
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Club Activities

June 29, 2022 ネイチャー&アドベンチャークラブ「65kmサイクリング」

 初めまして!国際高専二年の木下 観です。今年度のネイチャー&アドベンチャークラブの部長です。このクラブでは白山麓の雄大な自然を生かして、登山やハイキングなどのアクティビティを思いっきり楽しむクラブです!



木下 観

 Hey guys! My name is Kan Kinoshita, a 2nd year student and this year’s nature and adventure club’s leader. In this club, we use Hakusan’s magnificent nature to climb mountains, hike, and enjoy ourselves!

 This time, we cycled 65km. First, we left the ICT Hakusanroku campus, then warmed up for about 10 km. After warming up we had a huge hill climb and had break time in Ikkouikki no Sato. One of the teachers led the way, but he was so incredibly fast that no one could follow him. Also, our legs were already tired, but we could arrive at the goal. When we were going back through the tunnel, we felt very good because of the gentle breeze. Although, our T-shirts were sweaty, the wind made us feel comfortable so we tried to do well. On the way to lunch, we had another break around the waterfall called Junigasaki. We didn’t plan to play in the river, but we couldn’t stop ourselves from playing. Therefore, we spent about 15 minutes there. After that, we went to Omoteya and ate Oban-yaki and filled our stomach. When we were coming back to school, Sansar soared and fell off his bike.

 For this cycling, there was hill climbing, so it was very hard. If I have another cycling trip, I want to do just the downward slope.

Kan Kinoshita

June 7, 2022 Tie-Dye T-Shirt Activity

  My name is Ian Stevenson.
  Now that Golden Week has finished, the campus is getting more colorful. Flowers are blooming, plants are growing and the birds are singing. The students are also becoming more colorful too. After the students returned from Golden Week, there was a tie-dye t-shirt activity. 17 1st and 2nd year students attended the event and made their own t-shirts.

 To prevent accidents, the floor and the tables were covered with newspapers and the students wore gloves. 16 of the students chose to decorate a white t-shirt. After picking up their t-shirt, these of students decided on what pattern – spiral, bullseye, crumple – and colors they wanted to use. Some students further customized their t-shirts with fabric markers. 1 student chose to work with a black t-shirt and used bleach to customize their t-shirt.

 After finishing the t-shirts, they were hung out to dry and let the dye set. The t-shirts were then washed to get rid of any extra dye. 1 day later, the t-shirts were returned to the students in homeroom. After the students got their t-shirts, they posed for a photo on the school grounds.  The students seemed to be enjoying themselves & having fun.

Ian Stevenson






May 11, 2022 デザイン&ファブリケーションクラブ「新入生クラブ員歓迎会 校内ロボコン」

 こんにちは!初めまして!国際高専2年の泉屋 匠吾です。今年度のデザイン&ファブリケーションクラブの部長を務めています。このクラブではロボットや動画など、様々な要素を持ち合わせたデザインを作っていき、外部へと発信していく活動をしています。
 今年のロボコンは「サッカー」をテーマにしました。ルールはPK形式で5本勝負!LEGO EV3を使って、1年生チームはボールをキックするロボットを作ってもらい、2年生が作ったゴールキーパーロボットの守りを破ります。そしてより多くの点を取ったチームが優勝となります。2人1組の合計5チームによる接戦が繰り広げられ、1年生の太田 晴喜くんと夏木 亮凪くんによるチーム「Mr. Hakusan」が優勝しました!


泉屋 匠吾
写真:奥山 眞宙

 Hello! Nice to meet you, I am Shogo Izumiya, a 2nd-year student at ICT. I am the student leader of the Design & Fabrication Club for this school year. In this club, we are working to create designs that use various elements such as robots and videos, and share them to the outside world.
 On April 22nd, the Design & Fabrication Club, held an on-campus robotics competition for the new students! A 2nd-year student, Sergelen Sansar, also participated. Everyone created unique and wonderful robots, and the competition was a lot of fun!
 The theme of this year's robotics competition was soccer. The rules were each team had 5 chances to make a PK and the team with the highest score be the winners. Using LEGO EV3, the 1st-year student team was asked to build a robot that kicks a ball and scores a goal against the goalkeeper robot built by 2nd-year students. The winning team was called Mr. Hakusan and consisted of 1st-year students Haruki Ohta and Ryona Natsuki!

