
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Extracurricular Activity

June 23, 2021 Report from Hakusanroku (June)








Hi, it's Jonathan, the cameraman. June has brought warm weather to Hakusanroku and I see more and more people wearing t-shirts as summer approaches. Here are three events that happened in the past month. 

On June 1 (Tue), The Agri-tech team was interviewed by MRO Hokuriku Broadcasting during Engineering Design IIA class. The Agri-tech team has succeeded last year's project, and is creating a system to protect crops from wild monkeys using AI. This year's second year students aim to implement a function to drive away monkeys detected by the system. The television crew filmed scenes of the students asking local farmers about the magnitude of damage on their crops and what they think is the best method to drive monkeys away, and scenes of them explaining their goals of the year. The program was broadcasted on "Leosuta" on June 9 (Wed). Last year's Agri-tech team won the highest award of the "U-21 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan" and the level of attention on this project is growing.

On June 3 (Thu), four second year students of the Agri-business teams visited Yamadachikai, which has lately begun herding sheep in Kinameri district near Hakusanroku Campus. The Agri-business team is growing and selling local branded sweet potatoes "Kosen Beni Haruka" and Yamazaki sensei organized this visit to listen to the representative of Yamadachikai talk about his experience staring a agricultural business in Hakusanroku.

Yamadachikai's sheep business began when they were approached by the team of Ishida professor of Ishikawa Prefectural University who was doing research on the possibility of a sustainable business model selling lamb meat herded and sold in the local area. Arimoto-san, the representative of Yamadachikai, accepted this offer after agreeing that Hakusanroku lacked local branded livestock and daytime activities for tourists. Also, sheep are unaffected by the harsh winter season and wild animals in the area, which are difficulties of other products. In the presentation he gave to the students, Arimoto-san explained the annual schedule of selling lamb meat, the company's table of income and expenditure, their long-term goal of a profit of 5 million yen in five years, the necessary facilities they plan to purchase, etc. To accomplish this, Arimoto-san has utilized crowdfunding, applied for financial support from the government, and tried multiple methods to increase the price of their meat. He also plans to contribute to the local tourist scene by letting people feed and shear the sheep, and selling BBQ meat to campers. Arimoto-san understood that making a profit with sheep wasn't going to be easy in Hakusanroku, but he took on the challenge and came up with ideas to create a successful business. The second year students listened intently and took notes. There also was a QA session after the lecture that lasted ten minutes as Arimoto-san and students exchanged ideas.

After the lecture, students tried out shearing the sheep. Later, they commented "It looked easy at first but the electric clipper was heavy and difficult to keep steady due to the vibration, but once I got used to it, it felt good as the wool came off" and "I grew fond of the sheep."

On June 20 (Sun), the Nature & Adventure Club went hiking at Mt. Wasso-ga-take, which is a mountain of an altitude of 1,097 meters with a hiking course about ten minutes by car from Hakusanroku Campus. Participants were five club members, Yamazaki sensei, Katabe sensei, Philip sensei, Owari coach, and myself; a total of ten people. Most of the hiking course is through the forest, which shaded us from the hot sun. During breaks, Owari coach showed us wild herbs such as "Kuromoji", trees that bears had peeled the bark off, and flowers such as koajisai (Hydrangea hirta). We left Hakusanroku Campus at 8:30 am and reached the top of Wasso-ga-take around 11:15. Usually you can see Mt. Hakusan from this point. However, sadly it was hidden by low clouds. We ate an early lunch and headed to a neighboring mountain called Shironuki-yama (891m) before descending back down the trail. Students were full of energy and sometimes ran down the path or climbed trees along the way. Next month, they plan to climb Mt. Hakusan itself so this hike was a nice warm up ahead of time.


May 19, 2021 Activities in May

Hello, it's Jonathan, the camera man! April has turned into May, and the weather is almost perfect here at the Hakusanroku Campus. I have gathered pictures of the first and second year students and some of their major activities in the past weeks. Enjoy!


Sports Day

On May 1, the two PE teachers, Takimoto sensei and Philip sensei held a sports event in the gym. Students were not able to return home during the Golden Week holidays, and many events such as this were created to make the days as enjoyable as possible. This time, the sports were badminton and volleyball. In the badminton portion, Philip sensei introduced a new level system. All students start at level one. You level up by defeating someone in your same level or higher, to a max level of four. You can play as many games as you like with anyone you choose. This system seemed to suit the students and the three courts were constantly occupied by players challenging each other. The volleyball portion were games between the students and teachers. I apologize for not taking any pictures of the volleyball portion because I was playing the whole time.



