元のホタル観察会に参加し、充実した一日を過ごしました。




日没後、Nature & Adventureクラブのメンバーは地元のホタル観察会に参加しました。このイベントは毎年尾口公民館によって開催されている恒例行事です。白山麓キャンパスから車で15分くらいの距離にある鳥越の大日川へ移動し、地元の方々と1時間ほどホタルを観察しました。驚くほどたくさんのホタルがおり、学生たちは写真を撮ったり、ホタルを捕まえたり、美しい光景を眺めたりしていました。また、ホタルに詳しい地元の中村さんが生態について解説したり、学生の質問に答えたりしました。地元の小学生と遊ぶICT学生もいて、皆が楽しい時間を過ごしました。



June 6, 2019 Farming Experience

On May 26 (SUN), the Nature & Adventure club conducted a farming experience in collaboration with members of the local community. Early Sunday morning, students gathering to plant potatoes in the field right across from the Hakusanroku campus. This event was conducted in collaboration with local farmers who willingly agreed to demonstrate and for us to use a patch of their fields. Students first plowed the field by turning over, watering, and mixing fertilizer in the soil. Next the local farmers demonstrated planting the potatoes, which the students followed in suit. This year we planted regular potatoes and sweet potatoes, both which we plan to harvest later this year. Many students have never farmed before and seemed to enjoy the experience. After planting the potatoes, students volunteered to weed a neighboring field before finishing the experience and heading to the onsen to clean up and a long-awaited lunch.

I was impressed by the students enthusiasm and feel lucky that the Hakusanroku campus is surrounded by such rich nature. I mean the farm is right across from the school; literally a one minute walk away! Students take advantage of this short distance to find time and take turns watering the field. It was also interesting to observe the students' reaction to the local farmers explaining that monkeys sometimes dig up and eat the potatoes right before harvest. They threatened and cursed the monkeys saying "I will never surrender my precious potatoes to you!", in fear of the thought of them stealing the result of their hard work. The experience really gave them a firsthand perspective of being a farmer. I asked the local farmers about our students' farming, who simply answered "They're OK. Everyone's a beginner at some point" with a big laugh. I look forward to the future of this relationship with the local community and especially to harvest season.


2019年5月26日(日)Nature & Adventure クラブによる農業体験が地元農家の方々の協力のもと行われました。日曜日の早朝に白山麓キャンパスの向かいにある畑に集合してじゃがいもとさつまいもを植えました。今回の農業体験は地元の方々が畑や道具などを快く貸してくれたことによって実現しました。学生たちはまず畑を耕すところから始めました。シャベルなどを使って土を混ぜてから、水をかけて、最後に肥料を加えました。土づくりをしたあとは、地元の方々の指導のもと芋の苗を植えました。今回植えたじゃがいもとさつまいもは秋に収穫して食べる予定です。ほとんどの学生は農作業の経験がなく、初めての経験を楽しんでいるようでした。芋を植えたあとは隣の畑の雑草取りを手伝ったあと、温泉で汗を流してから昼食をとりました。



May 10, 2019

4月の新年度を迎えてから、GWの休暇を挟んで、すでに1か月が経ちました。4月はオリエンテーションや新学期の準備で様々なイベントなどがありましたが、3月の春休み期間にも国際高専が推奨するグローバル人材育成の海外プログラムが行われました。ラーニングエクスプレスです。これは、グローバル人材を育成する教育の試みとして、異なる国の学生達が発展途上国やその地域を訪問し、フィールドワークを通して、地域発展、環境問題、持続可能な社会などの観点からの問題発見、問題解決策を提案し実施するという、国際的ソーシャルイノベーションプロジェクトです。今回は高専・工大合同で11名の学生がインドネシアのジョクジャカルタを訪問してきました。このジャーナルには書ききれないほど学生たちは多くの経験をし、成長してきました。特には、国際理工学科の中心ともなるデザインシンキングの問題解決手法を用いての活動であるため、ぜひ2年後、NZ留学で英語力を向上させた後に、このより実践的な国際協働プログラムにも挑戦し、グローバルイノベーターに近づいてほしいと思います。今回の旅を含めた過去の活動内容は、https://www.ict-lex.com/ に掲載されていますので、ぜひご覧ください。

津田 明洋

It has been one month since school started in April. Last month, before the Golden Week holiday, we had several orientation events in preparation for the new school year. However, there actually was an oversea program in March during the spring break. This program was the Learning Express (LeX). This international social innovation project is part of ICT's education to foster global innovators. Students travel to developing countries and conduct fieldwork to find problems in the local community using viewpoints such as regional development, environmental issues, and a sustainable society. They then produce prototypes of their solution to the local people. Eleven students participated in this year's Learning Express and traveled to Yogyakarta in Indonesia. The experience they gained is so great that I cannot write how much they have grown from this program in this journal. I look forward to the students from the Department of Science and Technology participating in this program because it uses problem-solving via Design Thinking, which is a core theme in their current studies. I hope that two years from now they will strengthen their English skills in New Zealand and challenge themselves in this international co-creation program on the pursuit to become "Global Innovators." Please check out the website https://www.ict-lex.com/ where you can see more of our activities in Indonesia.

