
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Faculty

June 22, 2020 ヒルクライムサイクリング

こんにちは。今年も研究プロジェクト主事とNature & Adventure Club顧問を担当している山崎です。新型コロナ感染防止に伴う外出制限が解除された週末、学生たちと一緒に近くの山にサイクリングに行きました。サイクリングと言っても、スキー場の山頂ゴンドラ駅までの林道を登るもので、キャンパスから山頂まで約9.5km、標高差726m、平均勾配7.6%という本格的なヒルクライムコースです。この日参加したのはS1の田窪君、中里君、 S2の畠中君の3名。同行するスタッフは体育のフィリップ先生と事務局の本田さんと私。田窪君は自身のロードバイクを持参、他の学生はNature & Adventure ClubMTBを駆って参加しました。

Hello, this is Yamazaki, still in charge of Research Projects and the Nature & Adventure Club. Restrictions due to COVID-19 have been loosened so I went cycling with some of the students on Sunday. This isn't your typical cycling though. It's a 9.5km long, 726m total elevation, average slope of 7.6% serious hill climb through woods to the gondola station on top of the ski resort near the Hakusanroku Campus. Three students joined us today: Takubo and Nakazato (both S1) and Hatanaka (S2). Accompanying staff were Philip-sensei, our PE teacher, Honda-san of the office, and myself. Takubo brought his own road bike and the other students used the mountain bikes own by the club.


We left the campus at 9 am and reached the entrance to the path in about 10 minutes. Here is a photo we took before the hill climb. This was Nakazato's first time and he looks a little nervous.  



Philip-sensei and Honda-san were trying for a personal best and rode out of sight immediately. Hatanaka and Takubo followed them at their own pace. Nakazato struggled getting used to controlling a bike on a mountain path and tried to keep up. I rode alongside him hopeful that chatting would keep his spirits up. After about an hour, Philip-sensei and Honda-san rejoined us on their way back. Apparently, they reach the top in about 50 minutes; astonishing work. Nakazato also reached the top after about an hour and a half with the moral support of the team. He did a great job. Hatanaka and Takubo's time was 1 hour and 7 minutes. Well done everyone.


We took a group photo at the top and you can see the feeling of accomplishment on the faces after completing the run. The view was extraordinary and you can see Tedori Lake and even the Hakusanroku Campus. ICT has many mountain paths like this a is a wonderful environment for cyclists. 

Shuntaro Yamazaki

June 11, 2020



潟辺 豊

June 1 was our school's 63rd anniversary and students had the day off. Since the coronavirus outbreak, students have been cramped in their dorms. At 9:00 am, the first bus to Kanazawa departed from Hakusanroku Campus. You might or might not be surprised to hear that everyone was on schedule this morning. I was decorating the café corner with some flowers when the earliest student, first-year Shii arrived. When asked, she replied that she would spend the day with her parents at home. Runner-up was Morisuke as usual. He answered that he planned to eat lunch at a popular ramen shop "真打 Shin-uchi" and go to "みなと模型 Minato Model Shop" and buy one of his favorite car model kits. The rest of the students climbed into the bus one by one; with their masks on. Some were dressed up and said they would go to a beauty parlor. Others spoke about watching the movies "天気の子 Weathering with You" and "君の名は Your Name" back to back. Everyone looked excited and happy. The monthly bus to Kanazawa was nothing special before the corona situation, but that has changed.

My daughter's junior high school will also reopened, and we went shopping at a 100 yen one coin shop in Nonoichi. I was almost staggered at how many people were there. I assume that Kanazawa will not be as crowded on a Monday, but hopefully everyone will stay safe and enjoy their day off.

Yutaka Katabe

June 5, 2020 オンライン授業での発見







Lately, many schools are conducting "online classes" due to the situation of the coronavirus. Some schools just give students worksheets and call it a day. In general, schools with low ICT infrastructure have a harder time adapting to the situation. How about ICT you say? Thanks to the fact that each student receives a laptop computer on entry, we have wifi throughout the campus, and that our students are relatively accustom to using technology, I believe our transition to online was considerably smooth. In this journal entry, I would like to talk about some things I learned teaching both online.

First, let's talk about the things that went wrong. Despite our facilities, we could not avoid technical issues. There was a time when students would not react to my voice, which made me feel pretty lonely considering I was in my room talking to a screen alone. Later, we found out that there was a problem with our microphones.

It was also frustrating not being able to share the same "classroom atmosphere" as the students. Even though I could see everyone's face on my screen, it isn't the same as seeing them in person; I couldn't see how hard they are concentrating or if someone looks lost and in need of assistance. However, it was easier to feel the vibe of the second-year students, probably because we have already spent one year together.