Camping Indoors

On May 2, the Nature & Adventure Club used the whole day to craft, hike, camp, and do all sorts of outdoor stuff. Sadly, the weather forecast was rainy but the club members improvised and enjoyed their first club activity anyway. They did ropework, bamboo crafting, and ate curry and rice for lunch at KTB sensei's house. In the afternoon, they went hiking near Dainichi dam in Torigoe before returning to ICT. Originally, they planned to camp outside on school grounds. However, the rain and wind was too strong and they made the brave choice to camp in the second floor of the gym. Jokes aside, this turned out to be not a bad decision and they spent the evening chatting, listening to KTB sensei's guitar, and playing cards by a digital campfire. (How ICT is that!) One member wrote a journal entry about his experience which you can read here. (Coming soon)


Original T-shirt Design

On May 3, Ito sensei and Kodaka sensei organized an event to make original design t-shirts. Students used their computers to design and print out the design. Then, they ironed on the transfer paper to the front or back of the t-shirts. Students could choose one black or white t-shirt to design. Some students who had a clear vision finished before lunch. However, others took longer to come up with a design or had trouble transferring the design they chose. In the end, it was an exciting experience and many students voiced their joy in their finished product.


Engineering Design II A: Plowing with a Tractor

Returning to school, the agri-business team of the second year's Engineering Design class began working in the fields across the street from ICT. This team's goal is to grow sweet potatoes and make a profitable business model selling them. On May 6, they were joined by members of the local community who lent and taught the students how to drive a tractor. Each student took turns using the tractor to plow the plot of land they will use to plant the sweet potatoes. Unsurprisingly, it was the first time for the students to drive a tractor, and they enjoyed the experience as you can see in the pictures and video below.



Tie-Dye T-shirts

The last activity I would like to show you is the tie-dye t-shirt event, held after school on May 12 by the Language and Culture Club, for all first and second year students. Tie-dye is a method of folding, twisting, or crumpling fabric, and applying dye to create unique patterns. Ian sensei and Pauline sensei provided various colors of dye, t-shirts, rubber bands, gloves, aprons, and bleach for those who wished to dye a black t-shirt. The students quickly began choosing colors and methods to design their t-shirt. The instruction manual that came with the dye listed several techniques, and some students even experimented with original ways to use the dye; some improvised with their fingers, makeshift brushes, and pipes. You can see their finished products in the pictures below.


April 27, 2021 A month into the semester

Hi, this is Jonathan, the camera man. To kick off this journal entry, here is a short video of the entrance ceremony when we welcomed our new members to the Hakusanroku Campus. It has almost been a month since the first year students joined us on April 1. At first, many of them were shy, but that has changed in the past weeks. Much of this is thanks to the friendly second year students and teachers.


Wednesday is a special day at the Hakusanroku Campus because there are no classes in the afternoon. Learning Session (nighttime school) is optional so students have the leisure to enjoy their free time afterschool. It's interesting to walk around and see all the things students and teachers are up to. Here are some of the things that were going on last Wednesday, April 21.

First, the Design & Fabrication Club held its annual orientation event, the LEGO EV3 Robot Sport Tournament. This is a competition between the first and second year students that are considering to join the club. Each year, they decide on a sport and create a robot to compete in that sport. Here is last year's article. This year's sport was bowling and the students created four teams: one second year boys team, two first year boys teams, and one girls team. Out of the four teams, the second year boys team and girls team both built a more straightforward robot. However, both the first year boys teams came up with something more creative. Team 1a found a loophole in the rules and designed a robot to push the ball through the pins. (However, they were deducted any pins knocked over by the robot body) Team 1b, who ended up winning the tournament, created a belt conveyor to lift and drop the ball towards the pins. It was extremely accurate and got two strikes and 3 spares out of the five frames of the tournament.

Later in the Living Commons, I found Anne sensei, Stephanie sensei, and Pauline sensei gathered with the students for a nail-art party. Pauline sensei would call in anybody and everybody that passed by and as result the area was bustling with students, teachers and even some staff members. It was a sight to see people of all ages and nationalities painting each other's nails. You could tell ICT is a global community.