 Currently, ICT is getting ready to participate in the NHK ROBOCON COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. We hope that this will be a good experience for the contestants. We hope that you will continue to follow the activities of our team members. Thank you for your continued support!

Shogo Izumiya
Photo by Mahiro Okuyama

April 28, 2022 ネイチャー&アドベンチャークラブ 新入クラブ員歓迎会 高倉山ハイキング


 Hello! My name is Philip Cadzow.
 With modern life it’s easy and expected to be sitting indoors somewhere, be it your job, school, or transport somewhere. It’s hard to get up on a Saturday morning to go for a 13km walk up a hill, with weather expected to rain, and swampy ground that covers your shoes with mud. Yet without something challenging, different, or risky to bring some fun into life, it’s easy to focus too much on the little things and get caught up in your own thinking. Getting out and into nature is a beautiful way to get some exercise, a breath of fresh air, and to also clear your head. We started off the day with some gear checks as it looked like it might rain later, and a group challenge called the human knot where they had to untangle themselves. We then set out on the hike heading down the road to the post office, across the cycle bridge, and then into the trees.

 The view from along the forest road is quite spectacular to start off with, as it looks down a steep cliff into the blue river below. And then the hill started going up... a good way up we took a break. What I love most about the outdoors, is what the effect of being in a natural environment has on groups of people. Take a group of students into this environment and they will be able to bond together as a group much faster than if they were in a room at school. Even better, throw a challenge like escaping over an electric fence (rope held by teachers) and you get to see problem solving skills, group dynamics, and the shared joy of success.

 The track from that point was on the same path as a small river, so there was no escaping muddy wet feet. As a teacher there is something soothing to the soul in watching students calling out in despair as the mud uncomfortably squelches into their shoes. Revenge for bad behaviour in class. nature is wonderful. We washed our shoes in a stream and then continued on until the trail came to an end. The top wasn’t our goal for today, so we sit like gargoyles on rocks and logs to eat lunch. Turning around and starting down feels hard, I don’t like going down as much as I do going up. Going up feels like adventure and every step brings a better view, so it’s hard not to feel a little failure when turning around. The way down passed quickly and the energy in the group faded out by the last kilometre of the walk. Perfect timing as we reached the big stairs and people started thumping down in comfort. The students no doubt would be heading to the onsen soon. It didn’t end up raining. A good day.

Philip Cadzow

 現代の生活は、仕事であれ、学校であれ、交通機関であれ、屋内で安楽に座っていられることが当たり前になっています。ですから、土曜日の朝に早起きして、13 kmの丘を登り降りするのは大変なことです。まして、天気予報が雨で、ぬかるみで靴が泥まみれになることが予想される日なら尚更です。しかし、人生に楽しみをもたらすには、挑戦的な、日常と異なる、あるいは多少は危険な何かが必要です。そうでなければ私たちは些細なことに囚われ、たいした理由もなくマイナス思考に巻き込まれてしまうでしょう。外に出て自然の中へ入っていくことは、体を動かし、新鮮な空気を吸い、頭をすっきりさせたりするための素敵な方法なのです。降雨が予想されたため、私たちはシューズやレインウエアなどのギアチェックから一日を始めました。続いて、学生たちはウォーミングアップとして、手(と心)をつなぐ「人間知恵の輪」に取り組みました。それから郵便局への道を下り、自転車橋を渡って、新緑の中へ向かうハイキングに出発しました。


 そこから先は雪溶け水が小川のように流れる道で、泥まみれの靴の中で足が濡れてしまうことから逃がれることはできませんでした。泥水が靴に押し込まれる不快さに絶望して叫ぶ学生たちを眺めることには、教師としての魂を心地よくさせる何かがあります。すなわち、授業中の学生たちのちょっといたずらな振る舞いへのささやかなリベンジ!自然は素晴らしい! 私たちはきれいな流れを見つけて靴を洗い、再び歩き続けて目標地点に到達しました。今回の目標地点は山頂ではありませんから、岩や丸太の上にガーゴイル(キリスト教会などの屋根に飾られている、モンスターを模した彫像の雨樋)のように座って昼食をとりました。さて、振り返ると下りは大変です。私は、上りほど下りは好きではありません。上ることは冒険のように感じられ、すべてのステップがより良い眺めをもたらします。しかし、振り返って下るときには、少しの失望も感じないようにするのは難しいです。下り道はすぐに過ぎ去ってしまい、学生たちのエネルギーは最後の1キロまでにみるみる消えていきました。私たちが学校の大階段に到着し、学生たちがその快適さにワクワクし始めたときの完璧なタイミングです。学生たちは間違いなくすぐに温泉に向かうでしょう。結局、雨が降ることはなく、良い一日でした。