I could continue talking about the difficulties of online classes. However, the thing I felt the most is that both students and teachers must develop the ability to adapt to sudden situations like this. At oversea graduate schools, there was a movement from offline to online before the coronavirus outbreak and students can get their degree from another country without even stepping on campus ground. In the close future, I believe this movement from offline education to online education will lead to a change from the current offline platform to something new. In any case, we must remember that whatever the platform may be, it must be designed with students put at top priority. I have a renewed passion to choose the best methods from the choices our future technology provides us.

Also, I just want to go back to teaching in the classroom.


May 27, 2020 D.I.Y. Automatic Alcohol Dispenser

In this situation of Covid-19, The general public turn to wear a face mask, wash their hands, and leave more spacing especially. In school many countries have closed classes, some schools can still open classes including ICT Hakusanroku campus because all of the students are here. But, we still do all classes online. Even so, we still let students wear a face mask and always wash their hands to reduce infection and spread the infection.

Anyway, one thing that is a problem is we have to press a Alcohol bottle. That means we touch things and the virus can spread to the bottle. Then, I tried to design a 3D model to press the alcohol bottle with servo motor instead of our hand and print all parts by 3D printer, detect our hand with ultrasonic sensor and all of these are controlled with Arduino board.




  1. Computer or Laptop
    - Arduino IDE
    - Autodesk Fusion360 (optional)
    - Autodesk Tinkercad (optional)
  2. 3D printer
  3. Arduino UNO board
  4. Servo motors MG996R High Torque or any Servo motor
  5. Ultrasonic Sensor SR04 or any Distance sensor
  6. Wire and AC Adapter


  1. パソコン
    - Arduino IDE
    - Autodesk Fusion360 (任意)
    - Autodesk Tinkercad (任意)
  2. 3Dプリンター
  3. Arduino UNO ボード
  4. サーボモータ MG996R 高トルクか通常のサーボモータ
  5. 超音波センサ SR04 またはいずれかの距離センサ
  6. ワイヤとACアダプター

Step 1

Design your 3D model and make a file for your 3D printer or 

Step 2

Print the model and assemble it together

Step 3

Wiring and connecting

Step 4

Write your code to read a distant when the hand is close to dispenser , Then pressed a alcohol bottle by servo motor


#include <Servo.h>

#define SERVO_PIN 9

#define TRIG_PIN 5
#define ECHO_PIN 6

long duration, distance;

Servo myServo;

void push_Sanitizer() {
myServo.write(30); // adjust the degree here
myServo.write(0); // adjust the degree here
myServo.write(30); // adjust the degree here

float read_Distance() {
// Clears the TRIG_PIN
digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW);

// Set the TRIG_PIN on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds
digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW);

// Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds
duration = pulseIn(ECHO_PIN, HIGH);

// Calculating the distance
distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;

return distance;

void setup() {


myServo.write(30); // set the default position of servo motor

void loop() {
if(read_Distance() < 25) {

// Prints the distance on the Serial Monitor
// Serial.print("Distance: ");
// Serial.print(read_Distance());
// Serial.println(" cm");
// delay(250);



Step 5

let’s see how it works

Step 6

Finally, Powering and setup.

May 12, 2020 山の恵みとムカデとの闘い






The Blessing of the Mountain and the Fight against Centipedes

We are now more than a month into the new academic year, and it has been a very strange one. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic means that faculty and students are not able to have direct contact, and all lessons are being conducted online. I’m sure faculty and students are having all sorts of difficulties, but if we support each other we will overcome them.

Fortunately, ICT’s Hakusanroku Campus is surrounded by beautiful scenery that has recently burst into colour. Trees are blossoming, flowers are blooming, and every day the trees at the top of the mountains nearby are becoming greener. The photos show the view on May 2nd and May 4th for comparison.

It’s not just the area around the campus where we enjoy the blessing of the mountain, but inside campus too. There are several spots on campus where wild mountain vegetables grow, so during Golden Week my family picked some and my wife very kindly cooked a fantastic tempura dinner for us.

Being able to enjoy the scenery and the flavours of mountain life is great. However, this is also the time of year when we renew our annual fight against centipedes. Every year we find and fill in any holes or gaps that we find in the house, but still the grotesque centipedes find their way in. I’ve no idea where they’re getting in, but I won’t be defeated!

James Taylor

February 17, 2020 The Giving Table

It is almost two years now since our ICT new educational program has started. It felt good to move to the new office at Hakusanroku Campus; everything was brand-new, in the middle of the beautiful seen. New campus, new program, new students, and new challenges! All felt as exciting as an adventure. One challenge was to build up our school community, and connect to people within and outside of ICT. The campus is rich with students, educators and school staff from various backgrounds and cultures within Japan or overseas. One custom or tradition gradually appeared at the center table at the front entrance of the staff room on the 2nd floor.