Also, Wednesday was warm and sunny, the perfect weather for a game of basketball at our outdoor court. Some first and second year students were playing and this attracted Ed sensei, Philip sensei, Apirak sensei, and some other students to start a game. Everybody was having fun and played until the sun went down. Full day classes start again from Thursday so I hope this was a good opportunity for everyone to refresh themselves and get ready to tackle to rest of the week.


*All students at the Hakusanroku Campus have taken a PCR Test. Considering that all of the results were negative, they are given the choice to take off their mask during sports and/or hiking.



4月21日(水)に行われていた活動のひとつが、デザイン&ファブリケーションクラブの恒例行事、LEGO EV3を使ったロボット球技大会です。これは入部希望者の1、2年生による対抗戦で、毎年違う球技を競うロボットを製作します。去年の記事はこちらです。今年の球技はボウリングで、2年生男子チーム、1年生男子2チーム、女子合同チームの計4チームが参加しました。堅実なロボットを作った2年生男子チームと女子チームに対して、1年生男子両チームは独創的なロボットを製作しました。優勝したのはベルトコンベヤでボールを持ち上げてピンに向かって落とす独特の投球フォームの1bチームで、5フレームでストライクを2回、スペアを3回出しました。1aチームはルールの隙を突いてロボットごとボールを押す作戦を決行しましたが、ロボット本体が倒したピンを減点されてしまいました。



March 1, 2021 課外活動とデザイン&ファブリケーションクラブ最終発表会





徳山奏太さん、バシュロ・琉海ジェームズさん(両方1年)の2人はバンドを組んでギター演奏とソフトウェアを使って作曲した音楽を披露しました。勝方正宗さん(1年)はUnityの勉強のために取り組んだスマホアプリの制作と、今後制作予定のゲームアプリについて語りました。戸塚裕基さん(1年)はPythonを使って制作した辞書プログラムを紹介しました。これは入力した単語の意味を表示し、データが存在しない単語は質問をして記憶するプログラムで、顧問の伊藤周先生は「プログラム何行あるの?」「けっこうすごい」と個人プロジェクトの完成度に舌を巻いていました。山崎史依さん(1年)は参加したFusion 360のコンテストの制作過程と感想について述べました。





February 9, 2021 Snow Hiking

2021年26日(土)、白山麓キャンパスの特別活動としてスノーハイキングを行いました。このイベントはNature and Adventure Clubの尾張コーチの企画運営によるものです。参加者はアファフさん、本田さん、勝方さん、酒井さん、中里さん(全員1年生)、尾張コーチ、潟辺先生、フィリップ先生、ナグワ先生と私です。朝9時に白山麓キャンパスを出発し、20分ほどのところにある岩間林道入り口に車を駐車しました。そこからカンジキを履いてハイキングを開始しました。途中、尾張コーチによるカンジキ歩行や動物の足跡観察のレクチャーが行われました。見晴らしの良い尾根に出たところで休憩、春の兆しを感じる日光浴をしながら、気持ちの良いひと時を過ごしました。11時過ぎに目的地であるブナオ山観察舎に到着し、双眼鏡を覗いたりイヌワシなどの剥製を観察しました。今シーズン初めて実施したスノーハイクは、全員が安心して楽しむことができたため、来年度以降Nature and Adventure Clubの定例イベントにしていこうと思います。

On February 6 (Sat) 2021, a group of students and teachers went snow hiking near Hakusanroku Campus. This event was organized by Owari coach of the Nature & Adventure Club. Participants were Afaf, Honda, Katsukata, Sakei, Nakazato (all first-year students), Owari coach, Katabe sensei, Philip sensei, Nagwa sensei, and myself. We departed from ICT at 9 am and parked near the entrance to Iwama Rindo, which is about a 20 minute drive from Hakusanroku Campus. We put on our snow shoes and began hiking. On the way, Owari coach gave advice about how to walk with snow shoes and how to observe various animal tracks. There was a nice ridge with a beautiful view and we stopped to take a group photo and enjoy the warm sun. It was a our first glimmer of spring. We arrived at our destination, the Binao Mountain Observatory, and spent time looking through the binoculars and observing the stuffed animals on display such as the golden eagle. I'm glad students were able to safely enjoy this year's first snow hike. Hopefully it can be an event we do every year.



