
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Campus Life

May 23, 2019




閑話休題、一本のギターが佐藤くんの人生に潤いを与えてくれるものになれば幸いです。 気長に続けていきましょう。

潟辺 豊



Hello. It's your Japanese teacher, KTB. This will be my third entry for the Hakusanroku journal. One of my joys to this day is buying analog records. I usually choose simple accompaniment music by acoustic guitar or electric guitar. One day a friend asked me "If you like guitar music so much, why don't you play it yourself?" so I decided to give it a try. It's been a slow progress since I started so late. My initial goal was to become like Joao Gilberto but I'm afraid he will always be in the far distance throughout my lifetime. I get anxious in front of an audience, so I mostly only play love songs for my lovely wife. (Alas, apparently they do not reach her ears)

It turns out that 1st-year S department student Shuntaro Sato is also interested in learning the guitar, so we decided to find time to practice together before dinner on days with no club activities. At first, even the simplest cords may seem difficult. However, I believe with patience, he can surpass my level in the two years here at Hakusanroku. Do not underestimate the speed of young learners.

There are two types of lifestyles. Those with a guitar and those without. (Oh wait, but in June there are the lifestyles of with or without roses in the garden, and when it snows there are with and without skiing, and Oden and Kurumabu, and… Apparently life is actually filled with a lot of important stuff.)

Back to the subject, I hope this single guitar can add entertainment to Sato-kun's everyday life. Take it easy and keep at it.

Yutaka Katabe

May 18, 2019

Phillip and I have started a 3 times a week morning running club. On Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays we meet outside the gym at 7:20 and run 3 times around the campus. This is about a 2km run and takes 10 to 15 minutes. All faculty members and students have been invited to participate and sometimes they do. Usually there are between 2 and 6 runners and a mix of students and teachers.

On the run we chat about what is going on at school and outside of school. So besides physical exercise, it’s also social exercise. Maybe in the future, we will take some students to run in a 5km road race.

Ian Stevenson




April 26, 2019 Wild Vegetable Tempura

Hi, it's Jonathan, the camera man. I hope everyone is looking forward to a wonderful golden week holiday. On April 24, the last Wednesday before the break, ICT held a Wild Vegetable Tempura party at Hakusanroku campus. The Nature & Adventure club members picked the wild vegetables ("sansai" meaning "mountain vegetable" in Japanese) last Sunday as part of their club tryout activity. Read about this in Yamazaki sensei's journal below. Local members of the community gathered to prepare and cook the sansai. Mr. Owari, the coach of the Nature & Adventure club, also demonstrated his wildlife skills by cleaning and slicing an Iwana fish. (Iwana are local river fish of the Hakusanroku area.) Some of the students challenged themselves at this art, and you can see their results in the video below. Both the sansai tempura and sashimi/fried Iwana were extremely delicious, and vanished in no time.

After the party, Shinichi Hiramatsu, who is an expert of the nature and wildlife of Hakusan, conducted a lecture about the wild vegetables, animals, and nature of the area. He explained in detail about when to find each wild vegetable and the best way to cook it. He also displayed bones and animal fur of local animals. The lecture was not short. However, I could see the fascination of the students throughout Mr. Hiramatsu's talk. I also noticed their enthusiasm sparked Mr. Hiramatsu in turn, as he spoke in depth about each specie. Altogether, the party was a great success and I believe we will see an increase in the Nature & Adventure club members. As Mr. Owari said at the end, Hakusanroku campus is actually located in a very special place. There is rich nature and wildlife literally five to ten minutes outside our doorstep. I hope the students enjoy and make the best of their two years here at Hakusanroku.

やあ、ジョナサンです。皆さんも楽しいゴールデンウイークを計画していることと願っております。4月24日(水)に、国際高専の白山麓キャンパスで山菜天ぷらパーティーが開かれました。この山菜は先日Nature & Adventure clubのメンバーがキャンパス近隣で集めてきたものです。詳しくはぜひ下の山崎先生のジャーナルを読んでください。地元の方も集まって、採った山菜をおいしく調理してくれました。Nature & Adventure clubのコーチ、尾張さんはイワナを華麗にさばいてみせ、学生もこれに挑戦しました。(イワナは白山麓エリアで獲れる地元の川魚です。)動画では、学生が魚の皮を剥ぐ挑戦をしています。山菜の天ぷらも、イワナの刺身と揚げ魚も驚くほど美味しく、あっという間に無くなりました。

パーティーのあとは、白山の自然に詳しい平松新一さんによる講義を行いました。採れた山菜の詳細やおいしい調理方法、骨や毛皮を見せながらの白山に住む動物の説明など、長時間の講義にも関わらず平松先生の話に興味津々の学生の姿を見ることができました。学生の良い食いつきに、平松先生も話に熱が入っていました。今回の特別活動を経て、Nature & Adventure clubに入部する学生が増えるのではないかと思います。非常に楽しい時間でした。締めの言葉で尾張さんも言っていましたが、この白山麓キャンパスは、他ではなかなか出会えない豊かな自然が5~10分移動するだけで見ることができる、実はとても特別な場所にあるのです。興味を持った学生がこの2年間を十分に楽しめることを期待しています。


April 8, 2019 Special STEM Week!