February 10, 2022 N&Aクラブ一里野スキー実習

 NA部顧問のKTBです。116日(日)にN&Aクラブは一里野温泉スキー場でスキー実習を実施しました。昨年度はコロナ禍のため実施を断念しましたから、待ちに待った2年ぶりのスキー実習です。暴風雪も心配されたのですが、大雪の狭間に運良く穏やかな天候に恵まれました。朝8時40分に玄関を出発し、9時にはもうスキー場に着いてしまいます(なんと素晴らしい白山麓キャンパスの立地条件!)。道具をレンタルして早速ゲレンデに向かいます。参加学生はS1大石 意丸くん、S2勝方 正宗くん、S2酒井 瞭くん、S2中里 優斗くんの4名、引率は顧問の山崎 俊太朗先生、山スキーを愛好するフィリップ・ケザウ先生、尾張 由輝也コーチ、及び潟辺です。スキーは初めてという学生から上級者まで技術レベルが様々でしたので、今回は、学生4名、引率4名ということもあり、マンツーマンでの活動となりました。

 私が担当したのは、スキーは初めてという中里 優斗くん。まずはゴンドラで山頂まで上がり、山頂の緩斜面で、基礎を身に付けました。ゴンドラで下山後は、リフト乗車にチャレンジ。リフトを使った練習に果敢に挑み、横滑りや基本のプルークボーゲンを身に付けることができました。



潟辺 豊

 This is KTB, the N & A club advisor. On Sunday, January 16th, the N & A club held a ski practice session at the Ichirino Onsen ski resort. Last year we couldn't do it due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so this was our first ski practice in two years. There were fears of a snowstorm, but we were fortunate to have mild weather. We left campus at 8:40 a.m., and were at the ski resort by 9:00 a.m. (What a great location for the Hakusanroku campus!) We rented our equipment and headed for the slopes right away. The four participating students were Imaru Oishi (S1), Masamune Katsukata (S2), Ryo Sakei (S2), and Yuma Nakazato (S2), and they were led by their club advisor, Professor Shuntaro Yamazaki, Associate Lecturer Philip Cadzow, who loves skiing, Coach Yukiya Owari, and me. The skill level of the participants varied from students who had never skied before to advanced skiers. Since there were four students and four teachers, we worked one-on-one.

 I worked with Yuma Nakazato, who had never skied before. First, we took the gondola up to the top of the mountain and learned the basics on the gentle slopes at the top. After taking the gondola down the mountain, he tried riding the lift. He challenged himself to practice using the lift, and was able to master the basics of the snowplow, as well as parallel turns.

 I couldn't keep track of the other students during the activity, but judging from the way they were eating curry and ramen at the restaurant during lunch, it seemed that everyone had a good day. I'm glad to see that everyone came back safely without any injuries.

Yutaka Katabe

December 25, 2021 Merry Christmas!



Hello everyone! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. December is the month of Christmas. I would like to write about some of the events related to Christmas here at the Hakusanroku Campus.


On Wednesday, December 15th, the Language and Culture club members and teachers set up a Christmas tree. They played Christmas songs, wrapped the tree with lights, and hung Christmas decorations. As they did this, they talked about their Christmas memories. Some of the decorations were handmade by club members. Later, the extra handmade hung Christmas decorations were given to the students and staff members as Christmas gifts.

Chrisrmas Party


Since students go home for Christmas, the Christmas Party was held on Sunday, December 18th. It was organized by the Learning Mentors, Ann sensei, Apirak sensei, and Jomkit sensei. Many of the students had been looking forward to the party. The students and teachers enjoyed karaoke and games together as well as eating some lovely cupcakes and drinking hot chocolate. I am sure they made some fun memories before winter break.

Christmas Cake Party


After class on Monday, December 20th, Edward sensei, who is good at baking, served a homemade Christmas cake and gingerbread cookies to everyone in the Living Commons! The Christmas cake, shaped like a cute snowman, tasted different from Japanese cakes because of the spices and mint. The gingerbread cookies were decorated with white icing and arranged in a fun way. The hot chocolate had lots of marshmallows. There were also three kinds of spices that could be added to each cup of hot chocolate, in order to customize it and enjoy different flavors. They were all delicious! Here is a video message from Edward sensei about the Christmas Cake Party and life at ICT. I hope you enjoy it!