Shuntaro Yamazaki

写真提供:酒井遼(1年)Photos by Ryo Sakei (first year)

October 20, 2020 Mt.Hakusan Climb





Hello! It's Jonathan, the camera man. On October 18, 2020, the Nature & Adventure Club held their annual Mt. Hakusan climb. Mt. Hakusan means "white mountain" in Japanese and is located across Ishikawa prefecture and Gifu prefecture. It is 2702m high and is one of Japan's three sacred mountains along with Mt. Fuji and Mt. Tateyama. The Nature & Adventure Club was scheduled to climb Hakusan in September but this was canceled because of a typhoon. October 18 was our last chance and we were rewarded for our patience with perfect skies. We gathered at front entrance of the Hakusanroku Campus at 5 am and drove to Betto-deai, the starting point on the Ishikawa prefecture side. It just snowed for the first time this year on the day before, and the parking lot was full of climbers, possibly prompted by the news.

We began our assent around 6:30 am. It was chilly at first but warmed up as the sun came up. The leaves were beautifully colored with many reds, oranges, and yellows. After Jinnosuke Cabin, the scenery opened up and we could see the panorama of mountains surrounding Hakusan. Students enjoyed this view, some with cameras and binoculars. For most of the students, this was their first time climbing Mt. Hakusan and the going was not always easy. However, students pushed on at their own pace. After Kuroboko-iwa, we could see the white peak across from Mida-ga-hara, with a blue sky background. The temperature began to decline as we approached Murodo. There, we geared up and made the final climb to the peak, Gozen-ga-mine.

The temperature dropped below 0 degrees celsius past Murodo and wind felt like a blizzard in mid winter. When we finally reached the top around 11 am, we were greeted by a freshly coated Gozen-ga-mine and blue skies so clear that you could see Noto peninsula in the distance. We enjoyed the awesome view as long as we could bear. Some students even began shouting for the fun of it. After returning to Murodo, we all ate lunch and began our decent. Temperatures finally rose again after Kugoboko-iwa and we could appreciate to cool breeze. We arrived at Betto-deai around 3:30 pm, concluding our trip with a group photo. The students' reactions to the experience differed. Some enjoyed it, some found it easier than they expected, and some vowed to never do it again. In any case, it was an unique opportunity to see new sites and try something new.


September 28, 2020 Some of the things students have been doing in September

Hi! It's Jonathan, the camera man. Today I would like to briefly talk about some of events that happened during September. Students returned to the Hakusanroku Campus between late August and early September. However, classes did not begin until the 24th. Instead, there were several special events organized as we waited for the two weeks to confirm the lack of COVID-19 to pass. (There was none, thank god.)


World Language

On September 10, several teachers organized a special class to teach languages "other than English". This special class was titled "World Language" and students could choose two languages from Arabic, Malay, Thai, and French. Teachers native to these languages taught the basic alphabet, some common phrases, how to write your name, and other interesting things depending on the teacher. The Arabic class was conducted by Nagwa sensei and Alaa sensei, the Malay by Hazwan sensei, Thai by Apirak sensei, and French by Jason sensei. 



Book Review

On September 16, the first year students gave their book review presentations. Each student chose three books to read during the summer and give a brief presentation in English and Japanese. There were novels, how-to books, English books for beginners, and many unique books depending on the students' interests. All the presentations were extremely interesting, however we had to choose a "best book review" and so teachers and students voted on three presenters. You can see the first year students giving their presentations and the results in the pictures below.



Sweet Potato Harvest

A group of second year students planted sweet potatoes as part of their Engineering Design project during the first semester. September marked the time for harvest. Actually, this is our second attempt at growing sweet potatoes. Last year, we were raided by the local monkey population just before harvest and lost 90% of our crop. To avoid the same outcome, students built a electrical fence and decided to harvest at the first signs of monkey attack. As a result we succeeded in collecting about 95% of this year's sweet potatoes. The four students of the group really got their hands dirty as they dug through the soil. You can see them and the sweet potatoes in the pictures below. These sweet potatoes will be branded, packaged, and sold by the students at local shops and farmer markets. I cannot wait to see what that will be like.