Hello, it's Jonathan the camera man. Last month before spring break, ICT held it's special extracurricular activity week in the Innovation Hub. The Innovation Hub is the building next to ICT that contains the Institute for Regional Revitalization and Innovation (IRRA) of Kanazawa Institute of Technology (KIT) and is the site for innovation targeting the local community and rural areas in collaboration with various corporations and KIT students.

During March 4 to 13, ICT invited professors from KIT and forerunners in various professional fields to conduct special classes on themes such as art, science, engineering, and design. I was able to visit some of these special classes and see all the interesting and cool things students were doing before the end of the school year. Here's my report.


On March 4, the course "Learning how to create a sustainable society from evolution" was held by honorary professor Ryoji Suzuki and professor Ryuichi Sato. In this course, students learned about current robot technology with ideas inspired from animals and wildlife. The students already experienced making robots with LEGO EV3 using biomimicry in Engineering Design this semester, and this class took that experience one step further by introducing various examples of robots actually used in our society to create a sustainable world.


The class on Match 5 was titled "A fun way to utilize AI" and was held by Takayuki Fukuda (KIT) and Takuya Umeki (KRI). In this class, students learned about artificial intelligence that can learn text and images. In the second half, students and teachers were divided into two teams for an ideathon in which they used the AI to actually design and create a program. Team A created a AI that can determine the mood of someone from their facial expression. Students took pictures of themselves with various faces, which they fed to the AI to be studied and learned. Team B created a system that recognized the weather outside and projected a different atmosphere on the classroom wall for a more attractive study environment. Similarly, they gave the AI various images of sunny and rainy weather. Both systems worked surprisingly well considering the limited time each team had.

Photography and Art

The course "Art and self expression using photography" was held for two days, March 7-8, by Yuichiro Ito of CIVILTOKYO. Mr. Ito is a designer based in Tokyo and is was one of the forerunning professionals ICT invited as instructors for this special week. After a unique introduction using photographs to set the stage, the class went right to work. Students were divided into pairs to create a photo art book. There were no restrictions and students were free to express themselves anyway they chose. Students were excited with the interesting assignment and went about designing their ultimate art book. Some students took and edited photos in Photoshop, while others created works of art using post-its, or a blackboard and chalk. On the afternoon of the second day, students gave presentations of their photo art books, which you can view in the videos below.

Design and Storytelling

On March 11, we were joined by Takayuki Ishii and Keita Furusawa of Shitateya-to-Shokunin. This class was titled "The Force of Storytelling." It began with an introduction of what a story is and how to tell one. Then, students were divided into two teams, to create their own story. Each team was given a persona from the Japanese anime "Doraemon", and were given the task to dig into their personalities to find a conflict or problem worthy of story development. Students brainstormed and narrowed down ideas for their characters, and created a story with an original "futuristic Doraemon item." You can watch their final presentations in the video below.


The final special course was conducted by associate professor Junichi Sagara of KIT. This course was titled "Let's experience DIY bio research. Genetic analysis using BentoLab." Students learned how to examine the DNA of various plants using BentoLab and Mr. Sagara gave lectures on the history of genetic modification and its ethical problems and restrictions. Also, university students joined each group and Hakusanroku students had a chance to interact with their older and more advanced seniors in the biology field.


Altogether, I believe the special classes were an enormous success. They were short bursts of in-depth learning experiences in a wide range of design and engineering fields. They were interesting, new, and taught by forerunners or specialists of that field. It was a fresh and stimulating experience for the students, which I would not be surprised to see having an impact on what path they decide to follow in the future. Also, I was happy to see many signs of growth from the students. Many of the Photoshop skills students used to create the photo books were learned in Computer Skills class. Each team used the design thinking methods in their groups, which they used countless times over the year. They were quick and organized when creating a presentation, dividing the team members up depending on their skills. It was like seeing a team of superheros who fought threw many battles together and understand each other's strength and weaknesses. I don't believe the students really realize this growth themselves, but these are important skills for innovators of the future. Go go superheros of ICT!