Akihiro Tsuda

April 23, 2019 Wild Vegetable Picking

 白山麓キャンパスでは今年度からNature and Adventure ClubDesign and Fabrication ClubLanguage and Culture Clubというクラブが結成され、すべての学生が少なくとも1つに所属することになりました。Nature and Adventure Clubの顧問は私と潟辺先生(国語)、フィリップ先生(体育)、山下さん(事務局)の4人に加えて、野外活動のインストラクターで自生熟代表でもある尾張由輝也氏がコーチとなりました。4月は仮入部期間ということで、学生は各クラブを自由に覗いて自分に適したクラブを選択することになっています。

 Nature and Adventure Clubでは、4月21日に体験入部企画として山菜採りを行いました。9名の学生達とともに、キャンパス近隣の野山で尾張コーチの講義を交えながら、山菜採りを行いました。タラノメ、コシアブラ、コゴミなど、都市生活ではなかなか目にすることのできない山菜がたくさん収穫でき、学生たちは、白山麓の自然を学び、満喫した様です。採れた山菜は4月24日に開催予定の特別活動「自然教室」で天ぷらにして全学生ならびに地元住民の方々に振舞われる予定です。

 Nature and Adventure Clubでは、5月以降、農作業、登山、沢登り、ホタル観察、天体観察、釣り、野生動物観察、収穫祭、スキーなど様々なメニューを地域住民とともに用意し、白山麓キャンパスならではの活動にして行く予定です。

 From this fiscal year, Nature and Adventure Club, Design and Fabrication Club, and Language and Culture Club have been established on the Hakusanroku campus, and all students will belong to at least one of them. The advisors of Nature and Adventure Club are me and Prof. KATABE (Japanese), Prof. Philip (Physical Education), and Mr. Yamashita (Secretariat). In addition, Yukiya Owari, an outdoor activity instructor and a representative of Jiseijyuku, is a coach. In April, students are free to go through each club and choose the club that suits them.

 On April 21, wild vegetable picking was held as an experience joining program. We conducted wild plant picking together with nine students at mountains near the campus with Owari coaches. Students learned and enjoyed the nature in Hakusanroku, with lots of wild vegetables such as Taranome, Kosiabura, Kogomi and so on that are not commonly seen in urban life. The harvested wild vegetables will be tempura in a special activity "Nature classroom" scheduled on April 24, and will be served for all students and local residents.

 Nature and Adventure Club will carry out various menus such as farming, mountain climbing, canyon walking, fireflies observation, astronomical observation, fishing, wildlife observation, harvest festival, skiing and so on with local residents, which will be distinctive activities in Hakusanroku campus.

Shuntaro Yamazaki

December 5, 2018 Robocon International

Hello everyone. When I was a high school student, I used to participate in the academic contests of my prefecture board of education to assign the best school. In those contests, students from different schools were competing in all subjects including math, science, Arabic, English and social studies. Our school team had very strong motivation to study hard and prepare well for each game. I remember how happy the students, the teachers and all staff were after winning one of the first places at such contests. Teachers used to praise our effort when we lose and encourage us to work harder to win in the next times. I recalled all those memories when I went to Tokyo last week to support our Robocon team B who participated in the “NHK 2018 Robot contest”.

I saw many teams from different schools around Japan applying what they have learnt at the mechanical design, electronics, programming, math and science classes. It was a lot of fun to see different and brilliant design ideas of the teams to flip pet bottles on the tables to get more points. Although our team lost the first game with only one point, we were proud of them because they have been awarded as one of the best robot design. During preparation for this contest, they used to stay until late time at school collaborating with each other trying different ideas, everyone in his favorite area. At the contest, I could see their strong motivation and affiliation to their school ICT. They tried their best to win, every sub-group did their job well, beginning by the one responsible of setting the machine to the one drives and operates the machine. I believe that this team is very promising and they can develop their ideas and achieve a lot of progress in the near future.

In the next years, our Robocon teams are going to be stronger and more promising, especially when the students from Hakusanroku campus participate the Robocon club activities. They will have the skills of scientific thinking as they studied more advanced and worldly standard curriculums. This will help them to think out of the box and create new ideas and designs for their machines. The one year of study at Otago polytechnic in New Zealand will help them developing their hand shills as many of the classes at Otago polytechnic are hands-on and project based. In addition, they will gain the experience when they cooperate with the current Kanazawa campus students who participated many times in such contests. Kanazawa campus students understand very well the contests rules and have many techniques and plans to play well and get more points. In some situations of having sudden troubles in the machine right before starting the game, they can handle the situations and figure out such problems without being embarrassed. That kind of cooperation between our students will lead to a great success.

As, we are an international college, I wish after few years our teams participate in not only the national contents, but also are dare to participate in international ones. As we are preparing our students to be global innovators, providing them with all facilities and resources, I think they will have the capabilities to be a strong rival at such international contests. Going to international events is a good opportunity for our students to have contact with people of different cultures, values, languages, and knowledge. I look forward to seeing our teams win one of first places in the national robot contests as well as our first Robocon international participation.

Alaa Hussien







December 2, 2018

In today's journal, I would like to give a report about the NHK Kosen RoboCon National Championship held on November 25.

Each year, that year's RoboCon regulations are announced in April. This year's theme was "bottle flip", creating a robot and successfully throwing and landing plastic bottles. The RoboCon themes are never easy. However, I believe this year's theme was especially difficult.

At ICT, our participating students consist of two teams: the A team, consisting of fifth-year students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, working on their graduation project, and the B team, consisting of volunteers from second- to fifth-year Yumekobo project students from multiple departments. I have been in charge of the B team for the past five years and it is the first time we have advanced to the championship stage.

At the RoboCon, robots are judged for their creativity and originality even more than actual scores. In the regional qualifiers, the teams who advance to the national championship besides the overall winning team are decided by the judges' votes. This year, ICT B team received the Idea Award at the Tokai-Hokuriku Regional Qualifier and the right to compete at nationals.

After the regional qualifiers in October, we continued to test and redesign our robot to improve its accuracy. The day before the national tournament, we encountered a problem on our test run, in which the sensors would malfunction due to the strong lights in the venue. However, we overcame this problem by making covers around the sensors, which let our robot function properly in the competition.

We were defeated by National Institute of Technology, Wakayama College in the first stage at a close score of 13 to 14. However, I believe we put on a great show for the viewers. Also, we received the Special Award from Yaskawa Electric Corporation. Obviously, it was our first time at the nationals since the school's name changed to ICT, but also was the first time we received an award since 1993 as Kanazawa College of Technology. The first-year students who came to cheer us enjoyed the tournament and spoke about creating a team at Hakusanroku campus.

The required level of skill was high, and I was happy to see growth in our students participating in this competition. My wish is that more students continue to challenge themselves through RoboCon, and raise technology to a higher level.

Taisei Ise

2018 11月29日








伊勢 大成

November 14, 2018 Skype-a-Thon with Vice-president of Microsoft


On November 14 (WED), Microsoft held its annual global education event "Skype-a-Thon." Skype-a-Thon is a 48 hour charity event in which Microsoft connects classrooms all over the world. See here for more information about Skype-a-Thon. ICT participated as one of the two schools from Japan out of 102 countries and first-year students connected with Vice-president Anthony Salcito at Microsoft headquarters in Seattle, USA. Also, Teacher Engagement Manager Education Group Public Sector Hidenori Harata from Microsoft Japan visited us at Hakusanroku campus. The skype session was about 30 minutes long and was divided into two parts. In the first half, students took turns introducing the Hakusanroku campus, local community, personal projects and extracurricular activities in English. Vice-president Salcito listened intently, occasionally commenting on the students' presentation. A list of their presentation is as follows:

  • Introduction of Hakusanroku campus

  • Position of ICT and distance from Seattle

  • Projects using the 3D printer and laser cutter

  • Activities in Engineering Design

  • Extracurricular Activities at local junior high school festival

The second half was Q&A with Vice-president Anthony Salcito. Students asked questions such as "What innovative technologies are you paying special attention to?", "How do you make time to enjoy your hobby?" and "What kind of skills do I need if I want to become vice-president of a multinational company?" Despite being on a 48 hour marathon event, Vice-president Salcito answered these question sincerely and in length. You can listen to his answers in the video. After the Skype session, Mr. Harata also gave a speech to the students, talking about work life balance that was touched upon in the session saying "Recently, the boarder between work and personal time is blurring. I sometimes join a meeting from home while I'm playing with my kids. I bed you sometimes play games while you do your homework."

The students seemed stimulated from talking with the Vice president of Microsoft. I hope the experience of speaking with a top-runner of the IT industry will give them confidence and help them in the future.



2018年11月14日 マイクロソフトの副社長とスカイプで対話授業「Skype-a-Thon」


  • 白山麓キャンパス紹介

  • ICTの位置、シアトルからの距離

  • 3Dプリンターやレーザーカッターを使ったプロジェクトの紹介

  • エンジニアリングデザインの活動紹介

  • 課外活動で訪れた地元中学校の文化祭での活動




October 18, 2018 Kaga Yuzen Workshop Part Two at Hakusanroku

On Saturday, we held our follow-up Kaga Yuzen workshop in collaboration with Kobo Hisatsune. You can read about "Kobo Hisatsune" and our career design trip in Yamazaki sensei's journal from October 9. For our second workshop, Hisatsune sensei and staff visited us at the Hakusanroku campus.


Hisatsune sensei visited us at Hakusanroku campus.


The workshop began with students giving presentations on new ideas they came up with for Kaga Yuzen. There were many interesting ideas such as creating designs for license plates and glass corridors. Hisatsune sensei commented that "Experience comes with the tradeoff of flexibility. Fresh minds and ideas are always welcome."

Student explaining ideas they came up with for Kaga Yuzen.

In this workshop, students and teacher actually dyed a picture on a piece of fabric. The people of Kobo Hisatsune provided an assortment of designs to choose from as well as dyeing material. The pictures were outlined with thin lines that can be washed off with water after the coloring is complete.


At first, the cloths looked like white pages of a coloring book. However, we soon discovered that it was not that simple. First, the liquid dye soaks into the fabric, so it is difficult to sustain the colors inside the lines of the picture. Second, utilizing this characteristic is a fundamental technique in Kaga Yuzen; adding a second color for more depth of field or a realistic look. For example, the Kobo Hisatsune staff demonstrated how adding yellow to the tips of green leaves gave them a more natural look.

Yellow on the tips give leaves a more realistic look.

Each student used different colors and dyed the cloths differently. Even if they chose the same designed cloth, the pictures looked totally different. Hisatsune sensei remarked that he enjoys observing how everyone thinks and percepts color differently.

Same picture but looks totally different.

Kaga Yuzen dye does not come off with water. After rinsing the cloths and drying them, the color is permanent. After a couple of hours, everyone had their own Kaga Yuzen handkerchief.

Everyone's finished product.


Everyone seemed to enjoy the workshop and I hope it does not end here. Both sides promised to collaborate in the future, and I am looking forward to which ideas the students came up with may actually come true.



2018年10月18日 友禅染教室








October 9, 2018 Career Design Trip to Kobo Hisatsune

On September 25, we took a special career design trip to Kanazawa. This time, we visited "Kobo Hisatsune", the workshop of Toshiharu Hisatsune, who is a successful Yuzen Artist in the field of Kaga Yuzen. Kaga Yuzen has a history of 500 years. Hisatsune sensei inherits its history and is an innovator of new styles and expression of Kaga Yuzen.

At the Kobo Hisatsune workshop, Hisatsune sensei not only does Yuzen dying on kimonos, but also other material such as wood, gold leaf and Tennyo-no-Hagoromo (robe of angel). The workshop is constantly developing new Yuzen technology to express Yuzen art on mediums such as interior, chinaware, tea boxes, stage costumes, etc. An example can be seen on the wall of the Starbucks coffee shop in Korinbo 109 in Kanazawa city. His work has received praise both nationally and internationally.

In this career design trip, we first listened to a lecture from Hisatsune sensei on his life as a Yuzen Artist and the difficulties he overcame. Being an ordinary businessman most of my life, I was fascinated by his experience. Also, we had a chance to view his workshop and actually try the dying process using Hisatsune sensei's coloring materials. The students were nervous, but managed to successfully color the fabric.

I was interested in how the students felt about the experience. The next day I read their reports and was surprised at how much they had to say. On October 13, the Kobo Hisatsune staff will pay us a visit at Hakusanroku campus and conduct a Yuzen dying workshop. Both students and teachers are welcome and I am very excited to participate.

Dean of Research and Projects

Shuntaro Yamazaki


キャリアデザイン特別活動 「工房久恒」訪問







June 7, 2018 2枚の板

There is always something cool to do at ICT. Today, let me introduce a project by the students. Machi-hachi (a local furniture maker) donated two boards made of high-quality wood and students were given the choice to create something with them. One thing I like about ICT is that nothing is forced. The school provides opportunities and resources, and teachers give full support, but it is up to the students to find what they are interested in. In this case, four students stood up to create two signs to display in the Living Commons.
I quietly observed as the students brainstormed the designs. I was surprised at how mature they were. Each time someone would lose concentration and begin to fool around, students would speak up and refocus themselves.

Many ideas were discusses, and they finally reached the designs in the picture. You can ask the students if you want to know their deep meaning.
Several days later, I found the students working on the finishing touches of the signs. As you can see in picture two, one of the hooks broke. It took twice as long to fix, but I think it was for the better seeing their satisfied faces in the end. There is a lot to learn from mistakes.
Many of the extracurricular projects are in their beginning stages (learning programming, electronics, software, etc.), so I am glad this project has a finished product. It should help boost the student’s confidence going forward. Thank you.





HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalExtracurricular Activity