Sports Day

On September 17 and 19, we held a special Hakusanroku Sports Day. This Sports Day event was organized by the P.E. teachers to give the students a chance to blow their steam from being crammed in isolation. Three teams: first year, second year, and teacher and staff, played against each other in basketball, volleyball, and badminton.

Basketball was a battle between the second year students and the teachers all star team. The teachers are much larger and more experienced. However, basketball is a popular free time activity among many of the second year students and they had secretly practiced leading up to this event. Teachers dominated the first half, but the second year team fought back and ended the exciting game with a draw of 8-8. Volleyball was also a close game between all three teams. Students enjoyed it so much that they created a student all star team to challenge the winning teacher and staff team after the tournament. 

The badminton tournament was a twelve-round three-way competition. There were three courts and each team chose two pairs to compete each round. The winner would be the team with the most wins and the least losses. The great part of this system was that more people had the chance to play. Each team was hungry for the final victory, and each round was both competitive and fun to play and watch. In the end, the first and second year teams ended with the exact same points. Takimoto sensei was about to end the event with a draw, but the students insisted on a deciding match between the best two pairs. The second year students won this game and were declared the winners of the badminton portion.

Basketball: Second Year Team, Teacher and Staff Team (draw), First Year Team (3rd)
Volleyball: Teachers and Staff Team (1st), Second Year Team (2nd), First Year Team (3rd)
Badminton: Second Year Team (1st), First Year Team (2nd), Teachers and Staff Team (3rd)

The event was a great success and I heard many students remarking that they enjoyed it so much that they wished we could do it EVERY month.





Voting Simulation

On September 18, the second year students participated in a voting simulation by the election association of Ishikawa prefecture and Hakusan city. Students first listened to Ms. Natsumi Nakao from the Ishikawa Election Committee talk about the importance of voting, laws of to voting and election campaigning, and the how the election system works. Afterwards, the students participated in a simulation where they considered the manifest of two imaginative candidates and went through the process of posting a vote. The simulation was quite realistic and hopefully gave the students a taste of deciding their representor in the future.



September 25, 2020 永光寺報告文







黒田 譜美

  On the morning of September 5 (Sat) 2020, the eleven third-year students visited Tokoku-san Yokoji temple (洞谷山永光寺) in Hakui city Ishikawa along with their homeroom teachers Fudano sensei and Pauline sensei. They took a tour of the temple grounds and experienced Zen meditation as part of the class "Global Life and Culture".

  Tokoku-san Yokoji is an ancient temple deeply connected with the history of the Soto school (曹洞宗) founded by Keizan-Jokin (瑩山紹瑾) in 1312. Passing through the white wood sanmon gate built by craftsmen in the late Tokugawa period, you will find yourself facing the majestic and historic main building of the temple. Students were warmly welcomed by the chief priest, who told us about the history of Yokoji temple and how to do Zen meditation. Then, the students were led to a monastery that contained the Buddhist statue Monju-Bosatsu (文殊菩薩座像) and meditated for about 30 minutes.

  Listening to the trickling of water from a nearby stream and chirping of birds, while concentrating on one's posture and breathing to calm the mind was a new experience for the students, but definitely worthwhile. Several students spoke to the chief priest afterwards, remarking that their mind felt clearer and that the experience was a meaningful one.

  Usually, "Global Life and Culture" is a class the third-year students take in New Zealand as part of the study abroad program to learn about foreign cultures. However, we are prevented from going to New Zealand due to COVID-19. Therefore, we decided to experience Japanese culture firsthand instead. The students also created a presentation and debate session for the foreign teachers as part of the program. Hopefully, this way they can answer any questions about Japanese culture asked to them in the future.

  The students received a preview course about religion and Buddhism by Yoshimitsu Miyano. On September 17 (Thu), they gave their presentation on the topic of the "Benefits of Zen meditation and Japanese Views on Religion" to the foreign teachers in English. Nathan sensei, who joined us online from Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand commented "some people say that it is inappropriate to speak about religion or politics during a meal. However, I believe most families in New Zealand will not mind talking about the general subject." The rest of the QA and discussion was lively and fruitful.

  The third-year students were deprived of their year at Otago Polytechnic only a few days before departure and I can only imagine the disappointment they experienced. I hope that the meditation gave them a hint of how to deal with similar stressful situations. In addition, I hope this was an opportunity for them to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture that they can refer to later when interacting in an international community. We covered religion in this class. The next scheduled topics include Japanese food (especially fermented food) and traditional music.