Special Christmas Menu at the Golden Eagle Cafeteria

白山麓キャンパスのカフェテリア「Golden Eagle Cafeteria」では、普段から世界中の健康的な料理を味わうことができます。1223日(木)にクリスマススペシャルメニューとしてローストチキンとクリスマスチョコレートブラウニーが提供されました。ハロウィンやクリスマスなど、イベントごとに提供されるスペシャルメニューは寮生活での楽しみの1つですね。

In the Golden Eagle Cafeteria at the Hakusanroku campus, you can usually eat healthy food from around the world. On Thursday, December 23rd, the cafeteria served a special Christmas menu of Roasted Chicken and Christmas Chocolate Brownies. For occasions like Halloween and Christmas, there are special menus. It is one of the things that students enjoy about their dormitory life.



Holiday Gift Exchange 2021

今年はラーニングメンターのアン先生が企画した「Holiday Gift Exchange 2021」という学生同士、教職員同士がシークレットにクリスマスプレゼント交換をするイベントが行われました。欧米では「シークレットサンタ」と呼ばれている、クリスマスに行われる伝統的なゲームだそうです。
1) まずはアンケートに記入します。氏名、好きな食べ物、好きな色、好きなスポーツなどを回答します。
2) 記入したアンケートをギフトボックスに入れます。
3) アンケートは参加者にランダムで配られます。もちろん自分のアンケートが自分の手元に届かないように配慮する必要があります。
4) 自分の手元に届いた相手の情報を元に予算内(学生:1000円~2000円、教職員:2000円3000円)でプレゼントを購入します。
5) ラッピングされたプレゼントをクリスマスツリーの下に置きます。


    This year, Learning Mentor Anne sensei, organized an event called Holiday Gift Exchange 2021, where students, teachers, and staff members participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange. In Europe and the United States, it is a common Christmas tradition.
    Here are the rules for Secret Santa.
    1) Complete a questionnaire about yourself including your name, your favorite food, favorite color, favorite sport, etc.,
    2) Put the completed questionnaire forms in the gift box.
    3) Distribute the questionnaire forms randomly, but make sure no one receives their own questionnaire.
    4) Buy a present for your Secret Santa partner, but stay within the budget. (Students: 1,000 yen to 2,000 yen, Teachers and staff members: 2,000 yen to 3,000 yen)
    5) Wrap the present and put it under the Christmas tree.

    The fun part is that you can't predict who will give you a gift and what they will give you until you open the gift. It's exciting just to imagine who bought you a present and what it will be!




    It was interesting to see the reaction of the students when they received the randomly distributed questionnaire forms. Some students were seriously wondering what they should get for their Secret Santa partner, while others immediately came up with an idea and searched the Internet for it. I was reminded once again that one of the fun parts of the event is using the information from the questionnaire form to find a gift that the recipient would enjoy.



    Christmas gifts were presented to the students, teachers, and staff members by Anne Santa Claus on Thursday, December 23rd. There was a warm Christmas atmosphere as the students opened their gifts and were delighted to find out what they had received from their Secret Santa partner. and I felt a bond among the students as they celebrated. The second-year students have only a few months left to live in the dormitory at the Hakusanroku Campus. I hope they will cherish every moment of their dormitory life and make many good memories.


    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    Yuri Makada

    September 14, 2021 ICT探検隊、瀬波川を遡上す



    ここが本日一番の景勝スポット。学生たちは次々と岩の上からジャンプ。エメラルドのしぶきを跳ね上げながら水中に身を躍らせました。帰りの車中でフィリップ先生から感想を尋ねられた木下観くんは笑顔で、“The coldest experience of my life.”と答えていました。

    潟辺 豊

    It's KTB, the N&A Club supervisor. On September 12 (Sun), the N&A Club held the annual Senami rivier gorge climbing activity. Senami river is about 5 kilometers from the Hakusanroku Campus, and is a tributary to the larger Tedori river.Tedori river is often muddy with sand broken off from Mt. Hakusan, but Senami river is clear and beautiful (as you can see in the pictures above).

    Members gathered at 12:30 pm and moved to Hakusanroku Shonen-no-ie to gear up with helmets and lifejackets. When everyone was ready, we drove to the parking lot in front of Hakusanri Onsen and made our descent to the river bed. After getting our feet used to the water, Owari coach gave a lecture about the dangers in the river before we began our journey. There is no set path for gorge climbing. You can walk along the rocky bank, swim (this however will give you the shivers before long because the water temperature was only 18 degrees celsius), and use ropes to pull yourself along. Each student chose paths that they liked, and we finally reached a small pool of jade green crystal clear water.

    This beautiful site was the payoff of our journey. Students took turns jumping of the rocks above, diving into the water with emerald colored splashes. When asked by Philip sensei on the way home, Kan Kinoshita remarked that it was "The coldest experience of my life" with a big grin on his face.  

    Yutaka Katabe


    July 31, 2021 Events in July








    It’s Jonathan, the camera man! I’d like to write about three events that happened this month.

    On July 4 (Sun), there was a barbeque party at the Hakusanroku Campus on the lawn next to the basketball court. This event was organized by the Language & Culture Club and all Hakusanroku students and staff were invited. The party started at 2:30 pm and the first thing I noticed was the two lawn games that some of the teaching staff had setup. One was cornhole: a game where two people toss a bag of corn onto a slanted board with a hole. Two teams take turns tossing the bags and you get points when the bag lands on the board or in the whole. The first team to get 21 points wins! I tried it for the first time and found that it asks for both concentration and precision. Getting the bag in the whole seemed impossible at first and I heard players let out shouts of joy from time to time as they got better. The other game was clackers; two plastic balls connected with string. There were three horizontal polls and you get points depending on which one you manage to throw and rap the clacker around. A group of second year students took special interest in this and some almost mastered it by the time the event was over.

    I can’t forget about the barbeque itself! Ed sensei (or “Mr. B” as most students call him) took charge of all the cooking and made everyone cheeseburgers and hotdogs to our heart’s content. They were delicious and students devoured them as quick as Ed sensei could make them. Some of the boys burned off that energy right away with a game of basketball. The weather forecast said it was going to rain but the skies held up and we ended up with a not too hot, perfect cloudy day.

    On July 7 (Wed), the learning mentors held their “Making Toys to Relieve Stress Workshop” in the Maker Studio. This event was organized as a fun way to help neutralize students’ stress as the semester comes to an end and so comes assignment deadlines. The learning mentors, Anne sensei, Apriak sensei, and Jomkit sensei each took charge of three different booths. Anne sensei taught students how to make hand spinners by weaving different color string around a pinball. Apirak sensei’s booth made various color slimes, which they filled balloons with to create soft squishy toys. Jomkit sensei’s booth didn’t make anything, but instead had bags of candy canes that students could crush with a hammer. All three booths saw multiple visitors and students enjoyed moving their hands and blowing off stress.

    It’s fairly easy to fall out of shape due to a lack of exercise at the Hakusanroku Campus. That's why Mr. B organized a special badminton tournament on July 20 (Tue) as a fun way for students to move their bodies and eat some delicious food at the same time. He prepared a ton of sweets such as maple bacon donuts, macarons, and cupcakes. During the tournament, students could challenge any of the teachers to accumulate points, which they could trade in for sweets. It was a casual and fun event with many students laughing and eating sweets.

    July was a fun month with many holidays and events. Hopefully students released some stress and prepared themselves for the final exams this week.


    July 28, 2021 白山登山




    潟辺 豊

    KTB, coach of the N&A Club here. The N&A Club held our annual Mt. Hakusan climb on July 16 (Fri). We left the Hakusanroku Campus at 5 am and arrived at the starting point (Betto-deai) at 6. After submitting a climbing registration form, we began our climb. This year we chose the more advanced but more beautiful and less crowded Kanko-shindo instead of the Sabo-shindo that we used last year. Student members that participated were Oishi Imaru, Okuyama Mahiro, Kan Kinoshita, Lucas Kusamoto (S1), Katsukata Masamune, Sakei Ryo, and the captain Nakazato Yuma (S2).