2019年4月8日 3月の特別課外週間




34日に行われた「生物の進化に学ぶ持続可能社会」は金沢工業大学の鈴木良次名誉教授と佐藤隆一教授が登場し、自然界や生物の仕組みや応用した最新のロボティクス研究についての講義が行われました。白山麓キャンパスの学生はすでにエンジニアリングデザインでバイオミミクリーを使ったロボットをLEGO EV3で作る活動をしており、その経験を踏まえて、持続可能社会のために実際に使用されているロボットの例を取り上げながら知識をさらに深める内容となっていました。








最後の特別授業は金沢工業大学の相良純一准教授による「DIYバイオを体験してみよう!BentoLabによる遺伝子解析実験 ~植物DNAの抽出と制限酵素処理、電気泳動実験~」と題され、学生はBentoLabを使った遺伝子解析実験や、相良准教授による遺伝子組み換えの歴史やその規制についての学習をしました。各グループに大学生も参加し、生物学の先輩と交流する機会にもなりました。




March 29, 2019 Reflection on the first year at Hakusanroku campus

Final exams finished on February 28th, followed by the special courses by invited instructors from March 4th to the 13th. The closing ceremony was on the 14th and graduation on the 15th. Now, all students have returned to their families and Hakusanroku campus is unusually quiet.

It has been a dense experience this year with many ups and downs ever since the first-year students first arrived on March 30th last year.

On March 11th, we celebrated this academic year's final birthday with sushi. Starting with our first birthday party in May, we have celebrated every student's birthday with ice cream or pizza depending on their request. I am looking forward to how the students will celebrate the new students' birthdays from 2019.

As we quietly await the arrival of our new students, I also look forward to seeing the students interact in various activities including the three new club activities starting in April:

  1. Nature & Adventure
  2. Design & Fabrication
  3. Language & Culture

Shinobu Ohara


2019年3月29日 白山麓キャンパス初年度を終えて





1) Nature & Adventure 

2) Design & Fabrication 

3) Language & Culture




March 27, 2019 Smash Brothers Nostalgia

When I was in college my close friends and I had a routine we followed every week. We would finish school or work and then meet at my friend’s house. My friend, Ryan, had gym equipment in his basement. We would go to his house to workout about three times a week. More importantly, Ryan had a T.V. and a gamecube. So, after working out we would often gather around the T.V. and play “Super Smash Brothers Melee.” It was a fun way to end our day of hard work.

This happened over twelve years ago! However, recently I have been joining the learning mentors and the students after learning session. About once a week, we gather and play the newest Smash Brothers game. It is really great to see everyone laughing and having fun, just like when I was in college. I really find it interesting that even though the technology and my life has changed a lot the atmosphere still feels the same. I think video games are usually seen as a waste of time or something negative that students do. However, this time has reminded me that all tools can be used for good or bad purposes. In this case, I can really see how video games bring people together.

Edward Basquill Jr.

2019年3月27日 スマッシュブラザーズノスタルジア




March 12, 2019

Hello everyone. I’m James Taylor, one of the English teachers at ICT.

We’re just a few days away from the end of the academic year – our first as ICT and our first at Hakusanroku Campus. I’m sure all the students, staff and faculty are eager for the spring vacation to start, but the end of the year is the perfect time to look back on what we have done and achieved over the past 12 months, as well as to consider how we can improve in our future efforts.

Personally, I have experienced many new things during the past year. I have taught a writing course; shared a class with three other teachers; helped facilitate an international conference; participated in a Design Thinking workshop for visiting students; been a guest on a live radio show; started recording my own radio show; seen monkeys, snakes and birds of prey from my living room window – all for the first time. I’ve also had the chance to work closely with colleagues from other disciplines, with whom I don’t think I would’ve had much interaction with on any other campus.

I’m looking forward to the holiday, but I’m also looking forward to meeting our new first year students at the end of March and seeing how our second year students get on as they prepare to go to New Zealand. It’ll be interesting to see how they, and ICT in general, develop over the next year.








March 12, 2019 Harvest Season

It is that time of the year when all students all over Japan are busy taking exams and tests of all kinds. Taking tests is not a fun experience to go through for anyone. Especially when the results of what people do on a test paper for only 50 or 90 minutes can affect their future in a good or bad way. It is a dramatic life turning point. Results of tests should be seen only as one of many signs of skill and knowledge mastery. Passing or getting good scores in tests should not be a goal or the sole way of judging achievements. I believe that tests can be used as a learning experience not a goal to aim for on its own.

Different from most of the schools, the ICT educational program is not test-centered. Besides exams, there are many other ways that we use here to measure learning progress and skills development. I had a lot of fun last week watching students` various presentations either in Biology or Engineering Design courses. In Biology, students researched new or studied topics on their own. Seeing many of them confidently presenting gave me an impression on how much they enjoyed the researching experience. The amount of knowledge they found out and were excited to share cannot be measured on a piece of paper.  The Engineering Design products that students made grew and improved from their original ideas. The students' understanding also grew and improved. The amount of skills gained from those kind of experience is unmeasurable.

In Chemistry, the course that I teach, students were busy mastering that interesting yet challenging knowledge and content through group discussions, experiments, projects, notetaking and problem solving. While deepening their understanding of basic chemistry concepts, students improved learning skills that will stay with them for their life time. They are getting better in lots of learning skills as taking effective notes, or accessing the chemistry textbook, the English language of the book is college level and can be tough even for native English speakers. Besides books, tests and projects, students were also required to build up a chemistry portfolio that shows learning evidence and their reflection and comments on their own learning process. I was so happy to read their comments and reflections, it helped me also to know their interests better. They seem to recognize their strength and weaknesses, which will help them improve even more over next school year. The effort that they made was helping their learning skills ripen as a fruit on a tree that is getting ready for a harvest. Reaching aimed goals is a great pleasure. Seeing results of your efforts relieves all the stress and pressure the person has gone through time. 

Pictures down here show students enjoying presenting and trying the card or board games they created to participate in the “The Element Game Innovators” competition. The best three games will be available in the Learning Commons for the future students to enjoy playing.

 Nagwa Fekri Rashed

2019年3月12日 収穫期






February 22, 2019

Hello everyone! I am Steven, a mathematics professor at ICT Hakusanroku Campus. I came to ICT and Hakusanroku in October of 2018. So, it has only been a few month since I have been here. Throughout my time here, I am always amazed at the resources ICT Hakusanroku campus offers the students, staff and the professors. I really wish I had these resources when I was a student and an educator at my previous institutions. So, in this journal, I want to introduce some amazing resources ICT Hakusanroku offers.

First, I want to introduce the 3D printers and the LEGO models the students and professors use to help them in their classes. Before coming to ICT Hakusanroku, I had never used a 3D printer nor had I ever seen LEGO models that could be easily used to teach students about basic programming. Throughout the short couple months I have been here, I have learned how to use the 3D printers and I have printed some models that I hope to use next year to aid in my classroom. As for the LEGO models, I have had a blast seeing the students make their robots and program them to do simple tasks and even to sumo! I have even heard they will teach students how to program next year with programmable drones! I am still wondering how I can incorporate a LEGO model into one of my math classes! If you have any suggestions, let me know!

Second, I want to introduce the Maker Studio on the first floor of our campus. This studio has some amazing machinery that the students and professors can use to create anything they can imagine. Some of the machinery (to name a few) include a band-saw, a laser-cutter and some drill presses. I even learned how to solder a basic circuit board thanks to a colleague. Usually, the students use this area for their engineering classes, but I have seen some students just using the machines for their own ideas! I look forward to using this area more in the future!

Finally, I want to introduce the library! I often visit the library on the first floor of the student commons area. Although the library is still lacking some books, it is rapidly increasing the amount of books available to both students and teachers. I visit the library at least once a week to learn a little bit about other topics and also to get some ideas. Further, I like to check many math books in order to get a lot of interesting problems to show the students or challenge the students. I think libraries are crucial to the foundation and the acceleration of knowledge. It is no wonder why the The Royal Library of Alexandria in ancient Egypt, the Library of Pergamum in ancient Turkey and the Academy of Gondishapur in ancient Iran were all centers of knowledge back in antiquity.

That will be it for now. I hope to introduce more amazing resources Hakusanroku Campus.

Steven Carrera








February 14, 2019

This is my 1st winter in Hakusan-roku and, oh boy, it is very different.

The snow here is very wet and very abundant. Living on the west coast of America I became accustomed to believe all the snow is nicely tucked away on a mountain, reachable if you want to make the drive. A few years ago I brought in the New Year with my wifes family in Hiroshima. Although it does snow there, none of the snow seem to stick to the ground. Though she is from Japan, she was also surprised how different the weather is on this side of Japan.

The Hakusan-roku area is great for us with its amount of snow and close proximity to the mountains! Both of us are snowboarders and living here gives us the opportunity to go snowboarding almost every weekend. With at least 3 different mountains in the area, it gives us enough variety to keep things interesting. Fortunately, as well, the students are also into skiing and/or snowboarding. Hopefully I will have a chance to spend time with them on the slopes since one of the ski resort is close to campus. I hear one of the students is a Pro.







HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalCampus Life