As we are in Japan, Omiyage, or souvenirs, were brought by staff who have been to a conference or spent a weekend or a vacation at a different city or country. I am not sure who chose that table for that mission, but it is interesting to see how the story did not end at that normal Japanese tradition. It developed and with time, that table became the place where people also shared their especially home-made food, sweets, bread, and ice-cream. We were lucky to have professor Edward Basquill, or Mr.B as he likes the students to call him. Mr. B loves baking. He bakes all kinds of cakes, muffins, bread, sometimes pizza and bread. He shares all of the high-quality food by putting them on that table. In summer, he also makes ice-cream. Everything is so tasty!

Not only him, other professors share some food they buy at the supermarket, that they think is new and good to share with all, for example, Costco seasonal items. Interestingly, all of those items put on that table do not have the name of the person who brought them. You can find a post-it that says, from Thailand, from Tokyo, from Okinawa and so many other places. But, it rarely has the name of the person who brought them in.

One day, someone brought in a bottle of coffee, that was really nice and kind, strangely, no one helped themselves for that coffee, no one even opened the bottle. Until that one day, I told myself, I will open that bottle and help myself for some coffee, as I ran out of my coffee stock. Yes, after the class I will do so. However, on my way to the class, there was that whole new coffee corner with a fresh brewed coffee maker, by the Big Stairs on the second floor. The left-up coffee bottle was like a seed that grew into a whole coffee maker. I was happy!

I call that table the Giving Table, the name come from the Giving Chair, orどうぞのいす , a Japanese children story book written by Yoshiko Koyama, It talks about that chair made by a rabbit to put in the woods for passersby to sit on, the rabbit made a sign on the chair that says HELP YOURSELF. One day the donkey passed by and put up his heavy bag loaded with chestnuts, and took a nap under the close by tree, while he was napping, all other sort of animals came by gradually, each time the animals left other food on the chair, instead of what they ate. By the time the donkey woke up he found his bag full with chestnuts that were brought by the squirrels.

Now both, the Giving table and the Coffee Corner are full of not only food and drinks, but lots of nice conversations, and unforgettable memories between all of ICT Community people.

I learned later that the coffee corner was the idea of Mr. Rikichi Izumiya. A great one, and is surely to strengthen our ICT community.

Enjoy the pictures! 

Nagwa Fekri Rashed





私はそのお土産のテーブルをGiving Tableと呼んでいます。この名前は香山美子さん著作の絵本「どうぞのいす(Giving Chair)」から取りました。これはうさぎが森の中を通る人のために椅子を作るお話です。うさぎは椅子に「どうぞ」という看板をかけました。ある日、どんぐりをたくさん詰めた重い袋を持ったロバが通って、近くの木の下で昼寝を始めました。寝ている間、色んな動物が徐々に集まって食べたものの代わりに別の食べ物を椅子の上に残していきました。ロバが起きてるとカバンはリスが持ってきてくれたどんぐりでいっぱいになっていました。

現在、Giving Tableとコーヒーコーナーは飲食物だけではなく、楽しい会話や国際高専のスクール・コミュニティに不可欠な場所となっています。あとからコーヒーコーナーは泉屋利吉さんのアイデアだと聞きました。国際高専の絆を深める素晴らしいアイデアです!





February 4, 2020 English Café

Hello everyone. I’m James Taylor from the English Department at ICT. We’re coming towards the end of our second year at Hakusanroku Campus. The Hakusanroku area is a beautiful and interesting place to live, and we are very lucky that the residents of what used to be known as Oguchi Village have welcomed us into their community.

As a way of strengthening relations between the school and the community, and as a way of thanking local residents for being so welcoming, members of the English Department have engaged in various community outreach activities. Ed and Ian (and Pauline in 2018) go to Hakurei Elementary School to read stories to the children, Pauline teaches an English class to some local residents, and I have been working on translating exhibits at the Hakusan Folk Museum in Shiramine.

Last week, Pauline and I started a new event: English Café, which was held at Oguchi Community Centre. Thirteen members of the community, including elderly residents, mothers with very young children, and staff at the Community Centre, came along to chat, get to know each other, and learn some English over a cup of tea. The hour went very quickly, with much laughter, and everybody left looking forward to the next English Café.

We’re very grateful to the staff of the Community Centre for their hard work in helping to organise the event, and to the local residents who participated. I’m looking forward to the next English Café, too!

James Taylor





January 28, 2020 Inviting Spaces

Soft music, conversation, and coffee, anyone? Recently, ICT students, faculty, and visitors have been spending more time in the space above the stairs. It’s an inviting space thanks to Mr. Rikichi Izumiya. Now a meeting point where informal conversations happen around 4:30 pm each day, the brand-new coffee corner—with its shiny machine, bar height table and stools, and a pair of comfy seats facing the roadside view of Sena—provides what the water cooler did in most office spaces—a  place to socialize.