Fumi Kuroda

June 26, 2020 鷲走ヶ岳 登山

Hello, it's Jonathan the cameraman. On June 21 (Sun), the Nature & Adventure Club finally held its first activity of the year in the form of a hike to the top of Wasso-ga-take. Due to COVID-19, clubs here at Hakusanroku Campus were restricted from doing any group activities. This restriction was lifted on the 19th and this was our first weekend after it. Our first chance was a beautiful sunny Sunday and we jumped to the opportunity.

The Nature & Adventure Club is one of Hakusanroku Campus's three clubs and focuses on interacting with the local community and nature surrounding the school. Twelve first and second year students, Yamazaki-sensei, Katabe-sensei, Philip-sensei, Owari coach, and myself gathered at the campus entrance at 8:30 am for total of 17 people. Wasso-ga-take is a mountain a couple of miles southwest of Hakusanroku campus near Tedori Lake. We started our hike from Higashi-Futakuchi. It was sunny. However, the trees protected us from the sun and most of the climb was through the cool shady woods.

We reached the top of Wasso-ga-take a little before noon and enjoyed the view over lunch. This peak is 1096m high and we could see green mountains and even Mt. Hakusan in the distance. After lunch, we split into two groups as we descended. One group went straight down and the other group, who wanted more, made a detour to a second mountain called Shironuki-yama (891m). Here, we could see Tedori Lake below. We regrouped and walked down through the woods, arriving at Higashi-Futakuchi around 2:30 pm.

Mountain climbing is one of the Nature & Adventure Club's main attractions and I was glad to finally get one done. Today's climb also gave new students a taste of what it is like, which they can use to decide whether they want to participate in the Mt. Hakusan climb planned on July 5. It seemed like the students enjoyed their walk through the woods and I hope they take up the challenge. Until then, see you!







June 22, 2020 ヒルクライムサイクリング

こんにちは。今年も研究プロジェクト主事とNature & Adventure Club顧問を担当している山崎です。新型コロナ感染防止に伴う外出制限が解除された週末、学生たちと一緒に近くの山にサイクリングに行きました。サイクリングと言っても、スキー場の山頂ゴンドラ駅までの林道を登るもので、キャンパスから山頂まで約9.5km、標高差726m、平均勾配7.6%という本格的なヒルクライムコースです。この日参加したのはS1の田窪君、中里君、 S2の畠中君の3名。同行するスタッフは体育のフィリップ先生と事務局の本田さんと私。田窪君は自身のロードバイクを持参、他の学生はNature & Adventure ClubMTBを駆って参加しました。

Hello, this is Yamazaki, still in charge of Research Projects and the Nature & Adventure Club. Restrictions due to COVID-19 have been loosened so I went cycling with some of the students on Sunday. This isn't your typical cycling though. It's a 9.5km long, 726m total elevation, average slope of 7.6% serious hill climb through woods to the gondola station on top of the ski resort near the Hakusanroku Campus. Three students joined us today: Takubo and Nakazato (both S1) and Hatanaka (S2). Accompanying staff were Philip-sensei, our PE teacher, Honda-san of the office, and myself. Takubo brought his own road bike and the other students used the mountain bikes own by the club.


We left the campus at 9 am and reached the entrance to the path in about 10 minutes. Here is a photo we took before the hill climb. This was Nakazato's first time and he looks a little nervous.  



Philip-sensei and Honda-san were trying for a personal best and rode out of sight immediately. Hatanaka and Takubo followed them at their own pace. Nakazato struggled getting used to controlling a bike on a mountain path and tried to keep up. I rode alongside him hopeful that chatting would keep his spirits up. After about an hour, Philip-sensei and Honda-san rejoined us on their way back. Apparently, they reach the top in about 50 minutes; astonishing work. Nakazato also reached the top after about an hour and a half with the moral support of the team. He did a great job. Hatanaka and Takubo's time was 1 hour and 7 minutes. Well done everyone.


We took a group photo at the top and you can see the feeling of accomplishment on the faces after completing the run. The view was extraordinary and you can see Tedori Lake and even the Hakusanroku Campus. ICT has many mountain paths like this a is a wonderful environment for cyclists. 

Shuntaro Yamazaki

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalExtracurricular Activity