    Kanko-shindo is a path along the mountain ridge, so there is always a beautiful view and a cool breeze to push you along. The sweet fragrance of Japanese lilies (language of flower: elegant) surrounded us as we pushed on steadily up the mountain. We rested at Tono-ga-ike shelter hut, took a group photo at Mida-ga-hara at 10:30, and arrived at Murodo at 11 o’clock. Students happily dug into their packed lunch prepared by the cafeteria and cup noodles their brought with them. Initially, we planned to leave at noon, but the students were so eager to get going, so we began our final assent at 11:40. By 12:30, everyone had reached the peak with blue skies and bustling white clouds and showed big smiles for the camera.

    To go nice on our knees, we chose the less steep Sabo-shindo on the way down. The weather forecast predicted some rain so we came prepared but never saw a single drop the whole way. Instead, students’ skin was red from sun burn. Still, two invincible students (Lucas and Yuma) had enough strength for a three hour bike ride to the ocean the very next day.

    Katabe Yutaka

    June 23, 2021 Report from Hakusanroku (June)








    Hi, it's Jonathan, the cameraman. June has brought warm weather to Hakusanroku and I see more and more people wearing t-shirts as summer approaches. Here are three events that happened in the past month. 

    On June 1 (Tue), The Agri-tech team was interviewed by MRO Hokuriku Broadcasting during Engineering Design IIA class. The Agri-tech team has succeeded last year's project, and is creating a system to protect crops from wild monkeys using AI. This year's second year students aim to implement a function to drive away monkeys detected by the system. The television crew filmed scenes of the students asking local farmers about the magnitude of damage on their crops and what they think is the best method to drive monkeys away, and scenes of them explaining their goals of the year. The program was broadcasted on "Leosuta" on June 9 (Wed). Last year's Agri-tech team won the highest award of the "U-21 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan" and the level of attention on this project is growing.

    On June 3 (Thu), four second year students of the Agri-business teams visited Yamadachikai, which has lately begun herding sheep in Kinameri district near Hakusanroku Campus. The Agri-business team is growing and selling local branded sweet potatoes "Kosen Beni Haruka" and Yamazaki sensei organized this visit to listen to the representative of Yamadachikai talk about his experience staring a agricultural business in Hakusanroku.

    Yamadachikai's sheep business began when they were approached by the team of Ishida professor of Ishikawa Prefectural University who was doing research on the possibility of a sustainable business model selling lamb meat herded and sold in the local area. Arimoto-san, the representative of Yamadachikai, accepted this offer after agreeing that Hakusanroku lacked local branded livestock and daytime activities for tourists. Also, sheep are unaffected by the harsh winter season and wild animals in the area, which are difficulties of other products. In the presentation he gave to the students, Arimoto-san explained the annual schedule of selling lamb meat, the company's table of income and expenditure, their long-term goal of a profit of 5 million yen in five years, the necessary facilities they plan to purchase, etc. To accomplish this, Arimoto-san has utilized crowdfunding, applied for financial support from the government, and tried multiple methods to increase the price of their meat. He also plans to contribute to the local tourist scene by letting people feed and shear the sheep, and selling BBQ meat to campers. Arimoto-san understood that making a profit with sheep wasn't going to be easy in Hakusanroku, but he took on the challenge and came up with ideas to create a successful business. The second year students listened intently and took notes. There also was a QA session after the lecture that lasted ten minutes as Arimoto-san and students exchanged ideas.

    After the lecture, students tried out shearing the sheep. Later, they commented "It looked easy at first but the electric clipper was heavy and difficult to keep steady due to the vibration, but once I got used to it, it felt good as the wool came off" and "I grew fond of the sheep."

    On June 20 (Sun), the Nature & Adventure Club went hiking at Mt. Wasso-ga-take, which is a mountain of an altitude of 1,097 meters with a hiking course about ten minutes by car from Hakusanroku Campus. Participants were five club members, Yamazaki sensei, Katabe sensei, Philip sensei, Owari coach, and myself; a total of ten people. Most of the hiking course is through the forest, which shaded us from the hot sun. During breaks, Owari coach showed us wild herbs such as "Kuromoji", trees that bears had peeled the bark off, and flowers such as koajisai (Hydrangea hirta). We left Hakusanroku Campus at 8:30 am and reached the top of Wasso-ga-take around 11:15. Usually you can see Mt. Hakusan from this point. However, sadly it was hidden by low clouds. We ate an early lunch and headed to a neighboring mountain called Shironuki-yama (891m) before descending back down the trail. Students were full of energy and sometimes ran down the path or climbed trees along the way. Next month, they plan to climb Mt. Hakusan itself so this hike was a nice warm up ahead of time.


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