It is becoming normal to see several first- and second-year students make and sip their hot chocolate and coffee at leisure, linger over their laptops, seemingly stress-free. Coffee time is an additional time to engage with others over a drink in a place that is not the cafeteria. Students make use of this inviting space after lunch and dinner as well. Some students boast about drinking their coffee “black.” Not a coffee drinker of any caliber, I surmise that drinking black coffee is a marked status in the coffee-drinking world! ICT students have arrived!

While this space on top of the stairs is among the newest addition to our comfort here at ICT, it would be remiss of me not to mention another space that is inviting. It is the small classroom 3, next to the Living Commons. On Tuesdays, each week, members of the Hakusan community can be found there laughing and having fun. It’s been more than a year since the community members have been enjoying English language conversation classes on the Campus. Having community members, of whom two are senior citizens, is a reminder that our learning community is diverse. And local people are a part of our learning community. These citizens certainly demonstrate what live-long learning can look like and what reciprocity by the school can be. I facilitate Life-long learning using stories. The community members and I enjoy reading aloud from children’s books and sometimes accompanying movies. To date, we have finished reading at least eight children’s books. We enjoy learning new words, expressions, and sounds as much as we like to laugh, and talk about holidays, culture, and food!

Having the coffee corner and the community conversation class at ICT enhance our ongoing efforts in making our valuable learning community thrive.

Pauline Baird



国際高専の真新しい癒しの空間である階段上のコーナーについて話したのですから、もうひとつの癒しの空間について話さないわけにはいきません。リビングコモンズ横のClassroom 3です。毎週火曜日、白山麓地域の方々とここで笑顔の絶えない楽しい時間を過ごしています。白山麓キャンパスでこの英会話教室を始めてから1年以上が経ちました。参加しているメンバーのうち2人は高齢者で、新しいことを学ぶことに年齢は関係ないことを思い出させてくれます。参加しているのは地域の方々です。学校が生涯学習に一役買えることを身をもって証明してくれました。私の授業では絵本を使って英語を教えます。声に出して読んだり、時には映画を使って楽しく勉強しています。現在、8冊の絵本を読み終えました。新しい単語や表現を覚えることも、笑って休日の過ごし方や文化の違い、食べ物の話をするのも大好きです。



January 7, 2020

Hello everyone! The Christmas and New Year’s holidays are coming soon which means that the current year is coming to an end. From this year, the schedule of Hakusanroku campus matches the schedule of KIT, which means that students will finish their classes and final exams for the term at the end of January, at the same time as the university students, which is very soon! This is even more significant for the second-graders since this is in fact their last term on the Hakusanroku campus. Starting from the next term in April, they will embark on a one-year journey in New Zealand to continue their studies. It is interesting to see students looking forward to spring vacation now while it is still December!

On a different topic, in my biology class, students will have to do a presentation at the end of the term about a topic related to what they have learned during the term. First-graders’ topics are related to genetics and plants, so some students chose to do their presentation about genetic medical conditions like albinism and heterochromia and other students chose to do their presentation about staple crops among other topics. On the other hand, second-graders’ topics are related to evolution and the phylogeny of the main kingdoms of organisms on earth, so some students chose to do their presentation about cephalopods, felines and jellyfish among others. I am looking forward to listening to their presentations next month!

Jason de Tilly





December 21, 2019 加賀友禅




 Hello, this is Kihara, the first-year homeroom teacher. Time flies and this year is almost over. After the long awaited by students winter break, classes will finish in almost one month. Students have grown from their experience living here, not only through classwork, but also through club activities and extracurricular activities. In today's journal, I would like to talk about the first-year student's last event this year.

 At ICT, we aim to foster exceptional innovators not only through high tech science and technology, but also through classical and traditional art. Following this objective, we visited the Kaga-yuzen Hisatsune Kobo workshop on September 24. There, we learned about the graceful world of Kaga-yuzen, its craftsmanship, the difficulty of protecting traditional kimonos, and the ingenuity put into cultivating a new audience. We also discussed possible solutions to the issues traditional art faces and presented them to Mr. Hisatsune.

 On December 21, I finally had my chance to try Kaga-yuzen dyeing. Each student chose a picture of their liking and colored it. Even if the students chose the same picture, the finishing result was totally different depending on the colors and pattern they used. Each piece of work reflected their taste and personality well. We spend most of our time studying engineering here at ICT. Therefore, the pleasant sight of our first-year students engrossed in art gave me a feeling of confidence for their future.

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalFaculty